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Rhoughtly how much money is needed to cure aging?

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#1 GoodFellas

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 12:38 PM

Just curious, roughtly how much money is needed to cure aging?
I believe that it is definitely possible, but the issue is how to get enough money to really cure it.
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#2 forever freedom

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 04:35 PM

It'd be nothing we're capable of raising. It would be in the range of trillions of dollars, over maybe two or three decades.

It won't happen. I believe the only way is through a major leap in the level of technology of our civilization, which will happen if the singularity happens.

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#3 GoodFellas

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 04:56 PM

But what if we convinced the people with the money to invest in the singularity products?..

#4 Ark

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 07:47 PM

8.6 billion Euros

#5 Brainbox

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 08:15 PM

You will have to endure the Dutch accent of the interviewing journalist, but if you can Aubrey de Grey mentions a number somewhere in this video.

#6 brokenportal

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:10 PM

Its easier to think about it in terms that indefinite life extension happens in direct proporation to the speed at which the world collectively works to get there. What we do is we help inform the world, we set goals to do this, and then when the world is finally informed, that will allow a maximum percentage of people who would support indefinite life extension if they only knew about it, to support it. This will cause the maximum number of people that would give money to this cause to give money to this cause.

Right now people and places like philanthropists and foundations and governments think about causes like education and poverty and infrastructure. When indefinite life extension reaches the world stage then those same kinds of people and places will be thinking about those things with indefinite life extension at the top of the list, and so when they go out to throw their money around then indefinite life extension will be the main one.

So its not so much how much money will it need, its more like, how fast can we inform the world about indefinite life extension. Hence this plan, which you can be a part of if you want to.

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#7 Brainbox

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:23 PM

Yes, exactly. Moreover, the escape velocity concept would allow for practical therapies to be applied / sold in a relative early stage. This way, longevity will be able to fund itself. Coming to think of it, "longevity escape velocity" is also relevant in an economical sense for research to become self-supportive in an early adoption stage of development.
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#8 VidX

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Posted 03 January 2011 - 09:46 PM

8.6 billion Euros

8.1 would be enough imho

#9 John Schloendorn

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Posted 05 January 2011 - 06:19 AM

Don't ask how to raise money for curing aging.
Ask how to make money by curing aging ;-)
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Posted 11 January 2011 - 09:39 PM

8.6 billion Euros

8.1 would be enough imho

I'll do it for 8 :)

#11 De Grey

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Posted 13 January 2011 - 03:18 PM

@ John...I think this is the right answer. We need the economy to be interested in life extension and indeen I believe that anti aging has a incredible potential in earning money...

#12 Brainbox

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Posted 13 January 2011 - 09:29 PM

Nice username......

#13 Ghostrider

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 08:39 AM

@ John...I think this is the right answer. We need the economy to be interested in life extension and indeen I believe that anti aging has a incredible potential in earning money...

Yes, John is absolutely right. That's why I've been wondering if focusing on cosmetic applications may actually be the right place to start...

#14 brokenportal

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 07:56 PM

Because of the penny doubling effect, just $10 will also do the trick, from you, to this hereright now.

#15 Marios Kyriazis

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 08:18 PM

The cost cannot be calculated, it is impossible. If you want to be somewhat accurate you need to include all the costs of all scientists all over the world, their overheads, travelling expenses, overnight stay when attending conferences, materials etc. And this is not just for age-research scientists but also for other researchers from associated disciplines, general biomedicine, physics, ethics. Include costs for each and every development such as treatment for diabetes, alzheimer's, osteoporosis etc etc (even if the cure for aging turns out not to immediately depend upon the treatment of these conditions). Cost of past research and developments, which have given basis, background and inspiration for current and future researchers, and so on.

It is best for each one of us to do their bit and fight from their own post. The collective effort will bring about the desired result, and soon. This is invaluable, does not depend on just money, only on effort and vision.

Edited by mrszeta, 01 February 2011 - 08:19 PM.

#16 brokenportal

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Posted 01 February 2011 - 08:55 PM

The cost cannot be calculated, it is impossible. If you want to be somewhat accurate you need to include all the costs of all scientists all over the world, their overheads, travelling expenses, overnight stay when attending conferences, materials etc. And this is not just for age-research scientists but also for other researchers from associated disciplines, general biomedicine, physics, ethics. Include costs for each and every development such as treatment for diabetes, alzheimer's, osteoporosis etc etc (even if the cure for aging turns out not to immediately depend upon the treatment of these conditions). Cost of past research and developments, which have given basis, background and inspiration for current and future researchers, and so on.

It is best for each one of us to do their bit and fight from their own post. The collective effort will bring about the desired result, and soon. This is invaluable, does not depend on just money, only on effort and vision.

Right, or as I say it seems its best to think of it more generally in terms of, "happens in direct proporation to the speed at which the world collectively works to get there."

#17 GoodFellas

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Posted 11 March 2011 - 07:15 PM

I think the key is to get wealthier persons involved that can donate large sums instead of getting $10 here and there. To do that we need more propaganda just like the Singularity movie from Ray.

Maybe we should set up a strategy plan on how to contact wealthier persons that might benefit from this project themselves too?

What about making a inspiring Youtube video just like this one?

Another idea could to post information about this in more mainstream forums to people more aware of this.

Edited by GoodFellas, 11 March 2011 - 07:22 PM.

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#18 tepol

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 11:56 AM


Edited by tepol, 20 March 2011 - 12:36 PM.

#19 tepol

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 12:00 PM

-dang sorry about multiple mishaps there.

feel free to delete.

Edited by tepol, 20 March 2011 - 12:39 PM.

#20 tepol

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 12:08 PM

The cost cannot be calculated, it is impossible. If you want to be somewhat accurate you need to include all the costs of all scientists all over the world, their overheads, travelling expenses, overnight stay when attending conferences, materials etc. And this is not just for age-research scientists but also for other researchers from associated disciplines, general biomedicine, physics, ethics. Include costs for each and every development such as treatment for diabetes, alzheimer's, osteoporosis etc etc (even if the cure for aging turns out not to immediately depend upon the treatment of these conditions). Cost of past research and developments, which have given basis, background and inspiration for current and future researchers, and so on.

It is best for each one of us to do their bit and fight from their own post. The collective effort will bring about the desired result, and soon. This is invaluable, does not depend on just money, only on effort and vision.

Can we agree that if money was the issue or reward for work then the problem would be lot easier ?

I know materials etc would still cost obviously but I dont understand why you couldnt get those scientists who qaulity of life was already affected by incurable illness, or with similar beliefs united in some way .

Call me stupid, but if people with certain outlooks and far less money can achieve this in co-ops or almost buddhist like enviroments without the need to be influenced by lure of money ( In principle at least ) then why is it such stretch for a thise involved in science too ?

When you think about there isnt much difference between the shaman or scientists other than their paychecks, they both strive for the same thing

Surely they realise under the current regieme that advancement for any good is always going to be questionable considering where the source of money for funding comes from , so what exactly do they really think their going to achieve by sustaining the lifestyles they do ?

Do they really need that much money , and even with it what do they really achieve , a certain quality of life that in the end ( due to their very beliefs ) has no more merits thatn whats given to them by thier peers ?

Dont they ever think for once that if they did something that was recognised for once as having some impact in the world then the world would recognise them , and not just few niche colleagues in crowded rooms ?

How much good exactly has come for example from all the millions doanted to fighting cancer after 35 yrs other creating more drugs to fight cancer , while in the meantime you someone Bill Gates ( who isnt even a scientist ) who has probably has more influence in changing the world then any scientist in years.

Perhaps if there was other reasons beyond , the influence of fellow man ( or at least those with more money ) you could sustain something that had some purpose other than serving the interests of others who are just using it enfore its need

From my humble perspective the problem is less to do with money and more about beliefs , as that is what motivates people to persue their highest ideals regardless of social conditioning and any need to confirm to common fears.

If it was possible to make the majority realise this sort of self empowerment , rather than giving or " selling " it away , , i often wonder what would happen to our society , and those so called myths we hear lurking behind the scenes that operate like shadows.

Could they affored to lose so much , and what would happen if they did ?



Edited by tepol, 20 March 2011 - 12:48 PM.

#21 tepol

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 01:13 PM

The cost cannot be calculated, it is impossible. If you want to be somewhat accurate you need to include all the costs of all scientists all over the world, their overheads, travelling expenses, overnight stay when attending conferences, materials etc. And this is not just for age-research scientists but also for other researchers from associated disciplines, general biomedicine, physics, ethics. Include costs for each and every development such as treatment for diabetes, alzheimer's, osteoporosis etc etc (even if the cure for aging turns out not to immediately depend upon the treatment of these conditions). Cost of past research and developments, which have given basis, background and inspiration for current and future researchers, and so on.

It is best for each one of us to do their bit and fight from their own post. The collective effort will bring about the desired result, and soon. This is invaluable, does not depend on just money, only on effort and vision.

Can we agree that if money was the issue or reward for work then the problem would be lot easier ?

I know materials etc would still cost obviously but I dont understand why you couldnt get those scientists who qaulity of life was already affected by incurable illness, or with similar beliefs united in some way .

Call me stupid, but if people with certain outlooks and far less money can achieve this in co-ops or almost buddhist like enviroments without the need to be influenced by lure of money ( In principle at least ) then why is it such stretch for a thise involved in science too ?

When you think about there isnt much difference between the shaman or scientists other than their paychecks, they both strive for the same thing

Surely they realise under the current regieme that advancement for any good is always going to be questionable considering where the source of money for funding comes from , so what exactly do they really think their going to achieve by sustaining the lifestyles they do ?

Do they really need that much money , and even with it what do they really achieve , a certain quality of life that in the end ( due to their very beliefs ) has no more merits thatn whats given to them by thier peers ?

Dont they ever think for once that if they did something that was recognised for once as having some impact in the world then the world would recognise them , and not just few niche colleagues in crowded rooms ?

How much good exactly has come for example from all the millions doanted to fighting cancer after 35 yrs other creating more drugs to fight cancer , while in the meantime you someone Bill Gates ( who isnt even a scientist ) who has probably has more influence in changing the world then any scientist in years.

Perhaps if there was other reasons beyond , the influence of fellow man ( or at least those with more money ) you could sustain something that had some purpose other than serving the interests of others who are just using it enfore its need

From my humble perspective the problem is less to do with money and more about beliefs , as that is what motivates people to persue their highest ideals regardless of social conditioning and any need to confirm to common fears.

If it was possible to make the majority realise this sort of self empowerment , rather than giving or " selling " it away , , i often wonder what would happen to our society , and those so called myths we hear lurking behind the scenes that operate like shadows.

Could they affored to lose so much , and what would happen if they did ?



I saw this article shortly after posting this and found the parallels its synchronicity quite telling.

times are a'changing


#22 GoodFellas

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 07:05 AM

Any more thoughts about how to raise the money?

#23 tepol

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Posted 08 April 2011 - 04:45 PM

Any more thoughts about how to raise the money?

What about joining forces with other organisations with compatible aims , and taking the most of what already has a lot of support or resources for a short term solution rather than trying to eat the whole pie ?

I also think ( and some will hate this no doubt ) it would help to get exposure through celebrity support or figures that wider audiences already relate too in the media , sport etc

Cancer research and other charties have numerous examples and Parkinsons has M.Fox , but youd be suprised how many organisations with causes I see that dont .


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#24 Guest_Eidnoga_*

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Posted 18 May 2011 - 10:34 PM

Would billions of dollars do the trick? If so, it's actually quite amazing that the richest people in the world aren't already biologically immortal. Think about it, the top wealthiest 1% of Americans owns 33.8% of the total wealth in the US. They own 50.9% of all US stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The combined net worth of the Forbes 400 wealthiest Americans in 2007 was $1.5 trillion.

Check out this article. It is well worth your time to read: http://www.ourfuture...ncomewealth-gap

So what do you buy a guy who already has everything? Immortality. What if you could get together with 400 of your richest friends, and you could all live forever? You've already got more yachts, castles, and islands than you can use (not exaggerating, see article). What's left? Immortality for you and your family, of course, so that you can enjoy it all forever.

When you think about it, it's amazing that this hasn't already happened. Or perhaps it has, but the ultra-wealthy are smart enough to know not to make the rest of us pitiable common folk (even more) jealous by bragging about how they're going to live forever while we're not.

I predict that within 50 years the vast majority of the wealthiest people in the world will cease dying of natural causes.

Edited by Eidnoga, 18 May 2011 - 10:37 PM.

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