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ImmInst Conference - Nov 5, 2005

Poll: Which Package? (52 member(s) have cast votes)

Which Package?

  1. Total Package (revised, please see conf. link) (34 votes [85.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 85.00%

  2. Part Package (revised, please see conf. link) (6 votes [15.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.00%

Vote Guests cannot vote

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 16 Jul 2005

Appreciate your help, Malchiah.

To promote the conference, I will send more than 700 physical mailing postcards to ImmInst members in about one month. Also, LEF.org has agreed to include the conference in their magazine (250K+ subscribers). However, while I do have a few print journalist coming (Wired, etc.)... I would like to find a contact within one of the larger broadcast news orgs. to cover the event. Thus, if anyone knows of a such a contact within CNN, etc... please let me know (email me: bjk@imminst.org) or feel free to make an outreach on our behalf.... I'll be happy to send such media contacts an ImmInst Intro Packet... and we may be able to negotiate exclusive video coverage of the event.

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 16 Jul 2005

Interesting ideas Bruce. I will talk to a professor of mine who I keep in regular contact with. He may have suggestions, or know someone at Fox. It may be easier to get coverage once we're able to say X number of people are attending. The larger the crowd, the more likely they'll cover it.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 16 Jul 2005

Great... please keep me posted.

17 Jul 2005

Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN interviewed Kurzweil on his book and about his goal of living long enough to live forever (indefinitely). When interviewed after, Dr. Gupta was not extremely critical of Kurzweil, particularly Kurzweil's emphasis on medical tests to ascertain and maintain health.

CNN headquarters are in Atlanta, Dr. Gupta is on call there and presumably lives near Atlanta so it probably wouldn't be too much trouble for him to drop by and report on your conference. That is, if you can get him to cover the conference.

I may have mentioned this earlier, but I don't recall.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 17 Jul 2005

Thanks, cosmos.

I'll follow up by contacting Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 17 Jul 2005

I think a good way to get the ball rolling is everyone who is going to the conference and know they are sign up now.

Why wait.

That's a couple dozen at least. Once the figures are in that ballpark others will sign up more willingly.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 17 Jul 2005

Early registration would help in determining the scope of the conference and may allow us to bargain for a lower overall deal with Ga Tech. However, none should feel pressure if finances are in the balance.... maintaining healthy personal finances are paramount to successful life extension.

18 Jul 2005

Has Ronald Bailey been contacted regarding his attendance at this Conference?

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 18 Jul 2005

Yes, Ron has an open invitation to speak. I meet with him about one month ago at his home in VA for about one hour.

18 Jul 2005

I'll float another name then. Bioethicist, Arthur Caplan?

He recently submitted an article to the EMBO journal arguing that aging was both unnatural and a disease. Concluding with the acknowledgement that "there is no intrinsic ethical reason why we should not try to extend our lives."

His email address is caplan[at]fast.net

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 18 Jul 2005

Thanks, cosmos.

Dr. Caplan has replied via email earlier that he has another prior speaking arraignment. He would have been a fun one :)

wraith's Photo wraith 18 Jul 2005

Thanks, cosmos.

I'll follow up by contacting Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

ooo... Sanjay Gupta. I'd probably faint if I saw him in person.

[Some of Kurzweil's stuff seems consistent with what I've read elswhere, so (if you've got plenty of money) I don't see too much harm in following parts of his program. BUT the whole alkalinized water thing gives me pause.]

Lazarus's Photo Lazarus 02 Aug 2005

hmmm I wonder if the lowly logomaker can get a discount LOL well at least I get student pricing, will likly be there...if I dont have classes that day...it is a saturday right??? oh yeah by the way hi everyone I dissapeered for a reallong time...sorry bout that hehe...

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 02 Aug 2005

Great to have you back, Laz... and I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

In the interim, your logo creation has been appreciated. Here's the archive of the discusison on the creation & prize from Mar 2003!


Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 02 Aug 2005

By the way, Lazarus, as my computer fried about a yr ago, would you happen to have the .psd file of the original imminst logo? Should be filename "imminst". No biggie.

Cyto's Photo Cyto 02 Aug 2005

Ah the other Laz is comming as well? Awesome.

You should stop by more, we have twice the vinegar content these days. [tung]

Lazarus's Photo Lazarus 04 Aug 2005

ooo thats a damn good question.... I knowe I have it however its on a very old disk of mine, a disk which happens to be partially corrupted so I dont know if I can retrieve the file I will let you know, if I cannot however this place is FILLED to nerd and geeks ( I mean that in only the most affectionate way) so I am sure there is somone I could send it to who could retireve the file, but yeah I lan on being at the conference, its a saturday I believe so I wont be in school. Vinegar content huh, well I was thinking about a little wight loss but never considered a purly digital solution LOL. I love puns

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 04 Aug 2005

Wow I go away for a couple of days and my doppleganger returns. Great to see you back again Laz ;))

I hope you hang around more this time so we can really confuse a few folks.

BTW, I like your new avatar.

kwolfe's Photo kwolfe 15 Aug 2005

I'd love to come, but have already made travel arrangements for another conference the previous week. Is this conference held the same time every year? If so, I can look at making combined travel arrangements for both this conference and the one I'm going to this year (which I exhibit at each year for business), and just go from one to the other.

Thanks also for the postcard!

Katherine Wolfe

th3hegem0n's Photo th3hegem0n 22 Aug 2005

I'm getting together a group of students (i procrastinate, lol)

So far only 2 of us, however I'm fairly certain it will be at least 10.

mrfesta's Photo mrfesta 30 Aug 2005

How do I find out if I've already paid my registration fee or not? I cannot remember because it could have been months ago that I did so :)

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 10 Sep 2005

is there an update to the number of people signed up so far?

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 10 Sep 2005

Thus far registrations completed:

17 Employed/Un
--L Mirage
--B Klein
--S Klein
--H Benavidas
--G Rothblatt
--T Rothblatt
--A Alger
--M Klein
--J Klein
--C Lamm
--M Lamm
--C Kam
--E Gatley
--J Oh
--J Loew
--L Ruffino
--K Watson

5 Students
--Justin R.
--R Bates
--J Shepard
--G Howell
--T Moenk

This does not include th3hegemon's 10 student block or the 17 speakers, which would bring the total attendees to 50.

JMorgan's Photo JMorgan 15 Sep 2005

I apologize for not having registered yet. I was out of the states and had very little access to the internet. I will register as soon as I work out some of the details for myself. But it seems to me that we REALLY need to get the word out. People need time to plan and I don't know how we can bump these numbers up unless people sign up within the next few weeks.

Also, for the time being, I would like to suggest putting the conference in a more prominent place on the front page of this site. Make it the first thing people see who happen to be visiting ImmInst for the first time.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 15 Sep 2005

Thanks, Malchiah.

As an ImmInst member, please feel free to support your org. and the conference by getting the word out. I also see this is our obligation, as we're the first people to realize that aging and death can be overcome...

phacops's Photo phacops 17 Sep 2005

Are there still lots of seats available? My wife & I are planning to attend. I'm wanting to sort out air fare before registering because if Idon't snag cheap airfare we can't afford to come. Are a lot of people hanging around on Sunday? If so we might book our flight back for Monday in case there is any fun 'spillover' to be had on Sunday.

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 17 Sep 2005

Still seats open... great to have you and your wife in Atlanta!

The day after the conference (Sun Nov 6 at 10 AM), all participants are welcome to meet at the spacious CNN Center to talk, eat lunch and/or take the 50 min. CNN Studio Tour ($10).

More: http://imminst.org/c...ce/#Attractions

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 17 Sep 2005

ImmInst Conf. advertised in the Oct. 2005 Life Extension Mag:

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Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 17 Sep 2005

Page 90:

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Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 17 Sep 2005

hopefully that will bump up the attendance some...