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Rat behavior testing

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#1 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 05:48 AM


#2 eternaltraveler

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 06:18 AM

Could you please stop posting links to your site. If there is a peice of information that is relevent that is contained on your site, by all means post it here.

This forum is not an avenue for you to advertise your business or your site.

#3 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 06:43 AM

Could you please stop posting links to your site.  If there is a peice of information that is relevent that is contained on your site, by all means post it here.

This forum is not an avenue for you to advertise your business or your site.

No, I will certainly continue to do so.

My website is my work.

You are gaining by visiting it; it is in your rational self-interest to visit it. What do you have to offer me in exchange for visiting it and using its resources? ;)

#4 eternaltraveler

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 06:51 AM

I really have trouble believing that your ego is really as big as you paint it to be

#5 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:15 AM

I really have trouble believing that your ego is really as big as you paint it to be

Then I guess you call the owners of Posted Image "egotistical" as well, right?

The only reason you are not a complete parasite at this forum is not due to quality posts (they are mostly garbage, that's why you lost your candidacy), but do to the fact that you actually support the Immortality Institute. :)

Click the morelife image above to learn more about rationalism. Value for value, kid. ;))

Any value you receive from this site should not be considered as a gift.
We are proud to be value traders and not altruists.

#6 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:20 AM

Spelling mistake above; do should be "due." I do apologize for my transgression.

#7 zg00

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:29 AM

Reminds me of that throbbing brain avatar he used. Takes all sorts.

#8 Chip

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:33 AM

Well heck yeah! There was a transgression but a spelling error is not one. In another forum posting just an URL was a punishable offense. Stating at least some introductory information about the subject would of been courteous, respectful. I don't care whether or not it is to your site but going there you have to start reading to see if it is of any immediate interest. Couldn't you at least give a brief statement of what you think is of value there that others may like? It's really not a lot of effort involved.

Value is subjective. Respect the right of people to figure out what is valuable for themselves and you can earn their respect. Otherwise, despite whatever value may be found, rudeness detracts from anyone finding it.

Think marketing, Nootropi. I'm not at all against the work you do but if you present it in an unpalatable way you'll defeat your own best interests.

#9 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:47 AM

Think marketing, Nootropi.  I'm not at all against the work you do but if you present it in an unpalatable way you'll defeat your own best interests.

Marketing truth has its own inherent value. Truth is my best interest. I market truth. [thumb]

"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

— John Galt
Atlas Shrugged

Edited by nootropi, 01 February 2005 - 08:07 AM.

#10 Chip

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:50 AM

BTW, that More Life graphic looks pretty neat but I find the banner in your sig to be pretty ugly. Just my immediate take. You might want to create something a little less dizzying.

Gosh, your presentation is leading to comments about that and not the subject you wanted to see discussed here. Care to give a brief summary of what is of value at that rat dynamic maze thingy stuff? I started to read it but it wasn't in the normal exposition form I prefer to read, you know, an introductory paragraph that kind of describes what is at the web page, laying out the supporting points and main point briefly so that the reader can get the idea quick and then going into the body of the exposition. Looked like you started right with the body which means I'd have to read through to the concluding paragraph which should have a restatement of the main idea. I want to know something is interesting to me before I choose to read it. Is that me being unreasonable? Nope.

#11 Chip

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 07:56 AM

Truth is different for every person, Nootropi. You want truth? Seek a more cooperative stance, it is through sharing that we gain insight into our shared reality. Try to impose truth on folks, and you will find it will only lead to your having less options.

Here is something that I think is a wisdom I came upon in my journeys: It is not how much you have that counts, it is how well you share what you have that matters.

#12 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:01 AM

BTW, that More Life graphic looks pretty neat but I find the banner in your sig to be pretty ugly.  Just my immediate take.  You might want to create something a little less dizzying. 


Luckily, I have an entirely different philosophy than you, Chip. I am a man of words and works; because I know that you are what you do, not what you say you do.

Have you considered joining the Immortality Institute? Or making a donation? How about this? You make me a better signature, and I will buy my friend cosmos and/or lemon (your choice) a membership here at the Immortality Institute.


#13 Chip

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:12 AM

Nootropi, looks like you were not interested in sharing any topic here. I'll avoid anything on just your recommendation alone for quite some time now until you can start to exhibit some sanity. Hmmm, I bet you take nootropics. That makes at least two people I have come in touch with who seem to be exhibiting a dirth of intelligence despite nootropics. I think maybe there is a danger associated with taking nootropics, too much hubris. Pride before a fall, man. Hope the landing is not too hard on ya.

#14 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:15 AM

Nootropi, looks like you were not interested in sharing any topic here.  I'll avoid anything on just your recommendation alone for quite some time now until you can start to exhibit some sanity.  Hmmm, I bet you take nootropics.  That makes at least two people I have come in touch with who seem to be exhibiting a dirth of intelligence despite nootropics.

It is too bad that when I challenged you to act to quantify your words, you wouldn't act. Not even to benefit the Immortailty Institute. Okay, fine. I'll donate $20 to your favorite charity in your name. Still won't act, eh?

If my signature is so abtruse, then I am here offering you the opportunity to improve my signature meanwhile benefitting others. Not a sweet enough deal to suit you?

You need to read this.

#15 Chip

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:25 AM

Are amphetamines a part of your regimen, Nootropi? I've experienced this kind of behavior before amongst speed addicts. One of them attacked me with a hammer and my dog bit him and he went and got a gun and shot my dog and almost shot me. Horrible experience. My dog gave his life and probably saved me from getting my skull bashed in. I don't really like to associate with anything or anyone that brings back that memory. You got some serious problems guy.

Enough of trying to be of assistance to you. I got more worthwhile things to do.

Ta Ta

#16 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:28 AM

Are amphetamines a part of your regimen, Nootropi?  I've experienced this kind of behavior before amongst speed addicts.  One of them attacked me with a hammer and my dog bit him and he went and got a gun and shot my dog and almost shot me.  Horrible experience.  My dog gave his life and probably saved me from getting my skull bashed in.  I don't really like to associate with anything or anyone that brings back that memory.  You got some serious problems guy. 

Enough of trying to be of assistance to you.  I got more worthwhile things to do.

Ta Ta

Very interesting, and an excellent demonstration of your character.

In other words; you would rather resort to insult when you could have improved the world around you, meanwhile benefiting yourself; further, you say: "I got more worthwhile things to do."

You should not "try to be of assistance to [me]." You should really get to work, making my signature, and make twenty dollars, and prove yourself. Who is John Galt?

#17 eternaltraveler

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:29 AM

The only reason you are not a complete parasite at this forum is not due to quality posts (they are mostly garbage, that's why you lost your candidacy), but do to the fact that you actually support the Immortality Institute.

1. The election is not over for another week. I cannot loose my candidacy for another week. You are a full member, if you have not voted against me yet, I suggest you doso.

2. I fail to see the relevance this has to the discussion in question.

#18 nootropi

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 08:31 AM

1.  The election is not over for another week.  I cannot loose my candidacy for another week.  You are a full member, if you have not voted against me yet, I suggest you doso.

2.  I fail to see the relevance this has to the discussion in question.

I already voted against you, and I am proud of the fact that I broke the tie. Several of your posts are garbage and several are aimed at me; what do you expect?

#19 magr

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 09:45 AM

Stop posting links to your forum, atleast post a brief description or summary!

Your forum is just full of quotes you grabbed from different forums.
No traffic at all. I am not intrested in it, if you have something to say, say it here.

#20 stellar

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 04:42 PM

What the hell? I know I said I would try to ignore but this is absolutely ridiculous. Can we just rename this to the Nootropi forum?


But wait....I thought that Nootropi's new (and only) "allies" PROMISED he would change....they BEGGED for a "second chance" for him


I don't think anyone is surprised that nothing has changed.

Lazarus promised that something would be done....but still....nothing. I used to like this board, it's really too bad that this schizophrenic loser is ruining it. Off to Avant, where Nootropi can't post......later guys! Have fun!!


#21 scottl

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Posted 01 February 2005 - 05:18 PM


GIven the nature of this place you have to give them a few days to appoint a moderator and let him start to work.

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