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Immortality Newsletter #2

Bruce Klein's Photo Bruce Klein 11 Dec 2002

Immortality Newsletter #2 - Feb 26
From The Author:

All in all, were growing nicely and having fun. I'm rather impressed with the level of discourse and civility on the forum. Hats off to the Moderators: Another God, Bobdrake12, OmniDo, & Sophianic... Excellent Job!

Bruce J. Klein, bjk@bjklein.com

Schedule Of Events:

1. *Chat about immortality related issues every Sat 9pm ET USA.

(*Chat Room)

2. Next Newsletter: March 12

(Newsletter Archive)

Sample Forum Posts:

"There is a lot of speculation on the "life" of the universe. A great deal of that truth has to do with whether or not all things in nature have true, infinite stability. As scientific experiments have discovered, it seems that almost every element has a half life, and none of them are inherently stable. If this is objectively and ultimately true, then everything in the known universe will eventually "Fall apart" back into the realm of the ultimately fundamental. How long will this take? Well, I wouldn't start funeral arrangements for the universe any time soon. Scientists estimate this number to be in the trillions of billions of billions of years, far far into our distant future. But the fact that this might be the case, gives us enough time to decide what we are going to do about it. It may yet be possible to prevent such an ultimate end."

(By: OmniDo - Forum Topic: Forever & A Day)


"As long as I can remember I have believed in immortality.... "heavenly immortality" that is. But 6 years ago something happened and my life has been forever changed. I had never been challenged to think that immortality here on earth would be possible. But now, I am starting to believe....I must admit the idea scares me ... I don' know why.... Is it because I will have to change my way of thinking and I am not willing to let go of what's familiar? I am not ready to renounce the idea that there is something after death but I am ready to do everything I can to stay alive and keep my family alive as long as possible. The main difference now I think is that I plan on stalling death as long as I can and not accept the idea that death is inevitable."

(By: Chestnut - Forum Topic: When did you become interested in immortality?)

News Of Interest:

A year and a half ago, Michael West, PhD, President and CEO of Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), revealed his plan to use "therapeutic cloning" to attack aging in humans (Life Extension magazine, June 2000, pg. 40). At that time, there was relatively little opposition to Dr. West's idea (see "The Media Befriend De-Aged Clones," LEM, August 2000, pg. 57). But when he announced recently that ACT had taken the first step towards human therapeutic cloning, he was suddenly criticized by everyone from President Bush to the Pope. Further, a bill outlawing human cloning (including therapeutic cloning) had already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, and President Bush urged the Senate to approve the bill as soon as possible. In the face of this criticism, Dr. West has patiently and calmly stood by his guns. He was interviewed by telephone on Dec. 2 by Gregory M. Fahy, PhD and Saul Kent of the Life Extension Foundation about the latest scientific advances made by ACT and the furor and controversy over cloning.

Link To Interview

Forum - Status Report:

Currently 35 Members From 5 Countries

17 Members Have Made 485 posts On 108 Topics
Welcome New Members

8am USA
hawess United Kingdom
LefMirage USA
Trent USA
OmniDo USA
laurel USA
Giorgio Perri USA
Neolife USA
Robert Horley Australia
Sophianic Canada
Wilson USA
ocarra USA
Ganshauk USA
Eyezick USA
Igor Russia
Bobdrake12 USA

Immortality Links:

1. KerzweilAI.net

Impressive site devoted to the exploration of future visions and immortality related issues. Be sure to check out The Brain, an online interactive technology dictionary.

2. CloserToTruth.com

Closer To Truth is an online media archive of TV shows with leading scientist. Topics include all scientific subjects. Be sure to check out the topic: Will This Universe Ever End?

Part of the transcript:

WILL this universe ever end? If so, how? There are two basic theories, neither pleasant. One is that the Big Crunch is coming: at some point, the universe, which had been expanding, will begin contracting, rushing inward, so that all matter and energy will eventually squash together into a singularity, where mass has no volume and space and time stop. The other is known as the Heat Death (i.e., heat dies): the universe, with its continued expansion, flies more and more apart, so that all matter and energy will dissipate and all will become the ultimate cold void.

Longevity & Health Tips:

Water - "The Healer"

It's our body's vital fuel, a health drink from mother nature. It's calorie-free, inexpensive and easily obtained. Yet few people follow the old fashioned advice to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Most people drink when they are thirsty, but the beverage of choice tends to be some other drink besides water. Americans drink two or three glasses of plain water a day, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture survey conducted in the late 1970. Based on an analysis of all fluid intake by adults, it is said to total about two quarts of water a day, and this includes water from foods and from other beverages. It's not usually necessary to actually swallow two quarts of plain water every day. However, people with special problems such as kidney conditions might be exceptions.

Americans drink eight gallons of bottled water a year, roughly two ounces or a quarter-cup a day, according to the International Bottled Water Association. Californians drink three times the national average of bottled water, downing 24 gallons a year, or nearly a cup a day. Climate and seasons of the year play a role in one's thirst also, and just as we tend to perspire more in the summer months, we also tend to drink more water. Boosting intake of plain water makes good sense, many experts concur, because water eases digestion and regulates body temperature.

Water also bathes the cells and accounts for about 60 percent of body weight. And it can help us exercise longer and more efficiently. Drinking water can ward off constipation and maybe even crankiness. An since it's a natural appetite suppressant, water can help us lose weight and keep it off. It can help keep skin healthy, although it won't necessarily banish acne.

Link To Water Health Site