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How to suppress sex drive?

Elus's Photo Elus 31 Jul 2010

Hey guys,

I just wanted to know if there is anything I can take to help lower my sex drive. It would really help not having to think about female anatomy every 2 seconds while I'm studying in the University.


chrono's Photo chrono 31 Jul 2010

A lithium dosing schedule like the one in this thread (5mg at bedtime, 1.25mg at breakfast) suppressed my sex drive pretty significantly, without much brainfog. Which was one of the reasons I switched to night-only dosing. Though I'm not sure if others have noticed this, or if it would persist much beyond the first month or so.
Edited by chrono, 31 July 2010 - 01:28 AM.

1kgcoffee's Photo 1kgcoffee 31 Jul 2010

Calorie restriction? There's the added benefit of BDNF.

nito's Photo nito 31 Jul 2010

Hey guys,

I just wanted to know if there is anything I can take to help lower my sex drive. It would really help not having to think about female anatomy every 2 seconds while I'm studying in the University.


Lol believe me i have that same problem and have had it for some time. I'm also depressed which is why Zoloft could come in handy as anti depressants can lower your sex drive dramatically.

chrono's Photo chrono 31 Jul 2010

You might also look into hair loss treatments. Substances like propecia (finasteride) reduce DHT, which can have a negative impact on libido.

chris w's Photo chris w 31 Jul 2010

You might also look into hair loss treatments. Substances like propecia (finasteride) reduce DHT, which can have a negative impact on libido.

AFAIK the impact of Propecia on libido actually tends to be more than meagre in only small numbers of users and may also subdue over time. I'm 25, I've been using it for 4 years profilactically ( males in both lines of my family bald as a knee ) and haven't noticed anything dramatic. Indeed my libido is somewhat weaker than I remember it when I was 20, but that's it - I'm not a youngster anymore and Elus is if I remember.

If it bothers you, just wait till you're my age, you're gonna miss it ;)

jackdaniels's Photo jackdaniels 31 Jul 2010

Recently run out of zinc, and have noticed a good drop in libido...so you could try cutting that out if your supplementing it!

Thorsten3's Photo Thorsten3 31 Jul 2010

Hey I have suffered with this it can be really debilatating and destructive, especially to your spirit. Constantly thinking about getting off is really damaging to my wellbeing.

I notice certain things I take really ramp my sex drive up to the point where I can't contain myself.

I need to stay away from the combination of agomelatine (which increases my libido anyway), AMT (only used very occasionally, recreationally but makes me horny as f**k) and tongkat ali (enough said).

Plus I have finally given up cigarettes (for 3 months now - gave up after I noticed ED and impotence issues when I was smoking as much as 10 a day).. After giving up my libido increased and the ED dissapeared. I never want to go near that toxic filth ever again. Every time I think I maight fancy a cigarette I imagine what it is doing to the arteries - especially to my manhood - no thanks.

I agree the serotonin based compounds will decrease your sex drive. Lithium would be a good choice.
Edited by Thorsten, 31 July 2010 - 06:37 PM.

Imagination's Photo Imagination 31 Jul 2010

i've heard 5-htp can reduce your sex drive.

Other than that, do some hard exercise and knock one out before you study.

k10's Photo k10 31 Jul 2010

Any of the SSRI's will do it...

pycnogenol's Photo pycnogenol 31 Jul 2010

A lithium dosing schedule like the one in this thread (5mg at bedtime, 1.25mg at breakfast)
suppressed my sex drive pretty significantly, without much brainfog. Which was one of the reasons I switched to night-only dosing. Though I'm not sure if others have
noticed this, or if it would persist much beyond the first month or so.

Hi Chrono - now that you've mentioned it when I recently upped my lithium orotate to 10 mg my libido did indeed drop. Taking 5 mg did not affect my libido.

I also take 5-HTP once in a while (50 mg) and have not noticed any difference in my libido.
Edited by pycnogenol, 31 July 2010 - 10:46 PM.

ajnast4r's Photo ajnast4r 31 Jul 2010

Hey guys,

I just wanted to know if there is anything I can take to help lower my sex drive. It would really help not having to think about female anatomy every 2 seconds while I'm studying in the University.


have sex or masturbate immediately prior to studying

You might also look into hair loss treatments. Substances like propecia (finasteride) reduce DHT, which can have a negative impact on libido.

horrible idea
Edited by ajnast4r, 31 July 2010 - 11:04 PM.

The Immortalist's Photo The Immortalist 01 Aug 2010

Don't worry having a rampant sex drive is a good thing. Your going to miss it when your older. Use your sex drive to your advantage. Be like "if I don't get over 85% on this test, I won't crack a fat until I get over 85% on the next test".

chrono's Photo chrono 01 Aug 2010

AFAIK the impact of Propecia on libido actually tends to be more than meagre in only small numbers of users and may also subdue over time. I'm 25, I've been using it for 4 years profilactically ( males in both lines of my family bald as a knee ) and haven't noticed anything dramatic. Indeed my libido is somewhat weaker than I remember it when I was 20, but that's it - I'm not a youngster anymore and Elus is if I remember.

Hmm. My understanding from the discussions on places like hairlosstalk is that it's very difficult to uncouple a systemic inhibition of DHT with reduction in libido, and that the effect is fairly common and significant. I might be wrong, but you could be one of the lucky ones.

horrible idea

Any chance of hearing why? My understanding is that (reversible) reduction in libido is one of the few common drawbacks to DHT reducers like fin, but to be honest I haven't reviewed it very extensively. Don't get me wrong, reducing libido doesn't sound like that great an idea to me, but I was just trying to propose the viable solutions I knew of.

I guess I would have to say that more frequent sex and masturbation doesn't seem that likely to reduce thoughts about sex, either. ;) Perhaps briefly, but it's a very temporary solution, which will probably cause an overall exacerbation.

Ark's Photo Ark 01 Aug 2010


low carb diet

Ark's Photo Ark 01 Aug 2010

Also take plenty of shits, people get consipated and eat to much, which in result can cause build up poop that presses against your prostate, try plantains to clear your stomach out.

curious_sle's Photo curious_sle 01 Aug 2010

Um, hops springs to my mind... thats also the reason why it is in beer... monks used tu suppress their sex drive with it heh... (anecdotaly perhaps, but it shure worked for me...)

chrono's Photo chrono 01 Aug 2010

One of the components of hops may have estrogenic properties, so this might have other effects beyond reducing sex drive (babcock mentioned in another thread that hops workers were disposed to grow 'man boobs'):

The endocrine activities of 8-prenylnaringenin and related hop (Humulus lupulus L.) flavonoids.
Milligan SR, Kalita JC, Pocock V, Van De Kauter V, Stevens JF, Deinzer ML, Rong H, De Keukeleire D.
Endocrinology and Reproduction Research Group, School of Biomedical Sciences, King's College

The female flowers of the hop plant have long been used as a preservative and a flavoring agent in beer, but they are now being included in some herbal preparations for women for "breast enhancement." This study investigated the relative estrogenic, androgenic and progestogenic activities of the known phytoestrogen, 8-prenylnaringenin, and structurally related hop flavonoids. 6-Prenylnaringenin, 6,8-diprenylnaringenin and 8-geranylnaringenin exhibited some estrogenicity, but their potency was less than 1% of that of 8-prenylnaringenin. 8-Prenylnaringenin alone competed strongly with 17ss-estradiol for binding to both the alpha- and ss-estrogen receptors. None of the compounds (xanthohumol, isoxanthohumol, 8-prenyl-naringenin, 6-prenylnaringenin, 3'-geranylchalconaringenin, 6-geranylnaringenin, 8-geranylnaringenin, 4'-O:-methyl-3'-prenylchalconaringenin and 6,8-diprenylnaringenin) nor polyphenolic hop extracts showed progestogenic or androgenic bioactivity. These results indicate that the endocrine properties of hops and hop products are due to the very high estrogenic activity of 8-prenylnaringenin and concern must be expressed about the unrestricted use of hops in herbal preparations for women.

PMID: 11134162 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Comparison of the in vitro estrogenic activities of compounds from hops (Humulus lupulus) and red clover (Trifolium pratense).
Overk CR, Yao P, Chadwick LR, Nikolic D, Sun Y, Cuendet MA, Deng Y, Hedayat AS, Pauli GF, Farnsworth NR, van Breemen RB, Bolton JL.
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, University of Illinois

Because the prevailing form of hormone replacement therapy is associated with the development of cancer in breast and endometrial tissues, alternatives are needed for the management of menopausal symptoms. Formulations of Trifolium pratense L. (red clover) are being used to alleviate menopause-associated hot flashes but have shown mixed results in clinical trials. The strobiles of Humulus lupulusL. (hops) have been reported to contain the prenylflavanone, 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), as the most estrogenic constituent, and this was confirmed using an estrogen receptor ligand screening assay utilizing ultrafiltration mass spectrometry. Extracts of hops and red clover and their individual constituents including 8-PN, 6-prenylnaringenin (6-PN), isoxanthohumol (IX), and xanthohumol (XN) from hops and daidzein, formononetin, biochanin A, and genistein from red clover were compared using a variety of in vitro estrogenic assays. The IC50 values for the estrogen receptor alpha and beta binding assays were 15 and 27 microg/mL, respectively, for hops and 18.0 and 2.0 microg/mL, respectively, for the red clover extract. Both of the extracts, genistein, and 8-PN activated the estrogen response element (ERE) in Ishikawa cells while the extracts, biochanin A, genistein, and 8-PN, significantly induced ERE-luciferase expression in MCF-7 cells. Hop and red clover extracts as well as 8-PN up-regulated progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA in the Ishikawa cell line. In the MCF-7 cell line, PR mRNA was significantly up-regulated by the extracts, biochanin A, genistein, 8-PN, and IX. The two extracts had EC50 values of 1.1 and 1.9 microg/mL, respectively, in the alkaline phosphatase induction assay. On the basis of these data, hops and red clover could be attractive for the development as herbal dietary supplements to alleviate menopause-associated symptoms.

PMID: 16076101 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Although there's some doubt about magnitude in vivo [3] [4], and even some anti-estrogen activity [5].

outsider's Photo outsider 02 Aug 2010

Maybe your dopamine is high.

But I've only researched to improve my libido so let's make a quick google search...

Herbs are sometimes used to decrease libido. Herbs can remedy an abnormally high sex drive or otherwise decrease a person's libido. Some men may desire herbal remedies for an excessive libido to prevent sudden, unexpected or embarrassing erections. Herbs that decrease libido are also known as anaphrodisiacs.


The quirky saying about how certain alcohols can cause a man to become temporarily affected with erectile dysfunction isn't just a saying. Hops is the ingredient used to give beer its signature bitter taste--and it also can cause a person's libido to drop. Hops may cause vaginal dryness in females; in males, hops may lead to failure to obtain an erection.

Chaste Berry

Known botanically as Vitex; the berries of the chaste tree received their nickname because of their effect on the libido when they are consumed. Long ago, monks began to consume chaste berries to subdue their natural sexual urges to remain pure. This practice earned the chaste berries another nickname: Monk's Pepper. Chaste berries are often used to rebalance hormones in women and give consistency to ovulation and menstruation.


Because valerian is also a suppressant herb, like hops, it may work to decrease an excessively high libido. Valerian is used to calm nerve-related responses to physical pains and normal physical function. Valerian is also used to induce relaxation and acts as a sleep aid. It has been known to relieve menstrual cramps. In the case of libido, valerian is not scientifically proven to decrease libido, but many users claim to have experienced a lowered sex drive due to other effects it has.


Skullcap works by lowering blood pressure, which can make erections harder to obtain. Skullcap also suppresses nervous system responses such as arousal.


A Chinese herb called rehmannia glutinosa is known to remedy hormone deficiencies that cause people to have increased libidos and feel obligated to procreate frequently. Another herbal hormone suppressant with the same effect is ligustrum.

Azeroth Girl's Photo Azeroth Girl 02 Aug 2010

5-HTP is a precursor to Serotonin - I really don't think it can reduce the sex drive. Quite the opposite actually.

The easy, cheap and "cheerfull" method is to take Bromide in pills of flakes. That's what they give to soldiers in the army. However it can be toxic in large amounts so you only need a tiny bit.

Elus's Photo Elus 03 Aug 2010

Thanks for all the responses! I will do a bit of research (As I had done already - just wanted more input), but the hair loss products seem a bit sketchy :D. We'll see.

Thanks again!
Edited by Elus Efelier, 03 August 2010 - 11:49 PM.

shazam's Photo shazam 04 Aug 2010

Thanks for all the responses! I will do a bit of research (As I had done already - just wanted more input), but the hair loss products seem a bit sketchy :D. We'll see.

Thanks again!

Hmm... do you really need a drug for this? Either knock one out with haste beforehand as suggested or just deal with it and keep on task regardless imo.

Sounds like you're getting your exercise at least.

Ghostrider's Photo Ghostrider 04 Aug 2010

Just simply think about people you find very unattractive...if you need help walk through a fastfood restaurant...

Mishael's Photo Mishael 05 Aug 2010

My solution for you is that mentioned in principle by some here, which is, get rid of what is stimulating you. Girls are obviously stimulating you. Tough thing is you are in college and the way women dress today they should be handcuffed and put in jail for lewdness. Something I noticed about myself is this, when I look at a woman, especially one I would like to be with, it evokes pleasure in me but when I look away, it goes away. It is kind of like the Medusa effect (Greek mythology allusion here). The simple act of looking triggers excitement, and the more you look the more excited you will become and this often leads to enticement and allurement. You have to conscientiously refocus, turn away, stop looking and the excitement will cease. This can be extremely hard to do and feel awkward in college, which I will also be attending soon for nursing school, and this will be my strategy, which I know works but will obviously be extremely hard to implement seeing that all the students are going to be mostly female. Another thing is DO NOT MASTURBATE OR LOOK AT PORN. This is by far the worst thing you can do to yourself. I hope you realize that masturbation is like doing drugs and you can become highly addicted to it. If you are doing this chances are you are already an addict and it will be so extremely hard for you to stop. I appreciate you concern. It is a worthy concern, indeed. My policy is SCHOOL IS NOT FOR FLIRTING. You are there to learn and to drill yourself and others with the course material so that you can leave there and be useful etc. Now I would simply suggest that you practice conscientiousness in the following ways. Have a time for waking up and going to sleep and develop integrity to do it consistently. Have a time for eating at a regular time and have integrity to do it. Have a time for physical activity of your choice at a certain time and also a time for study. Developing integrity in these things will give you integrity to resist these urges. When you socialize, particularly during the weekends, this could be a source for deviation, temptation, but you should socialize of course. I think you just have to be careful. If you have integrity during the week you should be able to do fine in the weekends.

APHRODISIAC PLANTS: Onion, peppermint, black pepper, white pepper, winter savory, vanilla, ginger, sweet flag, cinnamon tree, saffron, gentian, early purple orchid, ginseng, damiana, sage, rosemary, nasturtium

ANAPHRODISIAC PLANTS: Hops (infusion of cones), water lily (infusion of flowers or rhizome), white willow (infusion of flowers), prickly lettuce (decoction use 100g per liter of water add honey, every day, around four cups per day), CAMPHOR TREE.

"Dioscorides said (about prickly lettuce), 'it stops wet dreams and represses the disorderly appetite for fornication.'"

(Lactuca virosa L.) also called Acrid lettuce, poison lettuce, green lettuce, wild lettuce. Use wild lettuce or well grown and blooming when farmed lettuce.

You can also do a lactucarium, usually from 0.1 to 1g in a daily intake.

You can also make fresh juice. Use blender, mix with lemon juice if desired. Drink half a cup two or three times daily.

CAMPHOR TREE "The CAMPHOR TREE is a thousand year old tree which begins to produce camphor when it reaches 30 years of age. In China there are camphor trees which are up to two thousand years old. Camphor is a white crystalline substance obtained after condensation of the essential oil, distilled from the camphor wood. From a chemical standpoint, it is a ketone of the borneol, an aromatic hydrocarbon, with a strong aroma, and a cool, spiced flavor. It is a CARDIAC AND RESPIRATORY STIMULANT. It stimulates the nervous centers of respiration and heart activity, increasing the frequency and deepness of breath, and strengthens the heart (analeptic action). It is used for lung congestion (bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma), fainting, hypotension, arrhythmia, and blackouts. Antiseptic and febrifuge very useful for influenza and colds. Anaphrodisiac decreases sexual exitement. Antirheumatic and analgesic camphor oil or alcohol is used in external applications in lotions in order to alleviate rheumatic aches and neuralgia."

Scientific synonym. Laurus camphora L., Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Steb.

For internal use, use camphor powder up to 0.5 g a day divided into three or four intakes.

The medicinal part of this post was taken from Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants written by George D. Pamplona-Roger, M.D.

I have never tried this for said problem so I cannot testify to its effectiveness and the author has no works cited or bibliography.
Edited by Mishael, 05 August 2010 - 01:10 PM.

michael chang's Photo michael chang 08 Aug 2010

Actually non-masturbating works in the long run, if you can handle that one to two weeks of 'Vwithdrawal syndrome'.

Animal's Photo Animal 08 Aug 2010

Actually non-masturbating works in the long run, if you can handle that one to two weeks of 'Vwithdrawal syndrome'.

Yeah but you'll just start dropping loads in wet dreams instead, which can be rather messy I can tell you. :wacko:

chris w's Photo chris w 08 Aug 2010

Actually non-masturbating works in the long run, if you can handle that one to two weeks of 'Vwithdrawal syndrome'.

Yeah but you'll just start dropping loads in wet dreams instead, which can be rather messy I can tell you. :wacko:

Haha, yeah, thirteen and confused all over again..

wiserd's Photo wiserd 03 Sep 2010

1. As mentioned previously, calorie restriction. Get some low calorie green vegetables (root vegetables like carrots and beets have too much sugar) blend with water and strain. You'll get a lot of nutrients this way with very few calories. In particular, avoid fat.

2. Sunlight.

3. Aerobic exercise (not strength training.)

4. If you have trouble getting to sleep at night, use melatonin.

dangerroadhumps's Photo dangerroadhumps 10 Sep 2010

not like you want to start messing around with the sugarbeeteess, but metformin will definitely deflate your libido.

But that's a drug, not a supp

lifeguy's Photo lifeguy 15 Sep 2010

5-HTP is a precursor to Serotonin - I really don't think it can reduce the sex drive. Quite the opposite actually.

The easy, cheap and "cheerfull" method is to take Bromide in pills of flakes. That's what they give to soldiers in the army. However it can be toxic in large amounts so you only need a tiny bit.

Whoaa! SSRI's are notorious for wreaking havoc on the sex drive. Do a quick internet search on serotonin or SSRI's and sex drive and you will be overwhelmed with evidence thereof. It happens to be one of the biggest drawbacks to increased serotonin levels.

Having said that, you might want to be careful with neurotransmitter-affecting chems, especially if you are young and have important studies ahead of you. I'm referring to the commonly-prescribed SSRI's. Save them for the summer if you want to experiment and then use whatever you feel comfortable with in the fall after having done your internal and external research.

For now, you could consider going the 5-HTP route, at least in the short term. This does increase serotonin but in a less brute way, IMO. I had started taking it for stress and night relaxation when, after several days, my then GF asked me if I had planned on being with her anytime soon (seems I had been neglecting that area). I was shocked when it occurred to me that I couldn't recall having one sexual thought in the previous 2-3 days! And this coming from a guy who, well, like any other guy normally thinks about it all the time. I stopped immediately and those normal thoughts started popping back in again.

It's funny that, since then, I have usually warned people about this downside of 5-HTP. But I guess it could be of some benefit if you don't want those distractions. Great for a monk or anyone trying to be celibate. It definitely took that edge off me and a lot more. I imagine tryptophan would have a similar effect also. Just keep in mind that everyone's neurochemistry is different and if it is powerful enough to effect one part of the psyche then it is probably powerful enough to effect another.