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The Crystal Skulls

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#1 Guest_TheCrystalSkull@anonymo.us_*

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Posted 09 December 2002 - 04:57 AM

It was the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates who told us that we can only learn
those things that we have forgotten. Socrates seems to be suggesting that the only
worthwhile study is the study of what has gone on before. If that is true, then all
the knowledge of our future is hidden somewhere in the past. There is some
question, however, as to whether he was referring to things forgotten in our own
lifetime, things forgotten from past lives, or forgotten knowledge from some
plane of existence before we came here.
Let's assume for a moment that Socrates was really onto something. Apart from
the minuscule amounts of information that can be gathered by archaeologists,
what methods, devices, or knowledge exists today that can help us uncover this
past knowledge of the future? One group of psychics believes that the answer can
be found in that amazing substance that powers virtually all of our modern
communications systems—quartz crystal.
It begins with water dripping steadily onto silica in deep volcanic caves.
Eventually, the heat and pressure of volcanic activity causes the quartz to
crystallize at the extremely high temperatures of molten magma. Yet this
marvelous material can also be deposited on the seafloor in water just a few
degrees above freezing. Of the nearly 2,000 known types of minerals, none even
comes close to quartz in its diversity of origin or its abundant variety. Highly
prized as a gemstone, it is nevertheless often separated from other ores and
discarded as worthless, nothing more than sand to be used as a binder in concrete
or scattered on highways in the dead of winter.
At one time, quartz was believed to be ice frozen so hard that it could not be
melted. One legend held that it was the tears of God, who wept for a wayward
world. And while modern geologists know that the specific gravity of quartz is
more than 2 1/2 times too heavy to be water of any kind, quartz crystals do grow
by crystallization from watery solutions. Perhaps there is merit in the legends
after all.
It is the process of "growing" that gives quartz crystal some of its unique and
captivating properties. Typically, quartz crystal grows in hexagonal bars, and in
1678, Dutch physicist Christian Huygens suggested that "in general the regularity
which occurs in these productions comes from the arrangement of the small
invisible equal particles of which they are composed." 1 Huygens noted that in
viewing the flame of a candle through a polished prism of crystal, everything
appeared double, with the images quite close together, and he quite correctly
concluded that it was the internal structure that produced the external form.
A hundred years later, a Frenchman, Romé de Lisle, made precise measurements
of the angles of quartz crystal and determined that the angles did not vary with the
changing shape and size of the crystal. Another Frenchman, René Just Haüy,
often referred to as the father of cyrstallography, discovered that the pyramidlike
terminations really consisted of two sets of three faces at both the top and bottom
ends of the crystal. Haüy also found that quartz crystals were of two kinds,
corresponding to each other as the right hand does to the left. He was closing in
on one of the more interesting characteristics of quartz, the rotation of the plane of
polarization of light. In 1821, Sir John Herschel discovered that quartz crystals
with left-handed beveling faces rotated the plane of polarization to the left, while
right-handed crystals rotated the plane of polarization to the right. Little by little,
science was beginning to unravel the age-old mystery of this amazing rock.
Finally, in 1882, Jacques Curie and his brother Pierre, the famous codiscoverers
of radium, hit upon the one characteristic of quartz that affects all of our lives
today. In attempting to measure the electrical conductivity of quartz plates, they
found that applying pressure on the plates produced a deflection of the current.
They had discovered the property known as piezoelectricity (piezon, from the
Greek, meaning "pressure"). They found that oriented slices of quartz, properly
mounted, would vibrate mechanically at specific radio frequencies and thereby
stabilize the frequency of a radio transmitter. Every time you tune into a favorite
radio station, you can be sure that the reason you find it at exactly the same place
on the dial every time is that there is a small quartz wafer keeping the transmitted
signal on that precise frequency.
It is this same characteristic that keeps the digital watch on your wrist (and even
some analog watches) ticking away in perfect time. More recently, the
manufacturers of computer chips have found ways of enhancing the
characteristics of quartz crystal to the point where billions of precise calculations
can be made in fractions of a second. In fact, virtually all of our modern
communications depend to some degree on nature's formula of water and silica.
Interestingly, and perhaps significantly, the most amazing discoveries with regard
to these crystals have come from outer space. An experiment was undertaken
recently to grow crystals in a weightless environment. The result was that free
from the pull of gravity, there were no striations on the finished product. What
that meant was that the scientists now had a "perfect" crystal. According to David
Adair, a technology transfer consultant speaking at a 1997 conference in
Laughlin, Nevada, the scientists knew what they had, they just didn't know what it
would do. A wafer was prepared and put into an ordinary computer chip, the kind
of chip that is "common as dirt." The chip was then sent to the Cray Computer
Center in Silicon Valley for testing. Here, virtually all the accumulated
knowledge of humankind is stored on the huge Cray computers—computers
capable of so many calculations that their processors must be nitrogen cooled to
protect the machines from meltdown.
The Cray engineers were instructed to put the chip in a "test" bed and report their
findings. A short time later, the stunned and breathless engineers
reported back. The chip had performed at a level so far above anything in their
experience that they had no way of measuring it. Quartz crystal—pure quartz
crystal, that is—has put humankind on the threshold of a communications and
knowledge revolution the likes of which no one has ever dared to dream.
Or is all of this old news? Could it be that the scientists are simply proving
Socrates correct and learning what had been forgotten? Long before scientists
were studying the properties of quartz, long before the characteristics of light and
frequency were discovered, psychics were using crystal in a variety of forms to
help them discover the knowledge of both the future and the past. We are all
familiar with the caricature of the gypsy fortune-teller staring into a crystal ball.
But that is only one of its many incarnations. There are crystal wands, some
highly polished, some in the natural state; crystal amulets; and just plain old
chunks of crystal carried from place to place by psychics who claim that various
powers emanate from the rock. A current television commercial touts crystal
pendants that can be worn to put you in touch with your own psychic abilities.
(More about that later.) But easily the most intriguing of all the crystal artifacts
are the crystal skulls.
You may be surprised to learn that there are several of these beautifully carved
and highly polished skulls in existence, at least one of which forms the base for a
reliquary cross that is also made of highly polished crystal. The origins of both the
skull and the cross are somewhat obscure, but that is the case with all of these
relics. You see, there is another characteristic of crystal that we haven't
mentioned: It cannot be carbon dated. Therefore, the age (or relative age) of any
of the skulls can only be inferred from the archaeology of its surroundings at the
time and place of its discovery.
One of the more famous crystal skulls resides in the British Museum of Mankind
in London. This skull was supposedly found in Mexico by a soldier of fortune
during the reign of Maximilian and Carlota (mid-1800s), but its origins are
shrouded in mystery. It was apparently purchased by the museum from Tiffany's
of New York, who acquired it from a Mr. Sissons of that city. Sissons is believed
to have been a partner of the French adventurer M. E. Boban, who obtained the
skull from the aforementioned soldier of fortune
just before the man died. In the 1960s, the skull was removed from view in the
museum because the flower children of that era would gather around the skull and
just sort of camp out. The museum found this kind of attention embarrassing and
withdrew the skull, placing it in a box in the basement. The Mexican government
has tried to have the skull returned, but without success. They believe it to be of
Mixtec origin.
The Paris Museum is home to yet another authenticated crystal skull. This one is
believed to be of Aztec origin and is thought to represent Mictlantecutli, the Aztec
god of death. If, indeed, it was made to represent the god of death, its almost
grotesque appearance is most appropriate. Of all the crystal skulls, this one is the
least attractive. Adding to the notion that this skull represents the god of death is a
groove and a retaining ring carved into the skull for the purpose of affixing it to
the priest's staff. The skull would have topped the priest's staff on the Aztec
observance of the day of "skinning alive." On this day, the priest, representing the
god Xipe, would wear the skin of a freshly killed captive while dancing in
celebration of a successful springtime. The grisly ritual was supposed to ensure a
fruitful crop and harvest.
Another crystal skull of unknown origin can be found in a most unlikely place: a
quiet neighborhood in a suburb of Houston, Texas. Several years ago, the family
that now owns the skull was frantically trying to find help for their
twelve-year-old daughter, dying of bone cancer. The doctors gave her only two to
three months to live. Having exhausted all the conventional options open to them,
the family sought out a "healer" who owned this particular crystal skull. The
healer, according to the family, was able to extend their daughter's life and give
her three additional quiet years. A few years later, in 1980, the healer himself
died, and upon his death,"gifted" the skull to the family, telling them that when
the time came, they would know what to do with it.
According to the mother, the skull had sat on a shelf in a box for seven years
when she began having dreams about it. She would go to the box in the closet,
remove the skull, and talk to it. The thought did occur to her that it was probably
ridiculous to be talking to a rock, but the messages she received seemed clear. His
name, the skull told her, was Max, and he was to be used for the benefit of
Since coming out of the closet and participating in many ceremonies at the family
home, the skull has revealed a number of things. Amerindian and Mayan mystics
who have attended these ceremonies believe that the skull came from the
Pleiades, a distant star system, and somehow wound up on the continent of
Atlantis. They believe it to be encoded with the entire past history of the earth and
of humankind—a kind of prehistoric computer. Given what we now know about
the capacity of pure crystal and the fact that this particular artifact is about the
size of an average adult human head, the capacity to store that much information
certainly would not be a problem.
Another crystal skull has been literally unearthed in the valleys of central Mexico
within the past half century. A psychic, employed by a group of archaeologists to
help them determine where to dig, was instrumental in finding a terra cotta basket.
In the basket was a crystal skull the psychic calls Shinera,[sic]. The psychic
claims to "see" within the skull a record of its entire history, but more
importantly, it has given him the gift of healing. Like Edgar Cayce, he now
"works" on patients all over the world. They do not have to be in his presence for
the healing to work, and it is Shinera, he says, who "always shows up'' and is one
of several healers that speaks to him through the skull.
It is no accident that the crystal skulls all seem to be found amid the ruins of the
ancient Aztec or Mayan cultures. The skull, as a symbol, was featured throughout
their carvings, painting, and sculpture. It appears to have been important in all
aspects of their lives, including their religion. Actual human skulls numbering in
the hundreds of thousands were discovered by the early Spanish conquerors.
The fascination seems to have rubbed off on some of the Spanish religious orders
as well. A small, crystal skull formed the base of a reliquary cross (mentioned
earlier) that was used by the Franciscans in Mexico City. The cross, with its
unique base, came into the hands of the Redo family during the last century when
the government began to confiscate church property. To avoid such confiscation,
many church treasures were put into private hands. This particular skull is much
smaller than the others (roughly the size of a baseball), but it exhibits a high
degree of craftsmanship, and according
to the present owner, it does have certain magical qualities that help control
emotions and promote clarity of thought.
Easily the most impressive of all the crystal skulls, however, is what has become
known as the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull. Anatomically correct in every detail,
even to the hinged lower jaw, and polished to a breathtaking clarity, the M-H
crystal skull has fascinated scientists and psychics alike ever since its discovery in
the 1920s. All who touch this amazing artifact report immediate and unusual
changes within themselves. Could this striking piece of quartz actually have some
strange, transcendental power?
F. A. Mitchell-Hedges, a famed British explorer (his listing in Britain's Who's
Who is longer than Winston Churchill's!), was on an archaeological expedition to
British Honduras, where Mitchell-Hedges hoped to find some evidence of the lost
continent of Atlantis. He had taken his adopted stepdaughter, Anna, in honor of
her approaching seventeenth birthday. Anna, whose nickname was Sammy, often
accompanied her famous father on his travels and seemed to be as filled with the
spirit of adventure as he was.
This particular expedition, however, was proving to be more frustrating than
fruitful. Then one day, Sammy was climbing about the ruins of an ancient Mayan
temple near Lubaantun when she spotted something shiny just out of reach under
the ruins. Being experienced with the rules of this kind of archaeological
exploration, she made no attempt to recover whatever it was until it had been
photographed and its precise location carefully mapped. But there was a certain
excitement in her voice when she told her father that something was lying just
beneath the surface near the temple.
Earthquakes had toppled many of the giant rock slabs that made up the temple
walls, and it took the workers several days to carefully remove them. On Anna's
seventeenth birthday, the last stone was reverently moved out of the way, making
it possible to reach the shiny object. It turned out to be a clear, beautifully carved
crystal skull.
The local Mayan natives reacted with astonishing joy. It was as if they recognized
the skull, and they began dancing about the object and paying homage to it.
Within a matter of hours, an altar had been raised upon which the skull was
placed and worshiped. This presented something of a problem
for Mitchell-Hedges, since he wanted the locals back at work. Finally, a
compromise was struck. He would put the skull in the keeping of the native chief
if they would return to the dig. They readily agreed, and by the next day, the
natives were back excavating. Several months passed, however, before the
detachable lower jaw was found. It, too, was in perfect condition.
At this point, the full impact of the find hit Mitchell-Hedges. MitchellHedges was
a great believer in the story of Atlantis. He had, remember, mounted this entire
expedition to British Honduras in the hope of finding some clue to the existence
of the lost city. Suddenly it seemed as if he had found it—and purely by accident.
Could ancient Mayan cultures have fashioned something as anatomically correct
and artistically sophisticated as this? He didn't believe it was possible, but he
would never get a definitive answer, even though the skull was in his possession
for the rest of his life.
The skull is now in the possession of Anna, and she has been quite willing, during
her lifetime, to permit the skull to be submitted to a number of tests, both psychic
and scientific. Various experts place the age of the artifact at around 12,000 years.
Others are sure that it is far older than that. But since carbon dating is impossible,
not even the scientists at Hewlett-Packard, one of the world's leading
communications companies, could confirm an actual date of origin.
Carol Wilson, a psychic from Toronto, Canada, who gained fame by helping
detectives in that city solve a grisly murder, was granted permission to "channel"
using the skull. Channeling is the process whereby a psychic becomes a voice, or
"channel," for a spirit. The voice that spoke through her indicated, among other
things, that the skull was 100,000 years old and had been polished to its brilliant
luster using a combination of human hair and sound. (This latter revelation is
interesting in view of another of the discoveries made by space scientists working
with molten metal in a weightless environment. They have discovered that sound
is the only way the alloys can be shaped.)
Another psychic to whom Anna gave access to the skull concluded that the spirit
that resides within the skull is female and that the skull is a replica of the skull of
a people who, unlike modern humans, lived for hundreds of years. Modern
science does, in fact, support the notion that it is a skull representing
a female. Using the skull to re-create what the person looked like, forensic
scientists have determined that it was indeed most likely the skull of a woman.
While all of this is interesting, it doesn't begin to explore all the fantastic
characteristics of this particular skull. It took a team of internationally known art
conservators nearly ten years to discover the full range of the skull's amazing
In 1964, Anna brought the skull to New York and turned it over to Frank and
Mabel Dorland. They had heard of the skull from a neighbor, Frances Fowler Ill,
who owned the Southern Comfort distillery. Fowler collected famous drinking
cups and had made purchases from F. A. Mitchell-Hedges; he was therefore
acquainted with this famous world traveler and explorer. The Dorlands had, in
fact, been in touch with Anna and her father since 1950. When F. A.
Mitchell-Hedges died in 1959, leaving all his treasures in the care of Anna, it
became her decision as to whether or not the Dorlands should take possession of
the artifact. Anna decided to let them work with it under very strict rules and
procedures. One of those rules had to do with its enormous monetary value. The
skull, she insisted, when not being tested, was to be kept in a velvet-lined box in a
bank vault.
Dorland was soon totally intrigued by the crystal skull. Other artifacts could be
weighed, measured, and authenticated as belonging to some identifiable period,
but the skull was a new kind of challenge. It could be photographed but not
analyzed. It didn't fit any of the known patterns. Then one evening, having
worked with the skull until it was too late to return it to the bank, Dorland placed
it on a coffee table in front of the fire. Relaxing in his easy chair, he glanced over
at the skull and noticed something odd. The eyes of the skull were reflecting the
fire exactly, without any distortion.
The next day, Dorland had the skull under his microscope. There were, he
discovered, incredible optics carved into the skull, the sophistication of which
should put it well beyond any ancient civilization. Halfway back in the roof of the
mouth, a broad, flat plane is carved, similar to a 45-degree prism. This surface
directs the light from beneath the skull into the eye sockets. A thin, ribbonlike
surface carved next to this plane acts as a magnifying reading glass. Next to the
45-degree prism is a natural ribbon prism. Extending
through the more than 6 inches of solid quartz crystal, this channel is free from
veils and inclusions. Items viewed through this prism are not only legible; they
are slightly magnified and completely undistorted.
And there's more. Behind this prism, and this could only have been carved
intentionally, is a concave and a convex surface that acts as a gatherer of light,
bouncing the light to the 45-degree prism and then out to the eye sockets. The
back of the skull itself is as beautifully formed as a camera lens, gathering light
from everywhere and, again, reflecting it to the eye sockets. But probably the
most significant indication of the skill of whoever carved the skull is in the
delineation of the zygomatic arches, the arches formed by the bone just below the
eye in the human face. They are carved in relief, beside the cheekbones, just as
they would be in a human skull. This is a sculptural device that has never been
used in any statue anywhere in the known world.
The device provides for a narrow channel that is actually an air space that makes
it possible for light from either the back of the skull or underneath to flow through
these arches. At their end is a hollow depression that acts as a lens and scatters
light into the sockets. Light from the rear of the skull will therefore show the
same as light from underneath. Amazingly, this piece of intricately carved crystal
exhibits a technology only discovered in relatively recent years. What could
possibly account for such precision in view of its unquestioned antiquity?
Edgar Cayce believed Atlantis to be the cradle of civilization, believing that
several geological upheavals destroyed the island repeatedly. Cayce also said, in a
1933 reading (#440–5), that "initiates" of Atlantis engineered and manipulated
precious power crystals for the production of galvanic and spiritual energy. These
crystals were so potent that they were responsible, in large part, for the advanced
civilization of the Atlanteans. Unfortunately, according to Cayce, the crystals
were improperly used and actually contributed to the final destruction of the great
island empire.
Cayce also believed that the crystals' function could be understood either literally
or symbolically. Atlas, the principal figure in the mythology of Atlantis, is
credited with being the founder of astrology. Possession of the crystals, therefore,
might have been a symbolic representation of possession
of the stars themselves. Of course, there are those who scoff at the idea that any of
the crystal skulls came from Atlantis or were by-products of their advanced
technology. But we are left with the nagging realization that someone had to
produce them, and neither the Mayan nor the Aztec cultures seem to be very good
candidates for the job.

#2 bobdrake12

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Posted 13 December 2002 - 05:47 AM


The Mitchell-Hedges skull

Are there 13 ancient (master skulls)?


There is a legend that the 13 master skulls hold the genetic coding of...

My understanding is that most if not all of the ancient crystal skulls have no ethnic features and are apparently female. There is reportedly a reason for this.

These ancient skulls have moveable jaws perhaps used as a communication device.

Some have theorized that the ancient skulls came from Atlantis while others have speculated that Atlantis did not have the technology to make them. There is a legend that the skulls were brought to the Mayans, who used the skulls as a worship device.

Legendary code that unlocks the program = color + tone + archetype

The legend continues regarding how the Pineal Gland balances and translates.

#3 bobdrake12

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Posted 14 December 2002 - 06:45 AM


The Crystal Skulls

In 1927, the British archaeologist F.A.Mitchell-Hedges discovered one of the most facsinating pieces of Mayan craftmanship to date.

It is a perfect copy of a human skull, carved from a block of quartz crystal. No-one knows how the Maya could have achieved such a high level of accuracy. It would have taken generations of workers, scouring the crystal with sand abrasives, up to 300 years to carve.

The area in the roof of the mouth acts as a prism. When a light source - such as a flame - is placed below the skull, this prism projects the light out through the eyes.

Many believe that the skull was beyond the capabilities of the Maya, and that it could only have been produced by people with a much higher level of technology - possibly that of alien origin...

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#4 bobdrake12

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Posted 14 December 2002 - 07:21 AM


Native American legend tells of 13 life-size crystal skulls said to contain crucial information about humankind's true purpose and destiny. The legend prophesied that at a time of great crisis for humanity, all of the crystal skulls would be rediscovered and brought together to reveal information vital to the very survival of the human race. The authors first heard of this legend while in the jungles of Central America and, after a real crystal skull was discovered in a Mayan city, set out on a quest to discover the truth behind this mystery.

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls follows their journey from the ancient temples of the Maya to the British Museum, the Smithsonian, and to the crystal laboratories of Hewlett-Packard, where sophisticated scientific tests on the skull--made from the same quartz crystal used in today's computers--lead to the conclusion, "This skull shouldn't even exist." These scientific tests have raised many questions: Are the skulls really information storage devices that allow us to tap deep into the past and predict the future? Are they artifacts from the lost civilization of Atlantis or are they extraterrestrial in origin? Their journey also leads to Native shamans and elders who reveal the sacred knowledge and vital information that these skulls hold about coming earth changes and humanity's imminent destiny.


Page 2

According to an old Native American legend, there are 13 ancient crystal skulls, the size of human skulls, with moveable jaws, that are said to speak or sing. These skulls are said to contain important information about the origins, purpose and destiny of mankind and answers to some of the greatest mysteries of life and the universe. It is said that this information is not only important to the future of this planet, but vital to the very survival of the human race. According to these ancient teachings, one day all of the crystal skulls will be rediscovered and brought together for their collective wisdom to be made available, but the human race must first be sufficiently evolved, both morally and spiritually, so as not to abuse this great knowledge.

Page 50

Only since the beginning of the twentieth century have scientists begun to harness the incredible power of quartz crystal. So how was it that our ‘simple’ and ‘primitive’ ancestors had known to make the skull from precisely this type of material? Was it mere coincidence or could it be that they knew something we didn’t?

Could it be that the crystal skull really was some sort of store of information, just as the ancient legend had said? Could it really contain an important message from our ancestors? At first, this seemed very far-fetched. It was almost unbelievable that a simple lump of rock could contain the great secrets of our forefathers from way back in the mists of time, But, despite our initial skepticism, after our trop to Hewlet-Packard we began to take this idea more seriously.

Page 52

In the case of the computer we have managed to work out a way of inputting and retrieving the information ‘stored within it’ through the process of electronics. But what if any information inside a crystal skull? We may not yet know the correct way to input and retrieve any information stored within it, but that does not necessarily mean that the information is not there. The analogy that comes to mind is of a Stone Age man or woman finding a computer and being told that it contains great knowledge and information. Without the necessary understanding of electronics and the appropriate passwords and commands, they would simply not believe it. Could we be in a similar situation with the crystal skulls? It may be that the information they contain is in a form that we simply do not yet comprehend. For it is only when we are able to interact properly with any information storage system that the knowledge stored within it comes into a form of existence that we can understand.

#5 bobdrake12

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Posted 14 December 2002 - 09:24 AM


Crystal Skull Records

At times, the Ancients did indeed reflect on the crystalline nature of our body and spirit, for they imitated the human form and its energy patterns by carving it in solid crystal.

Without a doubt the most famous and enigmatic piece of ancient crystal discovered to date is the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull. One day in 1927, adventurer-explorer F.A. Mitchell-Hedges was clearing debris from atop a ruined temple at the ancient Mayan city of Lubaantum, located in British Honduras, now Belize, when his seventeen-year old daughter Anna, who had accompanied him, suddenly saw something shimmering in the dust below. Anna found an exquisitely carved and polished skull made of rock crystal, with the jaw piece missing. Three months later, she located the jaw in an excavation about 25 feet from the first site.

The skull was made from a single, unusually large block of clear quartz crystal, and measured 5 inches high, 7 inches long, and 5 inches wide, weighing 11 pounds, 7 ounces. It closely corresponds in size to a small human cranium, with near perfect detail, even to rendering the skull without the globular prominence or superciliary ridges, which are characteristics of a female.

In 1970, art conservator and restorer Frank Dorland was given permission by the Mitchell-Hedges estate to submit the quartz skull to tests conducted at the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories at Santa Clara, California. From these tests, and from careful studies done by Dorland himself, the skull revealed a whole array of anomalies.

When submersed in a benzyl alcohol bath, with a beam of light passing through, it was noted that both the skull and jaw piece had come from the same quartz block. What was astounding to the testers, however, is they found that the skull and jaw had been carved with total disregard to the natural crystal axis in the quartz. In modern crystallography, the first procedure is always to determine the axis, to prevent fracturing and breakage during the subsequent shaping process. Yet, the skull's maker appears to have employed methods by which such concerns were not necessary.

The unknown artist also used no metal tools. Dorland was unable to find signs of any tell-tale scratch marks on the crystal, under high-powered microscopic analysis. Indeed, most metals would have been ineffectual, for the crystal has a specific gravity of 2.65, and a Mohs hardness factor of 7. In other words, even a modern penknife cannot make a mark on it.

From tiny patterns in the quartz near the carved surfaces, Dorland determined the skull was first meticulously chiseled into a rough form, probably using diamonds. The finer shaping, grinding and polishing, Dorland believes, was done by applying innumerable applications of solutions of water and silicon-crystal sand. The big problem is, if these were the processes used, then, as Dorland calculated, it would mean that a total of 300 man-years of continuous labor was spent in making the skull. We must accept this almost unimaginable feat, or admit to the use of some form of lost technology in the skull's creation the likes of which we have no equivalent today.

The enigma of the skull, however, does not end with just its making. The zygomatic arches (the bone arch extending along the sides and front of the cranium) are accurately separated from the skull piece, and act as light pipes, using principles similar to modern optics, to channel light from the base of the skull to the eye sockets. The eye sockets in turn are miniature concave lenses that also transfer light from a source below, into the upper cranium. Finally, in the interior of the skull is a ribbon prism and tiny light tunnels, by which objects held beneath the skull are magnified and brightened.

Richard Garvin, who authored a book about the crystal skull, believes the skull was designed to be placed over an upward shining beam. The result, with the various light transfers and prismatic effects, would illuminate the entire skull and cause the sockets to become glowing eyes. Dorland performed experiments using this technique, and reported the skull 'lights up like it was on fire.'

Still another finding about the crystal skull reveals knowledge of weights and fulcrum points. The jaw piece fits precisely onto the skull by two polished sockets, which allow the jaw to move up and down. The skull itself can be balanced exactly where two tiny holes are drilled on each side of its base, which probably once held suspending supports. So perfect is the balance at these points that the slightest breeze causes the skull to nod back and forth, the jaw opening and closing as counter-weight. The visual effect is that of a living skull, talking and articulating.

The question, of course, is what purpose did this serve? was it only designed by its artist as a clever toy or conversation piece, or, as Dorland believes, was the talking skull meant to be used as an oracular device, through strange phenomena associated with the crystal skull, that defy logical explanation.

Observers have reported that, for unknown reasons, the skull will change color. Sometimes the frontal cranium clouds up, looking like white cotton, while at other times it turns perfectly clear, as if the space within disappears into an empty void. Over a period from 5 to 6 minutes, a dark spot often begins forming on the right side and slowly blackens the entire skull, then recedes and disappears as mysteriously as it came. Other observers have seen strange scenes reflected in the eye sockets, scenes of buildings and other objects, even though the skull is resting against a black background. Still others have heard ringing noises emanating from within, and at least on one occasion, a distinct glow from no known light source surrounded the skull like an aura for up to six minutes.

The sum total of the skull appears to take in all five physical senses of the brain. It changes color and light, it emits odors, it creates sound, it gives off sensations of heat and cold to those who touch it, even though the crystal has always remained at a physical temperature of 70 degrees F under all conditions, and has even produced sensations of thirst and sometimes of taste in a few cases.

Dorland is of the opinion that what is happening in all this phenomena is that the 'crystal stimulates an unknown part of the brain, opening a psychic door to the absolute.' He observes, 'crystals continuously put out electric-like radio waves. Since the brain does the same thing, they naturally interact.' He has found, too, that periodic happenings in the crystal skull are due to the positions of the sun, moon and planets in the sky.

Researcher Marianne Zezelic agrees that the skull was primarily used to stimulate and amplify the psychic abilities in its handlers. She observes: 'Crystal serves as an accumulator of terrestrial magnetism. By gazing at the crystal, the eyes set up a harmonic relation stimulating the magnetism collected in that portion of the brain known as the cerebellum. The cerebellum therefore becomes a reservoir of magnetism which influences the quality of the magnetic outflow through the eyes, thus setting up a continuous flow of magnetism between gazer and crystal. The amount of energy entering the brain eventually increases to such a proportion as to affect the poles of the brain, a region extending just above the eyes, contributing to psychic phenomena.'

Going a step further, Tom Bearden, an expert in the field of psychotronic studies, believes that, in the hands of a skilled meditator and mental focaliser, the crystal skull also served not only as a vehicle to transform life field energy into electromagnetic energy and other physical effects, but also aided in healing, by the altering of its crystalline resonance to match that of a patient's mind and body frequencies, and affecting curing energies on the skull that would manifest in the patient's auric field. The skull should thus be used as an amplifier and a transmitter of psychic and earth energy forces.

When looking at the sum total of skill and knowledge incorporated in the Mitchell-Hedges skull, modern science is stumped as to how to explain it. Author Richard Garvin summarized the findings in these words: 'It is virtually impossible today -- in the time when men have climbed mountains on the moon -- to duplicate this achievement. The lenses, light pipes, and prisms alone display a technical competence that the human race only achieved recently. In fact, there is no one on the globe today who could attempt to duplicate the carving. It would not be a question of skill, patience and time. It would simply be impossible. As one crystallographer from Hewlett-Packard said, 'the damned thing simply shouldn't be.'

But it does exist, and while we cannot explain it in terms of any known form of technology, we can explain it only as the product of a technology far advanced to our own, but which vanished and was forgotten long ago -- the technology of a Golden Age.

#6 bobdrake12

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Posted 14 December 2002 - 09:44 AM



Incredible energy and strange physical phenomena...

by Joshua Shapiro

Today the topic of quartz crystals is a hot item! You will find books about crystals in almost every bookstore (even non-metaphysical ones). There is a great battle occurring between holistic doctors/healers and the traditional medical profession about whether crystals can actually be effective in facilitating some form of healing. However, the intention of this article is to go beyond what has been publicly shared on this topic and discuss one of the most amazing uses of quartz by the ancients -- the Crystal Skulls.

What are we referring to when we say a Crystal Skull? A Crystal Skull is a piece of quartz crystal shaped in the form (or approximating) of a human skull. There are two types of skulls that exist, those which have been carved in a known process by contemporary craftsmen, thus called contemporary skulls and others which have been discovered in or near ancient ruins, known as ancient crystal skulls. The most interesting of these skulls are the ancients one which are human size or larger. In working with these ancient crystal skulls, we find an incredible energy generally linked to the artifact and many strange physical phenomena.

A Little History

The places where the human sized ancient crystal skulls have been found is Indian ruins (Mayan, Aztec, etc....) in Mexico or Central America with unsupported rumors of some skulls being discovered in South America. Thus far, four types of quartz skulls are known including clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz and smoky quartz. The contemporary carved Crystal Skulls have been manufactured in Mexico, Brazil, Germany & Nepal and there are many local crystal stores which sell some of these skulls. The ancient skulls not only have baffled our scientists (when a skull was available for research) regarding how they were made, but have a great deal of psychic phenomena occurring around them. For example, several of ancient skulls have been brought to Hewlett-Packard, located in the San Francisco area which has one of the best scientific and crystal research laboratories in the world. The scientist their were hard pressed to explain how a primitive culture (because the skulls are known to be at least several hundred years old and as we believe, much older) could have carved crystal into such precise shapes and especially against the natural axis of the crystal. Crystal is a substance that has a perfect symmetry of how its molecules align. When a carver cuts crystal, if they attempt to carve against this axis, the crystal shatters. Even with our elaborate laser equipment, it would be very difficult to create such Crystal Skulls as are be uncovered and do so against the axis. This does not even begin to address the strange phenomena that occurs in the presence of an ancient Crystal Skull.

What Crystal Skulls are known today? The most famous Crystal Skull is called the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. It is an almost exact copy of a human skull, totally clear as glass with two pieces including a movable jaw. It was found in the ruins of a Mayan city called Lubaantun, in Belize in 1924, by Anna Mitchell-Hedges, on her 17th birthday. Her father, famed explorer F.A. Mitchell-Hedges, who was leading this expedition (funded by the British Government), was looking for evidence of lost Atlantis. At first they found the top part or cranium of the skull in what appeared to be an altar room. Three months later they found the lower jaw nearby. The natives went into a frenzy when the skull was first brought out. Mr. Mitchell-Hedges did not have the heart to keep this sacred object from the Maya so he gave it back to the natives. In 1927, when the expedition was ready to leave, the Head Mayan Priest presented the Crystal Skull back to them in gratitude for the food, medical supplies and clothing that the expedition had provided for his people. It has been in their family ever since. Recently, Anna Mitchell-Hedges has had the Crystal Skull on display at several New Age conferences around the United States. Also, she has allowed private appointments to see the Crystal Skull in her home (now in Canada).

Two other Crystal Skulls that can be seen on public display at times, are the British Crystal Skull, in the Museum of Mankind in London, England and the Paris Skull, in the Trocadero Museum in Paris, France. Both of these single piece skulls were found by soldiers of fortune in Mexico in the late 1890s. They are both cloudy clear quartz and neither is as intricately carved nor as precise as the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. In 1936, a report by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britian published in their journal called "Man," compared the British Skull and Mitchell-Hedges Skull, since they are somewhat similar in size and shape, trying to decide which Crystal Skull was created first and which was a copy. Arguments were presented in the article for both possibilities and no conclusive decision was reached.

In our book "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed," we discuss several other skulls which are unknown to the public. I would like to just briefly mention them here in order to bring the reader up to date on what is known so far. In 1979, coauthor Mr. Nocerino was contacted by a Mayan Priest in Mexico and was able to work with another clear frosty skull for four months with over 30 researchers. They called it the Mayan Crystal Skull because many of the psychic impressions received depicted scenes from the Mayan culture. It is not as human-looking, with circular indentations in the temples and is one piece. At present, its whereabouts are unknown. In 1982, the same Mayan Priest brought to the United States an Amethyst (a purple-colored quartz) Skull which is currently held by private owners in San Jose, California. This skull is similar in style to the Mayan Crystal Skull but slightly smaller. Both of these skulls were brought to Hewlett Packard for research and also found to be cut against the axis of the crystal.

During the Second World War in France, Mr. Nocerino saw another clear Crystal Skull known as the "Light of Christ", that was clear and one piece, held by a secret society. In the late 1940's near the Guatemala-Honduras border, he saw a rose quartz skull including a separate movable jaw that was an almost exact copy of the style of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull except this skull was slightly bigger and very well guarded by local natives. He has also seen two other Amethyst Crystal Skulls, one in Marin County of California and another in Mexico which was buried in a tomb dated ninth or tenth century. There is also a report of another clear skull with a movable jaw existing in Peru kept in secret by the Peruvian Government. We have also heard through a spiritual teacher in Peru known as Willaru, that he saw a Crystal Skull with one of the Indian tribes in the Northern Part of Peru. He said this skull was perfectly formed, clear quartz, one piece but had a blue coloring in its eyes and on the top of the head. He felt this skull had great knowledge and could be used for healing. The Indians who guard the skull said it was a sacred artifact.

Even after our book was published, additional crystal skulls have surfaced. In 1988, the Parks of Houston, Texas, begin to share a large frosty clear quartz skull that weighs 18 lbs. The name of this skull is the Texas Crystal Skull. The Parks inherited this skull from an American who was trained as a Tibetan Monk and used the skull in his center to help heal people. In appreciation for the support he received from the Parks, he gave them the skull when he died. The Parks are open to have people come to visit them and the skull which has been on display at a number of New Age and UFO conferences (next one is in Colorado in March/April 1995) in the U.S. Lastly, the Parks are working with a spiritual channel who is receiving telepathic communication with the skull and she speaks a strange language (possibly a Space Language). They are creating activations, activating the energy grid in certain places.

When I was in Las Vegas during some lectures to promote my book in 1989, I met an elderly gentlemen named Jose, who was born in Mexico. He told me that he had a small clear quartz skull that had Mayan Symbols on it. He had this skull since 1942 and found it in a Mayan ruin when his class from school was at this sight for a field trip. He claimed that after the skull came into his possession every dream and desire he had for his life was fullfilled. I had a chance to work with this skull in the summer of 1989 and found that it indeed had a powerful energy. Jose died in 1993 and the whereabouts of this skull are not known at this time. Jose told me that a small amethyst skull was also found next to his and that a friend in Mexico had this skull.

In April of 1991, I was in Los Angeles to participate in a local conference and speak about the Crystal Skulls. I have a friend Eric, who at that time, had a beautiful crystal store in this area. He had a booth at the conference and told me that he had received a crystal skull from Central America and the person who was going to buy was in town. He permitted me to meet this new owner and see the skull. This skull is a one piece smoky quartz skull that has a pointed head and the teeth come to an overbite. The guardian has decided to call it "ET" (since the skull looks a bit extraterrestrial). I did have an opportunity to meditate with the skull and definitely felt it was an ancient one. Since 1991, the guardian has acquired an amazonite skull that was found in China, a rose quartz skull that was purchased from a family who lived in Russia where the skull was discovered and a small clear quartz skull possibly associated with the Jessuits in Italy. It is the guardian's intention to have 12 skulls and she is a very magical person and seems to always hear when new skulls are around. Generally she has a feeling when the next one will come up.

Unusual Phenomena

What type of unusual phenomena has occurred around the Crystal Skulls? First, I would like to share a few personal experiences with the ancient Crystal Skulls I have seen. I was in the presence of the Amethyst Crystal Skull in April of 1983 and the Mitchell-Hedges Skull in May & June of 1986. One of the psychic or inner gifts which I have discovered and seems to come naturally, without effort, is the ability to feel or sense energy/vibration. When I first came in contact with each of these skulls, I felt as if they were quiet or as if there was absolutely no energy within them. After seeing the Mitchell-Hedges skull, I discussed this experience with one of the other co-author of my book, Sandra Bowen. Sandra had worked with Mr. Nocerino for three weeks of intensive research with this Crystal Skull in November of 1985. At this time, she had a totally different reaction from mine as she instantly connected with the skull and felt tremendous energy around it. Thus I concluded that this skull could conduct totally different sessions with individuals around it at the same time. Apparently, when one first begins to work with a Crystal Skull, there is a period of getting acquainted. Now, if I am in the presence or even see a picture (or a mold, in 1993, we came in contact with a person in Chicago who had a cement type mold of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and I still felt an energy with this) of either of these Crystal Skulls, I immediately feel a connection and a great deal of energy around and inside of me. I begin to receive mental images of places and people of which I am not always certain what it means. Also I receive tremendous insights into myself, universal knowledge or an intuitive understanding of spirit and a feeling of being charged. I know within my being that I have worked with the Crystal Skulls in prior lifetimes as I will inwardly hear suggestions of how to activate and work with the skulls.

Some people who have been in the presence of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull have told the owner that they received a healing of some form or found that their psychic abilities became expanded. Other people have fallen into a trance while being with this skull. But the most dramatic phenomena which occurs around the Crystal Skulls, which is a very special part of my coauthor, Mr. Nocerino's research, are the holographic images which appear inside of the crystal skulls when they are activated through a combination of color, light, sound or human energy. Some of the scenes that have appeared within the skulls are UFOs, Big Foot, Unicorns, flying people, mermaids, dolphins, whales, mountains, other Crystal Skulls, alien beings, forest, caves, etc.... To this date, no one is quite sure of the exact process which manufactures these pictures. Even when any of the co-authors have done public lectures sharing the crystal skulls through slides and video, there are always people who see images inside of the skulls!

Just exactly how many Crystal Skulls are there? In this article we have discussed more than ten ancient human and sized and shaped skulls. However, it is the general consensus among the researchers that many more skulls exist and will be coming out in the near future and also that there may be multiple sets of 13 skulls that work together. As we view each of the different Crystal Skulls that are known, we see that there are some which are very similar in shape and size and perhaps belong to one specific group of 13 whereas others of a different shape could be in a another group of skulls. Some of the skulls appear to be an attempt to duplicate the more ancient ones. If one studies most of the world's major religions, the concept of 13 comes up repeatedly. For example in Christianity there is Jesus and the 12 apostles or what about the 12 tribes of Israel and their priests. It has even been speculated that our solar system once had 13 planets, one of which was destroyed (Maldek, a planet between Mars and Jupiter which is now the asteroid belt between the two planets) and two others which we have yet to discover, one possibly beyond Pluto.

What are the Crystal Skulls?

The most productive research we have done on the Crystal Skulls to obtain such answers involves using psychic procedures. This is because Carbon 14 dating does not work on inorganic objects such as quartz crystal and our scientists are still unclear how the skulls were made. In other words, we have interviewed and received reports from people who have either been in the presence of one or more Crystal Skulls and given us their psychic impressions or from various spiritual channels. These channels have received information from a variety of sources including dolphins, extraterrestrials or multidimensional beings who talk through them. From the synthesis of their information, I would like to share with the reader the following conclusions. However, as was discussed in the first book published about the Crystal Skulls, done by Richard Garvin (1973), there are numerous theories which have been given through these sources and very few of which completely agree.

We believe the Crystal Skulls are a form of computer which are able to record energy and vibration that occur around the them. The skull will pictorially replay all events or people who have come into contact with them (i.e., -- they contain the history of our world). Just as our modern computers can receive or send energy/information from similar types of machines, so too can the Crystal Skulls send information amongst themselves. We believe, as the ancient legends describe, that the Crystal Skulls can and have been used for healing. They played a key role in many cultures who saw the skull as the Godhead. We have also found a very strong link with extraterrestrials and feel that Space Beings either brought these skulls to our world or gave us the techniques to fashion them. We believe that the holographic images of UFOs and Aliens that are displayed in the skulls and have been observed by various researchers and sensitives adds support to such a theory.

If the Crystal Skulls were not brought by extraterrestrials then certainly we must conclude their have been civilizations much more technologically or spiritually advanced than our own today. We have had several channels suggest the skulls were created in Atlantis or Lemuria. That the Crystal Skulls could have originally been a human bone skulls that were changed to crystal through the power of the mind. Also, that the skulls are connected to the people who live in the Inner Earth. This idea presents the theory that our earth is Hollow with a small central sun at its core and openings at the poles. Gravity, which is located at the center of the Earth's crust, 800 miles thick, hold objects and people to the inner or outer surface. Supposedly, 13 master Crystal Skulls hold the genetic coding of Twelve Inner Earth Tribes and the thirteenth or central skull represents the family of these tribes.

I personally feel that the Crystal Skulls are not only here to share ancient knowledge and wisdom, but to assist in awakening our race to higher spiritual laws and understanding of itself. They are announcing that many of the ancients tools are coming back now because the planet is ready to use them again in a harmonious way. The Crystal Skulls are a tangible sign that indeed a Golden Age is fast approaching our world. They are inwardly calling those who have worked with them in past lifetimes and will help to activate the inner divinity and higher knowledge within these individuals.


From Shapiro J, Bowen S, and Nocerino FR. "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed."

#7 bobdrake12

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Posted 14 December 2002 - 09:52 AM


The Eerie Crystal Skulls

Some people with a mystical bend credit them with strange, supernatural powers. Geologists marvel at their size. Archaeologists wonder who made them. And nobody denies that they possess an eerie, horrible beauty unmatched by almost any other objects. They are the crystal skulls.

There have been many replicas of human skulls that have been polished out of a single crystal of quartz rock. Some are ancient, some contemporary. A few have been made from pure quartz and are absolutely clear. A rare few are also life-sized.

Quartz, composed almost entirely of silicon dioxide, is found in almost every type of rock and can form huge crystals that weigh tons. While it is colorless and transparent when pure, when a tiny portion of the silicon atoms are replaced with iron, aluminum, manganese or titanium, the crystal can take on beautiful colors. Amethyst is violet quartz. Jasper is quartz with red, yellow, brown, gray or black coloring. Onyx and Agate are quartz with bans of color. Bloodstone is green with red spots. If a single streak runs through the quartz it might be called Cat's Eye, Tiger's Eye or Rutile.

All crystal is ancient and there are no good ways of guessing how long ago a skull shape was carved or polished out of the quartz. Scientists have examined some of the skulls whose history is not known looking for tiny marks that may tell what type of tools were used to carve them, but this may not always give a reliable age or origin. It does not eliminate contemporary artists using ancient methods.

Probably the two most famous clear crystal skulls are the "Mitchell-Hedges" skull and the skull at the Museum of Mankind.

The Museum of Mankind is a part of British Museum near Piccadilly Circus in London. The skull sits in a case there and is labeled as "possibly of Aztec origin- the colonial period at the earliest." This is mostly guesswork on the part of the museum staff. The museum itself obtained the skull from Tiffany's, the New York jewelers. Nobody is sure where Tiffany's obtained it, though there are rumors that it was part of a collection amassed by a mysterious soldier of fortune in Mexico.

The skull is so strangely hypnotic that there is a story that the cleaning staff at one time insisted that the object be covered with a black cloth before they would work around it at night.

The Mitchell-Hedges skull has an even more checkered past than the Museum of Mankind Skull. F.A. Mitchell-Hedges was a self-proclaimed British adventurer during the early twentieth century. He told stories about how he gambled with the rich J.P. Morgan, roomed with Leon Trotsky and fought with Pancho Villa. All of these appear to be tall tales.

The skull itself is, of course, very real, but how it came into Mitchell-Hedges possession is an open question. We know for sure that he was in possession of it by 1944. That year a member of the staff of the British Museum had bid on the skull at an auction and made this note:

Bid at Sotheby's sale, lot 54, 15 x 43 up to 340 [pounds] (Fairfax). Brought in by Burney. Sold subsequently by Mr. Burney to Mr. Mitchell-Hedges for 400 [pounds].

Mr. Mitchell-Hedges had always indicated that he had found the skull in an ancient temple in British Honduras, though he seemed very reluctant to reveal the details, writing: "How it came into my possession I have reason for not revealing."

Some researchers believe the story about finding the skull in Honduras was just another tall tale and Mitchell-Hedges obtained it through Burney, an art dealer.

Mitchell-Hedges' adopted daughter, Anna Mitchell-Hedges, who inherited the skull when he died, supported her father's story. She explained her father placed the skull with Burney as collateral for a loan. When he realized Burney was trying to sell the stone, he bought it back.

Anna Mitchell-Hedges also claimed that it was she who discovered the skull on her 17th birthday while with her father in British Honduras. She found the skull, missing the jaw, under an ancient alter. Three months later she found the jaw in the same room.

The rock, probably the strangest gemstone in the world, weighs some 11 lb, 7 oz (5.19kg) and is carved out of a single quartz crystal. Mr. Mitchell-Hedges often referred to it as the "Skull of Doom." The separate jaw looks like it might have been wired to move, perhaps giving it the ability to appear to be speaking. It has been theorized the skull was used as an oracle, the jaw operating by remote control as a voice came from a hidden speaker tube. It isn't hard to picture the priest of some ancient religion dazzling his followers with such a display.

One scientist, Dr. G. M. Morant got to examine the Mitchell-Hedges skull and the skull at the Museum of Mankind together in 1936. He noted the skulls were very similar in many anatomical details and suggested that the one in the museum might be a slightly rougher copy of the Mitchell-Hedges skull.

Neither Morant nor any other scientist has been able to definitely establish a time or place where either of these skulls were created. So they remain, along with many other crystal skulls, a beautiful, but puzzling enigma.

Copyright Lee Krystek 1998.

#8 bobdrake12

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Posted 14 December 2002 - 04:55 PM


The Baffling Crystal Skulls

Who made these special artifacts? What do they represent? How and why do they affect people?

From Crystal Skull Investigator, Joshua Shapiro:

The Ancient Amethyst Crystal Skull © Francoise Beaudoin

The Crystal Skulls are considered to be one of the most intriguing mysteries in our world. Human size skulls made from a variety of quartz crystals have been found near or within ancient ruins for over the last 100 years. No one is quite sure how the crystal skulls found their way to these sites and who made them, as some of the older skulls (no way to scientifically date them) show some precise workmanship. The local people believe these skulls have an energy or power.

There are numerous reports of people being cured of all types of illnesses and life threatening diseases (like how about a brain tumor for one?). Many people report that there lives change in a dramatic way after being in the presence of a crystal skull.

The indigenous elders (Mayans, Native Americans, etc ...) believe the crystal skulls are connected to their prophecy of a transformation for our world and that they contain incredible universal knowledge. It is the goal of the World Mystery Research Center to work with all types of scientific devices and systems to determine if we can explain why the crystal skulls affect people so powerfully. Why are the crystal skulls also discussed in the controversial bible code? Do they have some connection with ETs and the UFOs? In this section we will continue to offer to our readers a glimpse of the actual research that is going on behind the scenes.

During this summer, we will be working with people in Europe and the U.S. using a variety of different devices and techniques. So stayed tuned!! If you would like more information about the crystal skulls, please see the article by clicking on the button below.

Joshua Shapiro has been investigating the crystal skulls since 1983, when he personally saw the amethyst skull shown above. He is the co-author of the book "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed" and given numerous talks in the U.S., South America, Australia and Europe.

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