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Found a dosing schedule to minimize "lithium fog"

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#31 mustardseed41

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 07:34 PM

Had to stop taking lithium orotate due to pretty bad acne that I believe was caused by it.


#32 health_nutty

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 08:47 PM

Had to stop taking lithium orotate due to pretty bad acne that I believe was caused by it.


What dosage caused your acne? I'm sensitive to things that increase acne (yes even at 34!), and lithium thankfully doesn't cause me any acne (at up to 30mg a day).

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#33 Thorsten3

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 09:35 PM

Day three - this stuff is really benefitting me. I feel warm, content and happy - all things I would associate with a serotonergic compound. I feel open to others and it feels good to smile at people. My brain is calmer and the world appears to be a nicer place. Seriously aren't any of you guys feeling these effects? I suppose if Lithium is having this effect on me, it could be down to the fact that this is just what my brain needed. I have known for some time that I definitely respond better to things that are serotonergic in nature (although this doesn't include tryptophan, 5htp or other precursers). It is having a positive impact on my sleep (I am able to relax and drift off despite living with noisy people that would normally result in me wacking on sound proof headphones to get to sleep). It has had zero effect on libido. Usually upon wakening my mind is in overdrive and my depression is at its worst in the morning. I am now waking with the same thought loops but they are very much less intense and seem to be rapidly improving. I would never have thought that a mood stabalizer could yield such positive effects. It's still early to say whether this will last, I haven't heard of any reason why the effects would decline. It seems to be something that people take long term. For the record I currently take 10mg in the morning. I am thinking of adding 5mg at night hopefully to maintain and improve the coverage of the suppplement.

Edited by Thorsten, 29 October 2010 - 09:36 PM.

#34 Thorsten3

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 09:44 PM

I think it depends on what your intentions are with lithium. If you are using it to control your mood including those with bipolar then I definitely wouldn't recommend SJW with it. SJW, if you buy a decent brand, can be very stimulating as well as serotonergic. It interacts with glutamte and norepiniphrine by enhancing re-uptake (including GABA) so it has a very indivualistic mechanism. The effects are somewhat strange in comparison to traditional anti-depressants. You do feel very sedated sometimes and then all of a sudden you could feel almost hypo-manic. It can be a lot of fun to take if that's your thing but yeah if you are taking lithium in order to stabalize your mood then I personally wouldn't recommend SJW. That's just my personal account, other people may disagree.

#35 mustardseed41

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Posted 30 October 2010 - 07:39 PM

Had to stop taking lithium orotate due to pretty bad acne that I believe was caused by it.


What dosage caused your acne? I'm sensitive to things that increase acne (yes even at 34!), and lithium thankfully doesn't cause me any acne (at up to 30mg a day).

5-10mg daily

#36 John Barleycorn

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 05:03 AM

Day three - this stuff is really benefitting me. I feel warm, content and happy - all things I would associate with a serotonergic compound. I feel open to others and it feels good to smile at people. My brain is calmer and the world appears to be a nicer place. Seriously aren't any of you guys feeling these effects? I suppose if Lithium is having this effect on me, it could be down to the fact that this is just what my brain needed. I have known for some time that I definitely respond better to things that are serotonergic in nature (although this doesn't include tryptophan, 5htp or other precursers).

These qualities could just as easily be associate with a GABAergic compound. Going by memory here, you seem to get wired every time you go near an AD, and you previously made such a guts of yourself on GBL that you feel the need to rail against free choice and individual liberties in another thread. Maybe, just maybe, this all adds up to some sort of syndrome? :cool:

One issue I am pondering is whether Li is doing anything that Mg and Zn can't do, although possibly less efficiently. Obviously, Li seems to be indicated for bipolar conditions, but the question is how it impacts the rest of the population.

#37 Thorsten3

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 08:55 AM

Day three - this stuff is really benefitting me. I feel warm, content and happy - all things I would associate with a serotonergic compound. I feel open to others and it feels good to smile at people. My brain is calmer and the world appears to be a nicer place. Seriously aren't any of you guys feeling these effects? I suppose if Lithium is having this effect on me, it could be down to the fact that this is just what my brain needed. I have known for some time that I definitely respond better to things that are serotonergic in nature (although this doesn't include tryptophan, 5htp or other precursers).

These qualities could just as easily be associate with a GABAergic compound. Going by memory here, you seem to get wired every time you go near an AD, and you previously made such a guts of yourself on GBL that you feel the need to rail against free choice and individual liberties in another thread. Maybe, just maybe, this all adds up to some sort of syndrome? :cool:

One issue I am pondering is whether Li is doing anything that Mg and Zn can't do, although possibly less efficiently. Obviously, Li seems to be indicated for bipolar conditions, but the question is how it impacts the rest of the population.

What I didn't disclose was that I was also taking 3.2mg methyl folate each day. To be honest the night I wrote that lithium report above I ended up only having 3 hours sleep due to insomnia. I know Lithium doesn't cause that effect so I am thinking maybe I was having a possible slight manic reaction to methyl folate. After being on methyl folate for three days it was definitley building in effects. Nothing drastic like a drug it's like a buzzing sensation (kind of background energy, much like TMG). I have since stopped taking them both and I am able to sleep again. I have noticed no withdrawl, no decrease in my level of wellbeing.
I have made the decision to adopt the diet approach full on now. I spend quite a bit on supplements per month so I'll now move this money and start spending it on food.
My comments about GBL are, for me, in the past. I actually agree with a lot of what Sonic said. I suppose though if you have been at the bottom of the barrel with that stuff it kind of builds almost into a crusade in your mind. It's not a discussion I want to particiapte in again. It's history now. Banning hasn't achieved anything. I know that much for sure.

Edited by Thorsten, 01 November 2010 - 09:25 AM.

#38 JackMcCoy

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 10:10 AM

I just started taking 300mg Lithium Carbonate (because nothing has worked for my depression) combined with 200mg Modafinil. It is rough at the moment, but I am trying to give this any possible chance to succeed.

#39 health_nutty

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Posted 05 November 2010 - 04:30 PM

I just started taking 300mg Lithium Carbonate (because nothing has worked for my depression) combined with 200mg Modafinil. It is rough at the moment, but I am trying to give this any possible chance to succeed.

If you are talking about "brain fog", I've found it goes away after a month or so. Stick with it and good luck!

#40 chrono

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 11:42 AM

I just started taking 300mg Lithium Carbonate (because nothing has worked for my depression) combined with 200mg Modafinil. It is rough at the moment, but I am trying to give this any possible chance to succeed.

You may want to think about starting at a lower dose, and titrating upward slowly. This is about 55mg elemental lithium, or 10x what is commonly used as a dosage here.

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#41 jack black

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Posted 12 May 2017 - 05:15 PM

I've been taking LiOr for about 7 weeks now. I used this dosing schedule from about week 3-4: 1.25mg with breakfast, and 5mg a few hours before bed. Switching from taking 5mg in the morning, it made a big difference with regard to brain fog during the day, and still helped me sleep at night.

But even with this 1-4 dosing schedule, I found that later in the day I was getting a little brain fog, and feeling more emotionally restricted and sedate. I felt best for the first part of the day, like it was improving my mood in "rebound" more than by working directly due to a certain serum level.

For the past 3 weeks, I've just been taking 5mg at night. After switching to this schedule, I found this improved mood to last for most of the day (mostly anxiolysis and improved stress response, but also a general brightening of mood), while brain fog was eliminated completely.

Wondering if anyone else has tried this night-only dosing?


i have been experimenting with Li for a few months already due to it's neuroprotective, brain regeneration, and mood stabilizing effects. i used doses ranging from 5 to 28 mg of elemental lithium in various dosing schedules and didn't really see any significant effects, except for the first couple of days of 5 mg did slow me down some, but it passed. this last week i tried 28mg in one dose in PM (mid to late afternoon) and it was one of my best weeks in terms of healthy sleep, healthy eating, motivation to exercise, and anxiety levels in stressful settings. I did notice increased tiredness in late PM, but that's good, as i tend to stay late at the expense of sleep. my thinking is i'm seeing the effect of Li on circadian rhythm and it works best at PM.


I thought i discovered something very important and was planning to open a new thread boasting a success, but i first searched and looks like people discovered it well before me.

Edited by jack black, 12 May 2017 - 05:18 PM.

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