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What did you do today?


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#1 Luminosity

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 05:39 AM

No advice or criticism to the posters, please.

Positive feedback only, please.

Edited by Luminosity, 31 August 2011 - 06:40 AM.

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#2 Luminosity

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 06:39 AM

I saw a guy reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. I jokingly asked him if he was rich yet. That lead to a long conversation where he told me about the businesses he had going and how his friend just recently became a millionaire partly because of positive thinking. He gave me some free green tea samples from his business. I had just finished drinking some green tea. Like attracts like? I will try to remain positive and give off millionaire vibes.

I am wealthy.

I am wealthy.

I am wealthy.

I am fabulously rich.

I tried to get the chocolate buyer at the CVS store here to carry small non-dairy dark chocolate bars, because they are so important. She said she didn't know about it and never shopped at health food stores, but I could bring her a wrapper and she would look at it.

I looked up some stuff to help me find a health care provider. I hope that goes well.
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#3 Luminosity

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 08:34 PM

Got up at dawn without wanting to. Did a lot of stuff around the house, got out of the house with my stuff. Ate at a coffee shop, read a newspaper, went to the library. Waited for the library to open. Now I'm here. Could have used more sleep.
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#4 Luminosity

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 03:36 AM

Ate some ribs, stewed about an interpersonal issue, ate some candy. It's after five and I haven't done much more than that.

#5 Luminosity

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Posted 07 October 2011 - 01:04 AM

There was some difficulty getting to sleep last night, like that's something new. I got up before eight this morning and could not find my right hair conditioner and I had an appointment with some hairdressers. I found a bottle of fresh juice I had bought the night before--on the kitchen counter where I left it. It seemed ok so I drank it. It was one of those mornings where everything seemed to take too long somehow. I washed my hair and tried to look presentable. I made a good breakfast but I kind of sucked it down like a smoothy because I was short of time.

I drove fast and I got to the hair salon just in time. As to how that went, see the thread, What's bothering you right now. Yeah. So I came out of that and wanted to drive away but a delivery vehicle was blocking me. I had to wait. I drove to 2 libraries to write some yelps about the jerks but there were some parking and other issues so I came to the mall. That took a while. And then I did that, and I saw a friend. And now I'm here.

Edited by Luminosity, 07 October 2011 - 01:06 AM.

#6 Luminosity

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Posted 11 December 2011 - 06:39 AM

I made a good breakfast. I fixed my shoes with household materials. I taught myself how. I prayed about some stuff. I ate a healthy lunch out but at dinnertime. I bought a healthy dinner to eat later. I ran an errand. I tried to buy my favorite Christmas treat at Whole Foods (Bissengers Peppermint Bark) but they aren't carrying individual portions this year. Those people don't want to feed you one small piece of chocolate, they want to feed you a brick. Healthy? No, no it isn't. I bought a small piece of mint chocolate at the candy store and got into a weird kind of stare fight with this teenage girl who was behind the counter that I have written about elsewhere. I looked for a movie to see but there doesn't seem to be anything. So I came there to use the computer. I can honestly say I did everything I could today. I just hope it is enough.

#7 Luminosity

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Posted 28 December 2011 - 04:26 AM

I went to a Home Depot. I had never been to one before. It took some trouble to find in the broiling sun. The parking was weird. Everything about it was odd. I had a hard time getting the cart into the door because the wind was blowing so hard. I got a case of 100 watt incandescent light bulbs. I might buy more. Went to the car wash and I dealt with some car wash nonsense. I was having a hard time with the guy managing it. I asked his name. It was the same as the car wash. Oh. Well. I did get the car washed and waxed and vacuumed but they did not take off the paint scrapes like they said they would. It was aggravating and I knew that since it was a Japanese car wash it would be difficult to deal with. It was and now I have to find some other way to do that, and then replace the wax, I suppose. They aggravate me but the other car washes are worse. Then I went to food court in the Japanese department store to get over the aggravation of dealing with the Japanese car wash. It was nice in there. I just found out about it. There is a separate dessert court on another floor. I got a steak and some strawberry mochi. And I felt calmer. I did everything I could do today under the circumstances. I could have done more if there weren't loud music and crowds in the apple store but there is so I am just noodling around on the computer.

#8 Luminosity

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Posted 03 January 2012 - 06:06 AM

I did some housework, made a large pot of porridge. Really. Washed my hair, did some shopping, bought some sushi and came to the mall, then I came here. I made some meals the past few days without microwaving most of it.

#9 Droplet

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Posted 03 January 2012 - 06:52 PM

Same thing as every day..I work, come home and study. Then I'll eat, listen to some radio and go to bed. Average for my day really. :)

#10 Luminosity

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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:30 AM

I organized every last piece of paper, partially to avoid other tasks. I organized my purse. I organized stuff in my home. I combed out my hair. I shopped for glasses, but all the styles they've had for five years look bad on me. I came to the Japanese food court and the Apple Store. I am supposed to deal with some other stuff. I have the papers in my backpack, but the music is too raucous.

I am getting close to 6,000 views of my blog; two comments.

I write things. I write restaurant reviews, letters to CEO's, letters of complaint, a recipe for spicy tofu, an article on how to cook with cast iron pots. I write them in my notebook.

#11 Luminosity

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Posted 23 January 2012 - 03:47 AM

Oh, what a day.

Last night I went swimming at 10:00 p.m. I wanted to eat three meals a day so I left the house at 11:00 p.m. last night and went to Taco Bell. Then I drove around for a while listening to the car radio. Then I went to a supermarket that is open all night. I bought some food. I got the stuff home about 1:30 a.m. and read my magazine and ate a peppermint patty, which is my favorite food. I got up late and made breakfast. Then I rested. Then I made a quadruple batch of coconut popover batter. It was something. I wanted to bake it but I could not then. I was maxed out. I was nervous because the coconut milk won't last that long but I had to put it off. I did quite a few dishes. Then I rested. Then I came to the big mall and I got a falafel. I smuggled in some sugar snap peas and grapes. Then I bought some chocolate for later, then I came here to the Apple Store.


#12 Luminosity

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 05:01 AM

I made a call to a support line. I made breakfast and lunch. I rested. I went to the bank. I came to the mall. I got a snack. I did some computing. I ordered a lot of vitamins. It went through. Whew! Now I have to watch my bank account because they double charge it for a week. I better watch it. Followed my vitamin regimen.

#13 Luminosity

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 10:53 PM

I got up early and went to a new farmer's market. It was pretty well-organized. I went around and looked at everything. I got a few things. Tropical fruits, exotic greens, an avocado and tomatoes. The live music was good but it was a little early. I did get mad when this farmer lady just upended this basket of cocktail tomatoes that I carefully selected and dumped them into a paper bag where they landed with a thud. It was too quick for me to stop her but I wanted to kill her. I screened the whole market for the best tomatoes and you don't treat them that way. Overall it was attractive and well-organized and I was glad I got up early. There were many delicious smells in the air, fresh organic baked goods, crepes with their sugar and butter smell, and locally grown coffee. The smell was tantalizing. I can still smell it. Really, what smells better than sugar and butter on a cast iron griddle?

Then I came to a thrift shop and got two coffee cups, one with a lid, a fascinating piece of paper art for 25 cents and two books about healing: total $6.25. I got in a conversation with some people. Then I came to the library.

I wish I could have bought some baked goods at the farmers market but it was five dollars for a loaf of bread.

It was a good day and I'm still in it. I'm feeling good about stuff that's going on.

#14 Luminosity

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Posted 10 September 2012 - 02:29 AM

Worked on a pantry pest problem. They had gotten out of the container the food they infested was in and into a wider area. I think I got them. I sure worked on it.

#15 Luminosity

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Posted 24 September 2012 - 02:53 AM

I went to a special place downtown to pray. I left without praying because there was a large group of people there from a certain place that had really sticky energy like gypsies. They were there for an event. Even though it was a religious event, I've seen people from that part of the world steal finials from their own church during a church service; I've seen them steal people's stuff off the beach during their own church choir practice.

The one guy from the group that I talked to was perfectly pleasant. He was ecstatic to be attending a religious service in his own language--but--it's not a contradiction for some other people from this part of the world to pray and steal or--whatever. Anthropologists used to call them "Janus-Faced" before that kind of statement went out of fashion.

I wasn't worried about them stealing but I didn't want to leave my car in a crowded garage with their cars. They would all have to leave shortly and I just didn't like the dark swirling energy. It was freaking me out. I just couldn't focus to pray and I had to make a decision so I left. I'm glad I'm learning to listen to energy and change plans, if need be.

I had some Chinese food. I got some duck buns and a rice cake for later. On my way out of the food court I was staring at the picture of the Thai Iced Coffee. It looked so good. The elevator I was headed to was out of order but I found another. I came here to the computer store. Luckily, Darth Vader isn't here! I am going to get some fruit salads from the Japanese Food court.

Damn, Darth Vader's sister told me I have to get off the computer. Well, bye for now.

Edited by Luminosity, 24 September 2012 - 03:02 AM.

#16 Luminosity

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Posted 11 November 2012 - 01:25 AM

Don't all chime in at once, now.

Anyway. I got up at 7:00 a.m. I tried to remain positive and focused. I called a support line to try to sort something out. I made breakfast. I followed my supplement regimen. I combed out my hair, washed it and put a tea rinse on it. I watched T.V. The T.V. news people are fascinated by the C.I.A. director's resignation due to an extra-marital affair. They want to talk about it every minute but they have about two minutes worth of facts about it. It's interesting, but not every minute. I ate left over Chinese food for lunch. I tried to track down the delivery schedule for some cinnamon buns. I contemplated trying to do some real work from the Apple Store. I went to the bank. It was a beautiful day. I found a parking spot at the mall. I'm here.

#17 Luminosity

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 06:55 AM

Did most of some laundry. Took some supplements. Made a good breakfast. It was at lunchtime. I got some Pacific Island food. They were out of ahi again. Sigh. Ate something else. Got at least two more meals worth in a cooler bag. Looking fat in a short sleeved shirt. Sigh. Came to mall to use computer. Used computer. Wrote a bunch of stuff. Did all I could in view of circumstances.

#18 JediMasterLucia

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Posted 03 February 2013 - 11:14 PM

Hmm, what did i do today? not much really. It was sunday.It started with a nice long sleep, and then i tookd a nice hot shower and then i did some stuff at comp, like watching vids and playing games.

#19 Adaptogen

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Posted 04 February 2013 - 08:44 AM

wokeup, cooked some whiting, brown rice, vegetables/mushrooms , watched this pretty interesting movie on netflix, hippie masala, then this italian film lo non ho paura (i am not scared), wrote a paper for class, took lots of magnesium and taurine to manage my anxiety..it was okay

the whiting tastes surprisingly good for a fish that looks like this http://hungrygerald....9/cimg6699a.jpg

Edited by Adaptogen, 04 February 2013 - 08:50 AM.

#20 gray.bot

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Posted 05 February 2013 - 12:43 PM

Wokeup, Worked Out, Masturbated - nothing else important...

#21 Luminosity

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 03:25 AM


#22 Luminosity

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Posted 07 February 2013 - 04:53 AM

Got up. Did some dishes. Made some breakfast. Made a tea rinse and for my hair. Washed my hair. Did some laundry by hand. Took my supplements. Took a bath. Gathered up the garbage bags in my apartment that I made from produce bags, paper towel bags and a grocery bag because I was out of garbage bags. Loaded them onto my wheel chair. Loaded up a cooler bag with ice packs for take out food. Got the carpet flooring and fiberboard board base for the trunk of my car that have been in my apartment for a year (?) to take it back down to the car. Saw the Nazi neighbor coming down the hallway. Somehow everything human about her is fine but anything off kilter about me is a cause to be judgemental. Waited until she was gone to bring out the wheelchair loaded down with improvised garbage bags. Felt like somehow she might find a way to make me regret that. Got all my stuff down the hallway with a few incidents.

Went to a vegan restaurant. I had just missed the lunch hours. Shucks! Went to the Japanese car wash. Somehow my car smelled like Febreeze when it came out, but it was cleaner. I wash it every six months or so. I took it to the mechanic but they had stopped taking cars for the day. Gulp. It was only 3:20. I came to the mall. Just as I was almost here the idle started acting up uproariously. Took it to the nearest gas station to have the oil topped off as I should have a few days ago. Hope that wasn't it. Hope it wasn't anything I didn't do. Maybe it's that defective solonoid that that idiot put in it and wouldn't replace. Sigh. How can I keep on top of all the defective stuff? How can I? So I will take it in early tomorrow for diagnosis. I was in the middle of trying to be a good car owner. This is like your kid coming down with scarlet fever in the middle of a check up.

Carefully came to mall using neutral instead of idle whenever possible. Was my big mall day for me. I DESERVE A DAY FOR MYSELF. I deserve it.

I went to Don'tHaveASoul* Foods and was again disappointed with the buffet. We DON'T WANT TONS OF OIL ON OUR VEGGIES, that's why we are in a health food store. They say everything is fresh but it looks frozen. Got some salad, pasta and chicken. An Asian woman was picking up each piece of chicken with the tongs and putting them back down. This went on for quite a while, until I could get at it. Ate my lunch sharing a table with an elderly woman with a white Apple laptop. She was kind. There was a group of parents with toddlers near by, some kind of organization. Then I came to the computer store

This was supposed to be my day.

*name has been changed.

Edited by Luminosity, 07 February 2013 - 05:05 AM.

#23 Luminosity

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 06:58 AM

Watched TV like a zombie. Was weak from not being able to get out and get good. Was depressed. Earlier in the day, I did some household tasks, ate a light breakfast, and listened to the radio, got depressed by my horrible apartment. Later in the day got out and ate at Chili's. Fought for parking. Why? It's a Wednesday in February. Why is everyone at this mall right now? Or at least their cars are. The mall is kinda empty. Listening to some rock on the sound system at this computer store. It's not bad, although I miss hearing myself think. Earlier in the day, listened to my fourth week of roadwork. It's taking them that long to pave a few small side streets. And the birds are plaguing our building because some idiot feeds them there. I wish I would kill her. There was an escaped criminal on the news, slipped away from the prison van. Twenty schools on lock down. Excitement, if you like that kind of thing. It's "cold" here today by our standards. I was mostly hungry and in a trance and depressed. It's hard to live the life I have. It sucks and I'm sick of it.

I'm only getting an hour of computer time and I wish it was two. Three minutes to go.

I got a free avocado at Chili's because I complained about something but I turned down a free dessert. Didn't need that.

Edited by Luminosity, 21 February 2013 - 06:58 AM.

#24 Luminosity

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Posted 21 March 2013 - 04:31 AM

No Bite Left Behind

Story of a Day of Gluttony

Something about chronic sleep deprivation and bad produce was making me ravenously hungry. I ate bacon, eggs, brown rice porridge with black strap molasses, yogurt, herbal coffee substitute and half a sad orange.

Later in the day I went to the big mall. They let me use the computer at the computer store longer than usual. Normally at this mall I have some nice healthy Asian noodle soup for dinner, but I didn't want to. I went to the food court to get some pepperoni pizza. There were 45 mintues til closing time but they didn't have any pepperoni pizza left. Then I saw some good looking roast potatoes. They let me try one and it was good. My head started to turn in a different direction. I ordered Chicken Vesuvio, veggies and a salad. The cashier was so off kilter, I had to ask for my change four times. They dish out some large side orders at this place. An older Asian guy sniggered at the amount of food I was ordering. I gave him a look. "This is what a meal looks like and this is what a woman looks like. You can't afford either one." is what I thought to say to him later.

I enjoyed the meal. There were twice as many potatoes as I wanted. It seemed wrong to leave behind perfect roast potatoes so I got them down. After the meal I was jonesing for a diet coke but I had two gumballs instead.

I went to the bookstore. I sat down at a book display table in my wheelchair and dove in, reading all the books that I wanted. Conclusion: Scientologists suck and there's some people that can't write that wrote a book about a volcano. Some people chuckled when they saw me sitting at the table like that. The manager said I looked very comfortable. As much as I ever am.

A guy was around wearing a black, baglike garment with his face made up like a skull. Turns out he stole something. Too on the nose? Towards the end of the night the music was off and the staff were razzing each other. Examples, said to a heterosexual male, "They probably got lice from you and your boyfriend." and "You like the kind who are rough around the edges, the kind who don't take a bath every day." Did someone put crack in their coffee? Normally I like it when they turn the music off.

I decided to have ice cream for dinner. I was dreaming about pink peppermint ice cream. I went to a supermarket. I knew they wouldn't have it but I just wanted them to. I got some Haagen Dazs butter pecan. There was an athletic Asian lady in front of the Haagen Dazs knocking pints of it into her basket like a drunken pirate raiding a rich man's liquor cabinet. When she saw me, she stopped abruptly and walked away.

At the cash register, a semi-homeless serial killer looking guy was buying two pounds of fresh berries and some cut up papaya. I spoke to him and he was perfectly pleasant. Just goes to show . . .T

The Asian lady is probably the serial killer in the situation.

I came home. With the first bite of the Hagen Daas I realized that it was chalky. I turned the container around and saw that Haagen Dazs was owned by Dreyers. Who owns them? Nestle, I guessed. Fuck you Nestle.*Nevertheless I ate the whole pint. Chalky or no, there were no bites of ice cream left behind.

* Dreyers actually is owned by Nestle.


Check out my my blog at:


Edited by Luminosity, 21 March 2013 - 04:33 AM.

#25 Luminosity

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 01:13 AM

Yesterday I did eighteen loads of laundry and I wore myself out. Today I arose for an important appointment, got my stuff together, was early. The person seemed on track but then things went another way. Thankfully, we parted on reasonable terms, but I was out one hairdresser. Sigh. Makes me sad. Very intense. Very intense day so far. Trying to get on with it. Trying to figure out the right thing to do.

Edited by Luminosity, 18 April 2013 - 01:14 AM.

#26 Luminosity

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Posted 01 May 2013 - 10:52 PM

I'm in the Library. Even though it is "air conditioned" it is hotter than the outside. My hair feels heavy. The air is still. Outside a breeze animates the trees and an American flag on a flag pole. Government at work. They could have open air ventilation here. The average air temperature is in the seventies. It never goes below fifty and seldom goes above ninety. They take the air and make it into junk and we pay the bill.

I went to a new hairdresser. Set two alarms. The cell phone one was set for 8:00 but it went off at 8:10. What's that about? Passive aggressive. I washed and conditioned my hair. Ate breakfast, did all the stuff . . . Threw my vitamins in one cooler bag and hair products in another one. I was on time even though I left later than I expected. A lawyer called me back when I was on my way out the door but I told him I'd have to talk to him later because I did not want to be late. The consultation lasted for over an hour. There's a lot of different ideas on what to do. . . . It seems like going from red to blonde is really complicated. I did everything I could to research and get along with this hairdresser and look respectable and whatnot, so we'll just have to take it from there.That appointment was headspinning. I hope it works out. I am in a suburb. I went to another mall within this same suburb to a health food store to eat lunch. It's this little health food store where they have a wierd take on everything. They don't have the stuff I want in the bulk bins. This supplier can't get dried pineapples due to the dried pineapple shortage. Which there isn't one. Everything they make seems to have beets or weird spices in it. Their vegan baked goods cost twice as much as they should, are twice as heavy and have nuts and dates and seeds in them. I had chicken risotto but it had capers and thyme in it. That was the least weird thing they had. And yes, capers and thyme don't belong with chicken and risotto. Did aliens take over your taste buds? I shouldn't say that. They are really nice and courteous . . . but still. I'm doing the best I can since the Don't Have A Soul Foods thing. At least I ate a nice nourishing hot lunch even though it was infested with capers. Those things are still fighting with me.

Edited by Luminosity, 01 May 2013 - 11:19 PM.

#27 Luminosity

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 04:11 AM

Last night I lifted weights. I went up to the next heavier weight level. It felt good. This morning I went swimming out in the daylight. I haven't done that in a while. There were some notices I didn't like in the elevators. I ripped them down. So there! I made a good breakfast, eggs, sausage, brown rice, herb tea and pineapple. Listened to a radio show on natural health.

Invented a natural deodorant. Made up a batch of that. So far, so good.

Then I rested and read Rolling Stone. It wasn't the infamous Boston Marathon issue. That wasn't in the bookstore yet, if they are even going to sell it. All the news shows are talking about the controversy of putting an attractive picture of the bomber on the cover but they all used the most attractive picture of him they could get. Even if they could be monsters, attractive people bring in viewers.

Called some prayer lines about a matter.

Heated up a steamed vegetable to eat with takeout food. Loaded up my wheelchair with stuff. Got some pastelles and other stuff to eat. Ate dunch outside the restaurant cause it was the only seating they had. The air was hot and still. Lots of big cars in a small parking lot. Non-white blue collar types like that restaurant and they apparently don't think much about conserving energy.

Debating where to go and what to do about a matter at hand. Don't want to get brought down. Want G_d to handle it. Should I go to the library and try to deal with their nonsense? Or the other place? I came to the other place. That miasma around the library just sucks. I knew their air conditioner would not be working right, etc. So I came in here.

Edited by Luminosity, 23 July 2013 - 04:13 AM.

#28 Luminosity

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 02:48 AM

They said there was a tropical storm coming. They did all the disaster stuff, emergency declaration, opening shelters, telling people to get supplies, "keep off the road," constant coverage on the news, etc. But I didn't feel like there was a problem. Everything seemed fine. Even by their data, they had a big fluffy rain cloud that would pass by us out to sea and dissipate into nothing. Even so, I was tempted to zone out on the disaster coverage because I didn't want to look at a letter I had gotten. Just at the time they said the "storm" would arrive, there was an earthquake. My building jumped and a car horn went off. It was a little one but it was there. I didn't quite believe it until they had it on the news.

I decided to go to the beach, since it would be nice and empty. For the first time in years, I swam in the blue green water. The salt water and the sea air are so elemental. After my swim, still wet in the parking lot, I opened the letter. It was pretty good news. Whew. I went to the little convenience store that I hadn't been to in years. $6.00 for a fresh juice. Whoa. Eventually came to the mall. It's full. A gentle sprinkle of rain falls. The hair is still and heavy. No businesses were closed even though some government employees were told not to come to work and they closed some government offices.

I'm the opposite of everyone else. If everyone else is supposed to stay out of the beach, I go, if I feel it is safe. I didn't waste this day. This day is the start of something. It is my time. Maybe it's a disaster to some but I will use this time.

#29 Luminosity

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Posted 16 December 2013 - 06:03 AM

I got up, made up my medicines, tried to make a big pot of porridge but abandoned it. Made a small breakfast, moved some clothes around, dealt with a storm, rested, then I went to a gas station. Went to a farmers market, then I went to a mall, then I came here and tried to do an errand but I noodled around instead. I worried.

#30 Luminosity

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 05:34 AM

Got up, made breakfast, listened to radio instead of TV, health show, then switch to TV.  Watched News.  Ugh.  Had middle eastern food for lunch.  Got some veggies together to eat with dinner.  Put frozen turkey and tea in lobby or others to take, took magazines, pens and a glass coffee cup left by others.  Planned to lift weights and go to hardware store but sleep-drove to where I am now.  Looked for fruit to buy in White Man's Food Maze but it was all sad or overpriced.  Came to where I am to use computers.  Tried to remember two cool blog posts I had written in my head.  One retrieved and posted.  Wrote stuff on here.     


Just retrieved the other another one, a quote from Theodore Roosevelt about men who possess more than they have earned.  So current.  I think there was another one in my head but this was also there.  

Edited by Luminosity, 29 June 2014 - 05:55 AM.

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