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Pick 8 please

shaggy's Photo shaggy 21 Oct 2011

Hi everyone

I'd like some advice please...

It's time I reduced my supplement intake, as I think I take far too much stuff and economically I'm struggling to afford it all! I want to more than half my supplements, whilst still protecting my health as best I can, particularly my cardiovascular system. I'd like to reduce the number of supplements I take to around 8.

Here's what I currently take daily, some in the am and pm, some just in the am:-

Now Adam multi Vitamin
Kyolic aged garlic extract
Doctors Best Na-RALA
Doctors Best Acetyl L Carnitine
Doctors Best Meriva curcumin
Doctors Best Theanine
Healthy Origins Grape seed extract Mega Natural BP
Jarrows EPA/DHA balance
Healthy origins Astaxanthin
Healthy origins Lycopene
Doctors Best Co- enzyme Q10
HPF Cholestene red yeast rice
Doctors best vitamin D3
LEF Super K formula
Country life resveratrol
Jarrow Ashwagandha
Jarrow Rhodolia
Natrol melatonin 3mg time relased (before bed)

I have recently stopped taking:-

Doctor's Best 5HTP & St John's Wort (due to starting trazodone)

I am currently medically prescribled trazodone 50mg for my sleep after Zopiclone stopped working and diazepam 5mg a day to try and calm my anxiety.

I am a 42 year old male with a history of GAD, with health anxiety and panic disorder which has led recently to chronic insomnia and tinnitus. Could any of the above supplements be aggravating these conditions? And is there anything that could help instead?

Any advice is much appreciated.

Thank you...
Edited by shaggy, 21 October 2011 - 12:56 PM.

pycnogenol's Photo pycnogenol 21 Oct 2011

"Pick 8"

Out of your above list, I'd pick these:




Vitamin D3


Grape seed extract


Edited by pycnogenol, 21 October 2011 - 03:16 PM.

nameless's Photo nameless 21 Oct 2011

Hmm... my choices would be

D3 (if you are getting serum levels tested)
Melatonin (assuming it helps with your sleep)
CoQ10 (for BP reduction?)
Red Yeast Rice (if doctor suggested based on lipid numbers)

Which is 6 things. You didn't list doses, but too much CoQ10, especially near bedtime, can cause insomnia in some people.

For anxiety, you can also consider low doses of lithium orotate, so long as it doesn't interfere with your medications (check with doctor). I really doubt it would at dietary levels, however. Magnesium could potentially be of benefit too.

For sleep, glycine may be helpful. But again, check to make sure there are no drug interactions.

Edit: I just now noticed you take Doctor's Best CoQ10. If they are the ones with bioperine, I'd suggest finding a different brand, such a Jarrow or Healthy Origins.
Edited by nameless, 21 October 2011 - 06:32 PM.

health_nutty's Photo health_nutty 21 Oct 2011

Fish Oil
K2 mk7
Magnesium citrate

shaggy's Photo shaggy 22 Oct 2011

Hmm... my choices would be

D3 (if you are getting serum levels tested)
Melatonin (assuming it helps with your sleep)
CoQ10 (for BP reduction?)
Red Yeast Rice (if doctor suggested based on lipid numbers)

Which is 6 things. You didn't list doses, but too much CoQ10, especially near bedtime, can cause insomnia in some people.

For anxiety, you can also consider low doses of lithium orotate, so long as it doesn't interfere with your medications (check with doctor). I really doubt it would at dietary levels, however. Magnesium could potentially be of benefit too.

For sleep, glycine may be helpful. But again, check to make sure there are no drug interactions.

Edit: I just now noticed you take Doctor's Best CoQ10. If they are the ones with bioperine, I'd suggest finding a different brand, such a Jarrow or Healthy Origins.

I take 200mg of DB CoQ10 with breakfast and same with evening meal and it does contain bioperine, is this a problem, will it worsen my insomnia?

I also forgot to mention I do already take DB Manesium glycinate/lysinate - (forgot to put on original list) in the AM and PM this also contains bioperine? Should I swap for mag. citrate?

If I keep the Country life resveratrol and as it contains some grape seed extract should I forget the Healthy origins stand alone grape seed etract?

I see no-one has kept the aged garlic extract, doesn't anyone rate this supplement? Always thought this one a no brainer for cardiovascular health?

Thanks for all the good advice!
Edited by shaggy, 22 October 2011 - 08:37 AM.

niner's Photo niner 22 Oct 2011

Fish oil
ALCAR (RALA not needed with this)
Melatonin if it helps you sleep

Things that might impact sleep:
The CL resveratrol, since it's probably a 50% extract, thus contains other things that may keep you awake. (pure resveratrol probably would not).
Possibly the GSE. I'd take it in the morning.

Your diet will have more impact on cardiovascular health than anything else. Avoid sugar, omega-6 PUFAs, cut back on wheat, allow dairy fat into your life, use healthy lipids like coconut oil.

Do you have particular cardiovascular risk factors? If your lipid profile is out of whack, diet will help more than anything. The red yeast rice would work if you want to get LDL down, but your disease risk is more dependent on the quality of the cholesterol than the actual numbers. (HDL vs LDL, particle size)

At your age, you probably don't really need coQ10, at least not that much. The supplements with bioperine are a bit of a concern; the bioperine helps a lot of things get into your system, potentially including things that shouldn't get in.

Other things I'd consider adding:
Magnesium (I use a cheap citrate)
Any other things that you feel are really helping you. I'm not opposed to aged garlic; it just isn't really on my radar screen.

nameless's Photo nameless 23 Oct 2011

I take 200mg of DB CoQ10 with breakfast and same with evening meal and it does contain bioperine, is this a problem, will it worsen my insomnia?

I also forgot to mention I do already take DB Manesium glycinate/lysinate - (forgot to put on original list) in the AM and PM this also contains bioperine? Should I swap for mag. citrate?

If I keep the Country life resveratrol and as it contains some grape seed extract should I forget the Healthy origins stand alone grape seed etract?

That's a pretty hefty dose of CoQ10. I have a heart condition that may benefit from CoQ10 and don't usually even take that much. I doubt you need such a large dose. A small dose, if you continue with the RYR, should be fine.

Questions... Do you have a heart problem? High blood pressure? High cholesterol?

You have several BP supplements (garlic, grapeseed) and cholesterol supps (red yeast rice). If taking for preventative measures, I'd say they are probably unnecessary. If you do have BP or cholesterol problems, and your doctor recommends them (and they work), then you may wish to continue with them.

I'm not a fan of resveratrol myself, but would never tell someone they shouldn't take it if they want to. Risk/reward there. I'm also not sure why you are taking grapeseed... it may help BP, but am just guessing that your BP may be high.
Edited by nameless, 23 October 2011 - 01:00 AM.

pycnogenol's Photo pycnogenol 23 Oct 2011


What works the best for me regarding insomnia is taking a daily walk for 1 hour, not being on the computer
for at least 6 hours prior to going to bed and low-dose melatonin and/or 5-HTP. Try taking a walk 6-8 hours
before bedtime and see if that helps.
Edited by pycnogenol, 23 October 2011 - 02:23 PM.

shaggy's Photo shaggy 24 Oct 2011


What works the best for me regarding insomnia is taking a daily walk for 1 hour, not being on the computer
for at least 6 hours prior to going to bed and low-dose melatonin and/or 5-HTP. Try taking a walk 6-8 hours
before bedtime and see if that helps.

I get some good exercise most days, including walking, bike riding, running, playing squash and weight training.

Have taken melatonin religiously for several years.. recently moved from standard 3mg tablets to timed release along with a 200mg of 5HTP. I dropped the 5 HTP as I've just gone onto 50mg of trazodone to try and help although from what I've read they can be taken together at the dosages mentioned so might add it back in again.

To answer the other questions, my BP is pre hypertensive, around 140/85, although it has dropped from high 140's since I started running. Think my anxiety and lack of sleep keep it thsi high though as when I was on holiday it dropped back to around 120/70.

Lipids are pretty good I think, which isn't so surprising with all the supplements I take...lol.

Last panel was

Total cholestrol 4.3/166
LDL 2.1/81
HDL 2.05/77

Trigs 0.5/44

Thanks again for the replies and look forward refining my regimen based on everyone's advice.
Edited by shaggy, 24 October 2011 - 11:57 AM.

niner's Photo niner 24 Oct 2011

Wow shaggy, I wish I had your lipid numbers. Those are quite spectacular. It doesn't look like you have too much to worry about there. If you have enough weight to lose, you could pull your bp down that way. I think you need to get pretty thin to pull that off, but it's a thought. I used to take a low dose of Diovan, an angiotensin receptor blocker, and it was very effective with no side effects. From your lipid numbers, I'd guess your diet is pretty low in fat, although your trigs suggest that you have carbs pretty well under control. Getting your supplementation optimized is extremely beneficial, but diet (and exercise) is the other side of that coin. How's your weight and body composition?

TheFountain's Photo TheFountain 24 Oct 2011

I would take:

Revgenetics resveratrol
Vitamin D3
Iron free multi
Vitamin k2
Biosil (Or jarrosil)

These would be the 'core' supplements I would take, but I would also take mood enhancers, such as 5htp.

mikeinnaples's Photo mikeinnaples 24 Oct 2011

Healthy Origins Grape seed extract Mega Natural BP
Doctors Best Acetyl L Carnitine
Natrol melatonin 3mg time relased (before bed)
LEF Super K formula
Doctors best vitamin D3
Healthy origins Astaxanthin
Jarrows EPA/DHA balance
Country life resveratrol

Out of the supplements you provided. If you want an only 8 to include supplements you didnt provide, the list I gave would be slightly different.

shaggy's Photo shaggy 24 Oct 2011

Wow shaggy, I wish I had your lipid numbers. Those are quite spectacular. It doesn't look like you have too much to worry about there. If you have enough weight to lose, you could pull your bp down that way. I think you need to get pretty thin to pull that off, but it's a thought. I used to take a low dose of Diovan, an angiotensin receptor blocker, and it was very effective with no side effects. From your lipid numbers, I'd guess your diet is pretty low in fat, although your trigs suggest that you have carbs pretty well under control. Getting your supplementation optimized is extremely beneficial, but diet (and exercise) is the other side of that coin. How's your weight and body composition?

Hi Mike...

Yeah the lipids are coming good now... Think the running and maybe astaxanthin upped the HDL, as it was always around 50-60 until I threw them into the mix.

My body composition In old English measurements:-

Height 6 foot 1 inch
Weight 13st 0 pounds

BF around 15%

Weight Fluctuates from 12 7 to 13 7.... Think 13st is about right for what I want, running/mountain biking etc

Just don't like my diastolic BP being over 80, hence me adding the Mega BP grape seed extract recently.. Think my anxiety has alot to answer for there though.
Edited by shaggy, 24 October 2011 - 03:06 PM.

shaggy's Photo shaggy 24 Oct 2011

Just checked my last lipid panel and it was actually:

4.6 TC
2.2 LDL
2.13 HDL
0.5 TC

So not quite as good as I said earlier... Don't want the TC lower really as I dont think there's any benefit. Forgot to mention too that I drink a 1-2 of bottles of red wine weekly too, so this probably helps too.

Dhodges777t's Photo Dhodges777t 08 Nov 2011

I noticed a lot of comments promoting melatonin, I can only say for my self that it made me more anxious the following day, dreams were rough as well. My gp prescribed lorazepam at night and has worked like a dream. Just saying watch the melatonine with anxiety .

shaggy's Photo shaggy 17 Nov 2011

I've taken melatonin for years so maybe this has aggravated my GAD. My insomnia at the moment is awful, due to my anxiety, scared of not sleeping everytime I go to bed at the moment which just worsens matters.
Is it wise to stop the melatonin? Should I lower the dosage first?
Edited by shaggy, 17 November 2011 - 10:36 AM.

Lojiko's Photo Lojiko 23 Nov 2011

Now Adam multi Vitamin
Kyolic aged garlic extract
Doctors Best Na-RALA
Doctors Best Acetyl L Carnitine
Healthy Origins Grape seed extract Mega Natural BP
Jarrows EPA/DHA balance
Doctors Best Co- enzyme Q10
Doctors best vitamin D3

StarMitten20818's Photo StarMitten20818 14 Dec 2011

ADAM Multi
Bacopa Monnierri.

Bacopa taken 3X daily, you dont seem like it would slow you down too much and it really will help with your anxiety; I recommend ~500mg Wake, ~500mg lunch, ~1.5g night. Ive taken it since November of 2010 and its wonderful. It works in tandem with ash and rhodiola as well. Take it easy on the rhodiola, only take it if you prepare it in tea or cook it in food. Or if you really need the boost lol.

Ark's Photo Ark 22 Dec 2011

Hi everyone

I'd like some advice please...

It's time I reduced my supplement intake, as I think I take far too much stuff and economically I'm struggling to afford it all! I want to more than half my supplements, whilst still protecting my health as best I can, particularly my cardiovascular system. I'd like to reduce the number of supplements I take to around 8.

Here's what I currently take daily, some in the am and pm, some just in the am:-

Now Adam multi Vitamin
Kyolic aged garlic extract
Doctors Best Na-RALA
Doctors Best Acetyl L Carnitine
Doctors Best Meriva curcumin
Doctors Best Theanine
Healthy Origins Grape seed extract Mega Natural BP
Jarrows EPA/DHA balance
Healthy origins Astaxanthin
Healthy origins Lycopene
Doctors Best Co- enzyme Q10
HPF Cholestene red yeast rice
Doctors best vitamin D3
LEF Super K formula
Country life resveratrol
Jarrow Ashwagandha
Jarrow Rhodolia
Natrol melatonin 3mg time relased (before bed)

I have recently stopped taking:-

Doctor's Best 5HTP & St John's Wort (due to starting trazodone)

I am currently medically prescribled trazodone 50mg for my sleep after Zopiclone stopped working and diazepam 5mg a day to try and calm my anxiety.

I am a 42 year old male with a history of GAD, with health anxiety and panic disorder which has led recently to chronic insomnia and tinnitus. Could any of the above supplements be aggravating these conditions? And is there anything that could help instead?

Any advice is much appreciated.

Thank you...

If i had to only choose 8 off that list for you....

Doctors Best Acetyl L Carnitine
Doctors Best Meriva curcumin
Doctors Best Theanine
Doctors best vitamin D3
Country life resveratrol
Jarrow Ashwagandha
Jarrow Rhodolia
Jarrows EPA/DHA balance

Also consider adding Lion's Mane and Bacopa to the mix.

Good Luck~!

ramon25's Photo ramon25 01 Jan 2012

Doctors Best Meriva curcumin

Healthy Origins Grape seed extract Mega Natural BP

Healthy origins Astaxanthin

Doctors best vitamin D3

LEF Super K formula

Jarrow Ashwagandha

Jarrow Rhodolia

Kyolic aged garlic extract
Edited by ramon25, 01 January 2012 - 12:12 AM.

Lovesnake's Photo Lovesnake 17 Sep 2012

Vitamin D3
Vitamin k2
Iron free multi
Biosil (Or jarrosil)