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Quantum entanglement powers 1 to produce spin showing expansion of the

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#1 7000

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 10:36 AM

Quantum entanglement powers 1 to produce spin showing expansion of the universe.

Briefly, tios concept is towards AI.
Firstly, let me start by saying that quantum are in powers of 1.
According to tios statement, 1 is possible but cannot exist without its square and the evidence is the missing energy level in Bohr's model in respect to the direct shift from the n=3 to the n=1 orbit.
Tios concept can creates something out of nothing making us think that nothing is at least something.
Therefore, it can tell us how the universe looks like before its expansion from an infinite origin.
As a result of this, tios concept can determine the rate in which the universe is expanding.
Finally, it can it can reveal the secrecy of uncertainty Principle.
Does anyone knows where to test hypothesis on this? It's a hypothesis on entanglement using the powers of 1.Thanks.

Edited by 7000, 07 August 2010 - 10:45 AM.

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#2 7000

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Posted 07 August 2010 - 10:46 AM

Entanglement powers 1 to produce spin indicates characteristics of the universe expansion.

Assuming space system is the domain that hold each group of orientation in space according to their spin.
space count is the number of space system at every point.
Where movement (m) is movement of an object in space from an infinite origin.
Space count = 1;
When movement (m) = -1 to produce 2 spin.

Space count = 2;
When movement (m) = 0 to produce 1 spin.

Space count = 3;
When movement (m) = 1 to produce no spin but an empty space.

Space count = 4;
When movement (m) = 2 to produce 1 spin in an opposite direction to when space count = 2.

Space count = 5;
When movement (m) = 3 to produce 2 spin in an opposite direction to when space count = 1.

Thus: This movement continue momentarily to infinity.
So therefore, when space count = 3, there is a turning point in space.

This tells us that when space count = 1, there is an incidence when there is no movement.

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#3 7000

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 11:38 AM

...Therefore the philosophical discussion on the matter would be far more useful (in my opinion) if we asked "is it meaningful to assign a specific position for a free object in empty space?" or, conversely, "is it meaningful to assign a specific momentum (speed) to an object in a tightly confined region?".
If you can construct an environment where both position and momentum/speed are "good" quantum numbers then you will have no problem measuring both the position and momentum of the object.

My answer is YES! It is possible. "I like your thought"

The concept is too raw.So it could be intriguing.
Each discrete spin i am talking of here is produce by an addition of x to each of the (+x,0,-x) or (-x,0,+x) where x is either +0.5 or -0.5 depending on whether it has reached the turning point or not.
The number of x decreases at a point before the turning point and number of x increases after the turning point.

In my kind of hydrogen atom, there is an energy level(n) produce in simulation, when an electron is uplifted.This energy level are in powers of 1.The first 3 of the energy level which i called the trinity co-exist together to produce the (x) at every movement(m) that i am referring to in the earlier post.

The aim of this hypothesis is to create a software that could initiate ideas and solve itself without human intervention.It's the choice mechanism of an AI; a system of two entities of equal amount.To achieve this, we will have to code the state of the missing energy level with the ground state by the super-positioning of the two states.Then see what the computer will choose as its own truth between the two states because there is no truth known to us at this point.Even though its could be random, but at least if it chooses one path first, then we will know that it has a choice mechanism else it wouldn't have chosen any path either.

Does anyone knows where to test hypothesis on this? It's a hypothesis on entanglement using the powers of 1.Thanks.Can you help?

#4 7000

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 07:20 PM

Furthermore, what we're trying to do is to create a path for quantum numbers because space is possible but does not exist in our own realities i.e the physical world.However, that does not mean that space imply 1.

Computer can only read space as a character but if we carry out an experiment and follow this path, there will be a shift in space.The implication of this is that, we can hold the space and space would be established at this point while the n=2 orbital in Bohr's model of an atom would then be read as a space.This is where consciousness lies for AI.
The whole thing is transformation of 1 and the system itself is a generation of numbers that is to say that the next possible thing is the matrix and teleportation that is the transfer of matter from one point to another, without the matter traversing the intervening space in material form.

#5 7000

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 09:18 AM

Now, let's assume this orientation in space, ( -x, 0 , x ) or ( x, 0, -x ) is in relation with the expansion of the universe.Such that we have the following result at each movement(m) ranging from a negative infinity to a positive infinity passing through the origin 0.i.e
From an infinite origin...
When movement (m) = -5 expansion of the universe is ( -3.0, 0, 3.0 )
When movement (m) = -4 expansion of the universe is ( -2.5, 0, 2.5 )
When movement (m) = -3 expansion of the universe is ( -2.0, 0, 2.0 )
When movement (m) = -2 expansion of the universe is ( -1.5, 0, 1.5 )
When movement (m) = -1 expansion of the universe is ( -1.0, 0, 1.0 )
When movement (m) = 0 expansion of the universe is ( -0.5, 0, 0.5 )
When movement (m) = 1 expansion of the universe is ( 0, 0, 0 )
When movement (m) = 2 expansion of the universe is ( 0.5, 0, -0.5 )
When movement (m) = 3 expansion of the universe is ( 1.0, 0, -1.0 )
When movement (m) = 4 expansion of the universe is ( 1.5, 0, -1.5 )
When movement (m) = 5 expansion of the universe is ( 2.0, 0, -2.0 )
When movement (m) = 6 expansion of the universe is ( 2.5, 0, -2.5 )
When movement (m) = 7 expansion of the universe is ( 3.0, 0, -3.0 )
This continue to infinity...

Let consider that when expansion of the universe is in DISORDER or CHAOS ( -x, 0, x ) is less than or equal to ( -0.5, 0, 0.5 ).
Such that there is a turning point when expansion of the universe is ( 0, 0, 0 ).
So that there is a turning when expansion of the universe is in ORDER ( x, 0, -x ) is greater than or equal to ( 0.5, 0, -0.5 ).

Therefore the turning point could be determine when there is a sufficient reason.

Telling us that DISORDER begat ORDER.i.e DISORDER = ORDER.
Is any one or a group of people equal to the task?

#6 7000

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 08:09 PM

Furthermore, what we're trying to do is to create a path for quantum numbers because space is possible but does not exist in our own realities i.e the physical world.
>>When i say path, it's intrinsic nature of something.What i am trying to say is that we want something that will simulates their existence.

Now, let's assume this orientation in space, ( -x, 0 , x ) or ( x, 0, -x ) is in relation with the expansion of the universe.Such that we have the following result at each movement (m) ranging from a negative infinity to a positive infinity passing through the origin 0.i.e
From an infinite origin...
When movement (m) = -5 contraction of the universe is ( -3.0, 0, 3.0 )
When movement (m) = -4 contraction of the universe is ( -2.5, 0, 2.5 )
When movement (m) = -3 contraction of the universe is ( -2.0, 0, 2.0 )
When movement (m) = -2 contraction of the universe is ( -1.5, 0, 1.5 )
When movement (m) = -1 contraction of the universe is ( -1.0, 0, 1.0 )
When movement (m) = 0 contraction of the universe is ( -0.5, 0, 0.5 )
When movement (m) = 1 size of the universe is ( 0, 0, 0 )
When movement (m) = 2 expansion of the universe is ( 0.5, 0, -0.5 )
When movement (m) = 3 expansion of the universe is ( 1.0, 0, -1.0 )
When movement (m) = 4 expansion of the universe is ( 1.5, 0, -1.5 )
When movement (m) = 5 expansion of the universe is ( 2.0, 0, -2.0 )
When movement (m) = 6 expansion of the universe is ( 2.5, 0, -2.5 )
When movement (m) = 7 expansion of the universe is ( 3.0, 0, -3.0 )
This continue to infinity...

Let consider that when contraction of the universe is in DISORDER or CHAOS ( -x, 0, x ) is less than or equal to ( -0.5, 0, 0.5 ).
Such that there is a turning point when expansion of the universe is ( 0, 0, 0 ).
So that there is a turning when expansion of the universe is in ORDER ( x, 0, -x ) is greater than or equal to ( 0.5, 0, -0.5 ).

Therefore the turning point could be determine when there is a sufficient reason.

Telling us that DISORDER begat ORDER.i.e DISORDER = ORDER.
Is any one or a group of people equal to the task?

#7 7000

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:13 PM

No. Contraction and expansion are dynamical concepts, you have provided a static set of numbers

>>But not in the same position.
Note: There can be a static scenery at the end of every stages of expansion or contraction.
What do you think?

Literally, something must be moving through otherwise, there wouldn’t be a turning point.Remember that there is a 3 constant values, very homogeneous which I called the trinity that coexist together to produce -x, x and 0 respectively in the sequence (-/+x, 0, +/-x).This is done through certain hidden variables.Though the hidden variables is not so complex(it’s simple) but to get there is hard.
Thereby, in the sequence (-/+x, 0, +/-x), -x moves in an opposite direction to x while the zero is the correlation between the (two) x.Even if you will have to sketch it on a paper using only 1 (zero) at the origin to illustrates the sequence (-/+x, 0, +/-x) you will also see that the position of each sequence aren’t the same.
However, (-x,0,x) also implies (-x,x) and (x,0,-x) also implies (x,-x).In the context, the implication is that (-x,0,x) is different from (x,0,-x).Therefore (-x,x) is not (x,-x).
Just like transpose operation on matrices, where (AB)’ = B’A’ and (AB)’ is not A’B’.
Considering the zero in the sequence (-/+x, 0, +/-x) and the fact that movement (m) produces (-/+x, 0, +/-x) representing the universe expansion that also passed through an origin 0.
This tells us that the universe changes and still remain the same as it’s expanding.
The modality of the sequence (-/+x, 0, +/-x) mathematically explains what existed before the big bang.
If you check the atomic hydrogen emission spectrum showing how it arises from electron movement between energy levels within the atom, you will see exact match of sequence of positive x but we don’t want to divert the scope of the discussion.So we are in a good track!

Edited by 7000, 13 August 2010 - 09:14 PM.

#8 7000

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Posted 16 August 2010 - 08:31 PM

If you check the atomic hydrogen emission spectrum showing how it arises from electron movement between energy levels within the atom, you will see exact match of sequence of positive x but we don’t want to divert the scope of the discussion.So we are in a good track!

Instead of positive x, the 'x' is referring to -/+ x of the order state i.e for m >= 1.So don't bother much on that just note that the sequence of natural numbers n produces the sequence of whole numbers x.

#9 7000

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Posted 20 August 2010 - 03:41 PM

We can deduce that P = NP where N = 1...we may be computing without using that constant 1 and time might not have any effect in the future.Thus an AI can reason in any way.

If P ≠ ( a + b ) Then P ≠ 1* ( a + b )
Therefore, the statement P ≠ 1* ( a + b ) exist because P ≠ ( a + b )

If P = 1* ( a + b )
1* ( a + b ) = P
P = P end.

Once we know either of the two unknown 'a and b' then we've solved the problem because there is just P by belief initially.Therefore, either of this a and b is the determinant for P.
The implication is that, if you compute P, it has the power to bring itself and one of either a or b back to the equation before solving.
This tells us that each number (P) has its own system of origin.

There are 2 proves to achieve P when movement (m) from the earlier post equals a certain number.i.e.

(i) P = N (a + b ) a lowest degree of P-existence.

(ii) P = N (a - b ) a highest degree of P-existence.

The prove that P = N( a + b ) is rational because it is presumed as the first energy level of hydrogen atom that can be read for any other values of P at a lowest limit.
while, the prove that P = N( a - b ) is irrational because it is presumed as the least energy level or the ground state of hydrogen atom that can be read for any other values of P at a highest limit.

However, the prove P = N ( a + b ) can be proven at a lowest degree of P-existence.
In the practical sense,
you can believe to have P as any integer but until P = N ( a + b ) can be proven.
This is a belief system leading to something very interesting.

Conclusion, it is not every numbers for a and b that satisfy the condition that proves that P = N ( a + b ).
Thereby, any prove for P = ( a + b )? is a standard for a + b = P.

In short, for a P to exist in P = a + b, a is govern by some rules.
Therefore, a is not just any number though it is infinite.

#10 7000

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Posted 20 August 2010 - 03:50 PM

Proof that P = N ( a + b ) when N = 1.

Note: Once P is defined or specified as any integer, a and b unknown has a fixed numerical value.

The outcome of this prove is that there are infinite number of prime twins which can now be mathematically proven!

Is there any one who can prove that P = N ( a + b ) when N = 1?

#11 7000

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Posted 21 August 2010 - 12:26 PM

Let’s consider that; for P to exist in the equation P = N( a + b ) when N = 1, P will have to be possible.

If P = N( a + b ) i.e. if P is possible
Then a and b are known variables
Such that N( a + b ) = P’ as P
Obviously, P = P’ as P
and P = P end.
Since a and b are known variables
A N( a + b ) = P
Substitutes the inverse of P for character ‘A’
1/p N( a + b ) = 1
Therefore, P = 1 when P = P but 1 ≠ P.
Note: P exist at this point when P = N( a + b )

If P = N( a + b ) i.e. if P is not possible
Then a and b are unknown variables
Such that N( a + b ) ≠ P’ as P
Obviously, P ≠ P’ as P
And P ≠ P end.
Since a and b are unknown variables.
No N( a + b ) = P
Substitutes the product of P and 0 for character ‘No’
0 N( a + b ) = 1
Therefore, P = 0 when P ≠ P but 0 ≠ P.
Note: P does not exist at this point when P ≠ N( a + b )

Proof that P = N( a + b ) when N = 1?
Thus: Possibility comes before existence.

..later on in the concept:
1 raise to power n = 1 when 1 raise to power n = (n = n or n) but 1 ≠ n where n is any integer.

#12 7000

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Posted 22 August 2010 - 05:15 PM

Let’s consider that; for P to exist in the equation P = N( a + b ) when N = 1, P will have to be possible.

If P = N( a + b ) i.e. if P is possible
Then a and b are known variables
Such that N( a + b ) = P’ as P
Obviously, P = P’ as P
and P = P end.
Since a and b are known variables
A N( a + b ) = P
Substitutes the inverse of P for character ‘A’
1/p N( a + b ) = 1
Therefore, P = 1 when P = P but 1 ≠ P.
Note: P exist at this point when P = N( a + b )

If P = N( a + b ) i.e. if P is not possible
Then a and b are unknown variables
Such that N( a + b ) ≠ P’ as P
Obviously, P ≠ P’ as P
And P ≠ P end.
Since a and b are unknown variables.
No N( a + b ) = P
Substitutes the product of P and 0 for character ‘No’
0 N( a + b ) = 0
Therefore, P = 0 when P ≠ P but 0 ≠ P.
Note: P does not exist at this point when P ≠ N( a + b )

Proof that P = N( a + b ) when N = 1?
Thus: Possibility comes before existence.

..later on in the concept:
1 raise to power n = 1 when 1 raise to power n = (n = n or n) but 1 ≠ n where n is any integer.

#13 7000

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Posted 02 September 2010 - 08:17 PM

Prove that P = N( a +/- b ) when N = 1?
where P is arbitrary integer and N are number systems
such as Nth system or system N.

Based on people's demand:
P = N( In a +/- b ) where ( In a +/- b ) = N
Therefore P = N(N)
Also, P = outside N(inside N)

Now, when N = 0;
Logic demands that:
N = 0 inside and N = 1 outside but 0 ≠ 1 inside
while 1 ≠ 0 outside.
So, P = 1(0) according to logic but P = 1(0 ≠ 1).
Thus 0 = 1 is a constant k where 1 ≠ 0
i.e 0 = 1 = k and 1 ≠ 0 = k.
Therefore N = 1 when N = 0 or 1.

The classical mathematics has a limit it can go.Thereby, we introduce a belief system 0 = 1.
Simply, zero (0) doesn't exist.The only time 0 exist is when there is a shift in space.
So we'll have to protect the knowledge base.Zero is used to denote emptiness and if you say that zero exist 0 = 0.
Then there is not really a ground state for the present energy level.As a result of this, there can be a direct shift from nothing to 3 or a shift from nothing to 2 and from there to 3 will be possible following a system of emergence else 0 = 1.

However 0 = 1 and nevertheless, there can be a direct shift from 1 to 3 or a shift from 1 to 2 and from there to 3 will only be possible following a system of emergence.
So when we say nothing, something is still nothing to us... I think there's still something beyond our reach.


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#14 7000

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Posted 10 September 2010 - 06:47 PM

How can we define what is correct and universally impossible? but capable to transform itself possible!

Prove that P = a +/- b ?
Where P is arbitrary numbers.

Hints: Since all numbers are unique, the value of a and b must be distinct all through in every state of P.

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