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smi2le.biz raided?

demonicprime's Photo demonicprime 06 Oct 2004

repost sorry :/

Last Night (10/4) at approximately 11:15PM; We were "raided" by the DEA; a large amount of fully suited with protective gear and armed DEA agents came into our lab and I was instructed to lay on the ground and not to move a fucking inch; after being handcuffed and transported a few places without knowing what was going on; I was released after some lengthy questioning at approx 5:00AM. The dea searched and tore apart the lab until about 5pm (10/5); they ran off with my computer and usb hard drive and a bunch of other stuff; no illegal drugs were found; and why they were investigating us; spending millions of dollars trying to make us into criminals; and spending probably taxpayer money making orders throughout the world in order to find us guilty of something; we still don't know. I thought I was going crazy; but apparently I was not; This "operation" probably costed millions of dollars; and if someone had a problem with us our phone number is right on the website and they could have called us toll free at 877-311-4442 and not spent millions of dollars trying to make us guilty and themselves heroic by stopping our evil enterprise. We are not going to go that into it right now :); Obviously if there is someone who is bothered by our business in the federal goverment; a letter is out of the question; but spending millions of dollars attempting to turn us into criminals(and failing miserably) is apparently not. We are moving all of our stuff out of our current location and plan to ship everyone's orders asap; If you order now your order should be shipped pronto and any orders which have longer delays will receive a little extra product as a bonus; Although we don't have any of the emails anyone sent us that we haven't yet replied to; (we don't have any of our emails as they took our computer as well as our backup usb hard drive) You can contact us again and we should respond somewhat promptly; There is much more to say on this topic but we haven't slept after being interogatted all night long and we already looked bad on tv :) and need to get some sleep and shower. NEEDLESS TO SAY: WE ARE FIGHTING BACK AND COMING BACK STRONG; We will have a newly redone website and be adding a slew of new products over the next couple weeks; Stay Tuned to the website for more details; They have failed and will fail again; next time we will be better funded and better prepared; We are here to do great things and we thank all of you for your support; We will write more tommorow! Smi2le 1; DEA 0;

quoted from the website.. I wonder what the DEA was looking for..

hybridathlete's Photo hybridathlete 06 Oct 2004

Yep, definately tax dollars at waste! Makes you wonder if one of smi2le's cometitors put the dea up to it? Just a thought.

ryan1113's Photo ryan1113 07 Oct 2004

Yep, definately tax dollars at waste! Makes you wonder if one of smi2le's cometitors put the dea up to it? Just a thought.

That would be my guess. The DEA would only conduct such a raid if someone had fed them information that they were selling a scheduled drug (steroids, cocaine, etc). Also, it's possible some idiots in his neighborhood thought he was running a meth lab and selling it over the internet. Rumors tend to spread.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 07 Oct 2004

I would say the people that fed them information were his neighbors. He said so himself.

It seems they did think he was running a meth lab.

step's Photo step 07 Oct 2004

They replying to anyones emails?

Been waiting a while on multiple... and even longer on an order.

nootropi's Photo nootropi 07 Oct 2004

They replying to anyones emails?

Been waiting a while on multiple... and even longer on an order.

Hold you breath a bit longer if you have not heard from him yet; I finally heard from him after a wait myself.

Take care.

humanesque's Photo humanesque 07 Oct 2004

Guys, I don't know...if you're a smart business person, why don't you setup in a business location such as a warehouse where business is conducted without suspicion. If you're doing it from home, you're begging for trouble.

I hope he gets through this.


haim78's Photo haim78 07 Oct 2004

So, is he working at the moment? I've just placed an order before reading this post. My very first international order (from Spain)...

I hope at least help him to pass through the problem... good luck from the other side of the world :)

humanesque's Photo humanesque 07 Oct 2004

Either do it in a small warehouse space or get caught at home...take your pick. It takes money to make it, and if you ain't got it, can you say, INVESTORS?!?!?!

07 Oct 2004

humanesque, part of the reason a business his size is able to sell his products for so cheap is because he has fewer expenses operating from where his is versus from a small warehouse. I don't think he can justify a move at this time, and we shouldn't berrate him for it.

humanesque's Photo humanesque 11 Oct 2004

Cosmos...I'm not berating him for it, but when it comes to logistics, you have to think ahead on these things or what just happens happens. Personally, I would have found a friend who had a space or something similar which is NOT within a residential neighborhood, and go from there. Besides, from what I've seen, his stuff is very good, and people pay for quality..reliable quality. If he's got it, I can handle paying an extra .50 or so to justify the costs and knowing my shit is going to get to me.


chelovd's Photo chelovd 15 Oct 2004


I just joined this forum to ask about smi2le.biz. Have you received your orders yet? I placed an order almost 2 weeks ago and nothing, not even email replies!!! By the way, great forum!!