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2FA (2-Fluoroampheta​​mine)?


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#1 bigdbag

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Posted 07 March 2012 - 01:27 AM

Does anyone have any experience with 2FA, 2FMA, 4FA, 4FMA?

I have found very few accounts, and am wondering if there are any longecity members that can give some insight into the research done on these compounds and personal experiences.


#2 Babychris

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 09:58 AM

I know it's an old post but I'm now under a 2-FA trial, it's seems so far very usefull and joy from a lack of anxiety that's it's quqite impressive, I recommand nootropers to dig into this stuff that seems to have such a potential

#3 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 07:59 PM

I know it's an old post but I'm now under a 2-FA trial, it's seems so far very usefull and joy from a lack of anxiety that's it's quqite impressive, I recommand nootropers to dig into this stuff that seems to have such a potential

Seems unsustainable. I'd look into at least 3,4-CTMP. Seems like the best thing out there for ADHD-PI. No comeup and little comdown from what I've heard. Plus 8h is better than 4h.

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#4 0010

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 10:27 AM

Halogenated amphetamines are extremely neurotoxic.

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#5 Babychris

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 07:11 PM

Can you elaborate please, I'm really concerned here ? If you speak about the F atom bound of the amphetamine molecule, it seems a bit easy to conclude what do you study ? I'm studiying PHD with a master degree of organic chemestry, and I'm not enough granted to know the biochemical effect of the stuff on my brain so if you have some informative stuff I'm there.

#6 0010

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 09:08 PM

Halogenated amphetamines exert their neurotoxicity through depleting serotonin/dopamine,methylation changes,dopamine metabolite induced ROS damage plus adding the fact that halogens are highly electronegative which means that those motherfuckers like to steal electrons from the nearby molecules a.k.a your brain matter turning your mitochondria in to dog feces. lel. If i were you I'd get some d-amphetamine,because of it being selective only for dopamine,norepinephrine and not having to worry about the feisty halogen atoms turning your brain a.k.a partial-mix-of-brain-matter/dog-shit into bullshit. lel. I fucking love idra-21. IDRA SIDE MOTHERFUCKER,

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#7 Babychris

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 10:29 PM

Ah sorry but you don't understand anything about biochemestry, uf I was affraid for a moment... And I know that Halogens and particularly the Fluor which is the most electronegative atom (4) we know. But that's clearly not enough to conclude anything, + 2-FA is BARELY serotoninergic and isn't that strong on the dopamin side so I don't thini we'll find our neurotoxicity there.


I'm much more concerned about the "methylation changes" but that's a bit of a declaration, have you something to sustain this ? 


To conclude I have never read anything positive about IDRA-21 ... ? What benefits did you notice ? I love the spatial intelligence boost that FA give...

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#8 0010

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 11:26 PM

Ah, fuck it...I'm done explaining shit to morons but bear this in mind, while I'll be cruising on my 200ft yacht in the caribbean you'll be struggling to pay your communal apartment rent using the welfare because your intelligence quotient will be that of someone who has downs syndrome.Ooh, on the other hand you'll have some sick dance moves in the club you know because of all the destroyed dopamine producing neurons. ''Spatial Intelligence'', nigga please.. not sure if you were conceived by a 4 inch cock giving you the same insecurities your dad has of being a massive cuckold or got dat dere neurosyphilis after feasting on a whores ass buffet.

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#9 Jeoshua

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 06:14 AM

Schizo, you're doing it again. Chill.

#10 Babychris

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 06:25 PM

Ah, fuck it...I'm done explaining shit to morons but bear this in mind, while I'll be cruising on my 200ft yacht in the caribbean you'll be struggling to pay your communal apartment rent using the welfare because your intelligence quotient will be that of someone who has downs syndrome.Ooh, on the other hand you'll have some sick dance moves in the club you know because of all the destroyed dopamine producing neurons. ''Spatial Intelligence'', nigga please.. not sure if you were conceived by a 4 inch cock giving you the same insecurities your dad has of being a massive cuckold or got dat dere neurosyphilis after feasting on a whores ass buffet.



Yeah certainly, looking beyond your pseudo-manic logorrhea, You are right to a certain extent, 2-FA is not a viable option so I was not looking to use it on a long term basis but more for a short term exam. I'm quite certain that I'll find your ass on a 200ft Yacht but this will certainly more be due to your physical beauty (you are quite handsome I think) more than your mental abilities. Keep your energy but try to convert it to something purer. I was like you before now I'm a bit dulled, it's a bit better, but you have the potentiel to do serious things ! But try to not speak about my parents, they are like God and you like my dick shrinked and depressed lol

Ah, fuck it...I'm done explaining shit to morons but bear this in mind, while I'll be cruising on my 200ft yacht in the caribbean you'll be struggling to pay your communal apartment rent using the welfare because your intelligence quotient will be that of someone who has downs syndrome.Ooh, on the other hand you'll have some sick dance moves in the club you know because of all the destroyed dopamine producing neurons. ''Spatial Intelligence'', nigga please.. not sure if you were conceived by a 4 inch cock giving you the same insecurities your dad has of being a massive cuckold or got dat dere neurosyphilis after feasting on a whores ass buffet.



Yeah certainly, looking beyond your pseudo-manic logorrhea, You are right to a certain extent, 2-FA is not a viable option so I was not looking to use it on a long term basis but more for a short term exam. I'm quite certain that I'll find your ass on a 200ft Yacht but this will certainly more be due to your physical beauty (you are quite handsome I think) more than your mental abilities. Keep your energy but try to convert it to something purer. I was like you before now I'm a bit dulled, it's a bit better, but you have the potentiel to do serious things ! But try to not speak about my parents, they are like God and you like my dick shrinked and depressed lol

Ah, fuck it...I'm done explaining shit to morons but bear this in mind, while I'll be cruising on my 200ft yacht in the caribbean you'll be struggling to pay your communal apartment rent using the welfare because your intelligence quotient will be that of someone who has downs syndrome.Ooh, on the other hand you'll have some sick dance moves in the club you know because of all the destroyed dopamine producing neurons. ''Spatial Intelligence'', nigga please.. not sure if you were conceived by a 4 inch cock giving you the same insecurities your dad has of being a massive cuckold or got dat dere neurosyphilis after feasting on a whores ass buffet.



Yeah certainly, looking beyond your pseudo-manic logorrhea, You are right to a certain extent, 2-FA is not a viable option so I was not looking to use it on a long term basis but more for a short term exam. I'm quite certain that I'll find your ass on a 200ft Yacht but this will certainly more be due to your physical beauty (you are quite handsome I think) more than your mental abilities. Keep your energy but try to convert it to something purer. I was like you before now I'm a bit dulled, it's a bit better, but you have the potentiel to do serious things ! But try to not speak about my parents, they are like God and you like my dick shrinked and depressed lol

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#11 Raza

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 08:08 PM

From what I hear, there's actually strong evidence of 4-chloride amphetamine being every bit as neurotoxic as Schizo describes, but this apparently doesn't apply to 4FA. Second hand info, take it for what it's worth.

#12 Babychris

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 08:37 PM

Independently of Biochemestry, Chlore atom is much more reactive than a Fluor atom bound to a molecule. Why ? Because Fluor is so electronegative that it's solidly bound to it's atom like glue, Chlore, is electronegative too very electronegative but enoughly less to be freed, and then it's really reactive. You see my point ? 

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#13 Absent

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 03:43 AM

In the USA 2FA, 2FMA, 4FA and 4FMA are all illegal under the federal analogue act. Getting caught in possession with any of these can result in a charge similar to posession of any other amphetamine or methamphetamine, which is very severe. Couple grams of amphetamine can land you a couple years in prison here in the USA. Be careful folks. Yes I know it is sold online, but its still highly illegal.

Edited by Siro, 25 April 2014 - 03:43 AM.

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#14 Babychris

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 07:21 AM

Adderall is not amphetamine which is given to child that are "just" overactive ? And they pretend to protect people against nefast action of pseudo-illegal drug... Funny country, less funny when I try to feel the damaged caused on poor young baby's druged because parents prefer passive and quiet children than a pseudo "ADHD " one that need much more care

#15 medievil

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 12:11 PM

Halogenated amphetamines are extremely neurotoxic.

Wrong! only 4 stubstituted halogenated amphetamines are more toxic, not all of them 4 fluorosamp is allright, also adding a beta ketone removes most of the toxiticy (look at 4fa compared to 4FMA, wich is even less toxic.


The methylated ones are problematic like 4 fluoroamphetamine, 4fma, mephedrone.

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#16 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 12:23 PM

These mostly have recreational value. I was interested in giving 2-FMA a tryout for study aid purposes; but, figured I'd get hooked. Best avoid. Little to no nontropical value IMO. 

#17 0010

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 01:55 PM


Halogenated amphetamines are extremely neurotoxic.

Wrong! only 4 stubstituted halogenated amphetamines are more toxic, not all of them 4 fluorosamp is allright, also adding a beta ketone removes most of the toxiticy (look at 4fa compared to 4FMA, wich is even less toxic.


The methylated ones are problematic like 4 fluoroamphetamine, 4fma, mephedrone.


Thanks for showing my point..Anything that increases intracellular dopamine concentration within the synaptic cleft is neurotoxic,why? Because of increased production of reactive oxygen species when dopamine gets broken down by a mao enyzme.Halogenated amphetamines exclusively exhibit serotonergic toxicty with few phenethylamines being an exception. Phenethylamines with the addition of ketone group have poorer brain-blood-barrier permeability, hence the lowered toxicty as opposed to methylated counterparts with increased lipophilicity allowing for greater brain-blood-barrier penetration,just look at methamphetamines little brother methcathninone.Now back to your point saying that methylated phenetylamines are more ''toxic'', care to elaborate a little?Oxidopamine isn't methylated but it does a good job of consistently killing dopaminergic neurons in lab animals.Ok kids, here are the reasons why you shouldn't mess with amphetamines unless you have a set of shitty genes. A)dopamine metabolites paired with halogenated amphetamines being enzymaticaly cleaved of fluorine atoms from a carbon-fluorine bond are gonna fucking destroy your brain.B)boogie man likes to downregulate dopamine/adrenergic receptors.C)Don't forget about the Histones,son!D) SHE WANTS MY D OMG,OMG.E)Behavioral changes that sets you in a state of psychosis with added apathy,depression after discontinued use, just to be on the FUN side.

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#18 Absent

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 05:32 PM

The toxicity has nothing to do with the 2 or 4 position on the aromatic ring. 


Fluoroamphetamines are not nearly as neurotoxic as the other compounds because the electronegative fluorine molecule is mostly negated by being in conjugation with the alkyl-amine chain. Fluorine is very electronegative, much more so than any of the other halogens. The alkyl-amine chain on the other side of the aromatic ring is very nucleophilic. The fluorine molecule is in a state of negated resonance with the alkyl amine chain. The other halogens are not that electrophilic, but are more nucleophilic. This means their effect is not negated at all by the alkyl amine chain. This makes the other halo-amphetamines much more reactive, and thus, much more potential to be neurotoxic, in the order of Cloroamphetamine < Bromoamphetamine < Iodoamphetamine. 


As a result of this conjugated resonance, the Fluorinated compounds will be less reactive than their nonfluorinated compounds, ie, the fluorine molecule pulls electron density away from the amine group, making it less reactive. The more nucleophilic halogenated compounds will have the opposite effect, by increasing the reactivity of the alkyl amine chain.


See the chart on this page:





Edited by Siro, 25 April 2014 - 05:49 PM.

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#19 Babychris

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 09:08 PM

Very nice explanation Siro, you just forget to say that Fluorine are less nucleophilic and MUCH less nuclefugic ! But that's perfectly clear, happy to see some science there

Edited by Babychris, 25 April 2014 - 09:09 PM.

#20 Absent

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 09:21 PM

Thank you.


By chance, what is nuclefugic? Google turned up few/no results of that word.

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#21 Babychris

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Posted 26 April 2014 - 06:55 AM

A necluofuge... it's a poorer nucleofuge I think that's more correct like this haha. Or more simply I think if I translate it correctly we can say "leaving group" in english ... ?

#22 Babychris

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Posted 06 July 2014 - 06:37 PM

So anyone knows if 2-Fa has any neurotoxicity, particularly on serotonin neurons ? I love this stuff but I've seen that the methylated version made someone had a heart issue and we can read there and there that it could share the same toxic activity that his chloro brother. 

#23 jonnyD

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Posted 07 July 2014 - 01:35 PM

I am pretty sure that 2-FA has no neurotoxicity on serotonin neurons. 

It seems to have no setotonergic activity at all. 


Maybe it is neurotoxic in another way.

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