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#61 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:00 AM

Me too, except I don't mind God watching me. God also watches out for me. God likes me and I like God. :)

Me too!

By the way, did you receive my response to your query? I'm not very familiar with sending PMs and wanted to make sure that you received it.
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#62 hooter

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Posted 03 February 2012 - 06:28 AM

Well cheers you guys on being so servile.

#63 shadowhawk

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 12:55 AM

Me too, except I don't mind God watching me. God also watches out for me. God likes me and I like God. :)

Me too!

By the way, did you receive my response to your query? I'm not very familiar with sending PMs and wanted to make sure that you received it.

I did get your response. I think you know quite a lot. If God is possible, what do you think God is like? :)

#64 Connor MacLeod

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 04:50 AM

I did get your response. I think you know quite a lot. If God is possible, what do you think God is like? :)

The generalities are not interesting, while the specifics are too intimate. I wish you the best but I don't really have anything to add to what I wrote in my PM to you.

Edited by Connor MacLeod, 04 February 2012 - 04:51 AM.

#65 hooter

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Posted 04 February 2012 - 03:00 PM

Me too, except I don't mind God watching me. God also watches out for me. God likes me and I like God. :)

Let me just invoke the bible real quick:

After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here am I."

He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." (Gen. 22:1-2)

And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it on Isaac his son; and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So they went both of them together. (Gen. 22:6)

When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, upon the wood.

Then Abraham put forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. (Gen. 22:9-10)

The day I became an atheist:

If God watches everything, he watched this occur. Nay, he knew it would occur. It's all part of his mysterious plan! Remember that my deeply devout Christian mother claimed that god told her to do this, because she read the bible story above. One faithful night, I comforted my mother because she was crying. Then I went to bed and fell asleep. I wanted to lock my door but my dad took away my key, and god watched this. Once I was asleep, she burst into my room while I was sleeping and screamed "DIE!" and lurched towards my bed. She began stabbing me in the chest with a kitchen knife. God watched every droplet of blood inside and out, from every angle and in infinite time. He watched every single slice into my 8 year old chest. He watched a child get mutilated by his own religious mother who would force him to go to church. Her cross swinging above my head as she stabbed through my chest and out the other side. Did god do anything? No, my dad pulled her off me. God let her pull me to church every week, watched me get stabbed in the chest and watched the ambulance get stuck in the driveway. Is this part of his plan?

Posted Image
If this is god's plan, what do you think god is like?

Sincerely, fuck you and your abhorrent cruel deity.

Edited by hooter, 04 February 2012 - 03:14 PM.

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#66 xEva

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 04:19 AM

hooter, it's cool that you can write about it. My atheist mom also tried to kill me, and not just once (life was tough in the Soviet Union and she regretted having me -- in her eyes that was a sort of a delayed abortion, lol). My mom was not crazy like yours. To the contrary, she was very calculating... even though I believe that the stress of life did cause her to do what she did. When life gets too tough, some of us break down and experience darkening of the mind, which, as Chinese say, is actually in the heart (in Chinese mind and heart are synonyms --actually it's the same word-- and, when translated into English, which word you use depends on the context). Anyway,..

Your experience has nothing to do with God. What you object to, again, is what people said or wrote about God, including in a generally godawful book like Bible (as any collection it has a few good parts though). Your mom was religious, mine was atheist. Mine did not stub me in a fit of craziness, but several times arranged for me to be killed (when I was 4, 9, 12, 16) and tried to poison me once or twice herself. One time, the scariest of all, when I was 9, she carefully planned it for 2-3 months. I kept on seeing the same nightmare in those months: a woman with short haircut and Jacky Kennedy suit is chasing me, knocking on the door, behind which I hid. My heart is pounding and the fright I feel is beyond what words can tell. And then the day came... Anyway..

Lucky me, I lived. Lucky her I lived. What's that got to do with God?

Let's redefine God.

You know, for a long, long time already I want to make a site where people like you and me can come and bitch, especially on the Mother's Day. I think that would be very therapeutic. Besides, people forget that mothers are just people. They are not saints as is demanded from them by the media, especially on the Mother's Day. Or maybe there is a site like this already?

Edited by xEva, 06 February 2012 - 04:44 AM.

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#67 Link

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 06:05 AM

I don't think anybody disputes that both atheists and religious people are capable of heinous acts.

The difference is that i have never heard of someone committing an atrocity in the name of atheism or using athiest scripture to justify their actions.

#68 xEva

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 08:11 AM

You may have a point there, Link. But. What's heinous? It's all our narrowly defined expectations. We get upset when our expectations are not met. God is supposed to be this and that. Mom is supposed to be this and that. Why these mammalian expectations?

Did you keep fish as a kid? I did. I had guppies. They are viviparous, you know, and I was very curious about that birth thing. For the longest time I was trying to catch a female in the act, but kept missing that miracle. So, one day I separated a pregnant female in a large jar and kept watching her whenever I got a chance. Finally the day came and it was happening. The thing was... because I put her in a jar, I had to feed her sparingly --no filter and all that-- so, she was hungry. I never forget how those tinny fry were popping out her one end and, as they headed to the surface to fill in their air sacks, methodically, one by one, she picked them, and they disappeared in her other end. I was aghast. I began to knock on the glass, trying to distract her. You may disbelieve this, but in that very moment, my mother came into the room and said, your father died last night. What symbolism, eh?

That's why I say, the whole thing is designed. Life is like a dream. It's not always a good or even a pleasant dream. And yes, I too sometimes want to catch the scriptmaker and beat the shit out of him (and much of it is just plain corny or in poor taste).

#69 hooter

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 09:36 AM

I don't think anybody disputes that both atheists and religious people are capable of heinous acts.

The difference is that i have never heard of someone committing an atrocity in the name of atheism or using athiest scripture to justify their actions.

Exactly. I'm saying she was very religious and reading the bible gave her that idea in the first place, she believed she was being tested like Abraham.

Most religious people say that they believe in the bible! They don't actually believe all the murder, rape and selling your daughter stuff! But the point is that a lunatic will find the book, hear that everyone around him is saying that it's true and go and flip out. I don't understand why there are millions of people saying, "look at this book, it's good but ignore the murder parts". She did it because the bible told her it was ok. This is in her official court testimony and psychiatric notes! What they are doing is legitimizing the insane people who will take it literally.

People they are 'Christians' yet you do not follow the tenets of the bible, you do not follow what Jesus told people to do. Why even bother with the name? It wasn't invented until the 1950s as a propagandist way to stop evangelicals, protestants and other sects from fighting. Millions of people claim that they are Christians and say they live by the bible, but if they were they'd be selling their daughters to slavery and stoning homosexuals to death. Remember that the bible was the central propaganda used to justify slavery and colonialism, bringing 'civilization' to the unenlightened and unsaved natives. Oh poor africans, we must go over and tell them about the lord! Yeah look at the result of that,

My point is that you religion has a central book claimed to be written by god which advocates murder and rape. Millions of people justify this book without reading it or realizing what they are saying. You are giving desperate people with severe mental issues a fake sense of escape or safety. They believe they will find peace and joy if they fulfill god's mission! Remember that people with mental issues are very easily swayed, and these are the people that organized religion prays and preys on. The point is that Atheism does not have any tenets or scripture and therefore can IMPOSSIBLY inspire such outcomes.

My mother tried to kill me because she thought she would get into good graces with god by obeying him. She believed this from years and years of indoctrination by her parents. There cannot be such a case with atheism because there is no atheist scripture, and atheists are not an organized group! We do not have texts legitimizing the slaughter of children and women. We do not have supernatural rewards after death and as a result of obedience. She was desperate and ill, preferring to go to the church than to the psychiatrist. The priest just told her to look for answers in the bible, and she did.

hooter, it's cool that you can write about it. My atheist mom also tried to kill me, and not just once (life was tough in the Soviet Union and she regretted having me -- in her eyes that was a sort of a delayed abortion, lol). My mom was not crazy like yours. To the contrary, she was very calculating... even though I believe that the stress of life did cause her to do what she did. When life gets too tough, some of us break down and experience darkening of the mind, which, as Chinese say, is actually in the heart (in Chinese mind and heart are synonyms --actually it's the same word-- and, when translated into English, which word you use depends on the context). Anyway,..

Mothers kill their children with or without religion, but it seems to happen a lot more often under religious pretenses and 'missions'. There is no such thing as atheist scripture or anything like that! This is impossible to argue against. The bible inspires religious murders who take it literally. Atheism is not an organized endeavour and no such equivalent book exists! Notice that she tried to poison you, a much more humane act than the bible advocated slaying with a knife. That is an act of desperation. She was not in a desperate situation. Bursting into a room and screaming "die" while clutching both a knife and a cross is a bit different. This is why I am saying the bible explicitly told my mother its to stab me if god asks her to.

Don't you all preach so lovingly that you cannot disobey god?

Good people will always do good and evil people will always do evil. But to make the good commit the evil, you need religion.

Edited by hooter, 06 February 2012 - 09:54 AM.

#70 xEva

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:02 AM

hooter, if my mom were religious, she would be afraid to do what she did, 'cause, you know, God sees it all. As Dostoyevsky wrote way back when, if there is no God then everything is permitted. Just don't get caught.

My mom was not evil. She was sick from stress at times. Stress can do it to us. What form craziness takes depends on culture, which can be religious or atheist. So, it's not about religion. I grew up in atheist culture. You can't compare it. We russians are terrible cynics. It's tough on young adults, just starting to live on their own. Cynicism is equated to intelligence. And one thing we are afraid the most when we are young is to seem stupid. We are not stupid. We are very smart and we want everything. Now. Cause we live only once. Get it now, whatever it takes. Just don't get caught.

Having experienced both cultures, I much prefer religious people, whatever denomination. It's warmer with them. You can actually trust them. They believe in good and they want to be good. More importantly, they want to do good. Maybe it does not always happen, but at least they are trying.

But we have digressed.

What God is like?

Edited by xEva, 06 February 2012 - 11:03 AM.

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#71 hooter

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 11:31 AM

hooter, if my mom were religious, she would be afraid to do what she did, 'cause, you know, God sees it all.

You will notice that in desperate times, beliefs are quite malleable. Also assume that your mother was religious. She would thusly believe in an afterlife. This means she would believe that after death you could go to a better place that isn't as bleak as the Soviet Union. This seems pretty accepting of death to me, even glorifying. Would you not allow your child to leave this earth when you know there is a much better place ahead? Perhaps she would have risked the hands of fate until something would have gotten you. The abrahamic religions are cults of death that glorify and exhalt it to supernatural realms. Death is aggrandized and fetischized with every church, every cross and every page. Children are expected to glare at a bloodied corpse nailed to wooden boards. People wear this around their neck. It's nothing but a symbol of an ancient human sacrifice. I find this to be a truly frightening protosexual construct. Children are expected to glare at a bloodied corpse nailed to wooden boards. Anyone who doesn't understand how that could possibly incites violence must be wholly ignorant.

Edited by hooter, 06 February 2012 - 11:41 AM.

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#72 shadowhawk

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 07:42 PM

I did get your response. I think you know quite a lot. If God is possible, what do you think God is like? :)

The generalities are not interesting, while the specifics are too intimate. I wish you the best but I don't really have anything to add to what I wrote in my PM to you.

I understand. Everything you post I find interesting. :)

#73 nowayout

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 09:11 PM

Here is the real issue. You are full of hate and anger. As you say, you are ‘VICIOUS.”

...as opposed to your Judaeo-Christian god who was invented as an excuse for ethnic cleansing by Jewish priests? How about his supposed command to kill all men, women, and children, during the sack of Jericho, to name just one of miriad examples? How is that for vicious?

Edited by viveutvivas, 06 February 2012 - 09:28 PM.

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#74 nowayout

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 09:25 PM

Having experienced both cultures, I much prefer religious people, whatever denomination. It's warmer with them. You can actually trust them. They believe in good and they want to be good. More importantly, they want to do good. Maybe it does not always happen, but at least they are trying.

Yeah, like taking away the rights of gay people. Making gay children so miserable that they end up killing themselves. Keeping a woman away from her same-sex partner on her death bed so she dies alone. Invading countries and killing a hundred thousand civilians (oopsie!) because god told you to... Crashing planes into buildings because god told you to...

My experience is that religious people of all stripes spread little more than hatred and misery, in the name of god.

And if you think you can't do good without your imaginary friend in your head telling you to, you have larger problems...

Edited by viveutvivas, 06 February 2012 - 09:29 PM.

#75 xEva

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:13 PM

And if you think you can't do good without your imaginary friend in your head telling you to, you have larger problems...

You speak from the position of a member of a prosperous, peaceful society, who was taught ethics since childhood, as part of traditional religious upbringing.

It's easy to be good when life is good, like it has been in the West for most people, especially in the US or Australia.. It's when life starts tightening screws on you when you start needing that imaginary friend in your head. To avoid doing what you will undoubtedly regret with time.

We may become adults at around 20, but, left to its own devices, our conscience/conscientiousness does not ripen till about 30+. Until it's ready, a belief in all-seeing God is protective.

#76 xEva

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:38 PM

The abrahamic religions are cults of death that glorify and exhalt it to supernatural realms. Death is aggrandized and fetischized with every church, every cross and every page. Children are expected to glare at a bloodied corpse nailed to wooden boards. People wear this around their neck. It's nothing but a symbol of an ancient human sacrifice. I find this to be a truly frightening protosexual construct. Children are expected to glare at a bloodied corpse nailed to wooden boards. Anyone who doesn't understand how that could possibly incites violence must be wholly ignorant.

You sound almost like Tolstoy who was excommunicated for such notions, lol. I don't think abrahamic religions per se are to blame. A few years ago I was reading up on the history of the church and leaned that the crucifix, as its symbol, did not appear until the 8th century (!). I forget what, historically, was going on at the time, what sort of upheavals prompted them to do that. But to me this confirms that when life gets tough, individually or collectively, people invent all kinds of crazy stuff, and then stubbornly cling to their madness. It's not about God or religions, it's about what people do and how they justify what they are doing, when they are clearly mad.
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#77 shadowhawk

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 12:36 AM

Here is the real issue. You are full of hate and anger. As you say, you are ‘VICIOUS.”

...as opposed to your Judaeo-Christian god who was invented as an excuse for ethnic cleansing by Jewish priests? How about his supposed command to kill all men, women, and children, during the sack of Jericho, to name just one of miriad examples? How is that for vicious?

I have gone over this question many times that by and large it is quoted from Atheist blogs. Off topic here but here are some sources if realy interested. I have more if you need it.. So what is God like for you?

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#78 hooter

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 11:53 AM

The abrahamic religions are cults of death that glorify and exhalt it to supernatural realms. Death is aggrandized and fetischized with every church, every cross and every page. Children are expected to glare at a bloodied corpse nailed to wooden boards. People wear this around their neck. It's nothing but a symbol of an ancient human sacrifice. I find this to be a truly frightening protosexual construct. Children are expected to glare at a bloodied corpse nailed to wooden boards. Anyone who doesn't understand how that could possibly incites violence must be wholly ignorant.

You sound almost like Tolstoy who was excommunicated for such notions, lol. I don't think abrahamic religions per se are to blame. A few years ago I was reading up on the history of the church and leaned that the crucifix, as its symbol, did not appear until the 8th century (!). I forget what, historically, was going on at the time, what sort of upheavals prompted them to do that.

Sorry to disappoint all the 'peace lovers', but the crucifix is a symbol of war. The crucifix was invented by Emperor Constantine to assure his troops that god was on their side so they could continue their slaughter.

He claimed that it came to him in a vision along with the words "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (translated as "In this sign you shall conquer").

This brings me back to the point that If all Christians read the bible and understood their history, there would be no Christians.

Edited by hooter, 07 February 2012 - 11:57 AM.

#79 Link

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 02:03 PM

And if you think you can't do good without your imaginary friend in your head telling you to, you have larger problems...

You speak from the position of a member of a prosperous, peaceful society, who was taught ethics since childhood, as part of traditional religious upbringing.

It's easy to be good when life is good, like it has been in the West for most people, especially in the US or Australia.. It's when life starts tightening screws on you when you start needing that imaginary friend in your head. To avoid doing what you will undoubtedly regret with time.

We may become adults at around 20, but, left to its own devices, our conscience/conscientiousness does not ripen till about 30+. Until it's ready, a belief in all-seeing God is protective.

I think you are making a lot of statements that simply don't stand up in the real world. I agree that there is a relationship to some degree between poverty and crime, but i fail to see any relationship between a countries level of religious belief and the level of crime.

The countries with the lowest murder rates are those with the lowest belief in God, such as Sweden.

Whilst Brazil, a hugely religious nation, has a murder rate over 4 times the global average.

These are just two examples but there are many more.

So yes, while i agree that being poor would make you more likely to commit crime, being religious, in reality does not make you any more moral where it really counts.

Here is the real issue. You are full of hate and anger. As you say, you are ‘VICIOUS.”

...as opposed to your Judaeo-Christian god who was invented as an excuse for ethnic cleansing by Jewish priests? How about his supposed command to kill all men, women, and children, during the sack of Jericho, to name just one of miriad examples? How is that for vicious?

I have gone over this question many times that by and large it is quoted from Atheist blogs. Off topic here but here are some sources if realy interested. I have more if you need it.. So what is God like for you?

I listened to the video you posted and i have to say it was one of the weakest "pro-God" arguments i have ever heard.

In a nutshell the guy basically says "If god told the Israelite soldiers to slay all the Caananites, including women and children then he must have had a good reason, and besides he was doing the kids a favour because they all went to heaven anyway."
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#80 xEva

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 04:12 PM

A few years ago I was reading up on the history of the church and leaned that the crucifix, as its symbol, did not appear until the 8th century (!). I forget what, historically, was going on at the time, what sort of upheavals prompted them to do that.

Sorry to disappoint all the 'peace lovers', but the crucifix is a symbol of war. The crucifix was invented by Emperor Constantine to assure his troops that god was on their side so they could continue their slaughter.

He claimed that it came to him in a vision along with the words "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (translated as "In this sign you shall conquer").

This brings me back to the point that If all Christians read the bible and understood their history, there would be no Christians.

I disagree. That was a cross, not crucifix (=Jesus nailed to the cross). Besides, at the time the cross was still portrayed diagonally, from the letter X that stood for Christ. Here is Constantine's symbol:

Posted Image

Edited by xEva, 07 February 2012 - 04:16 PM.

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#81 xEva

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 04:33 PM

I think you are making a lot of statements that simply don't stand up in the real world. I agree that there is a relationship to some degree between poverty and crime, but i fail to see any relationship between a countries level of religious belief and the level of crime.

Link, it's not about poverty but brutality of men towards men. When everyone around you is poor, what does it matter? Poverty / prosperity is a relative thing (just compare current lifestyles and, say, 3000 years ago).

It's wars, revolutions and other upheavals that break us. Those who survive physically intact carry unseen wounds that take several generations to heal. I see it on the example of Russia and I see it on the example of China. The best I see it, of course, is on the example of my own family. I can bitch about my childhood, but it was nothing compared with what my mom survived when she was a kid.
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#82 shadowhawk

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Posted 08 February 2012 - 11:20 PM

What is God Like? I have given a couple of short answers to this elsewhere. I was raised an atheist by my atheist parents. We had a very, non religious family and would set around the dinner table discussing reasons we didn’t believe in God. I was very vocal about it. All the old Atheist arguments were part of my upbringing.

When I graduated from high school I went into the military. Good thing I did because it gave me a chance to grow up. I was a wild man, going out into the world to party. I was stationed in Rhode Island. In the evening I got a job at a local bar where I got to meet other anti-religious people. After awhile I got tired of all the cheating and lying I saw it all around me. Being sober, while working in a bar can be depressive. No wonder everyone was drunk and on drugs. I drank fully at that well for a couple of years There was little morality and I saw no reason for it.

Every chance I got I put religious people down. Growing up in an atheist family I knew most of the arguments’s against God. Every chance I got, I put down the religious. I was as rude and crude as I knew how to be around anyone religious. One day I broke the faith of a Christian ministers son. I felt kind of bad, kind of like taking a security blanket away from a Child. As a result I decided to read the Bible, so I would know first hand what I was talking about.

At the same time the most religious guy in my Battalion was moved right next to me. He started asking me to go to church with him. Every Sunday morning he would wake me up asking me if I would go to church. The answer was always, “NO.” I always had a hangover or was still up.

Finally I got tired of it and told him if he woke me up one more time, I would smash him in the mouth. He left and I felt bad for being such an ass. So I decided I would go to Church with him and tell him I didn’t like it. That way he would feel better and so would I..So I went to Church.

I didn’t become a believer then but I did discover there were happy people in that Church.

I struggled with the hopeless, immorality, I saw everywhere, the meaning of life and my own atheism. One weekend I decided to go into Providence R.I. to a girls club dance. I caught a bus and it was raining, as I sat in the back seat by myself. The water was hitting the window and made patterns of different colors from the passing lights. I decided to say an atheists prayer. “God, if there is a God, I put what little faith I have in you. I don’t even know how to believe. I have so many doubts.”

The next day, when I woke up, everything changed. I noticed the colors were noticeably more saturated. The world looked different. Something was different deep in my heart. I knew, I had meet God. My life has been one process of learning as it affected every area. CS Lewis wrote a book, “Surprised by Joy.” which starts to describe what life with God is like.

I have continued to be intellectually interested in everything. I went to College and
Graduate School, after I got out of the military. That grain of faith has continued to grow.

I love the intellectual challenge but God is as close as your heart. You can’t explain a color to a blind man who won’t bother to step out and open their eyes. So it is with God and the heart.

Edited by shadowhawk, 08 February 2012 - 11:27 PM.

#83 xEva

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 06:29 AM

shadowhawk, I know I should not say it... you opened up and all.. but that russian cynic in me can't pass it without mentioning that God has brought you to the right board. There are noots that brighten up the world and lift your mood, making you feel oh so good and happy and motivated. And when we're happy is when we are naturally generous, forgiving, kind and all that good stuff :) ah? http://www.longecity...169-nootropics/
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#84 xEva

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 06:29 AM

:) double

Edited by xEva, 09 February 2012 - 06:30 AM.

#85 shadowhawk

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Posted 17 February 2012 - 10:22 PM

Yes, the Bible says:
1 John 4:8
(New International Version)
God is Love

1 John 3:16
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. (NIV)

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (NIV)

Is it true God is like this??
My experience of God has been incredible love. I have often gone on retreats of several weeks of silence with God. The experience of love is beyond words. God loves us deeply in my experience. How about other religions?

#86 Valkyrie

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 09:18 AM

it is sad there is so much bloodshed over arguing which religion is right all the time

i think all religions have same god but don't realise it

#87 platypus

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 12:52 PM

i think all religions have same god but don't realise it

Why would that be? How about polytheism?

#88 platypus

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Posted 18 February 2012 - 12:54 PM

My experience of God has been incredible love. I have often gone on retreats of several weeks of silence with God. The experience of love is beyond words. God loves us deeply in my experience. How about other religions?

It works in exactly the same way in other religions when people go to meditation retreats etc. Why do you think this happens?

#89 Valkyrie

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Posted 19 February 2012 - 06:11 PM

i think all religions have same god but don't realise it

Why would that be? How about polytheism?

i think that for all religions where there is one god it could be that it is same god but with different names amongst the various religions

#90 hooter

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Posted 20 February 2012 - 01:11 PM

i think all religions have same god but don't realise it

Why would that be? How about polytheism?

i think that for all religions where there is one god it could be that it is same god but with different names amongst the various religions

I think it's a neurological phenomenon which is why humans everywhere experience some form of religion, can never agree on which one is the right one.

Believing in UFOs can be seen as a religion. Aliens made us. There is a myriad of photographic and audiovisual evidence of ufos. Former high-ranking government officials have spoken out about this. People report having been abducted by aliens. There have been more sightings of aliens than of Jesus. Why is one more likely than the other, exactly?

There's reports of people stopping UFO abuction mid-occurance by shouting "The power of christ compells you." This works only because they are the same process. Replace one with the other and presto changeo. This is the same phenomenon and governed by the same neurophysiological connections. The same activity in the brain can be observed for religious people looking at the cross as Steve Jobs fanatics looking at the Apple logo. Big Effin Deal.

Don't believe me? Try IV DMT. Religious believers will claim to have experienced the presense of God and witnessed Jesus or angels. Secular people will report being abducted by alien engineers that perform experiments. A drug causes both these things, depending only on the individual person. How is this spiritual?

Here's a surprise, better put on a hat so you don't get brains all over your wall. God is a supposed extraterrestrial creature that has transcended material energy. We are the lab mice in his cage, and he has some sort of plan. This definition is inescapable. Christianity for example is the worship of an artificially designed spermium that was corporeally reassembled from subspace into the uterus of a bronze age woman.

Sounds like the alien just wanted to beam himself on earth in human form to mess with people, like Kevin Spacey in K-Pax. I mean what's the most amazing thing Jesus did? He pointlessly walked on water. "Oh, look what I can do!! Teehee!!" He turned water into wine, and said it's his blood. He healed less people than a modern day surgeon by a magnitude of about 20. His entire description in the bible is, "me me me me me look at me me me im cool im god. lol".

Just because some egocentric extraterrestrial tourist might or might not have teleported down to play a little bit of GTA doesn't mean y'all need to get your panties in a twist.


Either that or it's all bullshit. Can you tell yet?

Edited by hooter, 20 February 2012 - 01:35 PM.

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