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super 4 senses instead of normal 5

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Poll: Please read below and answer which sense you would give up to improve the other four unless of course you wouldn't (103 member(s) have cast votes)

Please read below and answer which sense you would give up to improve the other four unless of course you wouldn't

  1. sense of sight (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. sense of hearing (2 votes [2.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.00%

  3. sense of smell (35 votes [35.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 35.00%

  4. sense of taste (30 votes [30.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.00%

  5. sense of touch (3 votes [3.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.00%

  6. I wouldn't take it (30 votes [30.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.00%

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#31 Karomesis

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 03:06 PM

I am extremely sensual, I adore all of them. I veiw the coming technological revolution as a means to extend my sensual capacities beyond even my wildest imaginings. I look forward to bliss as yet unheard of. The one activity that is most enjoyable to me is sex, primarily due to the fact that it involves all 5 of the senses at the same time. [lol] If you have yet to engage in it , I highly reccomend it as a way to experience pleasure at its most extreme given our current biological limitations. [thumb]What would sex be like absent even one of the senses? incomplete, as well as incomparable.The smell of sweat, the caress of your lover, the sounds of moaning, the taste of pleasure in the air, and the vision of writhing ecstasy. [:o]

#32 ozone

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 03:15 PM

Personally, I wouldn't give up anything. But I'd like to be able to taste music. Then I'd find the note for twinkies and be in heaven.

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#33 Infernity

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Posted 22 March 2005 - 04:09 PM

Steve, hmmm, addiction to pleasure. :)

Well ozone, when you do- tell me how does it taste like [lol] ... heh.

Yours truthfully

#34 Infernity

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 10:22 AM

If I had no need to eat or drink I may of picked sence of taste.

Hehe, if we wouldn't have to eat nor drink, we wouldn't have that sense in the first place so I guess in such situation I'd pick out that sense too. But However, if we would be able to now live without eating nor drinking I don't think I'd pick it out. My reasons.

How ever, I would allso give up all four sences to enhance touch.

Hey Jack, err, I suppose that in such case you'll feel a lot of pain too, won't you? [glasses]
Can you tell me why'd you do that...?

Nice poll.

Thanks... [thumb]


#35 Infernity

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 06:58 AM

Heh, everyone, and I mean everyone in this community has somewhat signs of craziness hehe.
You definitely fit here Jack :))
And thanks for running this poll to yours friends, interesting.

I am still wondering what I'd do, heh as I wouldn't like to lose them, I'd like to improve them all; but in contra to you Jack- maybe except the sense of touch heh.

I am still wondering what could possibly motivate you to choose it. Weren't you a little rush to say it...?

Yours truthfully

Edited by infernity, 30 April 2005 - 06:22 PM.

#36 Matt

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 03:16 AM

I chose Taste a few days ago. I think I could live fine without it..

#37 Infernity

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 03:35 AM

Hmm, thank you very much Matt [thumb] .

Sorry for pushing you into this, it's just lately you bring up the subject pretty much a lot I'd say... And I know as a curios one. Heh ask Laz [tung]

Yours truthfully

#38 exigentsky

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:49 AM

Since when do humans have only 5 senses?

#39 Infernity

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 11:09 AM

From time immemorial, exigentsky...

Which extra senses do you refer to?

These are the base senses classified as formal human senses.


#40 Lazarus Long

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 11:13 AM

Ask me what Adi?

About how persistent some can be at pushing for my opinion? ;))

#41 Infernity

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 12:52 PM

No Laz, I mean about how curious I can be ;)

Yours truthfully

#42 Infernity

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 06:25 PM

But if you mentioned it already, Laz, heh well yeah, it would be interesting to hear your side here...
Mmm, will you share? [sweat]

Yours truthfully

#43 exigentsky

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 10:21 PM

Humans have at least 9 senses, including some you may not have known about.

Here are some of the senses I'm reffering to:


#44 Lazarus Long

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 10:33 PM

I have a difficult time with the standard divisions of senses as I think the classification is both too rigid, not respective of how they integrate or overlap, nor up to date with respect to things I brought up in other threads, like propriosense perception.

For example we have long identified how blind people can over develop their hearing as compensation and taste is directly interdependent with smell, so much so that if either sense is diminished by injury (like smoking induced desensitization) the other will also be decreased in sensitivity.

For that reason I didn't really like the lay out of the poll as it is an example of a poor selection that will provide inconclusive results and you should be cautioned about trying to read too much into your result.

I am not one that believes we should be reducing sensory perception and to sacrifice any would be a mistake IMHO but if I had to sacrifice one I probably would choose smell and follow the evolutionary trend for our species to its ultimate end. However to do so would also mean my sense of taste was diminished as I cautioned above and that would be simply tragic for me on my next bottle of Nouveau Beaujolais, not to mention on my next ride through the countryside filled with the fragrance of spring.

However for our species our critical dependence on sight, hearing and touch means they are non negotiable and that leaves only two to select from that really depend on one another but the risk of poison outweighs susceptibility to poison gas which in today's world is often deadly by the time you smell it (or odorless and weapon based).

Except for things like hydrogen sulfide odor in LP or natural gas, which if you don't notice can kill you (not the smell but the odorless gas they have marked with it.

#45 Infernity

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Posted 01 May 2005 - 12:15 PM

From the link of Proprioception:

Unlike the five exteroception human senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing, that...........

That's explaining my side, exigentsky....
The word 'sense', but the meaning of is as a sense of one of the formal 5, it is has another meanings, related somewhat...

• sense [sens]

v. feel, perceive through the senses; apprehend, understand

n. any of the five faculties of perception (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste); feeling, perception, sensation; recognition, awareness; impression; intelligence; something that is reasonable; significance, meaning; purpose, point; merit, value


Yeah, you are always thinking of all sides, that's good. [thumb]

I was thinking pretty much the same, about balance, protection, and also joy and comfort which brings all of the senses. And I was also thinking about the dangers such as gas- when it comes to smell, and food that has expired it's validity (since 3 other senses- losing is pretty obvious what you're gonna lose...).

Yeah, thanks for your allegation Laz.

Yours truthfully

#46 exigentsky

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Posted 01 May 2005 - 08:01 PM

I don't know what you're talking about. Those quotes do not detract from the simple fact that humans have more than 5 senses.

#47 Infernity

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Posted 02 May 2005 - 11:23 AM

Reread please, exigentsky:
From the link of Proprioception:

Unlike the five exteroception human senses of sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing, that...........

That's explaining my side, exigentsky....
The word 'sense', but the meaning of is as a sense of one of the formal 5, it is has another meanings, related somewhat...

• sense [sens] 

v. feel, perceive through the senses; apprehend, understand 

n. any of the five faculties of perception (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste); feeling, perception, sensation; recognition, awareness; impression; intelligence; something that is reasonable; significance, meaning; purpose, point; merit, value
[Just realize it all...]


I meant these five separated senses, which you sense. Not other abilities or charter that characterize us as humans or organism. Of what we get (feel. - it's just may led you astray too, to use that term).

Other senses are not taking account here.

And I never said you were wong...


#48 exigentsky

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Posted 02 May 2005 - 11:45 PM

Sorry, but I still do not agree.

The other senses I listed are just as much human senses as the formal five you mentioned.

Here is a definition of sense from Columbia University Encyclopedia:

"sense, faculty by which external or internal stimuli are conveyed to the brain centers, where they are registered as sensations. Sensory reception occurs in higher animals through a process known as transduction, in which stimuli are converted into nerve impulses and relayed to the brain."

Here is the definition of sense from The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary:

" 1. Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.
2. A perception or feeling that is produced by a stimulus; sensation, as of hunger."

Of course, people are usually not taught beyond the exteroception senses, but that does not mean that the other classes sf senses, such as the interoception senses are not senses as well or that they are not as important. All it means is that there are more classes of senses that colloquial speech fails to distinguish between.

#49 Infernity

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 09:18 AM

I get it exigentsky!

But supposing the supplements I am referring to shall have no affect on these- that's correct.

These are stuff human have (the extra), but for the order I call only these 5 actual senses...

As human can also make sounds- in our case- speak, communicate with language- why is it no termed as one of the senses?

You are giving abilities of us, which all are basic and we sense them. But all are based on the ultimate base 5...


#50 exigentsky

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 12:57 PM

All the senses depend on each other to some extent and the ones I list generally are no more dependent.

"As human can also make sounds- in our case- speak, communicate with language- why is it no termed as one of the senses?"

This is clearly not a sense anymore than driving is a human sense.

#51 Infernity

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 02:56 PM

Alright then just making sounds out of the throat...

Oh, you know what I mean.

I understand you perfectly, it's just, I still hold on on this... I am not sure you know, what I mean...
Never mind. That's ok believe me heh.


#52 exigentsky

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Posted 03 May 2005 - 10:43 PM

" Alright then just making sounds out of the throat..."

No, that is clearly not a sense by any stretch. I don't see the logic of your example. Please read the definition of senses from the medical dictionary, a biology book or any other credible source on the exact definition.

I know what you mean, but I don't fully agree.

#53 Infernity

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Posted 04 May 2005 - 09:28 AM

Yeah, what we 'inject', not what we 'eject'...

Let's just make the poll clear to you, maybe a bit edited- for you- these supposedly brain enhancers- will affect only on the five 5 senses:
And will be able to erase only one of these either.
Neither any of the others- let's just suppose I created these stuff, and I didn't think of the others- luckily they didn't have to do with that... OK, exigentsky?


#54 NickCallaway

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 02:29 PM

yeah, we could probably do without smell the easiest, though that probably means it would yield the smallest boost to the other senses. I mean, of course if you're blind you're going to need to learn to hear outstandingly well. I mean, if we lose our sense of smell, what natural impetus would we have to compensate with improved anything... except taste maybe? BTW, if you havne't already, try having sex blindfolded.

#55 cyborgdreamer

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Posted 31 August 2008 - 04:00 AM

I wouldn't take it. I would've picked smell except you wouldn't really be able to enjoy food without it.

#56 ntenhue

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 11:31 AM

I voted to keep all my senses, they are all useful in their own way. Also you forgot to include our other senses such as equilibrioception, thermoception or proprioception!

#57 Wedrifid

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Posted 13 October 2008 - 09:31 AM

I voted 'smell'. Yet it occurs to me that given the supplements I like to take losing my sense of taste couldn't hurt. Erk.

#58 quadclops

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Posted 18 October 2008 - 03:54 PM

I voted not to take it. Our senses are deeply integrated into how we interact with the world around us, and it can be very dissorrienting when any of them become disfunctional. I recently experienced a temporary loss of hearing due to an attack by mutant earwax buildup. It was a very weird, disconnected, fuzzy-headed few days until I got them syringed at a local hospital. Not something I'd like to repeat.
Also, I now have Type II diabetes, and the possibility of maybe going blind someday terrifies me. There's so much color and beauty in this world, I don't know what I'd do if all I had to look at was inky blackness for the rest of my life.
Without a sense of touch, our whole bodies would feel numb like rubber. It'd be much more difficult to grab or hold onto anything if you couldn't feel it in any way.
As for the sense of smell, think of fresh baked bread, hot apple pie or pizza, fresh-cut lemons, hot chocolate or coffee, or all the scents of the changing seasons! Who would want to give those up? Being a big bibliophile, one of my favorites is the musty smell of an old book! I love the smell of old bookstores! Aah, good times!

Still, a new supersense sounds interesting. Being able to experience the world in a whole new way would be very mind expanding. If it required destroying one of the basic 5 senses though, I think I'd have to wait for next years' model after those bugs had been worked out. :)

Edited by quadclops, 18 October 2008 - 03:55 PM.

#59 tlm884

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Posted 03 February 2009 - 10:40 PM

I've just got to include this quote because its too funny:

"Without a doubt, zinc is the first thing to take when your sense of taste starts to go, so think ZINC, ZINC, ZINC"

"...and since zinc is a major component of semen, you can bet that men who have lots of sex and ejaculate a lot are usually low on zinc stores. It's one those things that's usually low when men have prostate problems as well."

Its that second part that gets me. If its either abstinence or supplements, hell, I'm sold!

This is the kind of thing they should be teaching teenage boys in health class!

What about gay men... are they recieving there zinc from other "sources" even if they do have lots of sex?

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#60 mentatpsi

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 02:07 AM

I voted that I wouldn't take it. My father lost his sense of smell decades ago and he attributes that to the smog of Los Angeles. I contend that there may be more senses than just the five. I understand that the skin and eyes emit small bursts of coherent light and that somehow, some people, can begin to sense the ion fields about a human body that may be influenced by this ionizing light. That might be one other sense that is not recognized by main stream science and I think there may be others.

If this super brain enhancer you speak of had been thoroughly tested and for a long time shown to have no other repercussions maybe I would choose one sense to lose but I am strongly attached to myself as I am. I have no tattoos, no piercings. I wear no rings and I hate my watch though I wear it. It is attached with a velcro strap so I can take it off quickly and easily and I do so often. I don't really like clothes either but to function without being castrated [:o] from many options by the social norms, I wear those.

Kind of reminds me of the movie, "Children of Dune" which I thought to be so poor I couldn't finish it. In it a major figure becomes blind but he can still function as if he had super sight because, I surmised, his other senses were heightened due to having been born under the influence of the "Spice." Mmmm, spice.

Hey now... his ability to see though blinded by the atomic was due to him being of Atreides heritage and the interaction of spice upon his consciousness, an anomaly usually reserved for the Bene Gesserit. I don't believe he was born under the influence of spice, those were called abominations, Alia is one of the prime examples. You should watch Dune by David Lynch or read the books... they are really awesome :|o.

This was very pertinent to the conversation <_<

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