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Best cheapest over the counter antidepress...

FDA Approved's Photo FDA Approved 02 Oct 2011

Ive been on and off depressed for exactly 2 years now - it doesnt get too bad, but it goes from more to less depressed easily. I am also really easily annoyed and get angry easily. What would be the cheapest over the counter antidepressant that I can order and try? I smoke weed almost all the time (i had a month break this summer because of lack of cash), but lately it just makes me worse. Also I used to never really feel too depressed or sad two years ago and even though its not too awful now the last two years have deffinitely been different.

hippocampus's Photo hippocampus 02 Oct 2011

stop smoking weed, it exaggerates depression.
first fix your lifestyle - exercise, eat healthy food (use supplements if needed - fish oil is good for depression), be with friends
try st. john's wort, rhodiola rosea.
supplements aren't miracle drugs and using them is stupid/expensive if you don't live healthy otherwise.

tintinet's Photo tintinet 02 Oct 2011

As above, best cheap/free non-prescription anti-depressants: exercise, sunshine, fresh air, coffee, . Some claim cashews and banana skins can have anti-depressant effects, and many other foods, herbs, etc., have been claimed to have anti-depressant qualities. Among supplements omega-3 oils (high EPA), St. John's Wort extracts, 5-HTP, theanine, SAMe, are worth trying, probably. Saffron, maybe, although not cheap. I take over a 1 gram of EPA/day and regularly take Perika (St. John's Wort extract), but exercise, sunshine, fresh air, and coffee work the best for me. SAMe, theanine, 5-HTP didn't help me.

niner's Photo niner 03 Oct 2011

Weed doesn't usually work well for people who are prone to mood disorders. I agree with hippocampus on that. Another vote for exercise, sunshine (wear your sunscreen though) a healthy diet and enough sleep, too. I have a slightly different take on supplements; live a healthy lifestyle if you can possibly do so, but even if you can't, the right supplements will still be better than a crappy lifestyle and no (or wrong) supplements. The exception to this would be if you think that supplements give you license to have an unhealthy lifestyle. If you think that dynamic is going to be in effect, then maybe you should skip the supps. In addition to the supplements mentioned above, green tea extract at 600mg/d and maybe some extra magnesium are worth a thought. The cheapest possible thing, not to mention probably the most effective, would be to skip the weed. Good luck with it.

OneScrewLoose's Photo OneScrewLoose 03 Oct 2011

First of all, I would recommend that everyone supplement fish oil and vitamin D, just for nutrition purposes. There's a slight chance that that might help with your depression, but if not, start with St. John's Wort. Although shown ineffective for major depression, it's been shown to be effective for mild to moderate depression. Get either Kira or Perika brands, and take 3 per day. It takes about 5 weeks to take effect, if it's gonna work for you.