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Cholinergic system causing urination issues?

lepiricus's Photo lepiricus 19 Nov 2004

Hello all,

I have had hesitancy starting urination and not being able to fully empty my bladder. I have also had severe burning post ejaculation for as long as I can remember. I have been to 5 different urologist and have every physical aspect examined and tested (prostate, urethra strictures, bladder, STD, etc) and I am in perfect reproductive health. I am desperately trying to figure this affliction out because there are many men like me that experience this painful sexual side effect, if not the urination one that seems to be less common.

This may seem completely off-subject for this forum, but I have been doing some independent research myself and I discovered the urination and ejaculation response are controlled by the parasympathetic nerve system which is closely related to the cholinergic system. I am just an engineer and have a limited medical background, but I know many on this board are educated brain chemistry and nerve reactions and such. So, I call on the choline experts.

Many internet medical journals refer to the parasympathetic and cholinergic system that may cause urination issures. Even the man over at www.actionlove.com, who I mostly consider as a sheister, references possible nervous system abnormalities causing this. So, this is where I think my problem lies.

I know some cold remedies are known to anti-cholinergic and may cause urination difficulties, so I reason that my body may be in a state of low choline levels. I am going to attempt to raise choline levels back up via supplementation. If anyone has any suggestions or theories please let me know either via PM or on this thread. I am trying to utilize every resource of info I know at this point :)

It may be unrelated, but I came down with panic disorder about 3 years ago when in college. My diet consited of Coca-Cola and ephedra for about 2 weeks during a very hectic exam period and I was "whamied" by a panic attack during class one day while on this stimulant / no sleep period. I took Paxil (horrible drug btw) for about 4 mos before I returned to semi-normalcy. I am no longer taking meds at the moment and no longer experience full blown attacks but still carry around a little general anxiety. I am curious what this abuse of caffiene and ephedra might have done to my nervous system. I really dont think it is the cause of all my urination issues because I had urination difficulty before the panic attacks. But, I figure I was affected harshly by the caffience/ephedra becuause of a weak or out of balance nerve chemistry to begin with. Sorry for the wordy post. Take care everybody.

jokerace's Photo jokerace 19 Nov 2004

I have a question that may seem strange. Do you consume a lot of nutrasweet or aspartame?

lepiricus's Photo lepiricus 19 Nov 2004

I have a question that may seem strange.  Do you consume a lot of nutrasweet or aspartame?

No, I hardly ever ingest sugar substitutes. On rare occasions I drink tea I do use nutrasweet, I am talking maybe 3 packets a month average, if that. Otherwise I drink regular pop. About 3 cans/day if that matters.

jokerace's Photo jokerace 19 Nov 2004

The reason I ask is that some believe that nutrasweet could be a contributing factor in gulf-war syndrome which can exhibit some similar symptoms to what you are experiencing.

I am rather certain that you weren't in the first gulf war though.