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This isn't worth bothering

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#1 fueki

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Posted 30 October 2004 - 03:58 PM

I've changed my mind.

Edited by ImmortalPhilosopher, 10 August 2006 - 06:54 AM.

#2 michaelroyames

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Posted 03 November 2004 - 03:34 PM

Dear Immortal Philosopher;

1) Can u define what is god?

### Sure. God is a human concept, an idea, a story that we tell to ourselves. Different people at different times define god in different ways - there is no right or wrong way to define god as the concept is something that springs from our imagination.

2) Is striving to be god-like worthy?

### Complicated question. It depends on one's definition of god and on one's moral systems that define what is worthy.

3) Can u outline your reason to live, while being a genetic program?

### Discarding the 'genetic program' part of this question as it is irrelavent, I would say that I have many reasons to live and that those reasons change over time. As a child I lived because it was my built-in instinct to survive. As a young adult I additionally lived to experience new things, to mate, to experience pleasure and avoid pain. As a mature adult my reasons have changed again, and I look outward to the people around me and to the future ahead of me for additional reasons to add to the reasons I already have. Briefly, these more recent reasons are: to help others and to gain in wisdom and power.

4) I ask can there exist an entity not subject to any laws?

### Once again, it depends on how you define laws. My current understanding of the universe leads me to believe that it is impossible for an entity not to be subject to laws. For the sake of this argument I will refer to the laws of physics only, but it could equally apply to many other laws. The universe is deterministic when considered at certain levels of detail, and that allows humans (and other organisms) to exist and further allows them to predict and control future outcomes. If there were no laws then there could be no existence of coherently organized entities, no prediction, no control - just chaos.

Hey Immortal Philosopher! What gives? Are you having an existential crisis?

Michael Roy Ames

#3 outlawpoet

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Posted 03 November 2004 - 08:24 PM

I second most of Michael's comments, with the proviso that I think that the concept of God is inherently flawed, regardless of it's social implications, because it's fundamentally an invented concept. I prefer to say that generalizing from fictional evidence is a mistake no matter what the fiction.

gods are obviously inconsistent because they are stories with no defining reality behind them, as such, it's dangerous to attempt to project them in any functional way.

Paradoxes, as my understanding is, only exist when things are defined into a corner. They are evidence to start checking your assumptions. Many paradoxes arise from improper formalization. Like for example the concept of omnipotence. It has no terms, no stated relationships, so obviously attempting to apply an unlimited infinite concept is going to be problematic. Besides the fact that it doesn't make any sense as a characteristic of a real being.

#4 immortalitysystems.com

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 04:47 AM

What is GOD?

GODS are mankinds creation to assist in solving the challanges of live.

In cultures where having food and shelter was the main focus, different aspects of the natural world were deified.

In cultures were the awareness of "death" is present, as far back as 30 000 years, GODS were invented to extend the survival instinct by providing immortality.

Now mankind will solve the absurdity of "death" by using Gene Engineering and Extra Terrestrial Migration to provide Immortality in the Infinity of space.

All the energy that has been absorbed by the GODS will lead to the creation of Homo Immortalis.

#5 Kalepha

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Posted 04 November 2004 - 09:33 AM

One of the biggest problems with the god notion is that it makes it easy for some people to believe they have an inherent purpose to control others or that acts are inherently right or wrong, while fatuously applying folk psychology in coducting their affairs. However, it is monumentally difficult, if not impossible, to formally make the jump from having respect for accurate knowledge to deontological ethics, which is what rationalists do but without the formality (i.e., this is no better than the perceived blind faith of theists), especially if they are utilitarian consequentialists. So if one has respect for accurate knowledge (e.g., acknowledging the usage of folk psychology) and is a theist, the god notion isn’t altogether a bad idea, and should be respected for the function it serves in certain contexts.

#6 michaelroyames

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Posted 05 November 2004 - 03:49 PM

Dear IP,

If you are not using the commonly accepted definition for the word 'god' then you are going to have to give me more information about your definition before I can understand your question.

Your comments about the possibility of 'independent or constant' things and the interdependancy of laws are too general for me to identify your point, or question. Can you be more specific? What concept are you searching for, or attempting to validate?

Michael Roy Ames

#7 stranger

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Posted 11 November 2004 - 11:30 AM

What is god?

Maybe, the question should be. Who is God?

The answer is more complex than can be possibly imagined.

It also depends who you ask. If you ask a Christian, he'll tell you it is YahWeh(Jehovah).
If you ask a Muslim, he'll say it is Allah.
And so on.
It depends where you stand.

Most fairly religious people will conclude that those are merely two different names for the same deity.
Those well-intentioned people will say that there is only one God, however different their views or religions might be.

The irony of the situation is that both the Christians and the Muslims are both right,although neither one of them actually knows why.

The fact is: Jehovah(YahWeh) and Allah are actually two different deities.
There are others, more or less equal in power, but still different than these two.
These Gods, people usually refer to them as 'Father'.
The Christians call God, Father, and so do the Muslims, etc.
It all depends on one's own culture and/or upbringing.

These Gods are brothers, sons of The Grandfather. This great and majestic deity is more enigmatic than the Ones we call father.

We might not all be children of the same God, but one thing we have in common is; we are all grandchildren of that other God.

He has a name, and is fairly well-known around the world, but not many people know His true constitutional position. In other words, they have heard the name. What the people don't know is his relation to Jehovah, Allah, Father Buddah(not Siddartha Gautama) etc.

The god of the Christians(Jehovah) and the others like Him, are 'younger' than is readily believed. Even the Grandfather is younger than the Supreme One--the Endless Enigma.

As far as atheism is concerned,well, it is one's own choice and right.
Contrary to popular secular belief, atheism in and of itself is not a crime.
In other words, if you cannot 'see' a god, how can you be blamed for that.
Now, 'knowing' a god, and then denying Him is a totatlly different matter.
Being an atheist is one thing. Being angry and in denial is another.

Not much,
but it's all for now,


#8 Omnido

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Posted 14 November 2004 - 12:15 PM

Delving into Metaphysics...

An old, wise Priest once said:

"Son, I know only two things in this world. 1) There is a God, and... 2) Im not him."

#9 immortalitysystems.com

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Posted 15 November 2004 - 02:48 AM


#10 stranger

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Posted 15 November 2004 - 11:10 AM

One reason there is great disillusion with God is because the people, in
general, are not too happy with the church( any church).
What God intended for the people to know has been sabotaged.
The church,out of its own interest, shares with the people only what they want to. And to top it off, they even 'twist' other parts of the truth. For their own benefit, of course.

Even the pope, what does he tell us that we don't already know. Just the same mumbo-jumbo, again and again. They are all just a bunch of arrogant phonies.
And what I really hate, is the cloaks with which they adorn themselves.
They are just descendants of the original Sanhedrin. All for themselves, the scraps (if any) for the masses.

A lot of people blame God also for their own problems and their tribulations.
The fact of the matter is that we're only paying for our bad karma.
What we sowed in our former life, we're only reaping in this one.
Those that are enjoying this life, are doing so because they must have done something good in their previous lifetime.
In any case, it is not God doing the punishing or the rewarding.
It is the dreaded Karmic lords.
Who the hell are the karmic lords, you might ask.
Well, the karmic lords are spirits that are watching everything that is going on in this world. No one can hide from them, try as you might.

If you want to be happy in this life,or the next, don't worry too much about
attending church. Worry more about how you treat your fellow man.
As far as ever knowing God more personally,well, it can happen,even before you leave this mortal planet. If not, don't worry, you'll have plenty of time when you're on the other side. God, is like one's own grandfather. Grandfathers , they forgive everything. Almost.


#11 stranger

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 08:17 AM

Upon re-reading my own post, I realize that I sound a little too critical of the 'church'. (or churches) in general. Maybe I should have said most instead of any as being 'deficient'. I know those are serious charges,nonetheless. But I stand my claim.

I apologize to any and all that do attend their sanctuaries. It's not the people,actually, than I am criticizing, but the ones running them. I know there must be many good churches, but a lot of them, watch out.

I might be wrong, but I hear other people say the same thing and I happen to agree with them.

About the pope, I know, I am being too lenient. No ,actually, I feel sorry for the poor old man. It's the people hanging around that I can't stand. Why the ---- do they have to dress themselves up so much? Couldn't plain old cloaks suffice?
I understand the cloaks are beautiful, but who the hell are they to consider themselves gods?

I'm sorry , there might be some good sheep in the bunch, but still the cloaks are excessively adorned.

Anyone? Care to comment?

I don't wanna hog the airwaves. If I already haven't done so.

O.K. I understand. This is treacherous ground.

Let me know when it becomes boring, at least, and I'll change the subject. Even while trying not to stray away too much from the subject at hand.


#12 stranger

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 08:26 AM

Hey, Omnido,

I'm sorry it took me this long to acknowledge what you meant to say yourself with the quote about the priest.

Yeah, I'll agree, that priest was a wise one.


#13 stranger

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Posted 18 November 2004 - 08:47 AM

immortality systems.com, Al(?)

How are you?


I don't disagree with that. Hey, I checked out your website.
I'm sorry I overlooked it the first time.

I haven't yet checked it thoroughly but I get the picture. I've seen others ,besides this one, of course, and they have similar interests.

Am I allowed in your forums?


#14 immortalitysystems.com

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 04:06 AM

Hello stranger,

you sure are wellcome in www.immortalitysystems.com forum. It has been online since 1996 and was one of the first. The archives of the first years are the most interresting.

I share your attitude to Gods and their churches. But if there would be no demand for their offerings they would not be there. People like to have a "Good Lord" or "Our Father" or what ever their names are, to be looked after by.

I hope that science and technology can deliver the goods that we now expect to get from the God's we pray to.

I am looking forward to moving in to "orbital space" (heaven) via Space Migration and to use Gene Engeneering (Immortality Systems) to reach the place promised by the God, or was it his son, i was conditioned by. I am gratefull that the idea of heaven (immortality in infinity) was given to me.

#15 stranger

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Posted 19 November 2004 - 09:47 AM

Immortality Systems,

Thank you for your invite into your forum.
I just posted my first message. I was actuallygoing PM to you here, but decided to post over in your place for the benefit of your readers. What I posted over 'there'
is nothing related to what is being discussed here. It is something appropiate to
the discussion going on. I don't wanna start sounding like a religious fanatic everywhere I go. Here, well, the question was who or what is God, so I replied to the best of my ability. I have other interests besides the religion that I have been taught. My Gods don't forbid me from engaging in other interests. I like my Budweisers cold.

I understand your views on why some(most)people feel the need to 'belong' (to the church). And there's nothing wrong with that,except that sometimes they're taken advantage off. In many ways. If they only knew that the Gods they go to church to pray for could be prayed to in their own homes. I'll admit , the church(s) (some) do provide other types of assistance to the disadvantaged and the needy.

I'll further admit; I do occassionally attend a small neighborhood church. But usually because I have to. Such as a baptism, or the occassional funeral vigil or last goodbye. But as far as attending Sunday mass, I find it pretty not much my style. If I want to pray or talk to Jesus or His Father, I don't feel the need to do it through some 'holy man'(?). The concept about 'confession', I do find utterly ridiculous. But, to each his own. Like you say, some people need the 'nurture' the church provides. And some, get it elsewhere.


#16 Infernity

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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:20 PM

Hmmm, Paul, hard question is about god, I truly never thought about it too much.

I think that "god" is like another word for our cosmos.
Since "god" is something which can do everything, so they say, and I believe everything is possible all over everywhere, anytime it has some fitness...

It is all to complax, and my mind becomes blurry when I think too much about everything together (which just happened) so maybe I didn't say it correctly.
Hell, this is exactly when I'd happily upload myself hehe...

Well that kind of answers the second question, I mean I don't think anyone would like to be the whole cosmos hehehe [g:)] but we are definitely are aspiring to rule as much as possible, but not more than that...

Third- I don't believe we are programs...

Yours truthfully

#17 Infernity

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Posted 14 February 2005 - 06:52 PM

Oh about question number four (I forgot, how silly)- I do not believe it is possible. everything have to have *some* rules. although it is not impossible (I mean, as long as we have no proves- everything is possible, it seems we have proved nothing thus far hehe).


Edited by infernity, 10 March 2005 - 01:47 PM.

#18 susmariosep

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Posted 14 February 2005 - 09:38 PM

Brief, easy, quick.

I think, ImPhi, you should have just asked one question, the first one, "What is God?"

I have learned a number of things since joining this ImmInst Org forum.

The latest thing I have learned is that a topic in a thread should be brief, easy, quick, or what I call BEQ.

Of course people will say that there are things which can't be said briefly, easily, and quickly.

Well, in which case, cut a thing up into pieces so that each piece can be said briefly, easily, and quickly.

For example the topic of your OP, it can and should be cut up into several pieces, and in one thread just stick to one piece. Choose the one you are most interested in and excited about, and be brief, easy, and quick about it.

Am I being brief, easy, and quick, here with my reply or reaction or contribution to your OP? Okay, I will be brief, easy, and quick.

But first, I have to make a distinction, being BEQ means two things: one thing has to do with the employment of words, the other thing has to do with ideas, or the topic itself which is the target of words.

You and I and we all must be brief, easy, and quick with our topic: only one idea or thought or principle or one sentence. But we can be more free with words only insofar as we don't bring in additional ideas so as not to get readers all lost among ideas.

Your title for this thread, "fundamental questions, 1) Can u define what is god?.." can be beqly abridged thus: "Can you define God?" Remove the other words in the original title.

I must confess that I have not read very carefully the replies here; but I have this habit of always trying to feel what is the number one concern of the contributors in a thread.

And to be beq about my impressions, the concern of the contributors to me seem the infinity of God which concept of infinity causes troubles no end to the conception of God and the acceptance of God by man.

Am I being beq here, as I am telling everyone to be, namely, brief, easy, and quick?

To be then beq here, you should still further narrow down your topic, so that your main concern or problem is the infinity of God.

I will narrow down your topic then for you, and it should be beqly:

"Think of a finite God."

I would like to go into such a thread, for I have been advocating here in another perspective about the drafting of a new God, which has gotten some people here very piqued.

But the whole idea of a new God, come to think about it now, exactly requires that the new God be finite.

As a matter of fact, I like to think God is really a finite entity but superior to man and everything else -- if God be distinct from everything not God.

There are immeasurable advantages to a God that is finite.

So I will if the powers here don't mind, precisely start a thread about a finite God, with exactly this title that I have suggested to you earlier, "Think of a finite God". And I promise to be beq with my OP, brief, easy, and quick.

Let us see what reactions I will receive from people here.


1)Can u define what is god? 2)Is striving to be god-like worthy? 3)Can u outline your reason to live, while being a genetic program?

I think the existense of omnipotent god is immpossible. Because if god can create a stone which he can't lift, he's not omnipotent and if he cant create such a stone he is not omnipotent too. If for eg. i were a god, maybe all laws of physics would obey to me, but what would my own mind obey to? The same laws, which I create? Another god? Does even god have real free-will? Shopenhauer once said . Humans behave like a program (genetic code) which reacts to its environment and thus we have no free will, we obey laws, which produce results dependent on our environment. 4)I ask can there exist an entity not subject to any laws?
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