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The forum displays quite poorly in 1024x768 resolution

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#1 Hoppimike

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 08:01 PM

Hi :)

I don't know if I'm missing a section for discussing the forum or technical issues (if I am then feel free to just move my thread!) but on my laptop which is a little old, the maximum resolution is 1024x768, and at this resolution the blue bar on the left side pushes the forum body over and means it no longer fits within the screen width properly (resulting in a horizontal scroll bar always there).

I know 1024x768 is fairly low but I don't think it's THAT low - I design a lot of sites and I usually cater for 1024x768 and above.

Is there any chance you can perhaps add a little arrow to hide the blue bar on the left? And then when it's hidden perhaps a little floating arrow to reveal it again or something...

This way it would display fine at this res, and probably display better on smaller devices like netbooks.

Cheers guys, other than that I have no issues - I think this is a great forum!

Having to pay for the main bit is a little inconvenient but I do understand why, and it's not like it's too expensive so I think it's reasonable.

Cheers dudes,

Mike :)

EDIT -- Oh, also posting this is taking AGES... preview works almost instantly but actually posting is almost non-responsive. I wonder why o.O
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#2 Hoppimike

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Posted 12 June 2012 - 09:36 PM

oo sorry about the multiple thread posts!!! That was just because it wasn't posting properly so I must have tried multiple times, sorry. I guess a mod can remove the other 2!

#3 nameless

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 07:19 PM

I know. I complained about that bar when they first put it there. According to the admins here, it's a form of 'advertising'... or something. I find it awful.

On my netbook (1024x600) it blocks off part of the forums, so one has to scroll to see what they are even posting. Even on my main PC, where I am using a 4:3, 21", 1600x1200 monitor, it gets partly in the way. It doesn't block text, but it does take up horizontal real estate I'd rather use for reading the forums.

They should put in a way to disable that bar, but for whatever reason, they never did. I know it has bothered other people too, but not sure how many. I know for myself, I have visited this site less because of it.

With more people using tablets, phones, netbooks, etc. you'd think they'd try to make this site more accessible to lower resolution devices, not make it less accessible. And as you said, 1024x768 really isn't that low to begin with. It's not like VGA or some 20 year old resolution.

Edited by nameless, 13 June 2012 - 07:24 PM.

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#4 Hoppimike

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 04:38 AM

I know. I complained about that bar when they first put it there. According to the admins here, it's a form of 'advertising'... or something. I find it awful.

On my netbook (1024x600) it blocks off part of the forums, so one has to scroll to see what they are even posting. Even on my main PC, where I am using a 4:3, 21", 1600x1200 monitor, it gets partly in the way. It doesn't block text, but it does take up horizontal real estate I'd rather use for reading the forums.

They should put in a way to disable that bar, but for whatever reason, they never did. I know it has bothered other people too, but not sure how many. I know for myself, I have visited this site less because of it.

With more people using tablets, phones, netbooks, etc. you'd think they'd try to make this site more accessible to lower resolution devices, not make it less accessible. And as you said, 1024x768 really isn't that low to begin with. It's not like VGA or some 20 year old resolution.


Surely there is a way to convey the information in that bar without taking up a significant portion of the screen with it.

I guess though unless a staff member sees this thread... we're not having much effect :(

Shame, as this is a wicked forum and things like this pull it down, and will harm it's popularity. It's not even hard to fix either - might just require a bit of thought!

#5 Josh Cryer

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 05:41 PM

I hope I don't get in trouble for suggesting how you can fix this in your browser, but you can use a very simple .css hack to get rid of it.

In fact, someone else came up with a solution (for the exact same problem you're having) here: http://userstyles.org/styles/57833

#6 adamh

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 08:41 PM

I have a wide screen but i constantly have to scroll left and right to read text or else make it very small. I found a work around to get rid of the bar. Simply copy and paste it into the reply field of a forum that does not have a bar. Actually this is the only forum i know of that does. Then you can see the text without the nasty bar or having to scroll. I may try that stylish hack, i just hate to download any software, i've had so many problems before.

Why not put the bar at the top?
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#7 adamh

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 08:16 PM

OK, i installed stylish and finally no bar at the left! What a relief, it gave me a headache to constantly scroll back and forth.

Edit: However the advert still shows up at the left. Probably adblock might help with that. At least its smaller and can be gotten around somewhat.

Edited by adamh, 25 July 2013 - 08:20 PM.

#8 niner

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Posted 25 July 2013 - 09:02 PM

OK, so far so good, but do you have access to any of the functionality (which used to be in the regular interface) that is now only found in the sidebar? Specifically, the Topic Search is something that I find essential. Would Stylish allow you to, for instance, create a button that contained that function? Is this what you used?

#9 Luddist

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Posted 26 July 2013 - 07:30 PM

I can see how the Recent Topics would be helpful for a moderator but I don't see a use for the sidebar for normal users that isn't covered by links available at the top. That and the rotating image at the bottom of it is distracting/annoying. Could it be hideable?

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