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To buy from Smi2le.biz/product purity

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#31 gokugreene

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 09:27 PM

If a product comes out of an HPLC assay with a 99.954% grade (including moisture), as did smi2le's aniracetam, I do not think it is at all rational to start complaining about purity, so that there is my answer to that part...now, in the case of idebenone; given the results came out to less than perfect 97.249% (including moisture); maybe you could start requesting higher spec assays; or just reject the product altogether and demand higher purity. The point is: you don't need a higher than HPLC assay to determine whether to reject or accept a product. 

It isn't rational to complain if the products purity is 99.954%; however, what about the other nootropics you ingest? They are not all 99.954%. What if it has mercury that mommy is scared of?
Since you are so worried about impurities, maybe you shouldn't be taking the risk. Your HPLC assays aren't guaranteeing you your safety. (think outward if you can)

My argument was fairly simple and based on a well documented history. I am not going to repeat myself here tonight; however, I will elaborate a bit, to help disabuse you of your false perception of my argument.

I want supplement providers to be accountable to their customers. I want supplement providers to subject their products to HPLC assays before selling them to the general public, and to provide the results of assays to any customer upon request. I do not respect 1fast400 for attempting to convey that they routeinely assay their Chinese powders before selling them when they do not (as I have demonstrated earlier in this thread). I do not like seeing the work of others, namely smi2le's being copycatted when 1fast400 could, with a little more creative effort, bring something new to this market rather than bring the item smi2le (or someone else for that matter) just did.

You want but you will not get that. There is no reason why anyone shouldn't purchase from 1fast400; they're a great company. I am very satisfied with their service.
Smi2le lets you run assays so you will open your mouth and blabber. A great trick indeed; I'd shake his hand if I knew him for pulling that one. You are probably one of this top buyers because you have mommy's money to spend. I can almost guarantee he wouldn't let every customer run an assay. It wouldn't be logical for a business do so; they would lose money.

Only if that pea sized brain of yours could think deeply, damn it just only skims the surface.

It isn't about being copycatted it is about the consumers saving money and the business making profit..

#32 nootropi

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 10:10 PM

It isn't rational to complain if the products purity is 99.954%; however, what about the other nootropics you ingest? They are not all 99.954%. What if it has mercury that mommy is scared of?
Since you are so worried about impurities, maybe you shouldn't be taking the risk. Your HPLC assays aren't guaranteeing you your safety.  (think outward if you can)

My argument was fairly simple and based on a well documented history. I am not going to repeat myself here tonight; however, I will elaborate a bit, to help disabuse you of your false perception of my argument.

I want supplement providers to be accountable to their customers. I want supplement providers to subject their products to HPLC assays before selling them to the general public, and to provide the results of assays to any customer upon request. I do not respect 1fast400 for attempting to convey that they routeinely assay their Chinese powders before selling them when they do not (as I have demonstrated earlier in this thread). I do not like seeing the work of others, namely smi2le's being copycatted when 1fast400 could, with a little more creative effort, bring something new to this market rather than bring the item smi2le (or someone else for that matter) just did.

You want but you will not get that. There is no reason why anyone shouldn't purchase from 1fast400; they're a great company. I am very satisfied with their service.
Smi2le lets you run assays so you will open your mouth and blabber. A great trick indeed; I'd shake his hand if I knew him for pulling that one. You are probably one of this top buyers because you have mommy's money to spend. I can almost guarantee he wouldn't let every customer run an assay. It wouldn't be logical for a business do so; they would lose money.

Only if that pea sized brain of yours could think deeply, damn it just only skims the surface.

It isn't about being copycatted it is about the consumers saving money and the business making profit..

Firstly gokugreen, your comments are inflammatory; it is clear that anger has taken the best of your thoughts and you have resorted to insult instead of sticking to your argument. I will not reply to members who cannot abide by the rules of conduct of this forum.

Be well, take care, and I hope you feel better.

#33 nootropi

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 10:15 PM

This guy has attacked me all over the place.  At this point, it is fruitless to respond to him.  When presented with logical explanations, he just runs off on another tangent.  He uses misinformation to base his thoughts.  He doesn't realize that if his information is wrong, than any conclusions drawn from that, is wrong as well.

If any of you have personal concerns, email me directly at My65cuda@aol.com.  We were the first site on the internet to sell any material by the gram.  We've constantly expanded into other ventures as well.  With a new sourcing guy on board (his only job), we will be expanding a lot over the next few weeks.

Mike McCandless
Owner 1Fast400/BulkNutrition.com

Good for you Mr. McCandless; you did a great job of avoiding admitting that your so called label claims testing site is completely bogus, and has no assays of any of your current product line. While you like to boast about how "big" your site is, keep in mind that poor quality control standards raises your liability drastically. What would happen, if, say, one of your powders harms somebody. That individual would be coming after you and NOT the Chinese powder dealer.

Attacking you? Well, I don't know. I would have no problems whatsover with your business if you did not try to portray to me and others that you assay your powders before reselling them to the us. I really don't see the need to get frantic like you defending myself in this matter. The members who know me and have been following this topic have seen your conduct and find it unaccceptable. Click here

Listen to yourself: "We were the first site on the internet to sell any material by the gram." That is a load of crap, and I won't buy that in bulk. ;)


If you were to start assaying all your powders at a repuatable labratory under the HPLC method, before selling them to the general public, and make these results viewable to us, I would probably recommend for others to purchase powders from you; surely you can see how a customer would be disgruntled if they would have read your lengthy posts testifying that you assay your powders when you don't; and upon further investigation, it appears you that you have assayed many protein bars; and I assure you not too many in this forum are concerned about contaminants in protein bars... :) And all except one are NOT HPLC assays when I checked. What I am primarily concerned with is the purity of your nootropic line, namely aniracetam, piracetam, etc.

Edited by nootropi, 22 September 2004 - 04:52 PM.

#34 gokugreene

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 10:56 PM

Firstly gokugreen, your comments are inflammatory; it is clear that anger has taken the best of your thoughts and you have resorted to insult instead of sticking to your argument.

It isn't inflammatory; it is called ridicule.
You cannot face the truth nor can you handle your own mockery.

Debate whenever you feel capable. ;)

I will not reply to members who cannot abide by the rules of conduct of this forum.

I am glad you can think for yourself.

#35 Mike M

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Posted 22 September 2004 - 07:03 PM

Good for you Mr. McCandless; you did a great job of avoiding admitting that your so called label claims testing site is completely bogus, and has no assays of any of your current product line. While you like to boast about how "big" your site is, keep in mind that poor quality control standards raises your liability drastically. What would happen, if, say, one of your powders harms somebody. That individual would be coming after you and NOT the Chinese powder dealer.

You are quite ignorant in what I do. You obviously never understood the purpose of labelclaimstesting. If I could get some crayola's and write it out for you, I would. I'm not sure how else to explain it to you.

Attacking you? Well, I don't know. I would have no problems whatsover with your business if you did not try to portray to me and others that you assay your powders before reselling them to the us. I really don't see the need to get frantic like you defending myself in this matter. The members who know me and have been following this topic have seen your conduct and find it unaccceptable. Click here

Your link is hardly supporting of you. I'm far from frantic. Do a search on bb.com and avant if you want to see me actually attack or go after someone. You just entertain me as you are about the most unstable person I've come across on the net.

Listen to yourself: "We were the first site on the internet to sell any material by the gram." That is a load of crap, and I won't buy that in bulk.

Name one that did it before I did? I'm talking by the gram, not bulk quantities.

You seem to forget your beloved IBC labs was involved in a lawsuit with the company that owns Glucorell (MP technologies). I know, because I was involved in the lawsuit as well. Please don't praise them as the "best lab" in the country.

#36 nootropi

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Posted 22 September 2004 - 07:25 PM

Hello 1fast400,

Your words are characteristic of your business, deceptive and deflecting. I am a consumer in this market, and you conduct a deceptive business.

Listen to yourself: I am here asking you WHY you try to portray that you assay your powders OVER and OVER again when you do not. Here you are, once again, trying to deflect the fact that you have not assayed your entire product line while portraying that you do.

You are totally right, I am ignorant of what you do! You say one thing and do another far too much for me to keep track.

You incorrectly assume that people you interact have nothing better to do than search random corners of the web to read accounts of your majestical skills at selling testosterone precursors. I guess I am the one that has to enlighten you that we are not really that interested here with such accounts. ;) Calling me "unstable?" I am not the one so delusional that I think I can fool everybody into believing I assay the Chinese powders that I sell when I have not. :)

You are going to tell me that IBC labs is not credible because what? They were involved in a lawsuit? Here you are again assuming things you should not. You really need to take a closer look at your public activities and disclosures and make sure that they are congruent with reality. If you do continue in this manner, you just might find yourself stuck selling testosterone precursurs and nutritional supplements on the web for the rest of your life.

Take care.

#37 gokugreene

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Posted 22 September 2004 - 09:50 PM

Listen to yourself: I am here asking you WHY you try to portray that you assay your powders OVER and OVER again when you do not. Here you are, once again, trying to deflect the fact that you have not assayed your entire product line while portraying that you do.

Ok Nootropi for once I would like you to actually think. I mean it; I want that miniscule brain to think.

Have you even looked at his site? He has tons of assays for almost every product, and they are fairly current.
1fast400 purchases in bulk, and I mean bulk. I don't know how much he purchases exactly, but I guarantee it is a substantial amount.
Meaning, his purchases are so large they last till he sells said nootropics; therefore, there is no reason to assay the same powder twice.
You do not run things nor do you know how his or anyone else business runs, apparently.

So do everyone a favor and stop posting misinformation, twit.

You are totally right, I am ignorant of what you do!

If thats the case, you should refrain from speaking. Obviously, you have no idea as to what you are talking about.

Calling me "unstable?" I am not the one so delusional that I think I can fool everybody into believing I assay the Chinese powders that I sell when I have not.

Take a look at the medications you take; it says everything. lol

You make yourself out to be quite a fool. Fool.

#38 nootropi

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 12:03 AM

Have you even looked at his site? He has tons of assays for almost every product, and they are fairly current.
1fast400 purchases in bulk, and I mean bulk. I don't know how much he purchases exactly, but I guarantee it is a substantial amount.
Meaning, his purchases are so large they last till he sells said nootropics; therefore, there is no reason to assay the same powder twice.
You do not run things nor do you know how his or anyone else business runs, apparently.


I am only going to reply to one particular element of your post: the one part that is relevant. The rest of your post material is a reflection of your own intellectual shortcomings, not mine. You really need to reconsider the way you interact with others; it seems you have a lot of anger built up inside you. Perhaps you should seek therapy; it might help you feel better. I hope you find some way to take all of that anger built up inside you and do something creative with it.

1fast400 only posts the assay that the Chinese powder dealer gave him when he sold him the powder. That is NOT an acceptable assay to go forward and claim that a powder is safe. China is well known for its unhygienic labratories. The assay from the Chinese powder dealer is just as good as the word of a used car dealer selling you a lemon. While you might trust the claims of a used car dealer, I don't. Not with my life or the lives of others I care about. I would surely bring the car to an independent mechanic before buying it. Similarly, I would surely not trust a Chinese powder dealer, I would want to see the result of an HPLC assay from an independent labratory before buying any bulk powder...or I would like to have the option of submitting a sample of the product to an independent labratory for an HPLC assay for store credit in the event I find the product substandard. ;)

Bulknutrition.com is not a reputable seller of bulk powders. They do not stand behind their product like smi2le does. Smi2le lets any customer submit a sample of his product to an independent labratory to subject it to an HPLC assay for store credit. That alone makes smi2le far superior to bulknutrition. :)

#39 gokugreene

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 02:09 AM

Have you even looked at his site? He has tons of assays for almost every product, and they are fairly current.
1fast400 purchases in bulk, and I mean bulk. I don't know how much he purchases exactly, but I guarantee it is a substantial amount.
Meaning, his purchases are so large they last till he sells said nootropics; therefore, there is no reason to assay the same powder twice.
You do not run things nor do you know how his or anyone else business runs, apparently.


I am only going to reply to one particular element of your post: the one part that is relevant. The rest of your post material is a reflection of your own intellectual shortcomings, not mine. You really need to reconsider the way you interact with others; it seems you have a lot of anger built up inside you. Perhaps you should seek therapy; it might help you feel better. I hope you find some way to take all of that anger built up inside you and do something creative with it.

1fast400 only posts the assay that the Chinese powder dealer gave him when he sold him the powder. That is NOT an acceptable assay to go forward and claim that a powder is safe. China is well known for its unhygienic labratories. The assay from the Chinese powder dealer is just as good as the word of a used car dealer selling you a lemon. While you might trust the claims of a used car dealer, I don't. Not with my life or the lives of others I care about. I would surely bring the car to an independent mechanic before buying it. Similarly, I would surely not trust a Chinese powder dealer, I would want to see the result of an HPLC assay from an independent labratory before buying any bulk powder...or I would like to have the option of submitting a sample of the product to an independent labratory for an HPLC assay for store credit in the event I find the product substandard. ;)

Bulknutrition.com is not a reputable seller of bulk powders. They do not stand behind their product like smi2le does. Smi2le lets any customer submit a sample of his product to an independent labratory to subject it to an HPLC assay for store credit. That alone makes smi2le far superior to bulknutrition. :)

I have no shortcomings; however, you might want to look back on your posts, your life, and everything in general that you do to see your shortcomings. Just maybe you could scrap a piece of wisdom out of it all; I hope. :)

Have you, yourself ran an assay on 1fast400's powders? If not, you are just spreading more erroneous conclusions.

#40 nootropi

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 03:27 AM

I have no shortcomings; however, you might want to look back on your posts, your life, and everything in general that you do to see your shortcomings. Just maybe you could scrap a piece of wisdom out of it all; I hope. 

Have you, yourself ran an assay on 1fast400's powders? If not, you are just spreading more erroneous conclusions.

I never claimed not to have shortcomings. If anybody has tolerance with people, it is myself; I never said I was perfect; however, it is necessary to start somewhere and build from basic premises a philosophy from which to view the world you interact with -- and stick to it. In other words, don't waffle -- if you say you believe in something, you should have a reason for doing so. And it should be obvious through your actions that your beliefs are congruent with your philosophy -- there can be no contradictions.

Back to the topic: have I ever ran an assay on 1fast400's powders? No, I have not. Why? Becuase if I do, and end up spending over $165 doing so, and let's say that the result is less than satisfactory? There is nothing in it for me. Don't you see? Mike McClandless has already stated very clearly that he wants to "preserve" the chain of custody; in other words, he does not trust his own customers to send in samples of his product. That alone makes me never want to purchase anything from him ever again. And why should I when I can purchase the exact same things from smi2le.biz for the same or better prices and be able to feel confident that if I am not pleased with a product, I can send a sample in to an independent labratory for an HPLC assay in exchange for store credit. I find much more value in smi2le's service simply because he trusts me! People who don't trust other people should not be trusted themselves.

Do you want to see the consequences of 1fast400's policies? There is a well documented example of 1fast400 selling FALSE products, namely L-cartinine as ALCAR, because they NEVER assayed the product. They had to recall all the powders (what is really strange is that I never was contacted to return what I bought, and I purchased this in the exact time frame as the reference below, ANOTHER reason why I never will buy anything from bulknutrtion.com). Don't you think it is unacceptable for companies to not assay their products when selling them to the general public? What if, say, something potentially deadly was in something they sold you or someone you care about? Mike McClandless gloats about his business as if he was making millions of dollars a year and he does not even assay his powders before selling them? That is despicable, I am sorry, but it is. Luckily we have alternatives in this market who have much better policies that protect the customer. ;)

Read this and see about bulknutrition's mistakes in bulk powders

Edited by nootropi, 23 September 2004 - 04:50 AM.

#41 lynx

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 04:32 AM


Rizzer doesn't assay before selling either. So what is the big deal. Plus your damn signature Icon causes flickering in quick reply.

Also, insultory is not a word. I realise that you are so much smarter than the rest of us, and you demand precision in all debates, so please stick to your own standards and use real English.

#42 nootropi

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 04:39 AM


Rizzer doesn't assay before selling either. So what is the big deal. Plus your damn signature Icon causes flickering in quick reply.

Also, insultory is not a word. I realise that you are so much smarter than the rest of us, and you demand precision in all debates, so please stick to your own standards and use real English.

Okay, I'll go fix that now. You should google for your monitor model number; download the driver, install it; then raise your resolution to the highest available at the highest refresh rate to eliminate flickering. Or you can go into the forum control panel and turn off signatures.

I never demanded precision in all debates, just accuracy and consistency.

So what is the big deal? The big deal is that I can assay any powder I want when I buy from Rizzer; thus there is a clear advantage buying from Rizzer; if I feel a powder is substandard I can assay it for store credit. Is it really that hard to see the clear advantage?

Don't you see? All Mr. McClandless has to do is say, "okay nootropi, I will hereforward assay every powder I buy in bulk before selling it to the general public and make the results available to you. That way I can protect the consumer, not have to deal with what happened with L-Cartinine and ALCAR ever again (and you can shut your mouth)."

Then he would be a step above smi2le. But right now, with 1fast400's current policies standing today, smi2le has more to offer the consumer because he offers a higher level of quality control and customer service; any customer can send in a sample of smi2le's product in exchange for store credit; that is, or buy from 1fast and hope a similar error as articulated on the previous page does not occur again.

Surely I am not any smarter than anybody else; I just have a much bigger (but as we see not always gramatically correct!) mouth. ;)

Edited by nootropi, 23 September 2004 - 05:06 AM.

#43 lynx

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 05:06 AM


I know your intentions are good and I respect your knowledge and commitment, but this whole thread reminds me of being at a party, relaxing, joking and boom: Suddenly you encounter somebody who is coked or cranked, and all of a sudden they want to go into every little detail about some yada yada yada. They go on and on until you say they are right and even then, they are too distracted by their own drug induced brilliance and fluency to notice that you said they are right.

Everyone here knows Rizzer is the bomb. And before Rizzer was 1fast400, and they still do great stuff and will continue too. Probably Rizzer will never be as big because his webpage sucks and nobody likes being beaten over the head with the facts, even if they are true, just like the party analogy. So do Rizzer a favor and lay off the 1fast400 criticism and just admit that they both provide good service, price and product.

#44 nootropi

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 05:13 AM


I know your intentions are good and I respect your knowledge and commitment, but this whole thread reminds me of being at a party, relaxing, joking and boom: Suddenly you encounter somebody who is coked or cranked, and all of a sudden they want to go into every little detail about some yada yada yada. They go on and on until you say they are right and even then, they are too distracted by their own drug induced brilliance and fluency to notice that you said they are right.

Everyone hear knows Rizzer is the bomb. And before Rizzer was 1fast400, they still do great stuff and will continue too. Probably rizzer will never be as big because his webpage sucks and nobody likes being beaten over the head with the facts, even if they are true, just like the party analogy. So do Rizzer a favor and lay off the 1fast400 criticism and just admit that they both provide good service, price and product.

Hi Lynx,

This has nothing to do with Rizzer and 1fast400. This ONLY has to do with my (and my friends here) safety. Don't you understand?

This is not a party, and I am not snorting any cocaine. I am really serious about knowing that the supps I take are of high quality and lack comtaminants; it is that simple. I could care less who I buy my powders from only if I could be SURE that they are free of contaminants and pure. I DEPEND on these supps to perform optimally in school and don't want to worry between classes whether my ALCAR is really ALCAR if you know what I mean...

Look, I go back to school tomorrow and you won't see me posting nearly as much as I have been in the last couple of weeks. I sincerely hope that you know me well enough by now to see that my intentions are only what I say they are.

Take care.

#45 lynx

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 01:59 PM


Be realistic, you ordered some ashwaganda from who knows who on the net, they could have added lead acetate to that to increase the weight.

If you were really serious about purity you would only buy from sigma, or AOR, or Life Extension.

You want purity and price, which we all do, but you haven't tested everything you take so drop the "PURITY" shtick.

#46 nootropi

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 04:41 PM


Be realistic, you ordered some ashwaganda from who knows who on the net, they could have added lead acetate to that to increase the weight.

If you were really serious about purity you would only buy from sigma, or AOR, or Life Extension.

You want purity and price, which we all do, but you haven't tested everything you take so drop the "PURITY" shtick.

I bought my ashwhaghanda from Scott Gerson MD, I am pretty sure he did not add anything. :)

No, I am sorry, but you are wrong. I buy my supplements from smi2le; each time I buy something I buy about $165 dollars worth, have the product assayed, and rest assured knowing that I indeed am ingesting what I bought. :)

Some products I buy from smi2le I do not have assayed are KRALA and pyrodoxamine--those come from Geronova.

The real issue is that if a customer purchases a powder off the web and, upon recieving it, feels it is substandard quality, there should some method of quality control where he or she can submit a sample of the product to an independent lab for an HPLC assay.

You can go ahead and drop YOUR purity shtick (well actuallly it appears you do not have one). I, on the other hand, am aware that mistakes do happen and economic factors influence purchasing decisions. It is always good to know that in the event you feel as something you purchased is not what it is advertised as being (or not being) there is a way for you to resolve the issue. Otherwise, you just might end up with a lemon. :)

Take care.

#47 lynx

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 05:08 PM

Great Adam,

Please post the assays of everything you had tested so that the rest of us can benefit from your confidence.

Whether or not Scott Gerson MD added anything is not the point. The point is that you did not have it assayed, so you are flying blind. In this very same post you have contradicted yourself, you don't test everything.

#48 nootropi

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 05:41 PM

Great Adam,

Please post  the assays of everything you had tested so that the rest of us can benefit from your confidence.

Whether or not Scott Gerson MD added anything is not the point. The point is that you did not have it assayed, so you are flying blind. In this very same post you have contradicted yourself, you don't test everything.

I will be happy to post assays of everything I have tested, no problem.

I am sorry but you are wrong again. The main reason I demand assays is when products come here from China.

If a product is manufactured here in the United States the likelyhood of contaminants is about 0.01% the likelyhood of the same product imported from China; that is because here in the US we can hold the manufacturer accoutable, wheras in a similar scenario with a Chinese suppier, holding them accountable is similar to a dog chasing his tail.

Posted Image
Posted Image

The reason bulk resellers buy products from China is because of the much lower price; but with the lower price, as always, comes higher risk.

Smi2le is very smart to allow any customer to assay his products, as others have already noted; he can get a person with a mouth as loud as mine posting the results throughout the web -- BUT -- it the result is unsatisfactory, you can bet I won't be satisfied, and my mouth only gets bigger when I am angry. 1fast400/bulknutrition.com leaves the customer's life in the hands of the Chinese powder dealer with no means of recourse. I am not calling smi2le an angel at all; I am merely stating that his policy protects consumers such as myself (who actually test regularly) far better than 1fast400/bulknutrition.com. I have already referenced a case where Mr. McClandless sold products without even inspecting them (see the previous page's link).

Take care.

Edited by nootropi, 23 September 2004 - 05:56 PM.

#49 lynx

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 06:20 PM

This last iteration of this thread is much closer to the truth of the situation than the initial editions. I don't think that attacking 1fast400 will help Rizzer. Plus, Rizzer has problems of his own, there is a criticism of him at sci.lifeextension for screwing up orders.

#50 gokugreene

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 09:28 PM

Do you want to see the consequences of 1fast400's policies? There is a well documented example of 1fast400 selling FALSE products, namely L-cartinine as ALCAR, because they NEVER assayed the product. They had to recall all the powders (what is really strange is that I never was contacted to return what I bought, and I purchased this in the exact time frame as the reference below, ANOTHER reason why I never will buy anything from bulknutrtion.com). Don't you think it is unacceptable for companies to not assay their products when selling them to the general public? What if, say, something potentially deadly was in something they sold you or someone you care about? Mike McClandless gloats about his business as if he was making millions of dollars a year and he does not even assay his powders before selling them? That is despicable, I am sorry, but it is. Luckily we have alternatives in this market who have much better policies that protect the customer.

Nootropi the problem you encountered with 1fast400 is more of a mixup rather than a purity issue; anyone could have made that mistake.

You take things to the extreme.

#51 nootropi

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 01:08 AM

I have already proven my point; I am not going to go in circles, chasing my tail with you two. :)

I am totally satisfied with my presentation of the facts; you questioned my hypothesis, then I proved it to be fact.

Look: I have to attend to other things for now. I will not address what I have already proven earlier in the thread; that would be counterproductive and a waste of all our time and intellect.

Take care.

Edited by nootropi, 24 September 2004 - 01:35 AM.

#52 lynx

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 01:59 AM

Great Adam,

Please post  the assays of everything you had tested so that the rest of us can benefit from your confidence.

Whether or not Scott Gerson MD added anything is not the point. The point is that you did not have it assayed, so you are flying blind. In this very same post you have contradicted yourself, you don't test everything.

I am sorry but you are wrong again. The main reason I demand assays is when products come here from China.

If a product is manufactured here in the United States the likelyhood of contaminants is about 0.01% the likelyhood of the same product imported from China; that is because here in the US we can hold the manufacturer accoutable, wheras in a similar scenario with a Chinese suppier, holding them accountable is similar to a dog chasing his tail.


You have no idea where the ashwaganda came from, very likely it came from India, which has the same quality control issues as China. You didn't have it assayed, yet you state that you have everything assayed.

#53 nootropi

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 04:53 AM


You have no idea where the ashwaganda came from, very likely it came from India, which has the same quality control issues as China. You didn't have it assayed, yet you state that you have everything assayed.

Firstly, ashwaganda is not synthesized in a labratory; it grows from the earth. I am concerned very little about contaminants present in an organic material; furthermore, considering that I purchase ashwaghanda from Scott Gerson MD, PhD, I consider him a more reputable source than a Chinese powder pusher selling inorganic synthetics.

Again: please let me attend to my studies; I have already kindly asked you to refrain from making me chase my tail on this issue.

I have stated my argument, presented evidence, and proven my case. I would greatly appreciate if you could come forward with your view on these issues that differ greatly from mine and present it to the forum in a cohesive format. Then maybe you could awaken others to your unique vision.

I will let you know when I have more time to debate this topic again.

Thank you.

Take care.

#54 eternaltraveler

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 08:28 AM

You do realize that this entire thread has really done nothing other than lower most readers’ confidence in you.

This all seems very juvenile.

You don't have to win every argument. When someone else brings up a valid point, acknowledge it. Put in your own two cents. Both parties can gain in this manner.

The person responsible for making this thread into a debacle was you.

Use that nootropic flooded brain of yours to learn something from this experience.

Let it drop, and move on.

The person responseable for making this thread into a debacle was you.

Let it drop, and move on.

#55 nootropi

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Posted 24 September 2004 - 03:03 PM

You do realize that this entire thread has really done nothing other than lower most readers’ confidence in you.

This all seems very juvenile.

You don't have to win every argument.  When someone else brings up a valid point, acknowledge it.  Put in your own two cents.  Both parties can gain in this manner.

The person responsible for making this thread into a debacle was you.

Use that nootropic flooded brain of yours to learn something from this experience.

Let it drop, and move on.

The person responseable for making this thread into a debacle was you.

Let it drop, and move on.

Thank you for sharing your opinion with us today. As I stated before, I am not going to chase my tail on this issue.

Take care.

#56 4jacques

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Posted 17 April 2005 - 09:28 PM

Those pyridoxamine tests by AOR are pretty bad!
Is AOR testing any other samples?

#57 LifeMirage

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Posted 18 April 2005 - 01:15 AM

Those pyridoxamine tests by AOR are pretty bad!
Is AOR testing any other samples?

They have been hard at work trying to find a cost effective source to put in their Amadori Shield formula.

#58 jeffwhitmore

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 07:36 AM

Hi, I'm an old friend of Mike "Rizzer" and he is the real deal, an orginal. He singlehandedly brought doen prices for everyone in this market. He's always had killer products and killer prices. Now he has killer customer service. Anyone is free to call me or him at 201-766-1086. I basically live at the offices, my name is Jeff Whitmore. Expect good things from us. This weekend I am adding CoA images on our site. The innovations will continue. I also started a new product announcement list and an ad free discussion group at Yahoogroups. The addresses to send a blank email to join are are Smi2ledotbiz-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and Mondonootropia-subscribe@yahoogroups.com, respectively.
I won't be posting here regularly. I just want to help the revolution :-)


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Posted 23 April 2005 - 10:40 AM

Are the continuing innovations in smart-assed hangups and negligent excuse making really worth dragging alongside this new business attitude , Jeff?
Here's a joke: "How many times can a Smi2le.piz customer be told that products will be in for shipment *"in two weeks"* over two months time before they fucking lose their patience with the rude phone manner with which they are treated?"
Punch-line: I don't know, but take a survey of all the people Pizzer ripped off only because they "bothered him with too e-mails and phone calls".
You had to walk on egg shells with that guy; he has some business, or should I just say social, ineptitude when it comes time to end a call as I experienced when he hadn't the slightest tact displayed in his mocking of my speech impediment and then abruptly hanging up. That was each time I called. I'm still waiting for my refund. Hope you have enough ethical fiber to realize you should mop up after your employer's sloppy and disrespectful treatment of customers past if you want any in the future.
You have to realize I bought from Smi2le even after bad reports; he delivered some things but to this day he's either wearing some sweet ass jeans or a really cheap suit on my dime and I'm not happy about his maligned twisting of Paypal's weak buyer safety regulations by issuing one postal tracking number as evidence for shipping all of my order. I guess everyone here will say I took a risk and got what came to me; but you "Jeff Whitmore", what do you think? Read up on the associated posts on here and over at the avant labs forum to hear some of the complaints and ill-favored opinions I so foolishly ignored in hope of reaping the benefits of Smi2le's "killer prices".

#60 vortexentity

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 03:19 PM

I paid for my order of pyridoxamine DiHCL about 3 months ago and have never received it. I ordered with several other items and I did receive them. I got my RALA, and pregnenolone from smi2le.biz.

I got only a green slip of paper with pyridoxamine circled in place of my ordered item. When I called Mike and ask him he said it was in stock. They took 2 weeks to ship and only did so after I reversed the paypal on them. When the order came finally it showed that the date it was sent was the very day after I reversed the paypal charge.

This is not the way I like to do business. I spoke to Mike on a Saturday night and he said he would send the order the following Monday. It was 2 weeks to the day when he finally sent the order and it was not even complete.

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