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DHEA, who uses it? How much?

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#1 pinballwizard

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Posted 21 October 2004 - 09:24 AM

The Book, "Natural Highs" (2002) by Cass and Holford says "it is an anti-aging, energizing, antistress, adrenal hormone." (page 255)

Brain Longevity (current information as of December 1996) By Khalsa says that it is often a big part of his clinic with older folks.

From page 401
...It can be an extremely important and valuable weapon in your arsenal of brain longevity medications.
...One study indicated that Alzheimers patients had 48% less DHEA than a control group.

From page 402
...Stress depletes DHEA. In fact many clinicians monitor DHEA levels asa measure of long term stress.
...It is widely believed that DHEA slows the biological symptoms of aging and helps protect the body from cancer, diabetes, arthritus, osteoporosis, obesity, viral and bacterial infection, and hypertension. Therefore, it is understanable that researchers regard it is as a wonder drug.
The author also alludes to the fact that high levels of DHEA portend to low instances of heart disease.

His approach is to restore DHEA to the level of that in the the mid-twenties when it was at its highest.
He recommends anywhere from 25 mgs to 200 mgs. The 200 mgs of DHEA would be for an elderly person whose DHEA levels may have been devestated of someone with chronic fatigue syndrome. A common dosage is about 50 mgs.

He also says that if young people use DHEA it could be potentially dangerous since the levels are already pretty high.
He suggests getting a DHEA test done. There are saliva tests, blood tests, and urine tests to test DHEA levels.
He also said as a precaution to get blood tests... liver function, a PSA blood tests which monitors prostate and get your prostate checked. ouch [:o]

Why I might want to take it
I have arthritus, stress and weight problems... I think it is associated with cortisol attacking the DHEA. DHEA lowers cortisol.

*How difficult is it to get a doctor for these tests? I would love it if I had some sort Dr, I could go to that would provide me with tests to make sure I was not hurting myself. How could I get my labwork approved easily?
*I was considering 25 mgs for a while but was not sure? (I am thirty years old, so using much more is not a good idea)
*What are some alternatives to perhaps risky hormones?
*What does the latest research say?
*If your DHEA gets depleted due to stress, once you remove the stress, the DHEA comes back, right?




#2 pinballwizard

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Posted 01 May 2005 - 10:11 AM

I think I am going to start with 25mgs of DHEA and see what happens...I might bumpit 50mgs, but that is prolly not a good idea for a 30 year old. My DHEA and cortisol levels are being tested in the lab from my saliva. I will will test it via blood analysis. I think it is too low, but I will titrate it when I get the results back. Anyone else taking this?


#3 pinballwizard

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Posted 02 May 2005 - 05:12 AM

You guys should get on this thread some more and discuss DHEA. http://www.imminst.o...t=0 <--smart candy says it is in the upper-ranking of smart drugs. I think this might be very helpful for those with a lot of stress/cortisol. You should test DHEA and cortisol with your primary care physician and look at age and DHEA levels before administration. I am just so surprised there is little discussion about this gender-neutral neuro-steroid that lowers cortisol and stress that improves overall health, well-being and cognition if you lack it. Drop me a line and give an opinion.

#4 pinballwizard

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Posted 02 May 2005 - 05:16 AM

some links to look at:


#5 scottl

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Posted 02 May 2005 - 05:40 AM

I take the sublingual equiv (avoids liver stress) of about 50 mg/day.

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