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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Robert Ettinger

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#1 Bruce Klein

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Posted 16 December 2002 - 11:48 AM

Robert Ettinger
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Founder: Cryonics Institute

The whole story is a pretty long one. Basically, I grew up believing that eventually we would learn to cure old age, as well as other diseases. After a while, it became clear that this was not likely to happen within my natural lifetime.

When I was in an army hospital in Battle Creek, Michigan, after the Second World War, I decided that I had better do something about it, since nobody else was. I wrote a short story which was published in a science fiction magazine in 1948, but that didn't attract much attention. In 1962, I wrote a letter to a few hundred people, selected from "Who's Who in America," and that didn't get much attention, either.

It became obvious that a book-length exposition was required. In 1962, I wrote a preliminary version of The Prospect of Immortality. That did arouse some interest. I published it privately. In 1964, Doubleday published the first commercial version. That began the cryonics movement.

I might add that the full text of that book is available on our Web site, www.cryonics.org. And also the full text of my second book, Man into Superman.


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