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Gastroesophageal reflux disease testing

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#1 j03

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Posted 03 November 2010 - 04:34 AM

A little background: I was diagnosed with GERD a few years ago after a barium swallow test. Since then it felt like it was getting progressively worse. Every morning I woke up with a sore throat. I made an appointment with a surgeon for a fundoplication surgery and booked a barium swallow test so I could bring to him. I did the barium swallow test last week. That morning I woke up with a sore throat and felt really chocked up and expected it to be bad, as it's been a few years of what I thought was unmanageable reflux. I remember looking at the screen and seeing what looked to be traces of reflux. However, today I got the results: no reflux detected! This took me aback. Normally this would be good news, but even my girlfriend is also dumbfounded as she said she knows when I'm refluxing as it's on my breath, and she wants me to ask if they mixed up the chart. I also don't believe it as I wake up with a sore throat and a chocked up feeling regularly.  i also get severely chocked up when I eat trigger foods like tomatoes and chocolate.  So, is the barium swallow accurate?  Is there anyway they made a mistake?  If not, what's causing this reflux feeling?

#2 leha

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Posted 03 November 2010 - 04:07 PM

You need to ask your doctor to do some other testing. You could have a mechanical problem with your larynx (a polyp), or thyroid problems, or any number of other things that should be eliminated. You might also have a food allergy. Better to find out what you can from the doctor, and if they can't figure it out, start a food elimination diet to see if it's an intolerance or allergy.

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