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Huperzine-A dosage

Orajel's Photo Orajel 07 Mar 2012

Huperzine-A interestes me, from what I've read it seems like it could be beautifully synergistic with some other nootropics. I'm neck-deep in some high level college classes and need to improve my memory, which is not what it used to be. Some years of past hard drug use have left me feeling a little fuzzy, and more forgetful. I'm taking Huperzine-A at 50mcg in the morning, and am considering upping it to 100mcg or more. These doses are well below clinically effective doses used in studies; one study found no statistically significant difference between huperzine and placebo at a dose of less than 400mcg! (study done by national institute on aging)

I'm looking for the good without the bad :) keep in mind I'm a big guy, 6'1 200lbs. I'm currently taking the following:

-Omega 3 FISH OIL 1g EPA 500mg DHA
-SAN Dr. Feel Good Multivitamin/Mineral
-acetyl l-carnetine (500mg 2x/day)
-Choline (500mg 2x/day w/ piracetam)
-melatonin (2.5mg before bed)
-Vitamineral Green (1 heaping tbsp 1x/day)
-Ashwagandha (5-600mg 2x/day)
-Piracetam (2 tsp 2x/day) about 9g total

Any dosing tips on the Huperzine? again, I'm taking 50mcg in the AM. thanks for enduring this post, any help is greatly appreciated!

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 08 Mar 2012

I take 200 mcg 2-3x daily.

Orajel's Photo Orajel 08 Mar 2012

Thats a fair amount. Seems to be in the dose range literature supports. My confusion lies with the concept of synergy, and if taking more could disrupt the action of the whole supplement regeime. I do, however, want to see some benefits from huperzine-a. What else are you taking? side effects?

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 08 Mar 2012

I take a lot, but most relevant to the cholinergic system is 25 mg choline, 10 mg alpha GPC, 1500 mg piracetam, 500 mg ginkgo, 800 mg lion's mane, 1200 mg bacopa, 200 mg glutamate, and 600 mg phosphatidylserine.

When I used to take it with too much choline/alpha GPC (500+ mg of each daily), I would sometimes get drowsy, depressed, lethargic, or irritable. It seems like I've stabilized over the months though, and I wouldn't say huperzine has caused noticeable issues. I don't advise daily use of melatonin, and I'm still unsure about ashwagandha, but huperzine has almost nothing to do with this.

Orajel's Photo Orajel 08 Mar 2012

Sorry for all of my questions I'm like a 2 year old

Ashwagandha has done wonders for my anxiety, with melatonin, why no daily use? Downregulation of natural melatonin production? I've been taking it daily for a few years it could be too late for me.

My thought is because many of the supps I'm on affect acetylcholine, I'll probably up huperzine to 100mcg, see how it affects me, and keep it at that or drop it back to 50.

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 08 Mar 2012

You should be fine with 100 mcg. If you get depressed or something, go back to 50 mcg. But you'll probably want to up it to 200-400 mcg eventually. If price is an issue, Source Naturals offers 200 mcg huperzine tabs for about $0.14/each.

I also takeALCAR, but it doesn't seem to have any sort of contraindication with huperzine.

Edit: I avoid chronic melatonin use because it seems to mess with my memory consolidation. I could just be anosognosic and hypochondriacal. And I wouldn't say that two years is too late. If you've been taking it 70 years, yeah, maybe you should just keep taking it until you die...but 2-3 years is nothing. I was taking rhodiola for a year nearly daily before I quit altogether.
Edited by dasheenster, 08 March 2012 - 03:08 AM.

unregistered_user's Photo unregistered_user 08 Mar 2012

You should be fine with 100 mcg. If you get depressed or something, go back to 50 mcg. But you'll probably want to up it to 200-400 mcg eventually. If price is an issue, Source Naturals offers 200 mcg huperzine tabs for about $0.14/each.

I also takeALCAR, but it doesn't seem to have any sort of contraindication with huperzine.

Edit: I avoid chronic melatonin use because it seems to mess with my memory consolidation. I could just be anosognosic and hypochondriacal. And I wouldn't say that two years is too late. If you've been taking it 70 years, yeah, maybe you should just keep taking it until you die...but 2-3 years is nothing. I was taking rhodiola for a year nearly daily before I quit altogether.

Interesting that you're concerned about memory consolidation when this is said to be perhaps one of the problems with ongoing Huperzine A use.

I just started Huperzine A (Source Naturals 200mg tablets) and to be honest, I'm not especially worried. I will probably end up cycling it. After about a week I'm noting a slight boost in memory but nothing profound. Are the effects supposed to be cumulative?

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 08 Mar 2012

As far as I know, the effects plateau. I cycle it too, but I usually take it 20-25 days per month with about 3 days off every 10 days on.

It's 200 mcg, not mg. I notice the same mild, subtle improvement in memory. Nothing to brag about, but it's worth the ~15 cents daily IMO.
Edited by dasheenster, 08 March 2012 - 05:10 AM.

prunk's Photo prunk 01 Dec 2019

I take 200 mcg 2-3x daily.

That's a lot. Are you still taking Huperzine?

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 29 Dec 2019

That's a lot. Are you still taking Huperzine?


that can't have been accurate.  Maybe I kept that up for a few weeks?  Evidently I don't remember.. Cholinergic and glutamatergic burnout are real things, and many-a-time I remember feeling burned out, stupefied after runs with aniracetam, ALCAR and α-GPC.  I remember thinking something was wrong with me, I was following all the conventional advice but was reaping in only impairments.


This was 2012, back then no one knew about "White tea", Facebook was a budding entity, and everyone who was anyone in the nootropics community was raving over one stack: piracetam, choline, and sulbutiamine.  We were in the Dark Ages in 2012, but now, by this point, I can safely saw we have passed into at least the Renaissance period. Cheers to knowledge


prunk's Photo prunk 08 May 2020

Huperzine is an interesting supplement. It looks good on paper and it also works quite well, at least for me. Somehow it brings back the old me, witty, quick and creative. Don't notice any dramatic changes in memory though, but I've always had a good memory. And no aggressions at all, which is a good thing. Galantamine made me a verbal fist fighter, and so did Piracetam, to a certain degree, but not as much as Galantamine.

gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 12 May 2020

Huperzine is an interesting supplement. It looks good on paper and it also works quite well, at least for me. Somehow it brings back the old me, witty, quick and creative. Don't notice any dramatic changes in memory though, but I've always had a good memory. And no aggressions at all, which is a good thing. Galantamine made me a verbal fist fighter, and so did Piracetam, to a certain degree, but not as much as Galantamine.


yeah, is huperzine the kind of thing you can see yourself taking daily though?


prunk's Photo prunk 17 May 2020

I'm not sure. If it works and doesn't compromise brain health, why not. But the problem is, as probably most of us know, there are no long term studies. And this concerns me, especially regarding AChEI. But how strong cholinesterase inhibitor Huperzine actually is? If I eat 200g of blueberries and 100g of cranberries, drink lots of green tea, take Ginkgo and some other stuff, lets say Lemon balm (which has also AChEI properties) every day, how does all this compare to Huperzine's effects? Naturally there's a limit somewhere - too much of a good thing turns into a total crap. The question is, I guess, when is the inhibition of cholinesterase too much.
Edited by prunk, 17 May 2020 - 06:04 PM.

prunk's Photo prunk 27 Jun 2020

I've been taking Huperzine now two months in a row and the dosages were between 30-70mcg. The effects began to diminish slowly so I stopped taking for two days and it helped. Now it's working again like it did in beginning. In those two day I didn't noticed any memory lapses etc. 


gamesguru's Photo gamesguru 03 Jul 2020

Yeah that's a way more reasonable dose, 50mcg is enough.  Huperzine just never ended up sticking with me.  Caused more immediate brain fog than actual cognitive enhancement.  Plus anything that builds immediate tolerance tends not to have the cumulative effects of something more like magnesium, bacopa or green tea
