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Just ordered some Noopept...

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#31 nezxon

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Posted 19 August 2011 - 03:25 AM

Not sure but I'm guessing it means that it inhibits firing in a certain kind of hippocampus cell, AKA "stopping transmission" of certain types of signals through the hippocampus. What's the effect of this you ask? I have no idea.

It is my understanding that inhibiting synaptic transmission of CA1 pyramidal cells is an indication of anti-epileptic properties. In some neurological models it is believed excess synaptic activity in the CA1 pyramidal cells contributes to epileptic activity. I don't think this is an important function for anti-aging and nootropic purposes and shouldn't have a marked negative effect even though inhibiting some synaptic transmission may sound like a bad thing.

I'm holding my breath to try it too, but still about 3 weeks away from ordering. I'm glad you haven't experienced any negative side-effects, very promising report from you, thanks!
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#32 golden1

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Posted 19 August 2011 - 05:57 AM

It makes my stomach/intestines fill with gas in uncomfortable ways. Sometimes it's not noticeable, sometimes it's pretty bad. I like the effects, but it's a pretty shitty side effect for me. Nothing besides that.. except that it smells sickly and tastes shitty, but those I can deal with.

#33 golden1

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 12:11 AM

I wonder if the russian manufactured tablets would have the same gastrointestinal side effect for me or if it's something different about the pure/(questionably pure? it says 99% pure on the CH bag, but I have nothing to back that up) powder

#34 manic_racetam

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Posted 21 August 2011 - 03:07 AM

Sorry to hear about the gi problems it's causing you. I'm not sure about the purity either but personally I haven't experienced any side effects. From my understanding, with such a small dosage it would have to be pretty seriously contaminated in order to have any ill effects due to impurities.

Actually it would be interesting to compare the russian product to the raw powder. Are there still places that you can the pills from online?

The smell is a little weird. It smells strangely similar to dried mushrooms... a very fungal smell. I've been capping mine the whole time so haven't really been bothered by the taste too much.

#35 X_Danny_X

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Posted 23 August 2011 - 01:08 AM

i just started taking Noopept 1 week ago, I have no measuring. i just take a little nugget size of it and put it in my mouth, under my tongue. this stuff is nasty. almost like you are tasting very strong alcohol in solid form and then trying to resolve it.

hard for me to gauge how it is affecting me since i am taking other noots.

do you really have to have it dissolve under your tongue for it to get to the brain or you can still swallow it and it will still affect the brain?

increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus? what does this mean exactly?

You don't have to dissolve it under your tongue and I wouldn't suggest it. It's very bio-available through the G-I tract so go ahead and swallow it and wash it down with something. What's your current stack that it's going with?

increase inhibitory synaptic transmission in the Hippocampus? what does this mean exactly? Not sure but I'm guessing it means that it inhibits firing in a certain kind of hippocampus cell, AKA "stopping transmission" of certain types of signals through the hippocampus. What's the effect of this you ask? I have no idea.

the noots that i am taking noopept are MB (Methylnal Blue), ALCAR, Fish Oil, Bacopa(but only at night) and Ritalin. I don't know if you can consider Spirulina, Chlorella, and Shankhapushpi herb as noots. The shankhapushpi herb i have is Evolvulus alsinoides and I have no idea how effective it is compare to the version talked about in this forum.

Edited by X_Danny_X, 23 August 2011 - 01:16 AM.

#36 Mikael Llerena

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 04:32 PM

Question: regarding the consistency of the subtance, is noopept supposed to be powdery or a bit cakey? I received some from cerebral health a few days back and the stuff clumped up a bit and even when stirring with a small stick seems to have the tendency to clump up into little balls

#37 Mikael Llerena

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 04:59 PM

Regarding my last message, I read the rest of this forum (something I should've done initially and I think i got my answer). I have another question though arising from reading on here that clumped portions weight more than non-clumped portions. I received a measuring spoon that is supposed measure 7-12mg of a substance depending on its density and have been using that to measure out doses. Is it possible that clumped portions of noopept in this measuring spoon could possibly weight more than 12mg??

#38 Michael Campbell

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 09:09 PM

Absolutely. 10mg is amazingly small, and given Noopept's "cakiness", you could be getting a lot more than you think. Get a mg scale; you'll be glad you did. They're not expensive.

Mine was also cakey/clumpy (but also from Cerebral Health), and smells like the bottom of my foot. Tastes worse.

#39 manic_racetam

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:41 PM

Regarding my last message, I read the rest of this forum (something I should've done initially and I think i got my answer). I have another question though arising from reading on here that clumped portions weight more than non-clumped portions. I received a measuring spoon that is supposed measure 7-12mg of a substance depending on its density and have been using that to measure out doses. Is it possible that clumped portions of noopept in this measuring spoon could possibly weight more than 12mg??

Hi Mikael,

It's weird stuff as far as mass distribution goes. Some of the clumps are heavier than the powder. Some of them are lighter than the powder. If you put 1/8 teaspoon of the stuff in a glass of water half of it floats and half of it sinks. I'm guessing that the final reaction during the production of this stuff involves some sort of "effervescent" process or something that leaves a bunch of air in some of the product.

Anyway, the simplest way around this is to throw the whole bag of powder into a coffee grinder. This grinds it all up into a very very fine powder. That makes the microscoop a reliable measuring device (each heaping micro-scoop-spoonful of powder makes just around 10-15mg of Noopept). I assume you're talking about the long skinny plastic red "spoons" that look more like coffee stirrers when you mention the 7-12mg spoon.

Without grinding the powder up there is no reliable way to measure it without creating some sort of liquid suspension with alcohol. And even then, the stability of the solution over the long-term is likely not very good. Anyway, hope that helps.

#40 Mikael Llerena

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 04:32 PM

Hey Manic, thanks for the advice. I also wanted to ask you how your experience has spanned out so far; how long did it take for you to feel pronounced effects (or was it too gradual to tell?) Also, how long have you been taking it and are the effects still increasing or have you reached a plateau?


#41 nezxon

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 09:47 PM

I can finally comment on Noopept. I ordered some a few days ago, got it yesterday and took my first dose today (20mg). I thought it was a pronounced and positive effect on my memory and concentration. Maybe I'm just having a good day so I want to give it a couple weeks before I say anything more definitive.
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#42 manic_racetam

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 10:02 PM

Hey Manic, thanks for the advice. I also wanted to ask you how your experience has spanned out so far; how long did it take for you to feel pronounced effects (or was it too gradual to tell?) Also, how long have you been taking it and are the effects still increasing or have you reached a plateau?


The stuff works instantly in my experience. The first time I took it (10-15mg) I noticed a clarity of vision and a "more aware" headspace. Difficult to describe but a distinct reaction that happens every time. Although there are immediate effects the effects do build in intensity each day for the first 10 days or so at which point you basically plateau.

There doesn't seem to be a "come-down" at all, just kind of gradual return to baseline. It lacks any sort of "body-load" for me, unlike some of the racetams which seem to illicit sensations in the body.

I take it intermittently these days and never go over 30mg a day except for rare occasions (like when I find a stray 100mg capsule laying around from my megadose experiment :)). Going over 30mg is not really necessary. If you can make a fine enough powder out of it and use your microscoop to measure it, one to three of those scoops a day should be plenty.

I wouldn't suggest sublingual dosage either. It can increase absorption a bit too much IMO and can lead to side effects in susceptible individuals. It's just easier to gauge the effects as they increase by the day with per-oral administration (swallow that stuff with a small snack).

But like I said, I don't take it regularly anymore so can't comment on a plateau besides the normal plateau that happens after 10 days or so. It increases NGF and BDNF though, so structural changes are potentially happening in the brain with extended treatments.

#43 absent minded

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 08:24 AM

I can finally comment on Noopept. I ordered some a few days ago, got it yesterday and took my first dose today (20mg). I thought it was a pronounced and positive effect on my memory and concentration. Maybe I'm just having a good day so I want to give it a couple weeks before I say anything more definitive.

Oh man, I ordered from bioscience nutraceuticals and right now their back order is taking a long ass time. Still no e-mail about shipment details. it's been like three weeks. I hope everything is going good over there, maybe the FDA raided them? :|o

nezxon, what store did you order from?

Edited by absent minded, 08 February 2012 - 08:26 AM.

#44 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 03:37 PM

Tried Noopept at 30 mg late yesterday with Oxi and Ani racetam latter added. Woke up with a weird feeling at the back of my head. Akin to waking up from a general anesthetic. Derp... Attributing the feeling to Noopept.

Edited by redan, 08 February 2012 - 03:38 PM.

#45 Introspecta

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 04:49 PM

Weird feeling in neck could be too much choline stimulation. Is it sort of like a stiff neck? I found Noopept to relax the muscles somewhat

#46 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 05:54 PM

Weird feeling in neck could be too much choline stimulation. Is it sort of like a stiff neck? I found Noopept to relax the muscles somewhat

Not really. Remember overdosing choline. Was taking choline bitartrate with caffeine and oxi/ani-racetam. Chugged it down too fast and still have this "soreness" in the left part of my brainstem (that area). Not joking. Mehh

#47 Introspecta

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 07:20 PM

You may have just tweaked it wrong when you were sleeping. Everyonce in awhile I'll move my head wrong and it will give me this quick intense pain followed by a soreness. Kinda like pinching a nerve in your brain. Its weird..

#48 nezxon

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 07:24 PM

Oh man, I ordered from bioscience nutraceuticals and right now their back order is taking a long ass time. Still no e-mail about shipment details. it's been like three weeks. I hope everything is going good over there, maybe the FDA raided them? :|o

nezxon, what store did you order from?

I ordered it from Cerebral Health. I haven't ordered by way of Bioscience Nutraceuticals before, but some other posts on this forum lead me to believe it's the parent company of Cerebral Health, so presumably the same place. I'm not aware of noopept being on back order, I'd actually expect there to be quite a surplus of it. Did you get an order confirmation? I'd suggest emailing them and asking about it.

#49 Michael Campbell

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 12:31 AM

If you can make a fine enough powder out of it and use your microscoop to measure it, one to three of those scoops a day should be plenty.

As cakey as this stuff is, that's a pretty big "if". Given the recommended dosage is so small, no way I'd try dosing this by volume. I made a batch of 30mg capsules last night from bulk, and even though I got pretty good a gauging how much 30mg was by sight, occasionally I'd be very, very wrong, and almost always on the low side (I'd guess 25mg-30mg, and it'd be 45mg. Those clumps are VERY deceiving, and very small.)

#50 manic_racetam

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 04:52 AM

If you can make a fine enough powder out of it and use your microscoop to measure it, one to three of those scoops a day should be plenty.

As cakey as this stuff is, that's a pretty big "if". Given the recommended dosage is so small, no way I'd try dosing this by volume. I made a batch of 30mg capsules last night from bulk, and even though I got pretty good a gauging how much 30mg was by sight, occasionally I'd be very, very wrong, and almost always on the low side (I'd guess 25mg-30mg, and it'd be 45mg. Those clumps are VERY deceiving, and very small.)

If you use a coffee grinder or blender (dry, with no water of course) you can get a very fine and very uniform powder. That's what I was referring to.

#51 Michael Campbell

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 11:28 AM

If you can make a fine enough powder out of it and use your microscoop to measure it, one to three of those scoops a day should be plenty.

As cakey as this stuff is, that's a pretty big "if". Given the recommended dosage is so small, no way I'd try dosing this by volume. I made a batch of 30mg capsules last night from bulk, and even though I got pretty good a gauging how much 30mg was by sight, occasionally I'd be very, very wrong, and almost always on the low side (I'd guess 25mg-30mg, and it'd be 45mg. Those clumps are VERY deceiving, and very small.)

If you use a coffee grinder or blender (dry, with no water of course) you can get a very fine and very uniform powder. That's what I was referring to.

Fine, sure. Uniform? I'm skeptical; or at the very least it hasn't been tested. Given that people have "overdosed" this stuff with no obvious immediate ill effects it may not hurt, but my risk tolerance for stuff that interacts with the most important thing I have in the world is lower than that. But, reasonable people disagree. I'm not sure it's wise to council others to make this leap, however.

#52 absent minded

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 07:32 PM

Is this powder so clumpy that you can't put the powder in a ziplock bag, stick in your microscoop, then compress the contents into the scoop with your fingers then level it off with your fingers while the scoop is still inside the bag so that the plastic bag acts as a type of plastic glove?

nezxon, if I receive no e-mail by monday I'm going to have to try and talk to them for the 3rd time. Kinda scared. What luck.

Edited by absent minded, 09 February 2012 - 07:37 PM.

#53 nezxon

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 08:18 PM

It does clump, like flour, similar to Aniracetam but a little more so. I concur with manic_racetam, a coffee grinder easily turns it into a uniform powder. I'm using a .001g scale with an accuracy ±3d so that should be within 3mg on a single dose, and within 1mg when measuring 3 doses at a time and dividing them visually (still best to use a coffee grinder to produce a uniform powder first).

#54 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 01 February 2013 - 11:28 AM

What type of grinder? Manual, motorized? My initial thought (may be wrong) is that you'd lose quite a bit of powder inside the grinder doing that?

#55 manic_racetam

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Posted 02 February 2013 - 12:43 AM

What type of grinder? Manual, motorized? My initial thought (may be wrong) is that you'd lose quite a bit of powder inside the grinder doing that?

Most standard (hand-held automatic) coffee grinders work fine. Small food choppers are less effective. Less product gets stuck in the grinder than you might imagine. I weighed the Noopept before and after one time and the difference was about 50mg if I'm remembering correctly. Just make sure the grinder is clean and dry of course.

After a few weeks the powder starts clumping together again. Clumping must just be a quality of the peptide.
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#56 Pravvus

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 06:20 PM

Hi, everyone. After finding out about nootropics and ractams and such along with awesome like minded folks, I didn't hesitate to join up.
I thought I would share my first experience with a nootropic. (Noopept)

After reading this thread (and many like it), I ordered my first nootropic, noopept with much excitement. I received it within several days, and immediately tried it. It smells like mildew, and doesnt taste much better. It came with a little micro-scoop that says 10mg. I took 600mg of Choline, and 2 scoops of noopept. (20-30mg).

Within 10 minutes I started to get very anxious. about 15 minutes after that I started to shiver like I was cold, but I wasn't. over the next hour I felt more and more anxious, it was very unpleasant. After that horrible hour it subsided and I felt pretty normal. I felt no "enhancement" of any kind , however.

I am still determined to make this work, so I have been taking 10mg three times a day. when I take it not only do I not feel enhanced, it is quite the opposite. I feel foggy, drowsy, light headed, words dont come as easily, and Im not doing as well on Lumosity. It almost feels like I'v been drinking.

For the life of me I cant find anyone who has had the same experience. It seems at though some can take it at 3x the dose and ascend the next plain of human existence. (lol)

I take fish oil, Acetyl-l-cartenine, and choline. Am I doing something wrong? I have just ordered Piracetam, in hopes THAT will work for me. Any input would be appreciated.

#57 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 07:56 AM

Washout period (no nootropics) for a week, then take only the Noopept and see what happens. Gradually add on the others one by one.

I can't tell you what's going on, but I do remember having anecdotal reports that too much ALCAR can cause jitteriness.

#58 jonnyD

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 09:02 AM

Hi, everyone. After finding out about nootropics and ractams and such along with awesome like minded folks, I didn't hesitate to join up.
I thought I would share my first experience with a nootropic. (Noopept)

After reading this thread (and many like it), I ordered my first nootropic, noopept with much excitement. I received it within several days, and immediately tried it. It smells like mildew, and doesnt taste much better. It came with a little micro-scoop that says 10mg. I took 600mg of Choline, and 2 scoops of noopept. (20-30mg).

Within 10 minutes I started to get very anxious. about 15 minutes after that I started to shiver like I was cold, but I wasn't. over the next hour I felt more and more anxious, it was very unpleasant. After that horrible hour it subsided and I felt pretty normal. I felt no "enhancement" of any kind , however.

I am still determined to make this work, so I have been taking 10mg three times a day. when I take it not only do I not feel enhanced, it is quite the opposite. I feel foggy, drowsy, light headed, words dont come as easily, and Im not doing as well on Lumosity. It almost feels like I'v been drinking.

For the life of me I cant find anyone who has had the same experience. It seems at though some can take it at 3x the dose and ascend the next plain of human existence. (lol)

I take fish oil, Acetyl-l-cartenine, and choline. Am I doing something wrong? I have just ordered Piracetam, in hopes THAT will work for me. Any input would be appreciated.

Stop all other Nootropics and take only 5mg Noopept per day. Some people react very sensitive to Noopept. Try it for a week. Increase the dosage to 10mg per day if you feel nothing.

#59 Pravvus

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:47 PM

That seems like pretty solid advice. But unless you count choline, or Acetyl-l-cartenine as a nootropic, Im not currently taking anything else. I have also read where some find Choline ineffective unless its Alpha GPC. What kinds of choline do you guys take? Are you taking anything else that may improve the effects of ractams?

This is my first time with nootropics, I just wanna make sure Im doing everything correctly. :)

#60 deadkenny64

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Posted 01 March 2013 - 02:45 PM

That seems like pretty solid advice. But unless you count choline, or Acetyl-l-cartenine as a nootropic, Im not currently taking anything else. I have also read where some find Choline ineffective unless its Alpha GPC. What kinds of choline do you guys take? Are you taking anything else that may improve the effects of ractams?

This is my first time with nootropics, I just wanna make sure Im doing everything correctly. :)

I think the general consensus is that you don't have to take a choline source unless you feel the side effects of deficiency. For me, choline generally causes fogginess and does not potentiate the Noopept effects. I have been taking Noopept for about 4 months and haven't needed any additional choline supplement (even though I have tried at times). I would try to take it in a small dose without anything else and see if the effects persist. I'm taking 10mg, twice a day.

Edited by deadkenny64, 01 March 2013 - 02:50 PM.

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