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Starting University, Honors College - Need Nootrpic

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#1 Hypothermic

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 01:34 AM

I'm starting University and I have been accepted into the honors college, I start September 1st. This is going to be the most difficult thing in my life because of my academic past and other factors. I

currently take Adderall 20mg IR, daily, sometimes 40mg IR. I take this to increase focus, energy, and concentration. However, I feel it doesn't really increase my metal or cognitive ability, or increase memory. I have been smoking marijuana daily for about 1.5 months now. I would just a few hits from a joint (4-5) a day, sometimes more on the weekend with a friend when we have free time. I have stopped my smoking for some days any my tolerance has already gone down. I feel slightly more aware when I stop smoking after a period of consumption. I don't feel that my use has effected my negatively. I would read and gain new insights on subjects while under its influence -- if believable.

I am interested in one of these new peptide based nootropics such as Cerebrolysin, Selank, Semax, and others anyone has to offer.

What anyone have any suggestions? I need intensive neurological reconditioning and don't care about the method of administration. I hope that University will polish my current skills and really push the limits of my intelligence. I have read how the brain will rewire and adapt over time to stimuli. I want to see what the human brain can do.<br><br>I am also in need of a basic list of vitamins and supplements to increase my health and brain function. Such as a multivitamin, I believe my diet does provide all the nutrients one requires. I will also need to take into consideration any interactions between one of the nootropics I will begin to take.

I thank you for your help.

Edited by Hypothermic, 12 August 2010 - 01:52 AM.

#2 FrequencyX

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 09:17 PM

Cerebrolysin, Selank, Semax etc are harder to find and more on the expensive side for the results you may receive. Have you thought about good old Piracetam or Oxiracetam? I have heard that it stacks well with Adderall.

I would look into a good Multi like Now Food's ADAM or Natures Way Alive along with taking Fish Oil daily. Would not hurt to add some CDP-Choline into the mix.

#3 Getting High On Life

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 10:29 PM

Do not take piracetam with adderall or you will be in jeapordy of NMDA excitoxicity. I experiences this first hand.

#4 TophetLOL

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 12:35 AM

Undergraduate years are a joke for the most part, especially for graduation requirement classes. It’s more about doing your research and finding the easiest teacher you can to fill the holes. It’s about saying what the teacher wants to hear. So as long you go to class, read your book, and study a little bit before the night of the exam it’s hard not to come out with at least a B.

As for your major, those classes can be difficult if you in the natural sciences, engineering, math, or philosophy (the highest scoring on graduate school admission tests).

As for honors classes, unless they fulfill multiple graduation requirements that you otherwise couldn’t get I wouldn’t bother. If you want to truly get ahead and set yourself apart then start taking graduate classes in your major as soon as you can. There no walk in the park, in fact they will be nothing short of hell. If you pick a good teacher they won’t let you fail, but they won’t hold your hand either. Survive a few classes and you will have a good idea if you really want to stay in that major, rather than wasting four years to find out you doesn’t like the end game.

I assume that since your going into an honors program your aiming for grad school. What looks better on application? “I have an honors degree in X” or “I started taking graduate classes in X when I was a freshman”?

My advice is to wait until after your first semester of college before you messing around with nootropics. You will have a better idea of what you really want to achieve though there use and you will probably find you really don’t need them just yet. Nootrpics are best reserved when you have done all you can internally to be your best, when you have hit a wall. If you truly want to be your best I suggest you stop smoking the pot, unless you’re a philosophy major in which case it’s probably ok.

#5 Hypothermic

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 01:17 AM

Cerebrolysin, Selank, Semax etc are harder to find and more on the expensive side for the results you may receive. Have you thought about good old Piracetam or Oxiracetam? I have heard that it stacks well with Adderall.

I would look into a good Multi like Now Food's ADAM or Natures Way Alive along with taking Fish Oil daily. Would not hurt to add some CDP-Choline into the mix.

They are not hard to obtain. You can just order them on Pharmacy1010.com, and price is not a concern.

Have you personally experimented with Cerebrolysin, Selank or Semax? I belive the results from these compounds is much more profound then that of Piracetam or Oxiracetam -- both of which I have tried and currently have supply of. However, I have stopped taking them because of my usage of Adderall and the effects of NMDA excitotoxicity. Which I have experienced.

#6 Hypothermic

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 01:24 AM

Undergraduate years are a joke for the most part, especially for graduation requirement classes. It's more about doing your research and finding the easiest teacher you can to fill the holes. It's about saying what the teacher wants to hear. So as long you go to class, read your book, and study a little bit before the night of the exam it's hard not to come out with at least a B.

As for your major, those classes can be difficult if you in the natural sciences, engineering, math, or philosophy (the highest scoring on graduate school admission tests).

As for honors classes, unless they fulfill multiple graduation requirements that you otherwise couldn't get I wouldn't bother. If you want to truly get ahead and set yourself apart then start taking graduate classes in your major as soon as you can. There no walk in the park, in fact they will be nothing short of hell. If you pick a good teacher they won't let you fail, but they won't hold your hand either. Survive a few classes and you will have a good idea if you really want to stay in that major, rather than wasting four years to find out you doesn't like the end game

I assume that since your going into an honors program your aiming for grad school. What looks better on application? "I have an honors degree in X" or "I started taking graduate classes in X when I was a freshman"?

My advice is to wait until after your first semester of college before you messing around with nootropics. You will have a better idea of what you really want to achieve though there use and you will probably find you really don't need them just yet. Nootrpics are best reserved when you have done all you can internally to be your best, when you have hit a wall. If you truly want to be your best I suggest you stop smoking the pot, unless you're a philosophy major in which case it's probably ok.

Thank you for the comments. I mostly likely wont stop the usage of marijuana, but drastically limit it's usage and the amounts used. I have used other nootropics in the past, and experienced positive gains. I have been now looking for a more serious compound, not only for the nootropics effects such as Cerebrolysin, but as a nutrient rich source for the betterment of my brain and prevent or reduce future neurological decline.

#7 Hypothermic

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 01:24 AM

Do not take piracetam with adderall or you will be in jeapordy of NMDA excitoxicity. I experiences this first hand.


#8 dilenja

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 01:31 AM

I would also encourage you to limit your usage of racetams alongside of amphetamines as I also think the combo could be hazardous with respect to toxicity. If you aren't noticing cognitive benefits from the Adderall you're taking, perhaps there are other choices available which may be a better fit for you - Adderall isn't for everybody. Have you tried other medications aside from this? Assuming you've been prescribed Adderall in treatment of ADHD there are a number of other alternatives available (Vyvanse, Dexmethylphenidate, Straterra, Intuniv etc...) and I'd at this point recommend focusing your efforts on finding a medication that works well for you prior to resorting to experimentation with nootropics for the same effect. Furthermore, if you've only started smoking Marijuana a month and a half ago then I'd urge you to let this habit die while you're still ahead - Smoking marijuana is counter-productive to what you're trying to achieve for your mind, and anyone who will tell you otherwise is doing so in vain with ill-regard for your health. Find another vice to deal if you find it helps you relax. Take up running, or try something like Ashwaghanda, or L-Theanine. You're right your brain is still developing, and you owe it to yourself to be smart enough to avoid marijuana for the next four years if you're already now worried about cognition.

I'm starting University and I have been accepted into the honors college, I start September 1st. This is going to be the most difficult thing in my life because of my academic past and other factors. I

currently take Adderall 20mg IR, daily, sometimes 40mg IR. I take this to increase focus, energy, and concentration. However, I feel it doesn't really increase my metal or cognitive ability, or increase memory. I have been smoking marijuana daily for about 1.5 months now. I would just a few hits from a joint (4-5) a day, sometimes more on the weekend with a friend when we have free time. I have stopped my smoking for some days any my tolerance has already gone down. I feel slightly more aware when I stop smoking after a period of consumption. I don't feel that my use has effected my negatively. I would read and gain new insights on subjects while under its influence -- if believable.

I am interested in one of these new peptide based nootropics such as Cerebrolysin, Selank, Semax, and others anyone has to offer.

What anyone have any suggestions? I need intensive neurological reconditioning and don't care about the method of administration. I hope that University will polish my current skills and really push the limits of my intelligence. I have read how the brain will rewire and adapt over time to stimuli. I want to see what the human brain can do.<br><br>I am also in need of a basic list of vitamins and supplements to increase my health and brain function. Such as a multivitamin, I believe my diet does provide all the nutrients one requires. I will also need to take into consideration any interactions between one of the nootropics I will begin to take.

I thank you for your help.

Edited by dilenja, 13 August 2010 - 01:33 AM.

#9 Hypothermic

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 01:37 AM

I would also encourage you to limit your usage of racetams alongside of amphetamines as I also think the combo could be hazardous with respect to toxicity. If you aren't noticing cognitive benefits from the Adderall you're taking, perhaps there are other choices available which may be a better fit for you - Adderall isn't for everybody. Have you tried other medications aside from this? Assuming you've been prescribed Adderall in treatment of ADHD there are a number of other alternatives available (Vyvanse, Dexmethylphenidate, Straterra, Intuniv etc...) and I'd at this point recommend focusing your efforts on finding a medication that works well for you prior to resorting to experimentation with nootropics for the same effect. Furthermore, if you've only started smoking Marijuana a month and a half ago then I'd urge you to let this habit die while you're still ahead - Smoking marijuana is counter-productive to what you're trying to achieve for your mind, and anyone who will tell you otherwise is doing so in vain with ill-regard for your health. Find another vice to deal if you find it helps you relax. Take up running, or try something like Ashwaghanda, or L-Theanine. You're right your brain is still developing, and you owe it to yourself to be smart enough to avoid marijuana for the next four years if you are now already worried about the state of your mental abilities.

I'm starting University and I have been accepted into the honors college, I start September 1st. This is going to be the most difficult thing in my life because of my academic past and other factors. I

currently take Adderall 20mg IR, daily, sometimes 40mg IR. I take this to increase focus, energy, and concentration. However, I feel it doesn't really increase my metal or cognitive ability, or increase memory. I have been smoking marijuana daily for about 1.5 months now. I would just a few hits from a joint (4-5) a day, sometimes more on the weekend with a friend when we have free time. I have stopped my smoking for some days any my tolerance has already gone down. I feel slightly more aware when I stop smoking after a period of consumption. I don't feel that my use has effected my negatively. I would read and gain new insights on subjects while under its influence -- if believable.

I am interested in one of these new peptide based nootropics such as Cerebrolysin, Selank, Semax, and others anyone has to offer.

What anyone have any suggestions? I need intensive neurological reconditioning and don't care about the method of administration. I hope that University will polish my current skills and really push the limits of my intelligence. I have read how the brain will rewire and adapt over time to stimuli. I want to see what the human brain can do.<br><br>I am also in need of a basic list of vitamins and supplements to increase my health and brain function. Such as a multivitamin, I believe my diet does provide all the nutrients one requires. I will also need to take into consideration any interactions between one of the nootropics I will begin to take.

I thank you for your help.

I do not take any racetams with my amphetamines. I don't know if I would say adderall increases cognitive ability -- it help me become awake, stay up, concentrate, and complete a task. I find Adderall beneficial to me from a productivity application point of view then a nootropic or cognitive enhancer.

#10 MoodyBlue

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 01:56 AM

Try Noopept. It's a dipeptide derivative of Piracetam. Here' a source: http://en.24apoteket...age.asp?id=1724. Read my post here: http://www.imminst.o...940#entry412940

Edited by MoodyBlue, 13 August 2010 - 01:58 AM.

#11 nito

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 02:32 AM

Try Noopept. It's a dipeptide derivative of Piracetam. Here' a source: http://en.24apoteket...age.asp?id=1724. Read my post here: http://www.imminst.o...940#entry412940

Ive tried piracetam with zero results. Is noopept basically the same thing with a different name? Is there a chance i would respond to noopept even thoug pira was unsuccessful?

#12 NR2(x)

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 08:43 AM

Insulin is readily available and shows marked nootropic potential when administered intranasal to route through extracellular matrix to the CNS. It shows real potential in AD and MSC, for which it has been used for considerable time. It appears that theres is an acceptable dosing window between positives and negatives effects, this you will have to research for your self.
I am considering trying this for shits and giggles, if i do so, i will post a report that shows controlled sampling of blood sugar levels and neuro-function over a 7 day time course studied by multipule simple test, and subjective experiences.

Glial cell-line derived neutrophic factor, sounds the most interesting of the peptides for mood improvement and cognitive enhancement. Heres a good info


This peptide has good pharmakenetics, the only really problem is sourcing.

Orexin-1 also appears to be very interesting

The creation and separation of peptides is very complex, it usually requires a team of post-graduate chemists and other disciplines.
Someday, I would like to formulate a product utilizing peptides for elitess cognoscienti,
Im not a huge fan of racetams, used piracetam for 6 months, now ceased tho.

#13 MoodyBlue

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Posted 16 August 2010 - 11:56 PM

Try Noopept. It's a dipeptide derivative of Piracetam. Here' a source: http://en.24apoteket...age.asp?id=1724. Read my post here: http://www.imminst.o...940#entry412940

Ive tried piracetam with zero results. Is noopept basically the same thing with a different name? Is there a chance i would respond to noopept even thoug pira was unsuccessful?

Here is a post by someone on these forums which quote's a Russian article translated to English in which it claims the effect of Noopept to be between 100 and 10,000 times as great as Piracetam (that is the nootropic effect, of course): http://www.imminst.o...post__p__316279.

By the way, you do take a choline supplement at the same time as using Piracetam or any other racetam, don't you? The racetams won't work properly without a choline supplement. A lot of people use Alpha Gpc as a supply, and some take CDP Choline, a.k.a. Citicoline, as well because it is needed for acetylcholine to perform all of its functions. You can get by without the Citicoline if money is an issue. Vitacost has a good price for Citicoline made by Jarrow. I don't know if you need choline to support Noopept.

Here is a link to a post with a quote of another post which includes a very good subjective description of Noopept's beneficial effect for someone with ADD: http://www.imminst.o...post__p__313372.

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