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Some questions

faust's Photo faust 08 Oct 2004

Hi to everyone!

This forum is very interesting and many of you seem to know lot about Nootropics.

I am 26 years old, study engineering and I have a big problem of concentration and focusing, of logic and I don't sleep very much. [mellow]

I am very stressed out and I feel too tired. To be sure to succeed, I decided to try the real UCB Pharma Piracetam,
which I bought at IAS (recommended, they have a very good customer service and fast delivery). Since two weeks, I take between
4800 and 7200 mg, gingko bilboa and I didn't feel any effect.
I take also multi-complex Centrum vitamin, B12, Omega 3-6-9, Iron and Vitamin C.

What's the problem?

I live in Canada and I ordered:

Internation Anti-Aging (IAS):

Idebenone-30 60 x 30mg CAPS
Hydergine Tablets 30 x 4.5mg TABS
Pregnenolone-30 180 x 30mg CAPS


CDP-Choline (backorder)
Huperzyne A

Unique Nutrition (UNI's)
Aniracetam (combo)

Sport Depot Nutrition

Melatonin (for sleep!!!)

Moreover, I ordered at Unique Nutrition (Uni'S) and I didn't have news from Steve. The SSL certificate was expired
and I not receive proof of my order (But my credit card yes). Is it reliablie? Did someone
order there recently?

I have a small budget and I saw that Smil2e.biz had excellent prices. However, I fear that Ziploc bags
with white powder in it don't pass the customs. [thumb]

Do you think my stack is good?
I'm a bit overweight and I smoke a lot.

Do you have any tips for me?

Thanks !! [8)]

eola0713's Photo eola0713 08 Oct 2004

This is what another member has wrote to me
give it a try
Aniracetam is good, Piracetam is very cheap at smi2les - give it a try
Phenibut is the best but avoid taking it daily and few times a day because you will have to use more and more very quickly.
I propose to take 500mg 1times mx 2times a day for 5 days then make a break of two. If you really need to you can take occasionaly even more (up to 5gr)
If you trink two bears after two hours you will fell so great
Also smil2e has the lowest price on that.

faust's Photo faust 08 Oct 2004

I know that smil2e has the lowest price, but I dont want make my capsule, and I don't trust white powder in Ziploc bag who cross canadian customs.

If smil2e ship caps in the nice bottle, I will make business with him, if not, I don't want loose my money. Also Rizzer don't reply to my email. Also he have problem with FDA.

So, my another problem is with Unique Nutrition. I'm sure that as loose my money.

A business who are not able to reply to email and offer bad customer service, I feel nervous.

09 Oct 2004

Faust, smi2le does sell one nootropic mixture in capsules. He sells then in multiples of 90 capsules for fairly cheap. He's also making a new nootropic mixture which is not release yet, as well he plans to take custom orders for nootropic capsules.

nootropi's Photo nootropi 09 Oct 2004

I know that smil2e has the lowest price, but I dont want make my capsule, and I don't trust  white powder in Ziploc bag who cross canadian customs.

If smil2e ship caps in the nice bottle, I will make business with him, if not, I don't want loose my money. Also Rizzer don't reply to my email. Also he have problem with FDA.

So, my another problem is with Unique Nutrition. I'm sure that as loose my money.

A business who are not able to reply to email and offer bad customer service, I feel nervous.

I suggest you lose some of your nervousness. Why don't you ask Klara from Slovenia whether she got her order from smi2le?

The real issue is saving A LOT of money with no comprimise in quality; at least for me that is the real issue.

faust's Photo faust 09 Oct 2004

I feel nervous because I have ordering at Unique Nutrition and I don't have news of my order. Did someone order there recently?

I feel nervous because UCB real piracetam don't help me

I feel nervous because I'm student and I have lower budget

I feel nervous because I want save money and I want make business with smi2le (before ordering at UNI's, I had send email to Rizzer but he don't reply, probably in same time problem with FDA) but in live in CANADA and I suppose that the product don't cross customs. Is weird to import white powder in a bag, no?

I will re-send email at Rizzer, but my fucking order on UNI's is 150$US (200$CAN). Is a big sum for me.

scottl's Photo scottl 09 Oct 2004

Unique Nutrition's website does not have direct contact info e.g. phone number, and address. For future reference that is something you should consider when placing an order over the net.

A little searching (whois.com...) turns up the presumed owner of Unique nutrition who you can call or e-mail directly.

Brian Atherton
8258 Forestview Dr
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 22-May-03
Expires on: 22-May-05
Last Updated on: 22-May-04

Administrative Contact:
Atherton, Brian brian@athertonsolutions.com
8258 Forestview Dr
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
United States
(815) 464-2714
Technical Contact:
Atherton, Brian brian@athertonsolutions.com
8258 Forestview Dr
Frankfort, Illinois 60423
United States
(815) 464-2714

Domain servers in listed order:

faust's Photo faust 09 Oct 2004

I have this info......I work in networking...the email to contact is uniquenutrition@aol.com

Maybe a feel nervous for nothing....

1-I have send mail for shipping price
2-I receive mail for the price
3-I have ordering
4-I a receive by mail confirmation order
5-I going on website for tracking order, I see "CREDIT CARD DECLINED"
6-I send email for ask whats is the problem?
7-I receive email who said that is a website problem and with my permisson, he proceed to order
8-I send mail for approve
9-I send mail for ask approx time to ship
10-I re-send email for ask approx time to ship and if all and available
11-I receive email who said only "THANK YOU"
12-I send mail for ask approx time to ship
13-I send mail for ask approx time to ship
14-I send mail for ask approx time to ship
15-I send mail for ask approx time to ship
16-I send mail with another adress for test

anyway, I will wait and maybe next time a will make business with smi2le

IAS is very fast (10 day)and the customer services is fabulous but is too expensive

eola0713's Photo eola0713 09 Oct 2004

To tell u the truth Faust I told u to buy from smi2le but that's not where I order my stuff. The smi2le website is very strange looking, very hard to use, hard to find the products. IM sure they have the best prices, but I've found some other company that has very good prices and very fast and friendly service. They even sent me 2 products for free. I got my shipment in 2 days and it was free . Anyway, Im not here to tell u what to do or who's better . It is my personal experience. IM just like you, I always go crazy and feel nervous whenever I order something from the net, It took me 2 month of asking questions and doing my research before I ordered from


this other link is a great company too, but their pricess is a bit higher, but it's a great site to have to read info on any products ( I order from there my self sometimes )


What some people don't understand is, One place cannot be the only place to shop for everone. Some people just feel happy or safer with certain places, it is up to you to search and try and see witch company, store, or Mall makes you feel happy, safe, and SAVES YOU MONEY.

good luck.

nootropi's Photo nootropi 09 Oct 2004

Smi2le is more targeted to the cutting edge supplement enthusiast. People who have no experience with nootropics should do extensive research before starting any regimen; if you start out buying products from Online internet pharmacies you end up paying 5-10 times more than you would if you were to buy from smi2le. That is fine if you have the money to waste; however, you will be pissed off later when you realize how much money you could have saved (or how much you wasted, depending on how you look at it).

There are guides here in the forums that will tell you how to encapsulate powders too.

If you are really interested in the most effective nootropics, and want to achieve the cognitive enhancement and/or life extension, and wish to do so affordably, you must learn to encapsulate yourself, otherwise you will end up spending thousands of dollars per month to acheive the same effects. It's your money, not mine; and if you are too lazy to learn something new, maybe you shouldn't be taking nootropics in the first place, no offense, but it is true.

If you know what you want encapsulated at what dosages, you can also contact smile on the phone or email and he can encapsulate everything for you...

Take care.

eola0713's Photo eola0713 09 Oct 2004

[QUOTEif you start out buying products from Online internet pharmacies you end up paying 5-10 times more than you would if you were to buy from smi2le..[/quote]

You will also end up spending 10-20 more time then just buying from a place where they offer everything u want with a little extra time.

It's a win win situtaion. You spend $100 with smi2le but you spend 2-3 hours making the capsuls.

You spend $120 with any other website, but you don't have to deal with the mess and you don't have to spend more then 10 seconds to swallow the pill.

it's all up to you, but to me Time is money and money is time.

nootropi's Photo nootropi 09 Oct 2004


I am sorry, but you are wrong. It may take you 2-3 hours to make the capsules; it takes me about 15 minutes. Plus, the combinations that I make ARE NOT EVEN AVAILABLE at ANY internet pharmacy.

Undoubtedly, you need to put more time in to get better results. This axiom holds true for time, but not for money.

You can buy 400 grams of piracetam from smi2le for $8.99 which equals 500 800 mg doses. Otherwise go ahead to IAS and spend $19.95 on 60 800 mg doses. At the end of the day, who is the one getting ripped off and who is the smart shopper, you tell me... :)

faust's Photo faust 10 Oct 2004

The list of Nootropic Suppliers Worldwide 2004, all suppliers as to be tested and somebody have ordering on each or the list is only suppliers who find on the Web?

eola0713's Photo eola0713 10 Oct 2004

I don't understand what you're talking about Fust. I think we've giving you enough info. Good luck man.