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Demonstration for Radical Life Extension -...

ilia's Photo ilia 04 Jan 2012

Dear Friends,

In December 2011, there appeared the first issue of the Journal “Let us From Now On” – the only journal in Israel that is dedicated to the promotion of unlimited life-extension.

On Friday afternoon, January 13, 02012, at 12.00 AM, the journal, in cooperation with the Israeli Transhumanist community, will hold a demonstration next to the Trumpeldor Cemetery at the center of Tel Aviv, Against Deathism and For Life-extension.

On the same day, at 21.30 PM, we will launch the first issue of the journal at the Milk Club, at Rothschild Street 6, Tel Aviv.

We believe that radical life extension means radical life affirmation, and conversely, that the affirmation of life means the end of death. We, the living community of Israel, believe in the power of modern art and science to affirm life. We believe that there are no grounds for inter-personal or inter-national conflicts among the living. All the living have the same interest: Radical Life Extension.

We invite you to support and take part in this demonstration, which will be the second demonstration of its kind in the world (a similar demonstration for radical life extension took place in Moscow on September, 2011, organized by the Russian Transhumanist Movement.)

Speakers: Jeremy Fogel, Gabriel Moked, Ido Keinan, Oded Carmeli, Sheli Chen, Michal Zecharia, Reuel Shuali, Ilia Stambler, Jonathan Levy, Yoav Ezra and Amir Menshahoff.

In solidarity with the cause of radical life extension!

The Editorial Board of “Let Us from Now On”


Facebook Event


More details (in Hebrew and English), including the full demands of the demonstration, the journal manifesto and venue updates, can be found
at the site of Humanity + Israel:


Droplet's Photo Droplet 04 Jan 2012

Wow, there actually ARE such demonstrations! :cool: Good luck to you all and I hope you get oodles of publicity. :)
Edited by Droplet, 04 January 2012 - 04:23 PM.

Mind's Photo Mind 04 Jan 2012

Great work getting this organized Ilia. I hope there is good publicity by starting the event at a cemetery. It should provide a stark reminder of what we are fighting against.

I don't sit around on Facebook and "like" things all the time but this is one event I did "like", or at least I tried to. I went to the http://www.singulariut.com/ page and tried to "like" the event. But I am not sure if it worked. I went to the facebook page and joined, not realizing that it would indicate that I will be attending the event. Unfortunately I will not be able to make it on short notice, but I will be there in spirit.

Help spread the word!

ilia's Photo ilia 05 Jan 2012

Dear Mind,

Thank you very much for your support!

I am truly proud of it, as our group started in the interactions at ImmInst fora.
At our resulting first meeting about 5 years ago there were about 5 people.
And now there is this public demonstration and additional events are planned ahead.

The way it is going we might be running for Knesset soon :)

Thanks again for your support!

Mind's Photo Mind 11 Jan 2012

For all those who cannot attend, could you please give us a brief summary of the event after it is done. Let us know if the audience was receptive. It will be interesting to know what type of discussions were happening.

ilia's Photo ilia 11 Jan 2012

Will be happy to give a full report, with pictures, perhaps also videos. Looking forward to the event. And thanks again for your support! ilia

Droplet's Photo Droplet 12 Jan 2012

Will be happy to give a full report, with pictures, perhaps also videos. Looking forward to the event. And thanks again for your support! ilia

Please do. I'll really look forward to it. :)

AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 13 Jan 2012

You have a "radical" way of saying it but yes, despite all troubles life is beautiful
and longer and longer, and healthier and healthier lives is great for all

Wishing you great success!

ilia's Photo ilia 14 Jan 2012

Thanks guys,

Just an update: Due to the heavy rain yesterday, the demonstration was postponed until next Friday (which only promises to increase the participation). Hope to report back soon and looking forward to the event! Thank you for your support!



ilia's Photo ilia 21 Jan 2012

Dear Friends,

Just a little update. The demonstration was successful. Though, not many people attended, about 30. Still, this is a start. There will be coverage in several newspapers and tv channels. So the fact that the topic of radical life extension will be raised here for the first time is already a great achievement. An even greater achievement is to see the support and solidarity of the international Transhumanist and life-extensionist community! On Sunday we are planning an additional event, after which I hope to publish a more detailed report, hopefully, including videos.

Thank you very much again for your support!

ilia's Photo ilia 26 Jan 2012

Dear friends,
I am happy to report that a series of activist events for radical life extension – a journal launching, a demonstration and a mini-conference – recently took place in Israel.
Please read a full report at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

For more details (in Hebrew and English), including the full demands of the demonstration, the journal manifesto, venues, pictures and annotated videos, please see the site of Humanity + Israel

Many thanks to all the wonderful people who helped, participated and expressed their support! In solidarity with the cause of radical life extension!

Droplet's Photo Droplet 26 Jan 2012

This is top stuff, Ilia. Well done to you and the fellow supporters. :)

AgeVivo's Photo AgeVivo 28 Jan 2012

Bravissimo! This should greatly enhance public interest towards longevity science

Mind's Photo Mind 30 Jan 2012

Great job Ilia! 30 people demonstrating for life extension in Israel this year, is 30 more than demonstrated last year. Keep up the great work!