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Duplicate Domain names and Search Engines

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#1 rwac

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 12:47 AM

I was googling for duplicate domain names, when this potential issue came up. I made this a new thread, because it seems like it's important.

If two domain names point to the same content, then it's possible that google will include only one of them to index.
Another possibility is that imminst search ranking will drop, but I don't think that has happened.

Someone should check. Did the number of people coming in from google drop when longecity came online (approximately 18 months ago) ?

This definitely needs to be considered before we use multiple domain names. It's possible that we will have to redirect other names to a single primary domain name. (longecity.org ?)

Some older threads about longecity.

http://www.imminst.o...1323-longecity/ (via AgeVivo, I can't access this thread)

#2 AgeVivo

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 01:33 AM

Indeed.with rwac we read that google downrates or even bans duplicate websites.

If you use any method other than domain redirecting, you are going to be disappointed with your search rank. Domain mirroring, masking, cloaking and aliases confuse search engines because they see the same content under a different domain name. Google then selects one of the domain names to display that content and leaves the others out of the search results. Google chooses for you – since you are not aware of how to manage your duplicate content issues – and no one knows which domain name Google will choose. You could be saying “bye-bye” to all the hard-earned link juice pointed at your main domain name.

The more serious issue with domain mirroring/masking is the probability that Google suspects you are trying to manipulate search rank by suddenly using keywords in additional domain names. The result is either loss of whatever good ranking you did have or your site is banned from Google altogether. Ouch!

Serious threat or geek story?
What happens then to downloadng mirror websites? Who google news and yahoo news that get the same journalistic contents as many other web sites?
It would be interesting to see if imminst had some ranking drop in the past:
- in November I had started longecity.com and automatically included somme imminst and MF content. The design of the website was different, much content was different, and the reason for content reuse was clear.
- a few months ago I failed to repay for longecity.org ontime and Caliban bought it. It is an alias: the design and content are the same as imminst, and the reason for content reuse was not clear.
Did it cause any drop in Imminst ranking? May it hapen in some future?

Do we need to choose between Imminst or Longecity or another name?
If we trust what we read, the best solution is to choose one main domain name: imminst.org, longecity.org, or something else, and if a visitor goes to any other domain name he will be redirected to the main one

#3 AgeVivo

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 09:03 PM

Actually imminst.com and imminst.org are aliases. This is not good in terms of google ranking. We should rather use a 301 redirection from imminst.com to imminst.org

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#4 rwac

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 09:47 PM

Actually imminst.com and imminst.org are aliases. This is not good in terms of google ranking. We should rather use a 301 redirection from imminst.com to imminst.org

Add lifespansociety.org to the list.Well, the forums are identical anyway.

Edited by rwac, 07 August 2010 - 09:47 PM.

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