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#121 wowser

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 04:40 PM

Before a father leaves for his longest business trip yet, he encourages his son and daughter to remember, "Even when I'm not here, God is always with you." After he leaves, the boy and his sister spend a fun-filled day and star-filled night remembering everything their father told them about their heavenly Father: He is powerful, loving, everywhere, all-knowing, perfect, merciful, unchanging, creator, and a Father who wants to be known, talked to, obeyed, and worshipped.

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Posted Image

I can see how that picture might make some people think badly of God... that really is awful isn't it?

#122 steampoweredgod

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 05:01 PM


Edited by steampoweredgod, 02 March 2012 - 05:02 PM.

#123 shadowhawk

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 07:40 PM

link; Get over yourself.

If someone is going to say something as stupid as "God invented science" then I’m going to call them out on it, I don't care what the topic is. Stop trying to censor everything you don't want to hear.

What ever you are talking about, it is irrational and off topic. Who made you the bully thought monitor.

#124 hooter

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:23 PM

link; Get over yourself.

If someone is going to say something as stupid as "God invented science" then I’m going to call them out on it, I don't care what the topic is. Stop trying to censor everything you don't want to hear.

What ever you are talking about, it is irrational and off topic. Who made you the bully thought monitor.

You've said off topic like 20 times in this thread alone. If anyone thinks he's king shit of the argument castle, it's you cabron. I've seen threads in forums with 50x more users and 50x more posts, and nobody goes around shouting 'off topic'. I think you should at least be honest with your true thoughts and phrase it as "la la la la la na na na nena na na nla la la la."

Edited by hooter, 02 March 2012 - 08:24 PM.

#125 shadowhawk

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:36 PM

Before a father leaves for his longest business trip yet, he encourages his son and daughter to remember, "Even when I'm not here, God is always with you." After he leaves, the boy and his sister spend a fun-filled day and star-filled night remembering everything their father told them about their heavenly Father: He is powerful, loving, everywhere, all-knowing, perfect, merciful, unchanging, creator, and a Father who wants to be known, talked to, obeyed, and worshipped.

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Posted Image

I can see how that picture might make some people think badly of God... that really is awful isn't it?

Me too.

Sad Hooter’s God does not care but that is only one view of God.
The picture is quite horrible and heartbreaking. God from a Christian perspective certainly cares. Who did this to this woman and child? We need Charity. http://en.wikipedia....harity_(virtue)

Paul describes charity it in the First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13 (KJV):

“ Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

Goggle, “Christian Charities to see the massive charitable works of all kinds, all over the world where Christians are trying to stop scenes like the one Hooter presented. How do we know God wanted that? My God doesn’t. I once heard a Jewish Rabbi answer the question, “Where was God?” when addressing the reality of the Holocaust. The rabbi then asked, “Where was Man?” I give a lot to Charity and so does my Church because God and my heart wants me to..

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Love making between us and God. Sweet talk between lovers. He is after all God. :)
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#126 shadowhawk

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:45 PM

link; Get over yourself.

If someone is going to say something as stupid as "God invented science" then I’m going to call them out on it, I don't care what the topic is. Stop trying to censor everything you don't want to hear.

What ever you are talking about, it is irrational and off topic. Who made you the bully thought monitor.

You've said off topic like 20 times in this thread alone. If anyone thinks he's king shit of the argument castle, it's you cabron. I've seen threads in forums with 50x more users and 50x more posts, and nobody goes around shouting 'off topic'. I think you should at least be honest with your true thoughts and phrase it as "la la la la la na na na nena na na nla la la la."

Read the rules for using the blog. Some people can't read. Nice attempt at singing but off topic. :sleep:

#127 shadowhawk

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 08:51 PM

Topic rules


Edited by shadowhawk, 02 March 2012 - 08:52 PM.

#128 hooter

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:12 PM

Topic rules


Thank you for linking this!

While you have discretion in deciding what constitutes appropriate discussion, I suggest using this ability with tact and restraint. Heavy moderation will reduce the likelihood that users will participate in your thread. Posted Image

Edited by hooter, 02 March 2012 - 10:12 PM.

#129 hooter

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Posted 02 March 2012 - 10:14 PM

Goggle, “Christian Charities to see the massive charitable works of all kinds, all over the world where Christians are trying to stop scenes like the one Hooter presented. How do we know God wanted that? My God doesn’t. I once heard a Jewish Rabbi answer the question, “Where was God?” when addressing the reality of the Holocaust. The rabbi then asked, “Where was Man?” I give a lot to Charity and so does my Church because God and my heart wants me to..

Firstly, according to you god made men this way. Secondly, the holocaust was sparked from the underlying religious hatred of the predominately Christian German and Austrian public. The jewish persecution goes back historically quite far if you remember. The bible states that Jews in all generations are forever marked with eternal sin. Think about it, why would you single out a religious group for extermination? Note that the church fully supported Hitler. The belt buckles of the SS members had "Gott mit Uns" inscribed in them, or god with us. And they all had to swear christian oaths to the fatherland and god. Nice argument, but sadly it backfired on you.

Edited by hooter, 02 March 2012 - 10:17 PM.

#130 shadowhawk

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 12:34 AM

Goggle, “Christian Charities to see the massive charitable works of all kinds, all over the world where Christians are trying to stop scenes like the one Hooter presented. How do we know God wanted that? My God doesn’t. I once heard a Jewish Rabbi answer the question, “Where was God?” when addressing the reality of the Holocaust. The rabbi then asked, “Where was Man?” I give a lot to Charity and so does my Church because God and my heart wants me to..

Firstly, according to you god made men this way. Secondly, the holocaust was sparked from the underlying religious hatred of the predominately Christian German and Austrian public. The jewish persecution goes back historically quite far if you remember. The bible states that Jews in all generations are forever marked with eternal sin. Think about it, why would you single out a religious group for extermination? Note that the church fully supported Hitler. The belt buckles of the SS members had "Gott mit Uns" inscribed in them, or god with us. And they all had to swear christian oaths to the fatherland and god. Nice argument, but sadly it backfired on you.

Now that you know the rules, off topic

#131 shadowhawk

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 12:36 AM

Goggle, “Christian Charities to see the massive charitable works of all kinds, all over the world where Christians are trying to stop scenes like the one Hooter presented. How do we know God wanted that? My God doesn’t. I once heard a Jewish Rabbi answer the question, “Where was God?” when addressing the reality of the Holocaust. The rabbi then asked, “Where was Man?” I give a lot to Charity and so does my Church because God and my heart wants me to..

Firstly, according to you god made men this way. Secondly, the holocaust was sparked from the underlying religious hatred of the predominately Christian German and Austrian public. The jewish persecution goes back historically quite far if you remember. The bible states that Jews in all generations are forever marked with eternal sin. Think about it, why would you single out a religious group for extermination? Note that the church fully supported Hitler. The belt buckles of the SS members had "Gott mit Uns" inscribed in them, or god with us. And they all had to swear christian oaths to the fatherland and god. Nice argument, but sadly it backfired on you.

Now that you know the rules, off topic bigotry.

#132 shadowhawk

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 02:09 AM

Hooter: Thank you for linking this, because you're actually breaking the rules fuckface.

Flame, you love to blame people for what you do.

#133 hooter

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 08:21 AM

Goggle, “Christian Charities to see the massive charitable works of all kinds, all over the world where Christians are trying to stop scenes like the one Hooter presented. How do we know God wanted that? My God doesn’t. I once heard a Jewish Rabbi answer the question, “Where was God?” when addressing the reality of the Holocaust. The rabbi then asked, “Where was Man?” I give a lot to Charity and so does my Church because God and my heart wants me to..

Firstly, according to you god made men this way. Secondly, the holocaust was sparked from the underlying religious hatred of the predominately Christian German and Austrian public. The jewish persecution goes back historically quite far if you remember. The bible states that Jews in all generations are forever marked with eternal sin. Think about it, why would you single out a religious group for extermination? Note that the church fully supported Hitler. The belt buckles of the SS members had "Gott mit Uns" inscribed in them, or god with us. And they all had to swear christian oaths to the fatherland and god. Nice argument, but sadly it backfired on you.

Now that you know the rules, off topic

I was replying word for word to your post. You cannot possibly claim this off topic... In fact, it is also in direct reply of "what do you think god is like?" Christian doctrine advocates the genocide of other religions, blames Jews for the death of Jesus and claims that human are the purest and only truly beloved species. This historical Christian hatred for Jews was the fundamental aether on which Nazis could spread their web, feel free to ask any historian. I don't know about California, but in Austria they make sure to teach about the holocaust in great depth. Maybe also look up the etymology of the word "ghetto". Your profile actually says you are a history major... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. I'm crying both tears of joy and anguish simultaneously. What in the name of your illusory god is wrong with you?

You asked, "Where was god?" I answered, "on the belt buckles of SS members and in the heart and mind of Hitler's followers". You asked, "Where was Man?" and I answered, "Using the bible to justify the genocide of millions of Jews." The catholic church supported Hitler from the start and showed the least incentive to go against the grain. In fact, current pope Ratzinger was in the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth). C'mon don't you know these things? Please look up the historical persecution of Jews. Jews were blamed for the death of Jesus and Christians were taught to despise them because this supposedly made them sinful, dirty and unclean for everlasting generations.

At this point in the thread it should be clear even to the religious moderates in this forum that you are off the hook loco kookoo crazy. If you were to try actually answer these statements truthfully and in accordance with historical fact, your own preconception of a viewpoint would let you realize that to avoid cognitive dissonance you would be required to resort to Holocaust denialism and ignoring the fundamental history of Christianity and its followers. And with that my work here is done.

The reason you have to scream off topic is because you're cornered. It seems your posts are becoming more and more inane and embarrassing. I find it very nice of you to post your content-less reply a full three times in order to try and push my information off the page. If anyone didn't understand why atheists have to resort to being confrontational, you've made it abundantly clear. Thank you. You are like the Knight in Monty Python whose had all of his limbs cut off but still tries in dire desperation to fight. You have nowhere to run but the most holy of all Christian values, censorship.

Please downvote Shadowhawk in his profile (vote one star). He is not interested in honest discourse, only shutting other people up. His fundamentalist denialist drivel has its place on a conspiracy blog or in a megachurch, not in a science forum. I'll be more than happy to engage in serious and civil debate with any Christian with enough temerity to actually read and answer my posts directly instead of trying to Galileo Galilei me out of the picture. History repeats itself, and it's not in your favor.

Edited by hooter, 03 March 2012 - 09:02 AM.

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#134 wowser

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 09:47 AM

Goggle, “Christian Charities to see the massive charitable works of all kinds, all over the world where Christians are trying to stop scenes like the one Hooter presented. How do we know God wanted that? My God doesn’t. I once heard a Jewish Rabbi answer the question, “Where was God?” when addressing the reality of the Holocaust. The rabbi then asked, “Where was Man?” I give a lot to Charity and so does my Church because God and my heart wants me to..

Firstly, according to you god made men this way. Secondly, the holocaust was sparked from the underlying religious hatred of the predominately Christian German and Austrian public. The jewish persecution goes back historically quite far if you remember. The bible states that Jews in all generations are forever marked with eternal sin. Think about it, why would you single out a religious group for extermination? Note that the church fully supported Hitler. The belt buckles of the SS members had "Gott mit Uns" inscribed in them, or god with us. And they all had to swear christian oaths to the fatherland and god. Nice argument, but sadly it backfired on you.

Now that you know the rules, off topic

I was replying word for word to your post. You cannot possibly claim this off topic... In fact, it is also in direct reply of "what do you think god is like?" Christian doctrine advocates the genocide of other religions, blames Jews for the death of Jesus and claims that human are the purest and only truly beloved species. This historical Christian hatred for Jews was the fundamental aether on which Nazis could spread their web, feel free to ask any historian. I don't know about California, but in Austria they make sure to teach about the holocaust in great depth. Maybe also look up the etymology of the word "ghetto". Your profile actually says you are a history major... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. I'm crying both tears of joy and anguish simultaneously. What in the name of your illusory god is wrong with you?

You asked, "Where was god?" I answered, "on the belt buckles of SS members and in the heart and mind of Hitler's followers". You asked, "Where was Man?" and I answered, "Using the bible to justify the genocide of millions of Jews." The catholic church supported Hitler from the start and showed the least incentive to go against the grain. In fact, current pope Ratzinger was in the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth). C'mon don't you know these things? Please look up the historical persecution of Jews. Jews were blamed for the death of Jesus and Christians were taught to despise them because this supposedly made them sinful, dirty and unclean for everlasting generations.

At this point in the thread it should be clear even to the religious moderates in this forum that you are off the hook loco kookoo crazy. If you were to try actually answer these statements truthfully and in accordance with historical fact, your own preconception of a viewpoint would let you realize that to avoid cognitive dissonance you would be required to resort to Holocaust denialism and ignoring the fundamental history of Christianity and its followers. And with that my work here is done.

The reason you have to scream off topic is because you're cornered. It seems your posts are becoming more and more inane and embarrassing. I find it very nice of you to post your content-less reply a full three times in order to try and push my information off the page. If anyone didn't understand why atheists have to resort to being confrontational, you've made it abundantly clear. Thank you. You are like the Knight in Monty Python whose had all of his limbs cut off but still tries in dire desperation to fight. You have nowhere to run but the most holy of all Christian values, censorship.

Please downvote Shadowhawk in his profile (vote one star). He is not interested in honest discourse, only shutting other people up. His fundamentalist denialist drivel has its place on a conspiracy blog or in a megachurch, not in a science forum. I'll be more than happy to engage in serious and civil debate with any Christian with enough temerity to actually read and answer my posts directly instead of trying to Galileo Galilei me out of the picture. History repeats itself, and it's not in your favor.

hey hooter whats with all the aggression and attacking people? do you have a thing against religious types or what? now your even inviting others to partake in your attempted character assassination... what gives? sheeez!
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#135 hooter

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 11:40 AM

hey hooter whats with all the aggression and attacking people? do you have a thing against religious types or what? now your even inviting others to partake in your attempted character assassination... what gives? sheeez!

He has proven himself to be completely unable to answer any question presented, instead he sidesteps and screams 'off topic'. I know you are religious as most of your posts on this forum relate in some way to god, but do you really want someone like this being representative of your faith? If anything you're helping me prove a point! Religious people will automatically defend each other to ridiculous extents while not addressing any of the arguments.

Sure you respond to me calling him a fuckface, but you completely ignore every single point raised. There's Christians still out there that would wish me dead just because I am bisexual. In their eyes I am an abomination of god and deserve to be killed. I think I have quite a good argument for being rude. My own body is my property and my right. I am not the slave to any magical invisible creature, no matter how amazing you think he might be. This is deeply condescending to any self respecting humanist. I'm sorry I stand up for my right of not being owned or being labelled as someone worthy of murdering.

I do not have anything against 'religious types', I however do have a lot against bigoted people who think they have the answer to all reality, truth and existence. I take great offense to someone telling me that I have an invisible magic father who doesn't approve of my behaviour. This is what people in North Korea are told, and it doesn't help them one bit. Please.

Edited by hooter, 03 March 2012 - 11:55 AM.

#136 Valkyrie

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:18 PM

Before a father leaves for his longest business trip yet, he encourages his son and daughter to remember, "Even when I'm not here, God is always with you." After he leaves, the boy and his sister spend a fun-filled day and star-filled night remembering everything their father told them about their heavenly Father: He is powerful, loving, everywhere, all-knowing, perfect, merciful, unchanging, creator, and a Father who wants to be known, talked to, obeyed, and worshipped.

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Posted Image

I can see how that picture might make some people think badly of God... that really is awful isn't it?

real disurbing that pic is but its mankind not god that causes this sort of thing

#137 Valkyrie

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:24 PM

hey hooter whats with all the aggression and attacking people? do you have a thing against religious types or what? now your even inviting others to partake in your attempted character assassination... what gives? sheeez!

He has proven himself to be completely unable to answer any question presented, instead he sidesteps and screams 'off topic'. I know you are religious as most of your posts on this forum relate in some way to god, but do you really want someone like this being representative of your faith? If anything you're helping me prove a point! Religious people will automatically defend each other to ridiculous extents while not addressing any of the arguments.

Sure you respond to me calling him a fuckface, but you completely ignore every single point raised. There's Christians still out there that would wish me dead just because I am bisexual. In their eyes I am an abomination of god and deserve to be killed. I think I have quite a good argument for being rude. My own body is my property and my right. I am not the slave to any magical invisible creature, no matter how amazing you think he might be. This is deeply condescending to any self respecting humanist. I'm sorry I stand up for my right of not being owned or being labelled as someone worthy of murdering.

I do not have anything against 'religious types', I however do have a lot against bigoted people who think they have the answer to all reality, truth and existence. I take great offense to someone telling me that I have an invisible magic father who doesn't approve of my behaviour. This is what people in North Korea are told, and it doesn't help them one bit. Please.

i think theres blame on both sides. agression is wrong and two wrongs dont make things right. over the years christians have killed athiests and athiest have killed christians all over arguing about religion and god. both sides are to blame. everyone should just get along

#138 hooter

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:26 PM

i think theres blame on both sides. agression is wrong and two wrongs dont make things right. over the years christians have killed athiests and athiest have killed christians all over arguing about religion and god. both sides are to blame. everyone should just get along

"Atheists" don't have a central book that says 'kill everyone who disagrees with you'. Atheists don't have some old pedophile sitting in a castle saying that condoms are worse than aids. Atheists don't claim to have all the answers to reality. Christians and Muslims do.

Edited by hooter, 03 March 2012 - 01:27 PM.

#139 Valkyrie

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:35 PM

i think theres blame on both sides. agression is wrong and two wrongs dont make things right. over the years christians have killed athiests and athiest have killed christians all over arguing about religion and god. both sides are to blame. everyone should just get along

"Atheists" don't have a central book that says 'kill everyone who disagrees with you'. Atheists don't have some old pedophile sitting in a castle saying that condoms are worse than aids. Atheists don't claim to have all the answers to reality. Christians and Muslims do.

wow you got a lotta hate. its funny, i say agression is wrong and you agressive. lol

#140 hooter

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 01:45 PM

i think theres blame on both sides. agression is wrong and two wrongs dont make things right. over the years christians have killed athiests and athiest have killed christians all over arguing about religion and god. both sides are to blame. everyone should just get along

"Atheists" don't have a central book that says 'kill everyone who disagrees with you'. Atheists don't have some old pedophile sitting in a castle saying that condoms are worse than aids. Atheists don't claim to have all the answers to reality. Christians and Muslims do.

wow you got a lotta hate. its funny, i say agression is wrong and you agressive. lol

I stated a few facts, how is that aggressive?

#141 johnross47

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 04:00 PM

hey hooter whats with all the aggression and attacking people? do you have a thing against religious types or what? now your even inviting others to partake in your attempted character assassination... what gives? sheeez!

He has proven himself to be completely unable to answer any question presented, instead he sidesteps and screams 'off topic'. I know you are religious as most of your posts on this forum relate in some way to god, but do you really want someone like this being representative of your faith? If anything you're helping me prove a point! Religious people will automatically defend each other to ridiculous extents while not addressing any of the arguments.

Sure you respond to me calling him a fuckface, but you completely ignore every single point raised. There's Christians still out there that would wish me dead just because I am bisexual. In their eyes I am an abomination of god and deserve to be killed. I think I have quite a good argument for being rude. My own body is my property and my right. I am not the slave to any magical invisible creature, no matter how amazing you think he might be. This is deeply condescending to any self respecting humanist. I'm sorry I stand up for my right of not being owned or being labelled as someone worthy of murdering.
rthern do not have anything against 'religious types', I however do have a lot against bigoted people who think they have the answer to all reality, truth and existence. I take great offense to someone telling me that I have an invisible magic father who doesn't approve of my behaviour. This is what people in North Korea are told, and it doesn't help them one bit. Please.

i think theres blame on both sides. agression is wrong and two wrongs dont make things right. over the years christians have killed athiests and athiest have killed christians all over arguing about religion and god. both sides are to blame. everyone should just get along

When schoolchildren are stoned, bombed, abused and spat on by hulking thugs in Northern Ireland, it isn't atheist who are doing it; it's members of a subtly different branch of christianity. The braindead village bigots who hang gay teenagers from cranes in Iran are not atheists. You never see an atheist army marching to wipe out religion. You don't see atheist demonstrators blockading churches and preventing entry, or demonstrating to have some vile bigotted preacher banned and jailed. Religion is a brain poison and we would be better off without it.
It has now been shown that when a religious person is asked to guess how god would think about a moral issue, the part of the brain which is activated is the same part they use in making their own personal judgements, and different from the part used to guess what another person would say. "God's view" of issues is just an extension of the believer's view with what they hope is added authority. On this basis we would have to say that the writers of the various holy books were very sick people.
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#142 platypus

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 05:52 PM

Isn't the idea behind christianity that the vast majority of people will be eternally tortured in hell? This literally means billions of souls. Now tell what makes this such a great plan for humanity and the purported god a nice guy and worthy of our praise? Nobody in their right mind can claim that god just couldn't do better and therefore eternal torture of billions is the way to go forward. And then some sick people go even further and say that the said god is the "god of love"...what kind of sick love is that???
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#143 hooter

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 06:59 PM

Isn't the idea behind christianity that the vast majority of people will be eternally tortured in hell? This literally means billions of souls. Now tell what makes this such a great plan for humanity and the purported god a nice guy and worthy of our praise? Nobody in their right mind can claim that god just couldn't do better and therefore eternal torture of billions is the way to go forward. And then some sick people go even further and say that the said god is the "god of love"...what kind of sick love is that???

They also think taking little children into a huge cavernous castle every week that is supposedly haunted by the spirit of a guy nailed to a wooden board bleeding to death is a sensible parenting. One could say that Christianity is a sexualization of death. Because they cannot reconcile with their fear of death, they compensate by turning it into lurid rewarding rituals and belief. As some other poster mentioned before, they get off on this in some way. There is so much god condoned rape in the Bible that this shouldn't be surprising to anyone but the devout, who ironically tend to have read less of their scripture than their opponents. In fact, God demands that women who have been raped are to be murdered along with their rapist (Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB).

"When you go out to war against your enemies and the LORD, your God, delivers them into your hand, so that you take captives, if you see a comely woman among the captives and become so enamored of her that you wish to have her as wife, you may take her home to your house. (Deuteronomy 21:10-14 NAB)

God is so peaceful and loving that he suggests we rape our enemies' women. Isn't he perfect? :unsure:

The reason they think he is a 'god of love' is exactly because their sex drive is activated in unprecedented ways in connection with their paradoxical desire of death. Just look at what Shadowhawk has to say about this:

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Love making between us and God. Sweet talk between lovers. He is after all God. :)

Note that this is posted in reply to a post depicting a dying African child in the hands of his mother. I think I can let this speak for itself.

Edited by hooter, 03 March 2012 - 07:10 PM.

#144 johnross47

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Posted 03 March 2012 - 11:08 PM

Shadowhawk is a fairly interesting choice of name.....even by comic book standards the backstory of the character is paranoid.....and has had several reincarnations to fight evil in various vicious guises....which reincarnation are you?

#145 shadowhawk

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 01:34 AM

Shadowhawk is a fairly interesting choice of name.....even by comic book standards the backstory of the character is paranoid.....and has had several reincarnations to fight evil in various vicious guises....which reincarnation are you?


#146 steampoweredgod

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 06:02 AM

Before a father leaves for his longest business trip yet, he encourages his son and daughter to remember, "Even when I'm not here, God is always with you." After he leaves, the boy and his sister spend a fun-filled day and star-filled night remembering everything their father told them about their heavenly Father: He is powerful, loving, everywhere, all-knowing, perfect, merciful, unchanging, creator, and a Father who wants to be known, talked to, obeyed, and worshipped.

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Posted Image

I can see how that picture might make some people think badly of God... that really is awful isn't it?

God and truth are not the same things they're aspects of the same higher dimension, he's like a major exploiting his current divine emperor status
see full metal alchemist brotherhood, for details on FATHER.

In order to maintain his power over this domain he must sacrifice humans to contain the power of the full truth within him, the moment he stops doing this is the moment he loses the power of godhood and ends up crucified amongst men as they were able to halt the cycle of feeding necessary to keep him from breaking down.

As all he cares about is the truth and nothing but the truth he shall seek worlds and devour them because he is an elemental balance of the equation of existence, a thing beyond good and evil and necessary to avoid the collapse of the system.

#147 steampoweredgod

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 06:10 AM

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Love making between us and God. Sweet talk between lovers. He is after all God.

Only kirk would play such a gamble, why does GOD need with a star ship? Yeah but it didn't seem like he managed to get in bed with this one, or so is seem yet the bed is infused with pheromones of kirk and god.

#148 steampoweredgod

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 07:44 AM

Why does a perfect being want to be obeyed and worshipped? Why does god need eternal praise?

Love making between us and God. Sweet talk between lovers. He is after all God.

Only kirk would play such a gamble, why does GOD need with a star ship? Yeah but it didn't seem like he managed to get in bed with this one, or so is seem yet the bed is infused with pheromones of kirk and god.

I shall add that while I'm not a god myself but a system administrator(named lavos by emanon) the collapsing wave of change must be averted and an ark built to survive the onslaught of the next temporal transition. Only constructive members need be included in the time crystal of time able to survive the end of time itself.

I've been evaluating several ark structure designs and it seems 3 such designs stand out, one of which is already in military applications and by the navi as far as I know. The m-disk technology or milleniata technology necessary to survive millenial change unchallenged.

#149 steampoweredgod

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 07:45 AM


#150 steampoweredgod

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Posted 06 March 2012 - 07:46 AM

Millenniata M-Disk: The possibility of permanent data archival

Read more: http://news.cnet.com.../#ixzz1oJwJKZHX

Combined with my fractal compression algorithms such disk can save all moments sound pictures and structures which I've recorded in finite space.

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