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Pushing for a "M"erry Christmas!

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#1 jaydfox

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 05:14 PM

Listen up, fellow life extensionists!

I received the following (excerpted) email just a couple hours ago!

...and boy do we have an exciting opportunity.

Here's the deal:

Michael Cooper would like to drive us above the $100,000 cash mark before the end of the year and is committed to donate $23,700 of NYSE stock to the Longevity Prize. He will do this IF we get what it takes to top the $50,000 mark in the Longevity Prize - which will trigger Bob Gelfond's $5,000 challenge funds. Reason is willing to put a $2,000 donation towards the Longevity Prize, all of which puts us in shouting distance.

The short of it is that we need only another $2000, but we need it fast. Between our own resources and those of our immediate friends in the life-extension world, I believe we can. Can you help?

Please reply and let me know what you think we can do to meet this $2000 challenge before the year runs out!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Let me say that again, with emotion:

Michael Cooper would like to drive us above the $100,000 cash mark before the end of the year and is committed to donate $23,700 [:o] of NYSE stock to the Longevity Prize. He will do this IF we get what it takes to top the $50,000 mark in the Longevity Prize - which will trigger Bob Gelfond's $5,000 challenge funds [wis]. Reason is willing to put a $2,000 [thumb] donation towards the Longevity Prize, all of which puts us in shouting distance. [g:)]

The short of it is that we need only another $2000, but we need it fast. Between our own resources and those of our immediate friends in the life-extension world (psst, that's you!), I believe we can. Can you help?

Clear enough? I have already donated $100. I don't know who else has donated, so I'll assume that NOBODY has. Why? Because if someone has donated, then the numbers below get even better!!!

The Meta-Prize

Here's an excerpt of the email I sent back:

It's a sort of meta-prize.  Prizes traditionally generate about 16
times their value in research, or so we've been saying.  In this case,
we need $30,568.11 to get the Longevity Prize to $50,000.00.

$28,695.62 of that money is already pledged: $23,700 from Michael
Cooper, $2,000 from Reason, and I see $2995.62 in matching funds.
However, that money is contingent on being able to raise another
$1,872.49.  I'm already committing $100, so we still need $1,772.49.
Imagine that!  Just $1,772.49 can trigger an additional $28,795.62 of
donations, which will itself trigger another $5,000 of funds.  That's
a 16:1 return on our money, not including Bob Gelfond's $5,000
challenge!  A meta-prize for the M Prize!

So, we need your help!! It's not a lot to ask. I know that the M Prize has been asking for our money for over a year, and I know that we've been emphasizing how critical every dollar is, etc.

But let's not look at the big picture. Let's ignore the fact that every dollar raised today may inspire ten dollars in donations in the next decade. Let's ignore the fact that every dollar in the prize might inspire ten dollars in longevity research that would otherwise be spent on cancer or Alzheimer's or diabetes or airport screeners or textbooks or other worthy, but far inferior causes. In other words, let's ignore the fact that every dollar raised today might inspire $100 or more in research in the War on Aging.

Okay, is your mind a blank slate? Have you forgotten all the really good reasons you should be donating to the Methuselah Mouse Prize anyway? Okay, now consider this:

If we can collect $1772.49 in the next week, then we can help put $30,568.11 in the Longevity Prize, and another $5,000 towards the M Prize. Where would that leave us? That depends on where Bob's money goes. Assuming he splits it 50/50, we'd have a Longevity Prize value of $52,500, a Rejuvenation Prize value of $56,574.61, and a Total Prize Value of $748184.78!!!

So, let's see if we can do it! We only need $1,772.49!!!

#2 jaydfox

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 05:20 PM

Looks like Kevin has anted up as well!

Kevin, with your $100, that means we only need $1,672.49, so now it's no longer a 16:1 return on our money, it's a 17:1 return!! Come on people, get involved!! Every dollar now could be worth $17 by next week, and $170 dollars in ten years, and over $2,000 towards longevity research in the decades to come!!!

#3 Da55id

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 05:24 PM

I donated $50. (there goes my lunch money l-0

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#4 jaydfox

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 05:27 PM

Err, my bad. I forgot that Michael Cooper's money, and Reason's, and mine, and Kevin's, will probably go towards our 300 commitments. So scratch the $748184.78 figure. It'll probably be closer to $721,300, give or take a thousand. My bad. [wis]


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Posted 21 December 2004 - 05:35 PM

I'm going to post this on sci.life-extension. If I leave out anything, feel free to reply there and fill in the blanks.

#6 jaydfox

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 05:43 PM

Kevin, with your $100, that means we only need $1,672.49, so now it's no longer a 16:1 return on our money, it's a 17:1 return!!

Including Dave's $50, we need $1622.49.

Dave, Kevin, Reason, or anyone from MPrize.org: Can you post the dollar amounts of new donations as they come in, so we can track the progress here?

We need $1622.49. Divide that into $28,595.62 (I had been counting my $100, shame on me...), and you get about 17.6. That's the return on our money. (cue cheezy infomercial voice.) But wait, there's more!!

If we include Bob Gelfond's $5,000 challenge, then we need $1622.49 to get $33,595.62. Do the math, and that's a 20.7:1 return on our money!!! More than Twenty-to-One matching!!

#7 jaydfox

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 06:13 PM

I've just received word of another $50!

We need $1572.49! We can do it!

#8 reason

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 06:50 PM

I believe a kind fellow has proposed $500 if we can find the rest - along with a few other $100s here and there, we need less than $1000 at this point. I think - I'm not at my main machine right now so can't do the math.

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#9 jaydfox

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Posted 21 December 2004 - 08:02 PM

Okay, the prize stands at $74,251.50, according to the website. It had been at $73,500 and change, so it's gone up about $700 since this call went out. Exciting news.

The Longevity Prize is now at 19,931.89, which is up from 19431.89. Only five hundred bucks, so I'm not quite sure where the rest of the money went. Ah, there it is. $245.00 in the Rejuvenation prize. It's up to $54,319.61 from $54,074.61. Hmm, $245.00 is missing from the Matching Fund. I'll contact MMP support, make sure it's not a glitch.

Okay, the new figures:

Remaining challenge money:
Michael Cooper: $23,700.00
Reason:   $2,000.00
Matching Fund: $2,750.62
--------------- ----------
Total:   $28,450.62

How far do we have to go to get to $50,000 in the Longevity Prize?


OH NO!!! [huh] Didn't I just say we only had $1572.49 to go? What happened?

Ha! Tricked you. [ang] Remember that Matching Funds issue. Assuming the funds were supposed to go to the Longevity Prize, we actually only have $1372.49 to go!! So that means another $200 has been donated since my last update.


#10 jaydfox

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 01:01 PM

Wednesday morning update, 8:05 AM EST.

The Longevity Prize now stands at $20,861.89. It appears that $455.00 has been donated since my last update, meaning we only have $917.49 to go to reach our goal! That's less than one thousand U.S. dollars!!!

To make the numbers easier to manage, I will include the $458.75 that will be matched to that $917.49, for a total of $1376.24. This means that when the Longevity Prize reaches $22238.13 (or, for simplicity, when the M Prize "Cash Prize Total" reaches $76,317.74, which you can check with the "Life-a-thon" program or on the mprize.org website), then we know we've reached our goal.

At that point, Cooper's $23,700, Reason's $2,000, and the remaining $2061.87 in matching funds will be released into the Longevity Prize, pushing it up to $50,000.00!!! Then, Bob Gelfond's $5,000 in challenge funds will also be forthcoming. Hooray for humanity!

So let's do it folks. Let's get more than just $917.49. Let's get another thousand dollars into the prize! So far, $955 has been donated since the call went out, and it's been less than 24 hours! So we're already halfway there. But they didn't ask for $1,872.49, the magic number I calculated. They asked for $2,000. So let's give it to them. Let's get another $1,045 into the Longevity Prize by Friday (or by Thursday, if possible), so that we can celebrate a Merry Christmas!

#11 jaydfox

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 01:20 PM

Don't know how long this link will remain valid, but here's a sci.life-extension thread that was started yesterday.

#12 lightowl

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 05:35 PM

I have pitched in $60. Getting closer ;)

Thanks for spelling this out for people Jay.

#13 jaydfox

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 05:53 PM

What else am I supposed to do? It's Christmas week, and work is slow. Lots of time to kill.

#14 lightowl

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 05:58 PM

Yes, definitely a good way to "kill" time ;)

Congratulations folks... We have passed ( or standing on ) $75,000 total cash prize.

So, how much more do we need to get the big one?

#15 jaydfox

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 06:38 PM

So, how much more do we need to get the big one?

= $1,318.24

That's including matching funds. That's $58.00 less than last time; someone donated $38.67, and $19.33 was matched. Strange numbers. [glasses]

We need $878.82 more to get to our goal. This is $38.67 less than the $917.49 I quoted earlier, but I always calculate this from the relevant numbers to be sure. To wit:

{Amount we need} = $50,000 - ($23,700 + $2,000 + {remaining matching funds} + {current Longevity Prize total})

However, as I said before, let's shoot for $2,000 from when the call went out to meet the challenge. We had $1045.00 to go, and this new $38.67 means we now need $1,006.33.

So, depending on how you look at it, we either need:

#16 lightowl

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Posted 22 December 2004 - 10:25 PM

I put it roughly on the details page.


The numbers will update when donations are verified.

Could some wording be better?

Edited by lightowl, 22 December 2004 - 10:50 PM.


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Posted 23 December 2004 - 03:44 AM

It's at $75,690 now.

#18 jaydfox

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 01:32 PM

Looks okay, but you should add between the "Michael Cooper" line and the "if that will push" line:
and Reason will donate | $2,000.00

The math seems to be working, so I'm assuming you used the formula I provided above. Just make sure to mention Reason's part of the challenge.

BTW, before I forget... WOOHOO!!!! Only $568.82 to go!!

Hey, is there a way to have this figure mentioned on the mainpage?

#19 jaydfox

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 02:57 PM

I could be wrong, but it appears that somebody donated to the Rejuvenation Prize. $255 has left the Matching fund, implying that $510 was donated. However, the Longevity Prize has only gone up $565, not $765. So I think someone donated $200 to the Rejuvenation Prize. But what I can't tell, and my brain is too tired at the moment to figure out, is if that caused matching funds to go into the Rejuventation Prize.

Why do I say this? Because if $510 had been donated since I last said that we needed $878.82, then we would now only need $368.82. But we need more than that. We need $568.82. That's a $200 difference, but I don't think it's the same $200. This would mean that only $310 was donated, which would have had $155 in matching funds applied, for a total of $465. But the Longevity Prize has grown by $565, so I'm guessing that the $200 donation to the Rejuvenation Prize caused $100 in matching funds to go to the Longevity Prize. Interesting. At any rate, had that person donated to the Rejuventation Prize instead, we'd be $200 closer to our goal. I'm not in the mood to figure out who this mystery person was, but I'm wondering if they knew about the challenge, and if not, would they prefer that their funds go into the Longevity Prize?

#20 kevin

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 04:24 PM

a donation went into the Rejuvenation Prize as specified by the donor... (as longevity is the default on the donation page I'm assuming it was a deliberate allocation)... but the matching went to the Longevity..

as it stands we need $518.62 to trigger the remainder.. ? any takers for the 18.62?


#21 kevin

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 05:02 PM

Thanks Nate!

uhm.. it was 18.82.. heh.. my 'real bad'


#22 jaydfox

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 05:02 PM

Hehe, someone missed it by 20 cents. We now need $500.20. ;))

#23 jaydfox

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 05:03 PM

Hey, easy solution. Any takers for donating $100.20? [wis]

#24 kevin

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 06:14 PM

How about the $85 dollars per month agreement from the new Three Hundred commitment that just came in.. I'd say it's worth a bit..

Less than $3 a day.. I used to smoke twice that amount in cigarettes.. (thankfully not for some years.. )

good stuff..

#25 lightowl

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 06:30 PM

Looks okay, but you should add between the "Michael Cooper" line and the "if that will push" line:
and Reason will donate | $2,000.00

The math seems to be working, so I'm assuming you used the formula I provided above. Just make sure to mention Reason's part of the challenge.

Reason has made the donation now, so that should work.

Yes, I used your formula. Thanks.

We only need $500 more. ;)

#26 Bruce Klein

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 07:14 PM

I'll include this thread in the upcoming ImmInst Update.

#27 lightowl

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 07:36 PM

That may be too late soon. We are getting a major boost from http://www.instapundit.com/

#28 jaydfox

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 07:39 PM

Wow, we're making outstanding progress. Over $900 in the first day, over $400 in the second day, and now, just a few hours into the third day, we've brought in about $100 so far. We might hit our target before Christmas after all!

Just $415.20 left to go, everyone!

BTW, with this most recent new member of the 300, the prize now exceeds a Total Prize Value (Cash and Pledges) of over three quarters of a millions dollars! As I pointed out to April Smith, this was pretty much the last "big" milestone on the path to reaching the one million dollar milestone. This deserves a prominent mention on the mprize.org webpage as well, perhaps just below the challenge. Ending the year with over $100,000 in cash and over three quarters of a million dollars in cash and pledges!

#29 ddhewitt

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 08:35 PM

It looks like we made it.

Can anyone confirm it?


#30 lightowl

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 09:21 PM

Confirmed ;)


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