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listening & attention problems of my sis

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#1 Infernity

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 07:13 PM

Hey everybody.
I have a little sister which is suffering from listening and attention problems.
She's 6 years old, about 112 meters (367.454 foot) and 15 kilograms (33.069 pounds).
It is evident mostly in figures.
She barely remember numbers. For her to receieve it, I had to make up characters and fit each one of them to the numbers, I made up word games about the way the figures look and their real name etcetera, and I need to remind her details everytime whole over again.
She remembers very few figures, the rest of them (the very most)- she is simply not concentrating while me teaching her. After finaly she gets it- she forgets it all after 2 seconds [!] I always have to remind her to what character that figure looks like and highlight the part which is sound like the number's name...
The case is much worse than we thought in first.
She is simply forgetting after 2 seconds! after she have just said it! It seems she doesn't even try to remember. We are teaching her all that for a very long time already- nothing's getting better.
She supposed to be in 1st grade that year, but my parents wanted her to spand another year learning in the kindergarten due recommendations by all people who has diagnose her.
She do remember the long term memories, and she's not stupid; but she just cannot get some things which seem to us so obvious. We don't know what to do anymore!
I told my parents I can ask for help from you guys, they agreed.
Does any of you can recommend her some Brain Enhancers or anything for helping her concentrate?
It really seems bad...
I'd appreciate any recommendation.

Thanks alot

Yours truthfully

#2 Bruce Klein

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 09:12 PM

All advice given in light of ImmInst's Disclaimer.

Sadly, I know of no current treatment for this problem.

However, I do know that certain types of food can have an impact on attention level. Mainly foods that are high in refined carbs and sugar can have this effect.

Do you know of the types of food your sister eats regularly?


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#3 lynx

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Posted 17 February 2005 - 09:31 PM


Oh yeah and after the fish oil, give her some fish oil.
And of course, a standard kiddie multivite.

#4 Infernity

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 12:04 AM

Thanks for the replys guys.


Well to avoid her from eating sweets is almost impossible since she is the most stubborn person I've ever seen...
You can say she eats everything and she also eats alot- but she's still VERY skinny.
She is not eating healthy at all. I am trying to not let her eat all these stuff, but I succes only if we are talking about something which she haven't taste yet (I simply tell her how disgusting and unhealthy it is); but if she've already tasted it- this is a lost case.
The problem is we cannot explain it all to a 6 years old girl, especially when it comes to her. We have to wait few years till we can make her understand how bad it is.

Well I asked my dad what about Omega-3, he says the smallest capsules are 1000mg which is way too big for her to swallow.
She is taking Vitamin C, but that is not one of the things which shall solve our problem...
She does not eat fish except salmon, which we are not keeping to much of it...
What type of fish oil then?

Thanks again

Yours truthfully

Edited by infernity, 10 March 2005 - 07:24 PM.

#5 lynx

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 12:10 AM

Infernity, There are lots of good DHA concentrated products for kids, Coromega is one, and Nordic Naturals makes a good one too. They all tasted good and are no problem for kids. Here in the US DHA is now added to formula.

#6 Infernity

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 12:16 AM

Hmmm, thanks lynx, I shall see what I can do with that...


#7 Chip

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 03:42 AM

There have been some studies of children with EFA supplementation that showed significant improvement in many with the fish oil derived essential fatty acids. If I recall correctly the dose found to work was mainly EPA rather than DHA and about 4 grams a day of the former. I think maybe lynx has recognized a very likely place to look first, essential fatty acids. See if you can find the original research reports about that specific malady so you have a very good idea of what you are doing. There is a source of mainly EPA in liquid form that has the fish taste removed and an orange flavor given it instead that provides 4 grams in two tablespoons. You may be able to see improvements within three days of starting such supplementation. Later, if I recall correctly she could be reduced to a smaller mainternance dosage but, do all of your own due diligence in this matter.

Basically, if I remember correctly, the research suggests of the two omega three oils (fatty acids or lipids) EPA and DHA, EPA is most beneficial in perhaps a dosage of 5 parts to one for brain disorders. DHA appears to be more utilized for muscular tissue membranes but if given in greater quantity than the EPA may effectively limit the available EPA for brain tissue cell membranes. Those membranes are suggested to be made of 80% of these essential fatty acids and we only get them through our diet. Unfortunately, our diets nowadays are often far removed from what our DNA incorporated design can handle as dictated by evolution. We no longer eat the amount of fish, crustaceans, insects, seeds or whatever as we did when us humans were more in tune with the environment. Also, new unprecedented stresses are requiring greater dosages perhaps then what we were designed for. As long as you use pharmaceutical grade or what is also known as molecularly distilled, pollutants that exist in fish are bascially removed.

#8 Bruce Klein

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 03:53 AM

Yes, Infernity, changing eating style is difficult. It has taken me years to understand how damaging excess sugar and refined carbs are to the body.

For the health of your sister (and you!) I hope your parents look toward a more nutritious diet as a way to improve health and concentration. Perhaps by starting at the source in only to buy quality foods from the grocery store.

#9 Chip

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 04:14 AM

Sheesh, I went through all of my old emails looking for that liquid EPA. Also did a Google and found some that are similar to what I remember but not the exact one with the high concentration of EPA. There is this that would require 8 capsules a day. Maybe if they were dissolved slowly in a little orange juice then refrigerated or poured over some ice it could be made palatable. It's amazing what a little orange juice can do to make things easier to take. Oh, I've also found a mixture of tomato and a few carrots with a bit of fresh onion juice covers up lots of foul tastes too. http://www.iherb.com/omega3mood.html

#10 Bruce Klein

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 04:16 AM

Quick note, Orange Juice is loaded with sugar, as are most so called 'healthy' juices.

#11 Chip

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 04:22 AM

Oh yeah, but if not supplemented with any and only with the original fructose of the fruit in its complex, is not so bad.

#12 Bruce Klein

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 04:55 AM

An informative article:

"Without a doubt, a diet filled with refined sugars is the number one cause of behavior problems, moods swings, and attention deficits in young children...

The number one cause for mood swings, characterized by hyperactivity one minute and lethargy and moodiness the next, is the over-consumption of sugar-laden foods. Everything has sugar in it. It is the cheapest preservative the food industry uses to increase the shelf life of processed foods. When children start off their day with a glass of concentrated fruit juice, a bowl of sugar-filled cereal to which they have added more sugar, white toast with jam or jelly, and a glass of chocolate-syrup milk, is it a surprise when a roller coaster ride of moods and emotions soon follows?"

#13 stellar

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 05:29 AM

fresh onion juice

Some may consider that rather foul...


#14 Chip

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 05:50 AM

I made tomato juice with my Jack LaLane juicer twice now. The first time was straight and it was too thick and not very tastey. The second time I added three large carrots to cut the thickness and a couple of green bunch onions just for flavor. Came out delicious and especially tasty with 5 grams vitamin C powder in a cup. Best masking of the vit. C powder bitter taste I've witnessed so far.

#15 eternaltraveler

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 07:20 AM


At first glance your sister seems a lot like me at that age. I never listened. My parents thought I had trouble with my memory because I also never bothered to listen to what it was people had to say (unless it was interesting). I also stayed back in kindergarten.

Hopefully you don't think I turned out too bad ;)

All that being said, the advice everyone has given you on nutrition is good. It might help with this particular problem, but in general I think you know that eating good is good. Especially for children in their formulative years.

The only way I can bring myself to eat right is to only buy good healthy foods when I go grocery shopping. That way I don't even have foods that aren't good for me. That I suspect is the only solution here. But it would require a commitment from the whole family.

#16 Infernity

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 01:03 PM

Thank you all!

Interesting, I shall recommend my parents; Thank you.
But as for the mixture of tomato and a few carrots with a bit of fresh onion juice covers up lots of foul tastes too ( [sick] )- she won't touch it- and so do I, but hey- thanks... ;) .
Thanks also for the intensive searching for that liquid EPA [thumb] .

Well, I am eating very well, and my parents, um, well ok... Like normal.
My sister- she has a terrible eating habits- unhealthy at all!

Anyway, thanks :) .

Well, you have definitely didn't turned out too bad [tung] .
My sister does find it interesting actaully, she tries, but she doesn't seem to get it. She is asking me to teach her, but she is losing patience very quickly...

By the way, I made my sister promise she won't eat more than one sweet thing at day, I am getting somewhere [sfty] .

Thanks for all replys guys

Yours truthfully

Edited by infernity, 11 March 2005 - 12:04 PM.

#17 lynx

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 02:05 PM

You know egg yolks are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids, right? Also, dietary cholesterol if consumed with enough water soluble fiber will mostly pass through you.

Regarding EPA vs DHA. DHA is for structure, EPA is for function. So, at age 6 one's structure is not yet complete, therefore a balanced EPA/DHA is probably better. For remediating behavioral problems and mood disorders EPA is probably better and might work faster, but young kids brains are not yet fully developed and to ignore that fact and just try to cure the symptom would be equivalent to giving them Ritalin.

#18 Bruce Klein

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 03:56 PM

By the way, I made my sister promise she won't eat more than one sweet thing at day, I am getting somewhere

That's wonderful! You're a great sister.

#19 Matt

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 04:21 PM

Omega-3 oils and children's brain

"There is a long-held belief that fish oil is good for growing brains and it now seems that there may be some truth in that. Certainly omega-3 EFAs are important for nerve function.

But more specific research has shown that kids low in Omega-3 essential fatty acids are significantly more likely to be hyperactive, have learning disorders, and to display behavioural problems. Omega-3 deficiencies have also been tied to dyslexia, violence, depression, memory problems. Some people have found that omega-3 supplements have greatly helped children with dyslexia, and also for Attention Deficit Disorder and similar conditions. "

I used to have the Liquid form of Cod Liver oil...

This is what it has in there: 10ml Cod Liver Oil ( Omega 3 2450mg of which EPA AND DHA 1900mg - RDA of vitiman A, D and E )

Would that be any good for your sister?

#20 Infernity

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 04:52 PM

No I didn't know that actually, I thought it is not good, maybe only too much...

Heh, well yeah, thank you ;)

As for what I've heard, fish oil liquid is a traumatic thing. heh, I mean that this is disgusting- she shall drink it once and last. My mom even experienced it once...
But thanks for the suggestion!

Does any of you know what's the smallest capsules of Omega-3? I saw in some more sources which are pointing it as a very good memory and attention improvement. The problem is that 1000 mg seem to be way too big for her to swallow...
Where can we get it?

Really- thanks alot, - - again!

Yours truthfully

#21 Matt

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 06:30 PM

haha. The cod liver oil liquid isnt too bad at all ... I can take it without orange juice now.. lol

But orange juice takes the taste of it away

#22 lynx

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 09:23 PM

Nordic Naturals makes a children's chewable that is quite palatable, also COROMEGA will please any child--gauranteed.



Both are very good products and worth the investment, it just depends on which one she likes. Order both, if she doesn't like one, you take it. It is good for us all at any age.

#23 Infernity

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 09:37 PM

Orange juice- loaded with sugar [tung]

Well thank you so much!
I shall use your words in front of my parents.
I think we're finaly getting somewhere...


Yours truthfully

#24 lynx

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 10:31 PM

Infernity, it is my pleasure to be of assistance. Any time spent helping a child grow up to full potential is time well spent.

I suggest that your parents might be interested in this review, it is far more impressive than anything I can say.


I suggest that you print it out for them, it is always easier to read something heavy like that when printed.

#25 Matt

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Posted 18 February 2005 - 11:54 PM

I do not believe a sip of orange juice would do Any harm at all

and Fruit is bad for you ? [:o]

Whats all this about eating 5-9 fruits and veggies a day...

I eat a lot of fruit and veg, dont do me no harm or make me fat [mellow]

But I cant get fat even if I try .. lol

#26 Infernity

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Posted 19 February 2005 - 07:01 AM

Thanks you, I am really glad to hear [lol]
The problem is, my mom is (hell we didn't I mention that before???) suffering from listening and attention problems and she's aware to that, and she's not seeking for a way to change it; Now to the point- she won't read it all! She can't even watch a long movie! all the cartoons movies I used to watch when I was little and so my sister- she saw non of them till the end! she saw only one cartoon movie from the beginning till the end- in the cinema.
Even some movies which are meant also for older people such as Shrek (heh, that was really funny)- she simply cannot concentrate!
About my dad, he does read long things, he might think this is unnecessary to read, he won't read it in my opinion...

Orange juice and fruits are not so bad, they do have lots of healthy things in it, but alot of sugar too, that's all...
Most vegetables have sugar, but not as much as fruits.
Of course all that does not hurting you (at least not so you can see), but sugar is always bad... Fruits and vegetables are simply more helping than harming, but still have some...
Don't eat unhealthy because you *cannot get fat*, maybe it's because of your genes, but it doesn't mean you won't get hurt. It is simply not healthy don't try and prove you cannot get fat, sometimes the problems are inside the body, you may regret it.


Edited by infernity, 19 February 2005 - 01:35 PM.

#27 Matt

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Posted 19 February 2005 - 01:19 PM

No I dont try to get fat... When I was a kid I would just eat a load of crap but never got big. I dont go out of my way to eat junk now...

I think Ive started a much better diet since I read Fantastic Voyage : Live Long Enough to Live Forever by Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman

It has some great advice and explains a lot in this book http://www.amazon.co...5775459-2357444

ever since I did start eating healthy foods I am feeling much better

#28 Infernity

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Posted 28 February 2005 - 05:18 AM

Me and my dad started taking Omega-3 yesterday ;) we shall see what's happening...
My dad is about to buy this http://www.smartbomb...101-2&ovtac=PPC to my sister in my opinion. In the worst case I'll drink it...
Thank you for all recommendations!

Yours truthfully

#29 lynx

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Posted 28 February 2005 - 04:40 PM

Me and my dad started taking Omega-3 yesterday ;) we shall see what's happening...
My dad is about to buy this http://www.smartbomb...101-2&ovtac=PPC to my sister in my opinion. In the worst case I'll drink it...
Thank you for all recommendations!

Yours truthfully

What about your sister? It seems like you and your dad need it less than the your mom and sis.

Good luck

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#30 eternaltraveler

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Posted 01 March 2005 - 03:19 AM

I take flax oil. I tried switching to flax pasta, but that stuff tastes so terribly bad I can't do it

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