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Mass shootings staged?

batman killer

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#1 Luminosity

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 05:01 AM

When I saw the shootings in Colorado and at the Sikh temple, I wondered it they were possibly staged as a pretext to further government crackdowns. Anyone else think this? Anyone seen any credible information shedding any light on this?
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#2 niner

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 12:25 PM

You're a nut.
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#3 Mind

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 05:36 PM

I like to read conspiracy theories. I give them all a look, generally (or they are forced into my view by believers). The one that really threw me for a loop was MKUltra. If someone had told me a few decades ago that the CIA was running a program to secretly drug innocent American citizens in order to gain knowledge about psychotic drugs and possibly use the drugged dupes to carry out clandestine initiatives on behalf of the government, I would have said "you are a nut". It was true.

The "mass shootings" conspiracy relies on some of the same themes as MKUltra. The shooter in Colorado was under the supervision of a "doctor" who used to work for the Air Force or something. Well, you can see how someone might try to stitch together some conspiracy.

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#4 niner

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 07:24 PM

The CIA was having people carry out covert ops while they were tripping? Wow. I wonder how that worked out? Maybe that explains the "intelligence" that led us into Iraq...

Edited by niner, 18 September 2012 - 07:25 PM.

#5 MrHappy

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 09:39 PM

The CIA was having people carry out covert ops while they were tripping? Wow. I wonder how that worked out? Maybe that explains the "intelligence" that led us into Iraq...

Scopolamine. Removes free will and any memory of the events.


#6 dz93

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 08:17 PM

Look up eye withness reports at ALL mass shootings including columbine, Virginia tech, all of them and you'll see that the original story was warped by mainstream media. There were supposedly four shooters at columbine. Three shooters at virginia tech. Multiple people at sihk shooting. The empire state shooting where i think like 9 people were shot was later found out that it was the police's stray bullets who hit those people not the shooter.

#7 niner

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 08:31 PM

Look up eye withness reports at ALL mass shootings including columbine, Virginia tech, all of them and you'll see that the original story was warped by mainstream media. There were supposedly four shooters at columbine. Three shooters at virginia tech. Multiple people at sihk shooting. The empire state shooting where i think like 9 people were shot was later found out that it was the police's stray bullets who hit those people not the shooter.

They don't wait until all the facts are nailed down before they get the initial story out. The details get filled in later. So what? You're making it sound like it's some kind of MSM conspiracy against mass murderers.

#8 Luminosity

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Posted 20 September 2012 - 04:25 AM

Thanks everyone for your contributions. There's also Sirhan Sirhan. I think it's likely that there were other shooters and he was a patsy. I also believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was used as a patsy. There were reports of another conspirator at Oklahoma City who was not charged and some people seemed to have advance warning, and then there's 911. There's the Bay of Tonkin which is now believed to be a false flag attack. I don't know if the recent mass shootings were engineered but they seem so outside of what people do, even hateful violent people. Sometimes when evil doesn't make sense it was engineered rather than spontaneously rising.

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Edited by Luminosity, 20 September 2012 - 05:15 AM.

#9 dz93

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Posted 20 September 2012 - 10:52 PM

Ultimately, never let your freedoms be taken away. When we are stripped of our freedoms we are stripped of what makes us human. Freedom is what separates us from the caged up farm animals that we eat. So no matter what you decide to believe in or what you think is fake or real it doesn't matter. We can all agree that freedom is the most important thing here.

#10 niner

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Posted 20 September 2012 - 11:38 PM

Ultimately, never let your freedoms be taken away. When we are stripped of our freedoms we are stripped of what makes us human. Freedom is what separates us from the caged up farm animals that we eat. So no matter what you decide to believe in or what you think is fake or real it doesn't matter. We can all agree that freedom is the most important thing here.

What does this thread have to do with "freedom"? Freedom to murder lots of innocent people? Freedom to be murdered? Freedom to carry a loaded Glock so we can be truly human? Help me out here.

#11 dz93

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Posted 21 September 2012 - 02:13 AM

Ultimately, never let your freedoms be taken away. When we are stripped of our freedoms we are stripped of what makes us human. Freedom is what separates us from the caged up farm animals that we eat. So no matter what you decide to believe in or what you think is fake or real it doesn't matter. We can all agree that freedom is the most important thing here.

What does this thread have to do with "freedom"? Freedom to murder lots of innocent people? Freedom to be murdered? Freedom to carry a loaded Glock so we can be truly human? Help me out here.

No no no. Not at all. I should have phrased that much better especially under a thread titled mass shootings lol. I'm just speaking generally. Obviously murder is wrong in every way possible. I'm just saying, off topic of the shootings, don't let free speech be taken away from us. Don't let our right to bare guns be taken away (unless you have a criminal record). Main reason I'm saying this is because our freedoms are being attacked and are being taken from us slowly. Like I said I'm not meaning the freedom to shoot people... This just wasn't the topic to post something like that in because it is technically off topic.

Just so you know I'm not crazy and I don't think murderers should have freedoms. My post just was too broad and I can see how it could have been taken out of context.
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#12 Random Inerjection

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Posted 25 September 2012 - 08:04 AM

I could argue that the subject matter at hand has all to do with freedom.

As the topic is: Could this encounter have been a planned effort to help give reason to lock-down civil liberties?

That said, I can not actually comment on that front, as I have not researched any of the material and reports of that nature.

With no standing one way or another I have nothing more to say, save for what I have to say to niner:

Personal opinion has little to no weight in a debate, much like it has no sway in how something actually works. What I am trying to say is if you are going to comment on something put your opinion to the side look at the subject matter from an unbiased view point for a moment and do research. After that you can add your educated opinion to the discussion rather than looking like an aggravated child that can only shout and throw a tantrum.
But the OP did have no links to places to start looking into the matter, so I guess it may have just been better for you to have asked for OP to supply information for as to why he thinks that is the case.
Anyway to end the small rant: if the post is going to add nothing to the discussion other than hate, don't make the post.
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#13 tham

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 03:46 AM

The Sandy Hook shootings scenario :

A timid, skinny, frail-looking Asperger's kid suddenly dons on heavy
Swat-type combat gear with body armor, walks in cooly past security,
blows away 26 kids and teachers within 15 minutes, then finally himself.

Shot each victim some ten times, which means he had to be carrying
at least ten 30-round magazines, plus his Armalite, not to mention a couple
of handguns.

#14 Luminosity

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 05:29 AM

Again, I'm keeping an open mind. Today on Geraldo on Fox News he was looking at the odd circumstances around the shooting of the friend of the Boston Bomber. Among other things, he had a clip from Shepard Smith who was also concerned about it. Shepard Smith is one of the few people on Fox News I think is credible and independent. There were also interviews with the guy's friends, and some other new information.

Democracy Now last night highlighted a documentary about the right wing coup in Indonesia in the sixties. The US was involved. As many as 2.5 million people were killed by right wing goons. They killed peaceful leftists, labor organizers, land reformers and school teachers. Then a right wing dictatorship took over for decades. The CIA was involved. The documentary is called The Act of Killing. In the film, the killers now admit that the Indonesian communists, who were peaceful and were elected, weren't the ones committing atrocities, they were. At the time the bloody right wing coup was heralded as a "beam of light" in Time magazine. Apparently propaganda had portrayed the overthrown government as brutal. Of course there are communist dictatorships, as well right wing dictatorships, but this apparently wasn't one of them.

Whenever you hear about really bad guys doing horrible things so we have to do something to them, you might want to look into it for yourself. Sure, there are people like that, like those who committed the genocide in Rwanda, where we didn't do anything. Then there are imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So things aren't always what they tell us. The powers that be are well aware of the power of atrocities to move people towards their predestined goals. The Patriot Act was 1,000 pages long, yet they pulled it out of their asses when the smoke from 9/11 had barely cleared. How long does it take to write 1,000 pages of laws?

Some good news sources are the TV show Democracy Now and The Nation magazine. There are a few good journalists practicing in mainstream media. Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian has been notably reporting on Edward Snowden, and is incredibly courageous. He is also a civil rights and constitutional lawyer. Coast to Coast Radio is unfiltered. The guests are a mixed bag. At least one in ten is someone I can recommend as a credible, compelling person who is bringing out important information. I sometimes mention those particular shows on this forum. RT News, which seems to come out of London, is fiesty and independent, but the clarity of the content can vary.

For information on 9/11 there is a documentary called Loose Change by Dylan Avery. There is another called 9/11 Mysteries, narrated by a female. There are also the 9/11 Truth movements, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Lawyers for 9/11 Truth.

When there is a false flag attack or conspiracy, it can take a long time for that to come to light. In the meantime, the government shouldn't be given automatic credibility. Ask them for proof. Don't take their claims at face value.

Edited by Luminosity, 21 July 2013 - 05:51 AM.

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