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life extension related music

Droplet's Photo Droplet 03 Feb 2012

Gorgeous voice and beautiful metaphor. I love the clock running out imagery too.


JonesGuy's Photo JonesGuy 03 Feb 2012


Metallica's Frantic. Actually, I think these guys have latent transhumanist leanings. I've often thought about sending them a fanmail pointing out that there were scientific organisations that were looking to cure or reverse aging. I've even considered asking them to sponsor a scholarship or fund a research project. I think that just putting the bug in their ear might be the way to go.

If I could have my wasted days back,
Would I use them to get back on track?
Stop to warm at karmas burning,
Or Look ahead, but keep on turning.

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle!
My lifestyle determines my deathstyle!

Frantic tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock

I've worn out always being afraid
An endless stream of fear that i've made
Treading water full of worry
This frantic tick tick talk goes hurry

Mind's Photo Mind 03 Feb 2012

Metallica's Frantic. Actually, I think these guys have latent transhumanist leanings. I've often thought about sending them a fanmail pointing out that there were scientific organisations that were looking to cure or reverse aging. I've even considered asking them to sponsor a scholarship or fund a research project. I think that just putting the bug in their ear might be the way to go.

Just do it. I have reached out to famous people in the past on a whim and have had success. Maybe 1 in 10 respond in some way shape or form. You never know.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 03 Feb 2012

Metallica's Frantic. Actually, I think these guys have latent transhumanist leanings. I've often thought about sending them a fanmail pointing out that there were scientific organisations that were looking to cure or reverse aging. I've even considered asking them to sponsor a scholarship or fund a research project. I think that just putting the bug in their ear might be the way to go.

Just do it. I have reached out to famous people in the past on a whim and have had success. Maybe 1 in 10 respond in some way shape or form. You never know.

Well said. I've not had many responses but just one or two is something and has made people stop and think. :) Jonesguy, just go for it as Mind says.

JonesGuy's Photo JonesGuy 08 Feb 2012

You bet! I really should. Even a bug in the ear is worth our time, because they might not respond positively now, but might eventually help out our goals. We need a sea-change in society to beat the Dragon Tyrant, so little efforts can have big impacts.

Edited by JonesGuy, 08 February 2012 - 06:38 PM.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 08 Feb 2012

You bet! I really should. Even a bug in the ear is worth our time, because they might not respond positively now, but might eventually help out our goals. We need a sea-change in society to beat the Dragon Tyrant, so little efforts can have big impacts.


*Chants* do it! Do it! Do It! :)

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 09 Feb 2012

Posted Image

Edited by brokenportal, 09 February 2012 - 03:15 AM.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 16 Feb 2012

This song is actually about losing a pet but the themes of loss and saying goodbye are still there. Poor dogs, they have even more unfair lifespans than us. :(


Droplet's Photo Droplet 22 Feb 2012

A song about a meaningless and premature death:


Droplet's Photo Droplet 23 Feb 2012

Another song by Funker Vogt about the finality of life:


Droplet's Photo Droplet 23 Feb 2012

"One day baby we'll be old and think of all the stories that we could have told." Such a simple lyric and one of the only ones throughout this tune. However, it does bring home how aging robs us of so many possibilities of what we could do and experience. This fan video is amazing. I originally posted just the song then I found this video. The footage really brings home how our time is so short and has some sad footage of old people in a nursing home.

Edited by Droplet, 23 February 2012 - 09:12 PM.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 24 Feb 2012

That is a deep video. Its deep and with room to plunge. The video paints the nostalgia pretty well, and then I like this picture in particular:

Posted Image

Thinking about this here, the cause could also really use a video or picture of (among other themes) something like, a bunch of really good fading photographs in frames on one side of the person, like these except more and a little clearer, and then a bunch of photographs of the universe, things that represent things to come and the vastness of the mystery out there yet to experience in frames on the other side. Then the person could even be like, sitting in a chair fashioned from a coffin, or something like that. The same general sort of impression as this lady here would be about perfect too. Especially if it were like a 110 year old couple and a few of their 90 year old children with their spouses there.

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 24 Feb 2012

I interpret this as being about death and going to die. I may be wrong but it's an amazing song.

Wow thats an awesome song. It reminds me of something I would find fitting being played at a place like Robert Ettingers cryopreservation, with slightly adjusted lyrics.

"All my hopes are frozen in liquid nitrogen
my lust for life froze me there
I crossed my arms and filled my lungs with cryo
I can hear the future calling from within

Please understand, I've got nothing left to give you,
Until the end, until we meet again,
But soon, my friend, I will meet you by the river,"

The last song you posted "One Day" reminded me of this song. This song is lethal to a nostalgia-free afternoon:

and while Im here, "theres no time to kill between the cradle and the grave, father time still takes a toll on every minute that you save..."

"If you dont look ahead nobody will, theres no time to kill."

brokenportal's Photo brokenportal 24 Feb 2012

Any time that we arent working on indefinite life extension we are killing time. "this killing time is killing me."

"Now if I cross that line and they bury me, then I just might fight I'll be killing time for eternity." So get on the ball with indefinite life extension before the grim reaper hands you the bill, there's NO, time to kill.

Then this ones good:


Droplet's Photo Droplet 24 Feb 2012

Thinking about this here, the cause could also really use a video or picture of (among other themes) something like, a bunch of really good fading photographs in frames on one side of the person, like these except more and a little clearer, and then a bunch of photographs of the universe, things that represent things to come and the vastness of the mystery out there yet to experience in frames on the other side. Then the person could even be like, sitting in a chair fashioned from a coffin, or something like that. The same general sort of impression as this lady here would be about perfect too. Especially if it were like a 110 year old couple and a few of their 90 year old children with their spouses there.

That would be perfect! :cool: As the internet brings us together and helps us communicate with people all over the world, are there not people in the Art forum who would be able to help work on something like this? Videos/displays are great. For many people, a big long documentary with lots of information is not liable to get their attention as well as a short, simple and thought provoking video. I am often more likely to stop at a stall/presentation in Birmingham if it has phrases/videos/pictures that are short and simple yet make me curious. Granted, I'll nosy at most stalls because I'm like that but I am more likely to do so if the information is easier to take in. There was a wonderful and sad animation on the big screen in the city centre a few months ago about dementia and an old man dying alone with his dog. I don't know the name of the animation nor animator but it centred on his reminiscing about his hobby of fishing and an old photo of himself with a big fish.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 27 Jun 2012

A song about losing someone that you love:

Droplet's Photo Droplet 13 Jul 2012

An upbeat song with lots of truth in it:

Here is another that despite it's title isn't quite so deathist:

Droplet's Photo Droplet 16 Jul 2012

It's our destiny and we can change it:

Kai Tracid could perhaps be an outreach candidate.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 23 Jul 2012

Lots of truth in this quite upbeat-sounding tune about the misery of old age:


jdgauchat's Photo jdgauchat 26 Jul 2012

Hi guys. This is another song that people associate with war, well, maybe because the album is called "War is the answer" :-D, but like any other good song, it affect me at a personal level, and brings to mind thoughts about my own fight for immortality.

Edited by jdkasinsky, 26 July 2012 - 04:22 AM.

Kahnetic's Photo Kahnetic 30 Jul 2012


Droplet's Photo Droplet 05 Aug 2012

A wonderful wonderful life is one reason to pursue life extension. Such a lovely, ancient song. :) Well okay not too ancient because I'm older than this song.

Edited by Droplet, 05 August 2012 - 07:10 PM.

Droplet's Photo Droplet 05 Aug 2012

Forever young...something we all wish for:

Dataguru's Photo Dataguru 06 Aug 2012

Love That Songs !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Droplet's Photo Droplet 24 Aug 2012

This song is meant to have a bit of a mortality theme running through it, according to what I read about it. Not a bad ditty either. :)

"Freeze me put age in a cage, that tiger's insane."


Mind's Photo Mind 22 Feb 2013

I am an old fogey, so how about ELO. Hold on tight to your dreams.


Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 23 Feb 2013

About a week ago I was looking and listening through some old albums that I bought in the 70's of the previous century. Suddenly I realized that these lyrics might have triggered my current interest in life extension. Or my interest in why we accept our final destination as unavoidable.

There's something solid forming in the air,
And the wall of death is lowered in Times Square.
No-one seems to care,
They carry on as if nothing was there.

The wind is blowing harder now,
Blowing dust into my eyes.
The dust settles on my skin,
Making a crust I cannot move in
And I'm hovering like a fly, waiting for the windshield on the freeway.


If you like this kind of music, the entire album with lots of more lyrical goodies is here:

Genesis, The Lamb Lies down on Broadway

Edit: The usual typo's.
Edited by Brainbox, 23 February 2013 - 12:46 AM.