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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Rejuvenation trumps immortality

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#1 randolfe

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:58 AM

If you ask most people if they want to be immortal, they stammer around and find a way to directly or indirectly say "no". The idea clashes with contemporary religious beliefs. It makes them think of endless aged infirm years.

Ask the same group of people if they would like to be young again and you will get an overwhelmingly positive response. Everyone wants to be young again. Everything is marketed promising to make you look, feel or even be younger.

Of course, rejuvenation defeats aging. Rejuvenation is actually the key to immortality. I'm sixty-six years old. If I had the choice between an extended lifetime of a thousand years in my current condition or five hundred years living as I was at age twenty-five, I'd choose quality over quantity, 500 years over a 1,000 years.

I think the ideas we champion here should be packaged as rejuvenation. We would suddenly be more acceptable even in the mass media. We might be cartooned as modern-day Ponce de Leons searching for that so far evasive "fountain of youth" but we would have enhanced standing in the social dialogues of the day.

Rejuvenation is a happier theme. It is not tied to "death" the way "immortality" is. People are facinated with "extreme makeovers" on television. That is because they are universally enchanted by the idea of looking younger and better. They shudder at the idea of being emersed in liquid nitrogen a-la-cryonics.

We live in a world of sound bites and spin. We didn't choose or write those rules. However, to succeed, we have to play by them.

#2 Da55id

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 01:53 PM

Mere coincidence? [:o]

Dave Gobel



Scientist wins the first Methuselah Foundation Rejuvenation “M Prize” for reversing aging in middle-aged mice using techniques applicable to human beings - Historic FIRST

WASHINGTON, DC Nov 22nd, 2004 --- Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Chairman of The Methuselah Foundation (www.Mprize.org), awarded the first ever Methuselah Mouse Rejuvenation Prize to Dr. Stephen Spindler leader of the first experiment to achieve rejuvenation in middle aged mice - in effect making them actually and biologically younger while extending their healthy lifespans.

The award was presented on Sunday, November 21st at 7:00 P.M. during the 2004 annual National Gerontological Society’s Conference in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Spindler’s research was most astounding because it was begun on mice that were already in middle age. This research, first reported in the peer reviewed Proceedings of the National Academy of Science achieved decisive increases of 15% average and maximum lifespan, AND was accompanied by significant early reductions of deaths from cancer. The fact that the mice actually became younger was verified by genetic microarray analysis. Video clearly showing that mice on the advanced calorie restriction regimen were more active and vibrant than their years would normally allow can be found at http://www.biomarker...l/video1-hi.htm

Dr. Aubrey de Grey of Cambridge University UK, Chairman and Chief Science Advisor to the Methuselah Foundation said “We are very proud to honor Dr. Spindler and his main financial supporter, The Life Extension Foundation for their historic and groundbreaking research leading the way to greater and more effective treatments to reverse the ravages of aging. The MPrize is meant to inspire and encourage just this kind of serious scientific progress and innovation in extending the healthy human lifespan."

While many people and organizations have already begun to openly question the ethics of such research at a time when the earth’s resources are already being taxed to the limit, Dr. de Grey states “That increased life spans in humans will result in increased knowledge to solve many of the problems we face.” He also points out that by making people younger we would “make people more productive for longer lives” which would help “alleviate the funding crisis faced by the Social Security Administration” in the United States. de Grey is unfazed by the recent religious swing in the US vote stating that “some of our strongest supporters are people of faith.”

The Methuselah Foundation’s Rejuvenation Prize - In the spirit of the recently successful Ansari X Prize for space tourism - is designed to encourage many more investors and scientists to compete in this worthy endeavor: We foresee a future of greatly reduced human suffering through widely available rejuvenation therapies. To accomplish this end, the Foundation is offering cash prizes for teams that exceed the bar set by Dr. Spindler’s remarkable experiment. There are already 6 world-class teams competing to win the MPrize.

The Methuselah Foundation prize fund currently stands at well over ½ million dollars and is accepting tax deductible donations and corporate sponsorships to increase the prize fund. Donations are growing at an accelerating rate from contributions and commitments by individuals and corporations from around the world.

The Methuselah Foundation is supported by individuals who are no longer willing to stand by and do nothing while seeing the diseases of aging disable and then take their irreplaceable loved ones away - They are taking matters on their own hands and inviting others to join with them in throwing down the gauntlet to cure and reverse aging. Among the over 100 donors and sponsors, notable donors include the Foresight Institute, the Life Extension Foundation, Dr. William Haseltine – Founder of Human Genome Sciences and Dr. Raymond Kurzweil – noted futurist and entrepreneur.

For more information about The Methuselah Foundation and its Mprize and how to support the Foundation’s mission, see www.MPrize.org or contact us via e-mail at media@mprize.org.
CONTACT: David Gobel : 202 306 0989 : media@mprize.org


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Posted 22 November 2004 - 02:55 PM

Very nice. :)

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#4 Mind

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Posted 22 November 2004 - 10:07 PM

I agree with you randolfe. Many members here have expressed difficulty in talking to friends and family about immortality/immortalism. We should all take your advice. Talking about rejuvenation is much easier. We can get more members by using "softer" talking points. My advice to everyone is to take randolfe's advice. Talk rejuvenation first, then let the other person ask about immortality if they so choose.

#5 jerusha

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 07:24 AM

not to sound rude, but you guys are counting your chickens before they hatch. if you are 66, you better cross your fingers science will come up with something in the next 44 years. doesn't it make more sense to prolong your lifespan, THEN reverse the ageing process? because, if you ask me not-ageing is the only thing that stands between me and death. even if i was dead for a day, there would be no chance in hell for me to resurrect. unless science became that advanced in such a short span of time. i believe we need to rush, rush now because time shows no mercy. you can't depend on anyone else to find the holy grail. YOU have to.

#6 jaydfox

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 02:34 PM

doesn't it make more sense to prolong your lifespan, THEN reverse the ageing process?

Yes, it does. That's why many people here (Dr. de Grey excepted, oddly enough) are strong proponents of Calorie Restriction and unnecessary-risk aversion.

As for the medical and research community, longevity is being pursued, and quite heavily. For the most part, longevity to them is in three forms: disease prevention and treatment; calorie restriction mimetics; and stem cell therapies, i.e. rejuvenation.

The first, as has been predicted, will only add about 15 years to a person's average lifespan. And that's assuming we can prevent and treat all known diseases. As you can imagine, this approach will cost hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming decade alone, and over a trillion dollars in the long run.

The second (CR mimetics) will probably add anywhere between 2 and 30 years to a person's lifespan, with the geometric mean, not the arithmetic mean, being the most likely: about 5-10 years, which is currently what is attributed to wine/resveratrol. As you can imagine, this approach is far less expensive, at least from a research perspective. Throw in FDA regulations and the trials (medical and metaphorical) to bring these treatments to market, and we're still looking at billions. But the research costs are very low...

The third, stem cell therapies, has the promise to add decades to an average lifespan. Not just in treating diseases, which is really the first category I mentioned, but in replacing worn out organs altogether! In theory, if the brain could be kept healthy, stem cell therapies could add another half a lifetime to one's life, an extra 30-60 years.

In theory, anyway. And stem cell research is being pursued to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in funding a year already, with billions on the way.

So I agree with what you said: "we need to rush, rush now because time shows no mercy." But I should point out that longevity is not necessarily the department where we few immortalists need to focus our energy. I suppose that will sound a little bit hypocritical, given my upcoming website entitled "Longevity First".

While what we need to achieve first is longevity, that's not for us to worry about. Capitalism and the medical establishment are already working on longevity. Our involvement will not likely change things enough to bring actuarial escape velocity even a month sooner, and probably not even a day sooner.

No, what we need to worry about is the next step, the step that is not currently being confronted by capitalism or the medical establishment. That's the prospect of stopping aging altogether, and perhaps even reversing it. That's the prospect of controlling not only aging, but death itself, via advanced nanotechnology.

Biomedical nanotech and SENS. These are things which are being so overwhelmingly ignored, given how likely they are to occur, how soon they could occur, and how little they would cost in relation to the benefits, that it is up to us to raise our voices on these issues!

It's not that we're counting our chickens before we hatch. It's just that we're focussing our efforts in an area that has only minimally greater risk, for a reward that is far grander. Would you invest in venture that has a 40% chance of failure, with a 60% chance of doubling your money; or would you invest in a venture that has a 41% chance of failure, a 49% chance of doubling your money, and a 10% chance of returning your money a thousand-fold?

Well, if you could do it multiple times, like a slot machine, the choice is obvious. But what if you only get this choice once? What would you do? If you absolutely had to get your money back to survive (and we DO!), would that change your decision?

#7 DJS

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 04:32 PM

I like Mind's terminology of "soft talking points", but I'm not sure that "soft" memetics meshes well with an institute that has the word Immortality in its name. [lol] But seriously, when talking with relatives and other real life acquaintances go with the softer message -- heck, why not? I'm still not convinced though that such interpersonal memetics will have much of an effect on accomplishing the mission of this Institute...I simply have a different strategy in this regard...

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