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Santa Christ

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#1 Soma

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 02:20 AM

Jesus and Santa Claus- A Comparison.

Both Santa Claus and Jesus always remain invisible and their existence depends upon childlike unquestioning belief. Granted, sometimes people dress up like Santa or Jesus.

Santa Claus: has a written list of those who have been “good” and “bad” and brings rewards for those who have been good, while he gives coal to those who have been bad. Coal- that which is burned and charred in fire.

Jesus: has a written list of those who are “good” compiled in the Book Of Life, and to these people he gives a reward. The “bad” are blotted off the list and they are consigned to hell, where they are burned and charred in fire just like coal.

Santa Claus: appears on December 25th to deliver gifts to the “good” children of the world.

Jesus: according to holiday tradition, Jesus was born on December 25th to deliver the world culminating in the “gift” of eternal life to the righteous (“good”).

Santa Claus: The story of Santa Claus involves many miracles including the flight of reindeer, a rotund Santa squeezing through impossibly narrow chimneys, visiting the homes of 6 billion people in one night, the logistical nightmare of cramming billions of toys into a sleigh, among others.

Jesus: The story of Jesus involves many miracles as well, including Jesus turning water into wine, walking on water, raising the dead, among others.

Santa Claus: has to go through a physical ordeal in order to be able to deliver his gifts to mankind. He has to squeeze through impossibly narrow chimneys- battling claustrophobia, smoke inhalation, soot, the possibility of being irretrievably stuck- only to have to finally battle through the fire burning in the fireplace in many of the homes of the northern hemisphere. He has to journey through the fire before he can impart his gifts.

Jesus: has to go through the physical ordeal of being beaten and crucified on a cross. Many version of Christianity say that Jesus had to go through the experience of hell before he could rise again. Thus, he had to go through the "fire" before he could impart his gift to the world.

Santa Claus: employs the help of otherworldly quasi-humanoid creatures, known as elves, and other supernatural beings to help him with his mission.

Jesus: employs the help of otherworldly quasi-humanoid creatures, known as angels, and other supernatural beings to help him with his mission.

Santa Claus: appears from the sky to deliver gifts.

Jesus: as it is said, will return to the earth from the sky to bring his gift.

Santa Claus: lives in a distant, remote region of the north pole- a place that is pristine and unspoiled.

Jesus: lives in a distant, remote region in the sky called “heaven”- also a place that is pristine and unspoiled.

Santa Claus: is also called St. Nicholas.

Jesus: Sainthood is employed in the Christian tradition.

Santa Claus: Children sit on the lap of Santa and whisper their heartfelt desires into his ear.

Jesus: People get down on their knees and whisper their heartfelt desires, known as prayers, to Jesus.

Santa Claus: in classic literature is described as being “ageless, timeless, and deathless.”

Jesus: Jesus said, "Before Moses was, I am." He is identified as God and therefore understood as “ageless, timeless, and deathless.”

Santa Claus: The story of Santa Claus is nearly identical to a story attributed by Greek and Byzantine folklore to Basil of Caesarea.

Jesus: The story of Jesus is nearly identical to numerous stories of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian folklore including those of Attis, Mithras, Osiris, and others.
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#2 Soma

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 03:06 PM

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#3 AlakaBEWM

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 06:51 PM

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Santa Christ,
Santa Christ, We all love Santa Christ

#4 Elus

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Posted 19 December 2010 - 11:01 PM

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#5 e Volution

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Posted 20 December 2010 - 02:09 AM

I probably stepped right over the line with this one, but:
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