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CDP Choline-what to expect

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#1 Logan

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 04:37 PM

Just starting taking 250 mg CDP choline today. If it does anything, what should I expect?

Anyone that can share their experience with this would be appreciated.

#2 Imagination

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 05:50 PM

It makes me feel very depressed, and i'm usually a happy person. I've heard others mention this as well. Not just CDP, but any choline sources that i take.

....probably not what you wanted to hear!

Edited by Imagination, 15 August 2010 - 05:50 PM.

#3 Logan

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 05:58 PM

It makes me feel very depressed, and i'm usually a happy person. I've heard others mention this as well. Not just CDP, but any choline sources that i take.

....probably not what you wanted to hear!

Ha ha, no it's not, but I have read it before, so I knew it was a possibility. I'm just going it take 250 mg and see what happens. I've taking fairly large doses of phosphatydilcholine and did not experience any depression, so I'm hoping for just positive reactions to CDP.

Thanks for you input

#4 chrono

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 07:03 PM

A friend of mine just reacted with strong depressive symptoms to ALCAR, so it is indeed a concern with any kind of cholinergic drug. But it should probably be apparent pretty quickly, if it happens to you.

CDP and alpha GPC are often lumped together with regard to their mechanisms and effects, but I feel like I've seen many fewer reports of specific negative reactions with CDP choline. A few people have mentioned that they feel a definite nootropic boost from it, but most seem to experience nothing remarkable beyond effectiveness as a choline source.

Hopefully someone who has actually used it can give you some better details of the experience, but I feel like I haven't seen CDP discussed that much lately. You might have more luck using google to search the archives.

#5 golden1

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Posted 15 August 2010 - 09:42 PM

Out of all the choline sources I've used(bitartrate, alphagpc, centrophenoxine) CDP-choline has much more of an effect. I feel calmer and it just gives me a great feeling of well being, like my brain is really healthy. I take it with fish oil since I saw a couple studies about how it can be synergistic in forming phospholipids and even a tangible relief for depression.

I felt nothing from alpha-gpc and bitartrate(not that you necessarily have to feel something with a choline supplement, but cdp-choline actually noticeably improves my day) Centrophenoxine gives me what I'd pin as strong hypomania: uncontrollable laughter at nothing/thoughts/marginally funny things, clarity, and a stimulant effect... but it doesn't feel in anyway like something I'd want to sustain by taking everyday.

also alcar makes me really tired and sometimes depressed too... but I don't want to give up on it. I'm hoping if I try it again at another stage in my life it will show better effects.

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