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Shyness stack?

how to combat shyness and social inhibition?

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#1 Raptor87

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 03:26 PM

What kind of noots have you found that has been working on your shyness?

Mainly I want to combat my social inhibition during school time. I want to be able to express myself more, especially when debating because I know a lot of things but can´t perform or get things through correctly because I get too self-conscious.

Things that would be good to have would be, more fluent verbally, be able to zone in (flow/mindfulness), confidence, not take things personally, and also combat stress- responses.

I was thinking that maybe deprenyl could help, what´s your thought´s about this?

Also if you have any other suggestions or input feel free to answer!

BTW: Is it normal to have balance problems when being around people?

Edited by Brainfogged, 09 March 2012 - 03:28 PM.

#2 noos

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 04:18 PM

Maybe propranolol for situational anxiety.

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#3 Raptor87

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 05:32 PM

I wouldn´t be able to take propranolol, I suffer from low blood pressure, and have Obstructive apnoea. Not only that but I seem to move a lot during sleep. Also my fingers are always cold so...

I think that situational anxiety isn´t the problem, Its the shyness impairing my personality which causes a lot of self esteem problems. I was thinking a more long term stack, one where I can work on myself some more.

#4 renfr

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 05:39 PM

magnesium did a lot to me against depression, anxiety and stress, if you think you have hypomagnesia (deficicency) then you should consider taking magnesium supplements (max 400mg per day) or good food sources (brown rice, some water brands, ...) because it is an essential component, sadly with industrialization of food it was removed in bread.
of course to me magnesium didn't remove totally my shyness but radically made me feel better.
you can also try out fish oil (with EPA) as it balances mood, didn't feel something special with it but it's still an healthy supplement.
then piracetam, to me it really changed me, even when I don't take much piracetam or don't even take it at all it seems it changed my way of socializing with others, I'm much more talkative and I really like it, it's a wonder for me. also it made me quite more "arrogant" but not that much, probably that's the explanation.
something else I've never tried is tongkat ali, it boosts your testoterone and low testosterone is linked with shyness and lack of confidence, if you have some cash you can try it out, here's a legit webiste that is the cheapest (most of the stuff sold over the net is fakery) : https://premium-tongkat-cheap.com/
there are a lot of studies showing that whether you got high or low testosterones during your childhood your facial morphology differs, the low testoterone kid gets a "bully" face and the high testoterone a more confident and agressive facial features, albeit you shoudn't exceed 1g of tongkat it can make you too cocky and raise your blood pressure too much. I'm eager to try it out but I don't have enough cash.

#5 health_nutty

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 06:04 PM

What kind of noots have you found that has been working on your shyness?

Mainly I want to combat my social inhibition during school time. I want to be able to express myself more, especially when debating because I know a lot of things but can´t perform or get things through correctly because I get too self-conscious.

Things that would be good to have would be, more fluent verbally, be able to zone in (flow/mindfulness), confidence, not take things personally, and also combat stress- responses.

I was thinking that maybe deprenyl could help, what´s your thought´s about this?

Also if you have any other suggestions or input feel free to answer!

BTW: Is it normal to have balance problems when being around people?

Have you tried Pramiracetam? It noticeable improves my self-confidence (even at small doses).

#6 MrHappy

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Posted 09 March 2012 - 10:20 PM

Rather than supplements.. and speaking as someone who was also very shy in school.. confidence, clarity, calmness my outgoing side came when I went to college and realised that regardless of all the fronts and that other people put up to make themselves look good, it's all just an act and *everyone* has the same basic wants and needs in life.

We're all human. Unique - just like everyone else. <snort>

If you're trying to figure out how people will respond to something you do, you can easily just not worry about it - unless you have an interest in something unusual or antisocial, eg. hunting small domesticated animals, rest assured that typically 50% of people will share similar views or appreciate your efforts. Use that knowledge to meet people, then refine/reduce your group of friends to people that you enjoy spending time with / have common interests. It gets even easier once you've found the things in life that you are good at and enjoy.

Personally, I enjoy inappropriate / shocking humour and I use that as a way to gauge how easy-going / friendly / enlightened someone else is. If they chuckle, blush or laugh, then it's all good. If they are offended or upset, then they are narrow-minded or backwards, so it's probably best if they associate with similar people, rather than being offended everytime I see an opportunity to educate them about enjoying life. :) Generally it works itself out naturally. <chuckle>

I perhaps tone it down a bit for my grandparents' generation, though - unless eg. you find out your granny likes horror movies and poor taste jokes!

Edited by MrHappy, 09 March 2012 - 10:21 PM.

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#7 manic_racetam

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 06:29 AM

I'm pretty sure magnesium is contraindicated with hypotension, but you probably already know all the stuff you aren't supposed to take.

You may consider doing a run of Noopept. I bet 20mg with breakfast and 10mg with lunch would make a difference within a week. Noopept seemed to help me be much more social, lowered anxiety and as far as verbal fluency there's no match to it IMO. Confidence seemed to improve especially with regard to speaking because words always flew out so well when on it. Something to consider anyway.

Seems like about 75% of people who try it respond pretty well to it. There are also some people who don't notice any change when taking it and some people who have unpleasant side effects from it. (The 75% is a very rough estimate based on some of the polls and threads around here).

Hope you find something that works for you.

#8 MrHappy

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 07:00 AM

Wow, I just re-read my last comment and I think I've set a new personal record for typos per comment. Hopefully it's still legible enough to follow. :)

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#9 Baten

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 08:34 AM

Inositol could help with social anxiety, makes you more sociable. When I take some, I take 6g in the morning, and 3g if I need more later in the day.
It doesn't help with confidence, though. I can only recommend going running and/or buying a fitness subscription if you have the time, hah.

#10 Raptor87

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 01:55 PM

magnesium did a lot to me against depression, anxiety and stress, if you think you have hypomagnesia (deficicency) then you should consider taking magnesium supplements (max 400mg per day) or good food sources (brown rice, some water brands, ...) because it is an essential component, sadly with industrialization of food it was removed in bread.
of course to me magnesium didn't remove totally my shyness but radically made me feel better.
you can also try out fish oil (with EPA) as it balances mood, didn't feel something special with it but it's still an healthy supplement.
then piracetam, to me it really changed me, even when I don't take much piracetam or don't even take it at all it seems it changed my way of socializing with others, I'm much more talkative and I really like it, it's a wonder for me. also it made me quite more "arrogant" but not that much, probably that's the explanation.
something else I've never tried is tongkat ali, it boosts your testoterone and low testosterone is linked with shyness and lack of confidence, if you have some cash you can try it out, here's a legit webiste that is the cheapest (most of the stuff sold over the net is fakery) : https://premium-tongkat-cheap.com/
there are a lot of studies showing that whether you got high or low testosterones during your childhood your facial morphology differs, the low testoterone kid gets a "bully" face and the high testoterone a more confident and agressive facial features, albeit you shoudn't exceed 1g of tongkat it can make you too cocky and raise your blood pressure too much. I'm eager to try it out but I don't have enough cash.

What kind of noots have you found that has been working on your shyness?

Mainly I want to combat my social inhibition during school time. I want to be able to express myself more, especially when debating because I know a lot of things but can´t perform or get things through correctly because I get too self-conscious.

Things that would be good to have would be, more fluent verbally, be able to zone in (flow/mindfulness), confidence, not take things personally, and also combat stress- responses.

I was thinking that maybe deprenyl could help, what´s your thought´s about this?

Also if you have any other suggestions or input feel free to answer!

BTW: Is it normal to have balance problems when being around people?

Have you tried Pramiracetam? It noticeable improves my self-confidence (even at small doses).

I'm pretty sure magnesium is contraindicated with hypotension, but you probably already know all the stuff you aren't supposed to take.

You may consider doing a run of Noopept. I bet 20mg with breakfast and 10mg with lunch would make a difference within a week. Noopept seemed to help me be much more social, lowered anxiety and as far as verbal fluency there's no match to it IMO. Confidence seemed to improve especially with regard to speaking because words always flew out so well when on it. Something to consider anyway.

Seems like about 75% of people who try it respond pretty well to it. There are also some people who don't notice any change when taking it and some people who have unpleasant side effects from it. (The 75% is a very rough estimate based on some of the polls and threads around here).

Hope you find something that works for you.

I have been taking magnesium for a month now and haven´t felt any changes. But I will order some EPA.

Iv´e heard a lot about racetams causing balance problems and social passiveness, meaning that one becomes more social but also more passive about themselves in relation to other people.

Tongkat ali? I am not wasting my money on some t-booster as most of the t-booster are mere crap. I´d rather put my money on the real deal instead if it would come to that. Bullyface? Never heard of such thing. If you mean that those with more T have more androgenic features and the opposite more feminine then that´s understandable.

Noopept! The experiences Iv´e heard about noopept is mainly anecdotal. Some say that they don´t feel anything on it. Others feel slightly unmotivated/depressed and agitated from what Iv´e read. And besides, it´s a fairly new and unstudied substance. So I'm not going to take it before I get some more reviews on it from users.

Pramiracetam! Sounds interesting but then again there´s the balance issue. I started working out and have realised that my balance sucks, I am struggling to keep my balance when I'm doing certain exercises. I thank my bad posture and computer for that.

#11 Raptor87

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 02:01 PM

Rather than supplements.. and speaking as someone who was also very shy in school.. confidence, clarity, calmness my outgoing side came when I went to college and realised that regardless of all the fronts and that other people put up to make themselves look good, it's all just an act and *everyone* has the same basic wants and needs in life.

We're all human. Unique - just like everyone else. <snort>

If you're trying to figure out how people will respond to something you do, you can easily just not worry about it - unless you have an interest in something unusual or antisocial, eg. hunting small domesticated animals, rest assured that typically 50% of people will share similar views or appreciate your efforts. Use that knowledge to meet people, then refine/reduce your group of friends to people that you enjoy spending time with / have common interests. It gets even easier once you've found the things in life that you are good at and enjoy.

Personally, I enjoy inappropriate / shocking humour and I use that as a way to gauge how easy-going / friendly / enlightened someone else is. If they chuckle, blush or laugh, then it's all good. If they are offended or upset, then they are narrow-minded or backwards, so it's probably best if they associate with similar people, rather than being offended everytime I see an opportunity to educate them about enjoying life. :) Generally it works itself out naturally. <chuckle>

I perhaps tone it down a bit for my grandparents' generation, though - unless eg. you find out your granny likes horror movies and poor taste jokes!

I get what you are saying, I am working on every level that´s possible on this. The problem is that my shyness is impairing my social abilities which is affecting my grades and schoolwork.

I lost a debate because I couldn´t formulate what I knew of and basically my anxiety took over the steering wheel. I lost even though I could have won easily. So Im looking for a stack that I can use for a couple of months before school ends for this semester.

#12 Raptor87

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 02:04 PM

Inositol could help with social anxiety, makes you more sociable. When I take some, I take 6g in the morning, and 3g if I need more later in the day.
It doesn't help with confidence, though. I can only recommend going running and/or buying a fitness subscription if you have the time, hah.

I have been looking for a cheap bulk myo- inositol but haven´t been able to find any. So that option isn´t currently available for me. I am currently working out.

#13 Baten

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 02:24 PM

I have been looking for a cheap bulk myo- inositol but haven´t been able to find any. So that option isn´t currently available for me. I am currently working out.

Sounds good. I no longer buy inositol ever since I started supplementing lysine with zinc picolinate,
the combo of those two seems to kill nearly all anxiety, and thus also helps with social anxiety; it's also less expensive than consuming such large amounts of inositol.
I can only recommend trying that regimen, but it might not be strong enough. I never really cared about my shyness, it was just an unexpected plus.
I also work out, beats any supplement out there.

#14 khemix

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 07:07 PM

I think what you really want is dopamine, dopamine, and more dopamine. Deprenyl will help in this regard. You can also try the stronger stimulants like dexedrine or adderall. These will fill with a sense of confidence and you will find yourself struggling from the opposite problem, not being able to shut up. I have noticed I am more outgoing and talkative when on stimulants; conversely, I find I am overwhelmed with social anxiety when on antipsychotics and feel flat and depressed. At the same time you want to lower norepinephrine and to do that find ways to boost GABA. Some stimulants may increasse NE and that will only contribute to your anxiety.

Testosterone also plays a role as I've learned when reducing it to kill libido. Low T made me very anxious and emotional. Everything was personal and things would get to me. It however made me calm though less talkative.

Lastly, I find 25mg of zoloft helps slow down my mind and keep me a little more cool and collected. Anything higher makes me lethargic and apathetic.

Edited by khemix, 10 March 2012 - 07:08 PM.

#15 manic_racetam

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Posted 10 March 2012 - 07:32 PM

All this talk of dopamine... has anyone else found as much success as I have with extracts of Mucuna Pruriens? I find 400mg of 99% extract gives a great dopamine boost superior to tyrosine.

#16 Raptor87

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Posted 11 March 2012 - 05:24 PM

I think what you really want is dopamine, dopamine, and more dopamine. Deprenyl will help in this regard. You can also try the stronger stimulants like dexedrine or adderall. These will fill with a sense of confidence and you will find yourself struggling from the opposite problem, not being able to shut up. I have noticed I am more outgoing and talkative when on stimulants; conversely, I find I am overwhelmed with social anxiety when on antipsychotics and feel flat and depressed. At the same time you want to lower norepinephrine and to do that find ways to boost GABA. Some stimulants may increasse NE and that will only contribute to your anxiety.

Testosterone also plays a role as I've learned when reducing it to kill libido. Low T made me very anxious and emotional. Everything was personal and things would get to me. It however made me calm though less talkative.

Lastly, I find 25mg of zoloft helps slow down my mind and keep me a little more cool and collected. Anything higher makes me lethargic and apathetic.

As I said I am thinking a more long term stack, (3-6months) so Im not sure with the stimulants. I was thinking in the same line when it came to dopamine. Stimulants usually fuck up my speech and I have difficulties formulating what it is that I want to say, like the words are coming out backwards.

I was also thinking of oxytocin but I have Freudian issues when it comes to the opinion of that drug.

But I am willing to try Deprenyl as a cognitive enhancer to improve my sociability. Question is if it really improves social strive and one´s "lifeforce" to combat social situations?

As for the anxiety I will use some adaptogens combined with some minerals and vitamins.

How did you manage to evaluate you testosterone levels?

Does anyone have any further reports on Deprenyl?

#17 manic_racetam

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Posted 11 March 2012 - 05:55 PM

Does anyone have any further reports on Deprenyl?

DevinThayer did a great report on Deprenyl in relation to ADD. Lot's of good info in that thread.

#18 Baten

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Posted 11 March 2012 - 07:52 PM

Deprenyl worked excellent for me for overall feel-good. It didn't really improve shyness or sociability in any way, though.
As Devinthayer mentioned, it made me a tiny bit more hyper and childish, if anything; but much more subtle than stimulants would do.

#19 Ark

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Posted 11 March 2012 - 11:20 PM

I suggest trying Naridal , (Low dose)Stablon , Lithum , MLT , Bacopa, L-Theanine, Picamilon, & Skull Cap.

Edited by Ark, 11 March 2012 - 11:22 PM.

#20 ta5

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 12:09 AM

If you try Phenibut, that could be educational to tell you if you want to target GABA, just as a very short term experiment. You can't take it long term, or even medium term.

It sounds like you are trying to target two things: ADD and social anxiety.

I would guess the balance problems are from being too self conscious and distracted. Too much of your brain is being occupied. I don't think it's uncommon in ADHD or social anxiety. It happens to me.

#21 Raptor87

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 09:04 AM

I suggest trying Naridal , (Low dose)Stablon , Lithum , MLT , Bacopa, L-Theanine, Picamilon, & Skull Cap.

If you try Phenibut, that could be educational to tell you if you want to target GABA, just as a very short term experiment. You can't take it long term, or even medium term.

It sounds like you are trying to target two things: ADD and social anxiety.

I would guess the balance problems are from being too self conscious and distracted. Too much of your brain is being occupied. I don't think it's uncommon in ADHD or social anxiety. It happens to me.

Ark! You are suggesting a very heavy regimen... I don´t know about Stablon, but isn´t Naridal known for having withdraval effect´s? Even if it is low dose but combined with Lithium and other stuff, well it sound´s potentially dangerous. Have you tried this regimen?

What is MLT?

ta5! I suspect that I have ADD and Iv´e tried stimulants but the thing is that they work mostly for one or two days. I become incredibly lazy on (Mpd) and basically lie in the couch taking naps the other days. So I can count on one day when Im on them, the rest becomes more a recreational thing because I sleep so soundly on them and just enjoy being content.

Edited by Brainfogged, 12 March 2012 - 09:21 AM.

#22 Raptor87

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 09:09 AM

Does anyone have any further reports on Deprenyl?

DevinThayer did a great report on Deprenyl in relation to ADD. Lot's of good info in that thread.

I tried to download his report but Longecity keep´s giving me some kind of bandwidth error message.

#23 AZabirko0901

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 09:44 AM

Eleuthero Root (prev. known as Siberian Ginseng) downregulates cortisol production (upregulates ACTh production as well), and eliminates most traces of stress for me.

Edited by AZabirko0901, 12 March 2012 - 09:45 AM.

#24 Ark

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 08:54 PM

I suggest trying Naridal , (Low dose)Stablon , Lithum , MLT , Bacopa, L-Theanine, Picamilon, & Skull Cap.

If you try Phenibut, that could be educational to tell you if you want to target GABA, just as a very short term experiment. You can't take it long term, or even medium term.

It sounds like you are trying to target two things: ADD and social anxiety.

I would guess the balance problems are from being too self conscious and distracted. Too much of your brain is being occupied. I don't think it's uncommon in ADHD or social anxiety. It happens to me.

Ark! You are suggesting a very heavy regimen... I don´t know about Stablon, but isn´t Naridal known for having withdraval effect´s? Even if it is low dose but combined with Lithium and other stuff, well it sound´s potentially dangerous. Have you tried this regimen?

What is MLT?

ta5! I suspect that I have ADD and Iv´e tried stimulants but the thing is that they work mostly for one or two days. I become incredibly lazy on (Mpd) and basically lie in the couch taking naps the other days. So I can count on one day when Im on them, the rest becomes more a recreational thing because I sleep so soundly on them and just enjoy being content.

Yes and it works, no bs.

Also MLT stands for magnesium l threonate, which i think is a nice touch to the stack.

Edited by Ark, 12 March 2012 - 08:56 PM.

#25 Sartac

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 01:48 AM

Test, phenibut, propranolol, and the kitchen sink.

#26 Orajel

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 05:49 AM

Ashwagandha helps me. Also, increasing testosterone is helpful, but it can be difficult to do this safely. Over the counter aromatase inhibitors, like the ones found in PCT revolution WHITE, can be safe and effective for short periods of time. Weight lifting, especially when using large muscle groups like your legs and chest, substantially increase testosterone levels. Dietary fat is also important. Even talking to a woman increases your test levels!

Behavioral modification is probably the most effective way to reduce shyness. Essentially, this is exposing yourself to situations where you would act shy, and behaving in a different manner. I know, it can be difficult, but never underestimate the power of habit. Shyness can be viewed as habitual behavior. Every time you respond with shyness, or put yourself down mentally, you are REINFORCING this behavior.
Thought is also powerful. It has been shown time and time again that positive self-affirmation is effective in changing thought patterns, and in turn, behavior patterns. Keep in mind that positive self-affirmation is only effective if used FREQUENTLY (100+ times a day ideally), which is not as difficult as it sounds.

You can test the power of possitive affirmation with something like weight lifting. I myself repeat several in my head "I am strong" before I do a set, and notice a viable difference in my lifts because of it. Try it out, it works!

Edited by Orajel, 13 March 2012 - 05:57 AM.

#27 Raptor87

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 03:23 PM

I have a question to you guy´s...


How come this report say´s that THC calms the amygdala down? But when I smoke weed and THC leaves my system it get´s worse if anything. Are they referring to when being intoxicated cause then it is understandable that the amygdala will be calm!? My friends experience the same thing, one even quit recently because he can´t be social at all when he has been smoking a few day´s earlier.

Does anyone know more about this?

#28 gamesguru

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 08:09 PM

I think anxiety and stage freight are normal, and ought not to be thought of as pathological conditions. I think anxiety is important, but by all means, suppress yours if you know it to be excessive. The problem is, it's very easy to think your anxiety is excessive when it's within the normal range. In many debates, in high school and with friends especially, but also with professors, I have lost my train of thought and forgotten where I was headed with the argument...simply because I became uneasy and my adrenal glands flared momentarily...my thoughts emptied, and I would find myself staring at the person, hoping the thought would return.

I strongly feel that I wouldn't be nearly as confident as I am today if I resorted to drugs, instead of trying to cope with the anxiety, and learning to keep it at bay through self-discipline...not drugs.

#29 Raptor87

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Posted 13 March 2012 - 09:12 PM

I think anxiety and stage freight are normal, and ought not to be thought of as pathological conditions. I think anxiety is important, but by all means, suppress yours if you know it to be excessive. The problem is, it's very easy to think your anxiety is excessive when it's within the normal range. In many debates, in high school and with friends especially, but also with professors, I have lost my train of thought and forgotten where I was headed with the argument...simply because I became uneasy and my adrenal glands flared momentarily...my thoughts emptied, and I would find myself staring at the person, hoping the thought would return.

I strongly feel that I wouldn't be nearly as confident as I am today if I resorted to drugs, instead of trying to cope with the anxiety, and learning to keep it at bay through self-discipline...not drugs.

Look, Iv´e done everything I can. Right now isn´t the time to give me a moral lecture. I know what I need to do with the psych stuff, but I don´t feel ready and I have been training for several years. And what do you mean by self discipline? It´s not like I can control this thing!! If you can then Im glad for you! But as for advice, that´s a terrible thing to say!

I suppressed my anxiety for several years and it resulted in panic attacks, the best thing to do when one is having anxiety is try to stay calm. If anything, clenching makes it worse.

I know when my anxiety is normal and not, what I have experienced is not in the normal range.
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#30 mbdrinker

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Posted 21 November 2022 - 11:38 PM

Better find a drug to feel happy while abandoned by others thAn trying to mold yourself to match their primitive minds

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