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Slogan buttons needed.

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#1 randolfe

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Posted 19 February 2005 - 11:31 PM

This is part of my answer to the "why I became a full member" thread. I'm copying it here so it doesn't get lost for lacking a title.

Some members talked about how the slogan "HUMANS SUCK" conceptualized their feelings about humanity in general. That discussion is referenced below. Mass produced buttons are generally produced in lots of 1,000. One-thousand buttons cost only a little bit more than five hundred. Sometimes you have a small extra charge for making a "cut" of a design or a "reverse cut" to make the lettering in a bright underlying paper color with a darker colored ink printed on to serve as what might be thought of as a background color.

Black and white are the least expensive colors. However, using a cut and having a lot of buttons printed on assorted day-glo papers gives you greater variety. Many people will buy several buttons with the same slogan in separate colors.

Black print on day-glo orange is the most visible color combination. During the 1960s, William F. Buckley ran for mayor of NYC. He used that color combination. It was so visible that when you stood on a subway platform and an express subway rushed past you could glimpse the orange and black buttons people were wearing on the passing train.

Here is the ending of my other post......

I was the nation's "button king" during the late 1960s. Slogan buttons were the only free press in those days. You could say "Sterilize LBJ: No More Ugly Children"; "Dump Johnson"; "Smoke Pot"; "Take a trip with Jesus";"Cunnilingus spoken here"; etc.

Certain buttons which I personally disliked were among the best sellers. The most popular slogan of all (even beating the smiley face button) said "It Sucks". For that reason, I am sure "Humans Suck" would be popular and successful. However, that is a negative idea I don't think Imminst would want to be associated with. "Death Sucks" would be more appropriate. However, that one could be anything from very popular to very shunned. It would certainly be a great conversation starter.

A student group at NYU had a button machine. They could make one button at a time using computer printouts. That is something we could use very effectively. By having a dozen or so anti-death pro-immortality slogans members could wear at demos would make us look more like a substantial movement.

Of course, on a mass produced level, "CONQUER DEATH !" or "Conquer the blight of involuntary death!" would be most appropriate. The first slogan would make a more effective button. The second would have too many words to fit on the most popular 1 1/4inch button. The smaller the button, the more likely people will wear them.

Could someone with graphic art skills design a "CONQUER DEATH" button incorporating the Imminst symbol? You could put the web address around the bottom or on the curl where it is less visible.

#2 eternaltraveler

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 02:54 AM

good idea.

How about some T shirts?

#3 reason

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 03:01 AM

Well, Imminst does indeed have a cafepress storefront - this means that anyone can put together the right imagery and we can get it up there if it's approved.

T-shirts: 8" x 10" @ 300dpi (2400 x 3000 px)
Buttons/Magnets: 3" x 3" @ 300dpi (900 x 900px) includes a 1/2" (150px) margin

PNG format is best.

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#4 randolfe

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Posted 22 February 2005 - 08:06 AM

T-shirts are too expensive to produce. You need several different sizes. Mark up is not that great.

Buttons cost 20 or 25 cents each and sell for $1 or more. One size fits all. People wear buttons more easily than they wear t-shirts which is like walking around with a banner across your chest.

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