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#91 niner

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 12:35 AM

How to fix American Education:

Privatize. Nothing else matters.

Public school education in the U.S. (on average) is still incredibly abysmal. Righteous Reason, might have a good point about privatization. It is now coming, no matter what the public education establishment desires: Online education in the U.S. exploding. I wish I had online resources when I was growing up. The public mind prison school system was helpful to me, but it was also restrictive and prevented me from reaching a greater potential, IMO.

Public education treated me pretty well. I really can't complain, considering that my parents weren't shelling out the equivalent of the sixty grand a year that a friend of mine pays to send his two kids to a private elementary school. In fact, they didn't shell out anything, although they paid property and state income taxes. There are a lot of charter schools in Philadelphia. Here we see the miracle of privatization: it doesn't work. There is no miracle there. Overall, they aren't doing particularly better than the public schools, and some of them are criminally mismanaged.

Online education is the future. It's really a different paradigm, and will be particularly good for the slower kids. Although it's not exactly online education (as in Khan Academy), my kid now does his homework using Google Docs. I think that's great. (He's in a public school, and a damn good one, I might add.) Public schools aren't always great. When they fail, most of the cause is usually the parents, social dysfunction, and poverty. I don't think there are any magic solutions for this, at least not if you want to keep the Bill of Rights in force.

#92 Mind

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 05:19 PM

Niner, schools are above average in my area. There are some very dedicated and competent teachers around here. However, I am not going to bury my head in the sand. The U.S. spends the most per child BY FAR in developed nations, for education, and we consistently rank the lowest in achievement. The system is a near complete epic failure. Out side of the select areas where you and I live, schools are sub-par, to say the least. If not complete privatization, the schools should at least be returned to local (or state) control. The idea of a "National Education System" in the U.S. is a near total failure and a gross misallocation of resources, judging by the aggregate numbers.

Edited by Mind, 07 September 2012 - 05:20 PM.

#93 maxwatt



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 09:49 PM

Then we would have places like texas and Alabama teaching creationism in the schools in lieu of biology.....

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