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A good article about methylation, depressi...

MrHappy's Photo MrHappy 05 Jan 2012


A well-written article, explaining various pathways, dietary requirements and differences in effectiveness of some drugs and supplements in different groups of people - eg. Why some people have bad reactions to SSRIs, why SAMe is effective for some and not others and a lot more.

Worth reading, especially if you are new to supplements.

LeonardElijah's Photo LeonardElijah 15 Jan 2012


They need to stop talking about folic acid and start talking about methylfolate.

I respond to methylfolate.

Required to produce SAMe:

B6 in the form of P5P

I can't speak to the minerals such as zinc because I never responded to those when messing around with methylation.

I qualify as an "overmethylator" when I add in the TMG. Sometimes I'm not stressed ENOUGH. The conversion is Choline (4 methyl groups) -> TMG (three methyl groups) -> DMG (two methyl groups). By dropping TMG, you are relying on choline. It's not like this is the biggest issue ever, but sometimes I want a little more stress incentive to get my stuff done.
Edited by LeonardElijah, 15 January 2012 - 07:13 PM.

Thorsten3's Photo Thorsten3 15 Jan 2012


A well-written article, explaining various pathways, dietary requirements and differences in effectiveness of some drugs and supplements in different groups of people - eg. Why some people have bad reactions to SSRIs, why SAMe is effective for some and not others and a lot more.

Worth reading, especially if you are new to supplements.

Good read thanks

WillHen's Photo WillHen 27 May 2014

Thank you MrHappy...great information