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Trick Your 'Friend'-Death, Don't Ever Face It

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#1 Infernity

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Posted 30 March 2005 - 05:08 PM

I said

Well Bruce, we cannot let death be our enemy. It is not.
I believe boorishness is, because that's the reason for all the mistakes happen AND repeat, and that's what goes against us with no thinking at all.
Death = nothing. nothing can lose nothing. If our enemy has nothing to lose- it is the strongest. When something is the strongest- a weaker element cannot win. So we have to trick it and not go against it. Simply agree and exigible a change.
Now this is applying to everything in the known life of ours.

Yours truthfully

Bruce said

Good point, Infy, my dear sim-sis.  Killing death is impossible from a scientific perspective.

However, our mission, conquer the blight of involuntary death, is a creed and a war metaphor which gives face to this invisible enemy.  Perhaps there is a better metaphor or method you have in mind which will inspire and unite us in action against involuntary death?


Well, did you ever think why we are using the expression "I don't wanna face death"?
Well, maybe because facing it is a wrong course, it is simply a lost battle in the rational common-sense.
As we should not fear of it, but play it's game so to make it friend, then possibly change the rules. After that, we are strong enough to strike, and defeat death.

I was thinking, maybe that's because "facing death" will only give us the opportunity to win aging; But maybe we have to find a different way, to make life ultimate, no more deaths...

The biggest problem currently are the enemies. Those who, like, being stupid enough to be stupid and not even trying to improve but aspiring to international equality because of their bad, contracting the wisdom because of their not wanting to learn. Not wanting that is, excuse me- that's being boorish. We are always learning, and wanting to not to, is like want lay and try to get crazy till you die.

The problem with those who don't listen and say we are wrong is the fact the first we have to explain the easier thing- what we've trying to do thus far, and then change their minds again, that's like a relevant process.
And that may cause confusion since they thought the same but less elaborated and due another motivations and leading to other courses. But still -> Ultimate end.

We have to be careful and not lead them astray, they nay see it alike, the two crossing ways.

Yours truthfully

#2 Lazarus Long

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 12:56 AM

Adi I am racing to undo the mess ups you are making but frankly you are inserting things faster than I can fix them and text is getting lost.

Slow down and I will help. [lol]

#3 Lazarus Long

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 01:01 AM

Adi try not to use the [*quote=name] command because the software has a glitch that wipes out text when you go back to edit.

I avoid that command like the plague and just write the name in i.e.

[*quote] Adi says:

Asterisks inserted to disable HTML commands :))

I hope that helps and you can retrieve the text you are lost. If you need more help just hollar. [:o] [thumb]

#4 Infernity

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 01:37 AM

:) Thank you Laz,

Well I am hollering:

Can you delete the first post here so the second one will be the beginning?

I'd also like this (from third post):

The problem with those who don't listen and say we are wrong is the fact the first we have to explain the easier thing- what we've trying to do thus far, and then change their minds again, that's like a relevant process.
And that may cause confusion since they thought the same but less elaborated and due another motivations and leading to other courses. But still -> Ultimate end.

To replace this (in second post):

The problem with those who don't listen and say we are wrong is the fact the first we have to explain the easier thing- what we've trying to do thus far, and then change their minds again, that's like a relevant process.
And that may cause confusion since they thought the same but less elaborated and due another motivations and leading to other courses. But still -> Ultimate end.

So the third one can be deleted too.

Heh I could learn lots of things out of that mess though. But never mind, I suppose I am a skillful in making such mess, heh lucky I understand it, an arranged chaos.

Just for general education Laz, instead of the * use the CODE option:

[quote]Adi says:
CAME OUT MESSY WHEN I TRIED TO EDIT THE DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC, CHECKUP NEXT POST! dear leadership, you have to work on this![/quote]

I'll let you figure out yourself how to use it :))

Yours truthfully

#5 Lazarus Long

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 01:59 AM

Do you mean like this?

BTW, I can delete the third post but I can't delete the first without taking out the whole thread.

I figured I would just copy the second post to the first and then delete it but the problem is that you used that quote function I said not to you bad girl [angry]

Now when I go in there your text is lost and I will have to rebuild the entire thing but you can do this and then I will delete the second post after you get it copied to the first if you want.
capiche? [huh] [tung]

#6 Infernity

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 02:10 AM

I figured I would just copy the second post to the first and then delete it but the problem is that you used that quote function I said not to you bad girl

I'd do it myself if I wouldn't use it, heh why do you think I asked you to? [lol]

Yours truthfully

#7 Lazarus Long

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 02:39 AM

There I did it as an example of altuism. [bl:)]

I figure you'll understand [8)]

#8 Infernity

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 12:49 PM

There I did it as an example of altuism. [bl:)]

I'd say you simply want my respect, you earned it :)
Well I suppose you don't wanna be my enemy, that would be a pointless hard battle.

It made you feel better to know I am grateful isn't it? at least you thought it will.

Thank you...

Yours truthfully

Edited by infernity, 02 January 2006 - 02:06 PM.

#9 Infernity

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Posted 31 March 2005 - 07:11 PM

Well Lazarus, do you have an opinion on the original idea of the thread?

Yours truthfully

#10 randolfe

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Posted 16 April 2005 - 08:27 PM

I was writing on this thread in its other location. I made the mistake of signing up for the "Near Death Experiences" (nde) lists. I was flooded with postings and they were really not worth exploring.

It was depressing to see how people have to attribute mystical aspects to their nead death experiences.

#11 Infernity

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Posted 17 April 2005 - 10:54 AM

Yes Randy, people tend to see luck as some miracle, that's just for giving them kinda hope they are protected...
That's sad.

The problem is, people do have the expect I mentioned at the first place, but not due the same motivations. I mean they are 'deathists', but they became too good friends of the death, so they can't let themselves trick it.
Forgot with centuries what's the real goal. Forgot the survival fights generations before...
We have to change their minds twice- first- we have to face death- and win (which is supposedly impossible), after they became rational immortalists- explain them why they can't win it by facing it but simply return to be it's friend and demand a change. So the to ways will become one. Balance.
The problem is, this sentence: "To secure peace is to prepare for war" has proved itself a lot. We shall expect the next challenge, perhaps stupidity in purpose, the wisdom to boorish...

Who knows.

Yours truthfully

#12 tous

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Posted 15 August 2005 - 05:23 AM

Hmmm - but the oldest of people who have lived past there life expectancy and then some always say when asked if they think about death say that they honestly don't think about it. Then ofcourse the question gets them thinking and they die a week later ;). So maby there is some truth in not facing death or rather in only thinking about living instead or not dieing.

After all we don't just not want to die. We want to live forever.

With hope, TouS

#13 Infernity

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Posted 15 August 2005 - 08:00 AM

After all we don't just not want to die. We want to live forever.

Well, living forever is theoretically not possible, since you can never reach it.
So this statement is not too true.
We do "just" want to not die. We want to *Live Without Limits*. Which means if we don't die- we will continue living........ forever is not reachable, but we can keep trying it- forever ;))

This attitude is valuable for many matters in life, I have embraced it as a base equation, it helps.


#14 manowater989

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Posted 15 August 2005 - 08:36 PM

I believe that it is possible to kill death- make it impossible [to ever die], not simply avoid it. I do believe that that's possible.

#15 Infernity

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Posted 15 August 2005 - 08:45 PM

You don't think it is possible to avoid death?

What did you do thus far?

How can you kill death?

Death has nothing to lose, it is very strong. It takes you to a point of no return... You can't win this, you better run.


#16 tous

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Posted 16 August 2005 - 04:02 AM

Even if something is unasertainable it is human nature to still reach for it. It is impossible for a human to fly on his own accord so we build planes. It is immposible for a person to stay underwater for hours at a time so we build submarines. It is impossible(in my veiws) to find the awnser to the meaning of life but people still spend time everyday trying to find it out. Can we live forever? Perhaps not, but we still want to. Death in my opinion is not really a thing. It is merly an apsence of this thing we call life.

If you have an emtpy glass, what is in it? Nothing. Life is a full glass. Sometimes it is half full or half empty. Sometimes it has lemonaid and sometimes its full of ale.

Death has nothing to lose, it is very strong.

If death is merly the absence of life how can it be strong? For that matter how is the empty space inside the glass strong after it has lost all its contents?

#17 ilia

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Posted 16 August 2005 - 09:15 AM

forever is not reachable, but we can keep trying it- forever

My thoughts exactly!

Many believe immortality means eternal stagnation. Much to the contrary, it means a continuous heroic struggle with an all but almighty enemy.

#18 ilia

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Posted 16 August 2005 - 10:00 AM

Here's a cool poem by John Donne (1572-1631) "Death be not proud" using the metaphor of "killing death":

Death be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so,

For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,

Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me;

From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,

Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,

And soonest our best men with thee do go,

Rest of their bones, and souls delivery.

Thou' art slave to Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,

And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,

And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well,

And better then they stroke; why swell'st thou then?

One short sleep past, we wake eternally,

And death shall be no more, Death thou shalt die.

#19 Infernity

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Posted 16 August 2005 - 11:18 AM

It is impossible for a human to fly on his own accord

...in places where there is gravity.
And I don't like the word "impossible".

It is impossible(in my veiws) to find the awnser to the meaning of life

It is just aspiring to impossible. If we could tell for certain, we can say there is no point in living. We live to learn, learn to survive, and survive to live. We can't tell for certain 'cause there's no such thing, as nothing is for sure and everything is possible.

Can we live forever? Perhaps not, but we still want to.

I can tell you "No, I don't want to live forever, I just don't want to die..." . Forever is not reachable, when merely not dying is not too hard, I succeeded thus far.

If you have an emtpy glass, what is in it?

Well air? If not- vacuum. It can be strong.

If death is merly the absence of life how can it be strong? For that matter how is the empty space inside the glass strong after it has lost all its contents?

Someone old me, if you reached the bottom, there's only one way- Up.
Try to render sense with the term death inbetween.

It's like vacuum, absence of matter.
Oh it can take you, vacuum can be strong and take you.

Well I believe that our immortality will be a lifetime struggle for remaining so, I think we won't be actual immortals, but will always ameliorate and improve and increase our lifespans and degrease the things that can kill us. But there will always come more things to separate the mechanism we are, and spread the energy which is us to pieces, we should find a way to keep us gathered.


#20 manowater989

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Posted 17 August 2005 - 12:21 AM

That's a good attitude, Infernity. That makes sense, still, you say you don't like the word impossible- so then don't say it's impossible to kill death. Nothing is definitely tangible, it's a factor, it can even be destroyed, by turning it into something- similarly, death can be slain if any possibility of it is removed. Do you realize that saying "nothing is impossible" is a self-contradicting paradox, if nothing is impossible, then it is impossible for something to be impossible, therefore, something is impossible. Somehow, I still think it's true though: we just haven't mapped the higher magnitudes of existence which are needed to fully govern the laws of that truth....

#21 Infernity

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Posted 17 August 2005 - 04:08 AM

The sentence "Nothing is for sure, and everything is possible" is not self contradicting, because it applies on the sentence itself too. This is not totally sure, as this is very possible. But it seems to be true, it seems very obvious to me, there is no 100% for either good or bad. It applies to all. I see no self contradiction.


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