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PayPal widget for conference registration

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#1 David Styles

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 04:22 PM

A PayPal widget is needed so that people can pay for event registration.

I am happy to create this and receive the money directly, keeping track of it, which is handy as for convenience I'll be paying the expenses incurred later on from my own card, unless Jeremy wants to work it differently. Thus, the fewer sets of hands through which the money goes the better, as PayPal creams off a small percentage each time - and additionally, if it goes through ImmInst, probably losing money for USD currency conversion as well.

Alternately, if it's deemed a bad thing to receive the money myself (which would be quite understandable and not at all taken as a commentary on my character) in case of setting a bad precedent, etc, I'm also more than happy for somebody (Jeremy?) to create a PayPal widget for me whose code I can just stick in the right place and let people pay the money directly to ImmInst.

Of course, if this is done, I'll need either access to the email address to which notifications are sent, or alternately for them to be forwarded to me, so I know who has paid.

One way is more secure, the other more efficient, so I leave in your hands to decide which way to play it.

If the widget is receiving money directly to ImmInst, and thus being made for me, kindly make two options: €25 per day, or €45 for the weekend.

If I'm doing it myself, then I'm doing it myself, but FYI it'll be just the same, obviously.

Either way, please let me know your preference as soon as conveniently possible.


#2 caliban

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 07:51 PM

I'd prefer running it through ImmInst accounts, but maybe we'd need a slightly more sophisticated solution that ties the registration software to payments.
I believe there are existing add-ons for Joomla and Mambo if you want to use those.

alternatively use a service like eventbrite or amiando?

Edited by caliban, 06 July 2010 - 08:30 PM.

#3 David Styles

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Posted 06 July 2010 - 10:09 PM

Right you are. And, good thinking regards to using a service like Eventbrite or somesuch.

I'll look into each of the suggestions, and let you know my thoughts on them.

I have a few meetings still this evening, and will hopefully get onto figuring out which solution is best after those :)



Edited by David Styles, 06 July 2010 - 10:11 PM.

#4 caliban

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Posted 11 July 2010 - 08:38 PM

I'd suggest you decide on a system before putting too much work into the website, because your presentation may change depending on which system you use.

#5 David Styles

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 04:54 AM

I liaised with Jeremy. Thanks to his swift replies, it's all now up and running.

I went with EventBrite, and the EventBrite page opens in a frame on the Registration page on the website.

This option being simpler and more easily actionable than something more clever, the only downside is that it's not clever enough to not oversell tickets if given such confusing parameters as:

Ticket types:

* Don't let people buy both and one of the above
* There are 200 places each day, which means that the number of tickets sellable will depend on how many of each type are sold (for example, could be 200 Boths, or 100 Boths, 100 Saturdays, and 100 Sundays, etc).

As it can't handle the above (and neither could Amiando), I've just gone ahead and made the ticket types "Saturday Attendance" and "Sunday Attendance", with a direction to the user to be sure to select both if they want both.

Alas this means we can't conveniently offer a both-days discount as I had intended, but never mind.

#6 caliban

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Posted 15 July 2010 - 11:13 PM

Ok, just to be sure, I will auto-file the paypal notifications in a seperate folder, but I won't suspect that these will be needed as you can use the eventbrite system to keep an aye on registrations?

#7 caliban

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 12:03 AM

ehm, guys there needs to be a member discount. I have made the announcement invisible so you can sort that out.

#8 David Styles

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Posted 05 August 2010 - 09:28 AM

Done, some time ago now.

I know you know this, Caliban, but I dislike leaving apparent open ends, so I post here to tie that one up for tidiness' sake.

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