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Stack for achieving in school

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#1 fur1ous

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 03:22 PM

I used to be a bad kid but at a good school with alot of academic opportunities.
Used to abuse alcohol and mdma and weed. Quit all that now though, mdma/ecstasy has had an enormous effect on my memory. At one stage I could not remember 3/4 of what happened during the week. I couldn't focus in school or keep awake. I have quit all these bad habits and put a priority on my schooling.

Since then I have been taking some supplements to help me, due to reading alot of testimonials on these. What I take at the moment is:

On waking up, and going to school:
1 Fish Oil capsule
2 800mg = 1600mg Piracetam
1 300mg Alpha GPC

Now the effect I've noticed is, I simply cannot fall asleep in classes anymore as I used too. Sure I might sometimes feel tired but not sleepy, so that's an improvement I'm happy with.
My marks and ranks are slowly going up, only according to how much effort and work I put into my subjects though. I'm not sure how piracetam is meant to feel, but I do feel different.
My body sometimes kind of feels like how I feel comming down the next day from mdma, that irritable, ugly feeling of my skin. Could be the nervous systems or something.
But my mind does to a degree feel sharper and definitely more alert.

When I study I take what I take everyday as above and include:
1-2 Huperzine A

My supply of piracetam and alpha GPC is running low and I need to purchase more supplements.
I was wondering if anybody here had any recommendations for me, a stack which I will be taking once daily before school. And maybe any additional drugs for studying that are good, because I have exams coming up.
I know and realise that the effect of supplements vary upon the individual, so I'm willing to try new stuff out that are known to be of benefit.

I have heard of ALCAR, modafinil, ritalin, can someone explain to me further on this?

Kind Regards

Edited by fur1ous, 10 August 2010 - 03:24 PM.

#2 aLurker

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 04:03 PM

Short version:

Try your current stack but with more fish oil and ALCAR first.
Use google to search the forums for similar threads. Example site:imminst.org +ALCAR

Longer version which says basically the same thing:

On waking up, and going to school:
1 Fish Oil capsule
2 800mg = 1600mg Piracetam
1 300mg Alpha GPC

Above looks great. Get more and bump up the fish oil. No idea how potent one of your capsules are but you should probably bump it up to 2-4 either way.

When I study I take what I take everyday as above and include:
1-2 Huperzine A

Some might suggest you go easy on the Huperzine and do it seldom. There are threads about this.

I have heard of ALCAR, modafinil, ritalin, can someone explain to me further on this?

You should definitely get ALCAR. Modafinil and Ritalin might be tricky to get since they are restricted pharms in many places, see a doctor about fatigue or ADD if you are seriously considering them.

Welcome and good luck.
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#3 Getting High On Life

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 04:21 PM

How is your memory? still bad?

#4 Logan

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 04:22 PM

I too would consider bumping up the fish oil just a bit, depending on how much EPA and DHA are in each capsule.

#5 health_nutty

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Posted 10 August 2010 - 04:25 PM

I also recommend ALCAR. I highly suggest you look into bulk powder (100g for around $10). It has a sour taste in water but is much much cheaper than pills.

Edited by health_nutty, 10 August 2010 - 04:25 PM.

#6 chrono

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 06:33 AM

Great advice so far. I'd also also encourage you to search, if only because there's a lot of threads asking this question, and different people respond over time.

I also highly recommend trying ALCAR. Something like ashwagandha might help with neurotoxicity caused by heaviy MDMA usage; if you want to read more about this issue, start here.

I'm also unsure if taking hup A frequently is a great idea. Inhibiting a neurotransmitter breakdown enzyme as strongly as Hup A does can reduce the body's ability to regulate that neurotransmitter, which seems like it could have more potential for harm than simply loading up on precursors. See this thread for more details.

#7 fur1ous

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Posted 11 August 2010 - 12:27 PM

Thanks for the replies guys, very informative and helpful! I will definitely take in all of your suggestions guys, lets see how this goes!
Yeah I have done a search, but I felt like I might be able to get abit more from personally posting a topic myself.

Would I be able to make my own capsules if I bought the ALCAR in bulk powder? I have alot of prior experience with making capsules lol and the idea of bulk powders being alot cheaper is enticing.
Also my memory now is pretty okay, it's getting better not at its prime though.

Also I wouldn't suppose any of you guys, or maybe you would, know whether or not bodybuilding supplements like weight gainers and proteins can conflict with taking nootropics.
Friends are into working out and gyming etc. gives them a good excuse not to drink at parties haha.

Kind Regards

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#8 chrono

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 04:48 AM

I cap my own ALCAR, and know several people who just take it in water.

ALCAR itself is used by many bodybuilders. As to whether bodybuilding supplements and nootropics can conflict, I'm sure it's possible, but it's really too general a question to answer well. Search here and at Mind & Muscle.

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