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Atheists believe in God

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#91 Luna

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Posted 30 July 2010 - 02:41 AM

Umm no, I am not confusing between the two O_o Information emerges from the physical world. As I don't believe in anything divine it is all very simple for me.

Where are the laws of physics from? Good question! Bad intentions though: "Where is God from?"

If you can say God was always there you can just as easy say that the laws of physics were always there.. In truth I believe that one day we will know everything about the universe (or almost everything) and will know how it was created out of "nothing" but have one question remaining: "Why does anything exist while reason says there should be nothing?" and I am sorry Shadowhawk, if God exists then it applies too "Why God exists?" or "Why God exists where there should be nothing?".. difference between you and I is that my questions don't stop at God. Even if God will reveal to me I am not sure my curiosity will stop, I might just go and ask God "Ok, thank you for explaining everything to me, but I have one thing still unexplained, I can understand you created the universe and everything.. but how did you come to be?". In my perspective it is easier to believe that there are some rules of physics that caused the universe to emerge rather than an omnipotent being which was just there.. That being had to emerge somehow too so...

Also, having God is a bit comfortable isn't it? No need to fear of death, no need to fear of the world, just live your life, be a good person, there are no troubles for me if there is no death.. I would be so comfortable with God. Problem is - I don't see any one evidence for God (don't get into this debate, it won't work either way). It's way too easy and it doesn't make any sense.

So yes, I guess I misunderstood something in the first post I replied to you and I am sorry for my really bad reply, I was probably having a really bad time when writing it and I don't think any of my attitude was really directed towards you.

And yes, I agree with you, without a constant being to know absolutely everything and control it all there are no absolute morals. Although you can come into debate that even if such being exists, it may be wrong, it may be a subject to its own feelings and desires, from reading the bible at school it seemed pretty certain that there were a lot of emotions there, but hey - maybe it was just a hidden way to teach humans things? ;) debates are useless, there is not enough information and the two of us are too sure of their opinions.

So as I said, although I agree that without something constant there are probably no absolute rules/morals/meanings, as I said, even with that constant those values might not be absolute due to the nature of that constant. Just as I might have a child, I may be its creator but I doubt it gives him much more meaning to life, an omnipotent being might give a bit more but seeing as we are today and how I feel, it might help feel better but probably not give true meaning as I doubt there is a true meaning in those hopefully infinite universe.

And although I semi-agree (as explained twice) with you on one point, the second point as we know is still far from concluded and might never be. Hey we might meet in haven and then it will.. I might go to hell, sure better than death - still a point for you if I do. We might never die or we might both end up blurgh :/

I'd be happy if you are the one who wins that specific debate, you probably know it. My lack of faith isn't from lack of will, it's from the lack of evidence. I am sure everyone has all the will in the world to have God, Haven and Hell out there to fix all their problems. For me, just one main problem bothers me, the rest will be fixed in one way or the other anyways and can be dealt with.

#92 Luna

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Posted 01 August 2010 - 03:44 AM


#93 shadowhawk

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Posted 02 August 2010 - 11:49 PM


Thank you Luna. I enjoyed it very much.. Science is a process not a position. What do you think about some who think their position is science? :) Are they close minded?

I will get back to you on your earlioer posts.

#94 Luna

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Posted 03 August 2010 - 02:34 AM

You can't exactly have science as a position O_o, you can have the evidence and assertions that you have gathered as your "position". If you say science as your position then you shoud probably mean just that and it is ok. If you follow a theory in science just blindly (as some people follow religion, might I say), then it is not ok. You need to use your brain.

#95 Luna

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 05:30 AM

I wonder how people got so silly to say atheists believe in God because they hate God and they can't hate something they don't believe in. Atheists don't hate God, they might hate the concept or the idea of God as it may seem silly. I don't believe in God and someone might tell me that if I say that it means I believe in God cause I acknowledge there is something called God. No, I am sorry, you believe in God, you spread this God and you make me say I don't believe in God cause you brought up this concept, I am simply responding to your idea/concept, I did not bring it on my own and me replying to your idea and me acknowledging there is such an idea is far from me believing in it or its validity.

In contrast, when people discuss the universe and say "I believe/think the universe is infinite in size" or the same but not infinite in size, or let's take another example, the big bang. People don't reply saying "You believe in the big bang and hate it.", If they would I'd say: No, I am simply giving my respond, after going over the idea I believe it is wrong, may be flawed and therefore probably incorrect.

But they don't! Why? because it isn't God, those who believe in it don't see it as people see God, something that everyone must acknowledge, feel as they do and know as they do.

Anyhow, rejecting an idea may be acknowledging the existence of the idea or the concept, but not of what it contains.

#96 Luna

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 08:40 PM

P.S. I'd love to be able to believe in God, Haven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

I'd love to not have just death, but I can't see it. Just as I can barely see myself actually surviving :/ I don't want to die and that's it. I just don't want to die and God could so easily fix that.. so as for atheists believe in God or even hate God, no - I'd love God (although I might hate some stuff after reading the bible and history, though those might be different from the true idea, I dunno, maybe not), yet I don't believe that this is the case. I am sure many other atheists may feel the same as I do.

#97 Soma

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 10:30 PM

I'd love to be able to believe in God, Heaven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

You'd love to believe in hell?

Yeah, I guess if you were certain you weren't going there! Lol

#98 shadowhawk

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 11:37 PM

You can't exactly have science as a position O_o, you can have the evidence and assertions that you have gathered as your "position". If you say science as your position then you shoud probably mean just that and it is ok. If you follow a theory in science just blindly (as some people follow religion, might I say), then it is not ok. You need to use your brain.

Science is a process not a position. As such it always waits for the next evidence proving the present wrong. So the conclusions of science are almst always wrong. History is a long list of scientific errors. By the ways there are many limitations of science.

I agree with most of what you say, friend. :)


#99 shadowhawk

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 12:00 AM

P.S. I'd love to be able to believe in God, Haven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

I'd love to not have just death, but I can't see it. Just as I can barely see myself actually surviving :/ I don't want to die and that's it. I just don't want to die and God could so easily fix that.. so as for atheists believe in God or even hate God, no - I'd love God (although I might hate some stuff after reading the bible and history, though those might be different from the true idea, I dunno, maybe not), yet I don't believe that this is the case. I am sure many other atheists may feel the same as I do.

I grew up an Atheist and was in much the same spot you are in. Death has never been such a big fear of mine though I have noticed death scares a lot of people badly. If life is somehow related to God, I don’t see why some won’t at least give it some serious thought.

#100 Luna

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:22 AM

I'd love to be able to believe in God, Heaven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

You'd love to believe in hell?

Yeah, I guess if you were certain you weren't going there! Lol

Even if I was to get there I'd prefer hell over just death.

#101 Luna

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:25 AM

P.S. I'd love to be able to believe in God, Haven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

I'd love to not have just death, but I can't see it. Just as I can barely see myself actually surviving :/ I don't want to die and that's it. I just don't want to die and God could so easily fix that.. so as for atheists believe in God or even hate God, no - I'd love God (although I might hate some stuff after reading the bible and history, though those might be different from the true idea, I dunno, maybe not), yet I don't believe that this is the case. I am sure many other atheists may feel the same as I do.

I grew up an Atheist and was in much the same spot you are in. Death has never been such a big fear of mine though I have noticed death scares a lot of people badly. If life is somehow related to God, I don’t see why some won’t at least give it some serious thought.

Another assumption! ;) Serious thought was given. Nope, sorry, can't feel it and can't see the logic. Definitely not seeing convincing evidence.

Oh and as for science is almost always wrong - At least we are getting there instead of just believing in something that may very well be wrong - and not testing our belief.

#102 medicineman

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 08:17 AM

I'd love to be able to believe in God, Heaven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

You'd love to believe in hell?

Yeah, I guess if you were certain you weren't going there! Lol

Even if I was to get there I'd prefer hell over just death.

I completely agree.... I am truly envious of believers. I wish I can believe. I tried, but I just could not. I don't see how people accept it so readily!! Maybe it is because religion fills a considerable gap in the human brain. Without the Judeochristian god, I am reminded of this quote from Schopenhauer:

"If the act of procreation were neither the outcome of a desire nor accompanied by feelings of pleasure, but a matter to be decided on the basis of purely rational considerations, is it likely the human race would still exist? Would each of us not rather have felt so much pity for the coming generation as to prefer to spare it the burden of existence, or at least not wish to take it upon himself to impose that burden upon it in cold blood?"

#103 chris w

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 12:55 PM

I'd love to be able to believe in God, Heaven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

You'd love to believe in hell?

Yeah, I guess if you were certain you weren't going there! Lol

Even if I was to get there I'd prefer hell over just death.

I completely agree.... I am truly envious of believers. I wish I can believe. I tried, but I just could not. I don't see how people accept it so readily!! Maybe it is because religion fills a considerable gap in the human brain.

I can definitely sympathy here, but ask yourself if this isn't akin to a non - addicted person envying a junkie his colorful visons ? Like Shaw said : "a believer is happier than a non - believer, just like a drunkard is happier than a non - drunkard". Not that it's wrong to be a tripping junkie, but one always has to be honest about the nature of tools he uses to make himself feel better.

Edited by chris w, 12 August 2010 - 01:02 PM.

#104 Luna

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 01:09 PM

I'd love to be able to believe in God, Heaven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

You'd love to believe in hell?

Yeah, I guess if you were certain you weren't going there! Lol

Even if I was to get there I'd prefer hell over just death.

I completely agree.... I am truly envious of believers. I wish I can believe. I tried, but I just could not. I don't see how people accept it so readily!! Maybe it is because religion fills a considerable gap in the human brain.

I can definitely sympathy here, but ask yourself if this isn't akin to a non - addicted person envying a junkie his colorful visons ? Like Shaw said : "a believer is happier than a non - believer, just like a drunkard is happier than a non - drunkard". Not that it's wrong to be a tripping junkie, but one always has to be honest about the nature of tools he uses to make himself feel better.

Me personally, I am not jealous of religious people because I believe they are deluded. All I am saying is that I'd love some stuff to be true.

#105 Soma

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:06 PM

I can definitely sympathy here, but ask yourself if this isn't akin to a non - addicted person envying a junkie his colorful visons ? Not that it's wrong to be a tripping junkie, but one always has to be honest about the nature of tools he uses to make himself feel better.

The opiate for the people?

Me personally, I am not jealous of religious people because I believe they are deluded.

Delusion can be bliss...or at least comforting.

#106 Luna

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 03:47 PM

I can definitely sympathy here, but ask yourself if this isn't akin to a non - addicted person envying a junkie his colorful visons ? Not that it's wrong to be a tripping junkie, but one always has to be honest about the nature of tools he uses to make himself feel better.

The opiate for the people?

Me personally, I am not jealous of religious people because I believe they are deluded.

Delusion can be bliss...or at least comforting.

It harms you if you could get to a better end result but prevent yourself because of your delusions.

#107 shadowhawk

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 10:10 PM

P.S. I'd love to be able to believe in God, Haven and Hell. I just can't see how it might be true.

I'd love to not have just death, but I can't see it. Just as I can barely see myself actually surviving :/ I don't want to die and that's it. I just don't want to die and God could so easily fix that.. so as for atheists believe in God or even hate God, no - I'd love God (although I might hate some stuff after reading the bible and history, though those might be different from the true idea, I dunno, maybe not), yet I don't believe that this is the case. I am sure many other atheists may feel the same as I do.

I grew up an Atheist and was in much the same spot you are in. Death has never been such a big fear of mine though I have noticed death scares a lot of people badly. If life is somehow related to God, I don't see why some won't at least give it some serious thought.

Another assumption! ;) Serious thought was given. Nope, sorry, can't feel it and can't see the logic. Definitely not seeing convincing evidence.

Oh and as for science is almost always wrong - At least we are getting there instead of just believing in something that may very well be wrong - and not testing our belief.

we will just have to disagree here.

#108 shadowhawk

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 12:53 AM

Oh and as for science is almost always wrong - At least we are getting there instead of just believing in something that may very well be wrong - and not testing our belief.

Who is the “we?” Conclusions arrived at by the Scientific method have a record of being wrong. Don’t you think our offspring will be laughing at what we believe in 100 years from now?

And where do you get the idea that only those who have the philosophical views you do, practice science. You know Atheism does not have a lock on Science.

Sounds like Scientism to me.

Limits of Science, a few of many sources
You Tube:

Best study of the subject on a intellectual level

Science can’t test many things including itself. Who does not test their beliefs? Evidence.?


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