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exponentially timeless

TelepathicMerg's Photo TelepathicMerg 24 Dec 2010

exponentially timeless

Think what could we do by joining in a win-win arrangements:

Each one of us who wrote a book on relating subject or wants to promote a product that relates (I can think of things I'd offer) -- could split 50/50 net profits in exchange for mutual promotion (i.e. mutual via a separate website listing products/books/proposed innovations... even as a part of amazon..)?.... (Accumulated funds would of course be donated to research on health and immortality)

TelepathicMerg's Photo TelepathicMerg 24 Dec 2010

There is a powerful potential in this possibility because it will include people who never heard of our website but want to contribute to the cause and feel they can. There is a strong double incentive; No matter differences in opinions there is the mutual hope to survive(almost universal)and there is the mutual service to (dependence on) the monetary system. Both could be funneling through a single opening into the institute's foundation :D. This could just be the method, particularly if we'd connect with already popular partner.

There is so much creative power among poor as well. This would be a way to expose their potential (and interest) with little or no investment on their part.. (instruction on how-2 might need to be included on shared advertisements, i.e. advertisements shared with createspace.com and such).

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 10 Mar 2011

exponentially timeless

Think what could we do by joining in a win-win arrangements:

Each one of us who wrote a book on relating subject or wants to promote a product that relates (I can think of things I'd offer) -- could split 50/50 net profits in exchange for mutual promotion (i.e. mutual via a separate website listing products/books/proposed innovations... even as a part of amazon..)?.... (Accumulated funds would of course be donated to research on health and immortality)

Could you get into exacts a bit more? For example what Im seeing here is you might come up with a list of related books, but then youll want to research or let us know how and when additional pages can be added. I think a promotional page with related books can be created. If a book is print on demand I imagine a page like that can be added. If you have to wait until the reprint of the book then outline that for us a little more. Are those dates already known and or can they be estimated? Is it too uncertain to incorporate them into an exchange like this?

Try discussing these points a bit if you would:

Proposal: (name) Team Leaders: (who?) Leader workload: (min/week) Team Members: (number) Members workload: (min/week) Members only? - Yes/No Funding Required? - Yes/No Funding Level: $ Metrics for evaluating success or failure Milestones / Interim Steps(linked to source topic in project proposals)

If your idea develops here a bit and we can see a way forward then I suggest moving it the proposal stage but lets see how this goes here.