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Help curing my ADD and Dopamine down regulation please

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#1 meatsauce

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 01:26 AM

It seems from experimentation that I have a drastic negative feedback from anything that increases dopamine. I feel very depressed and unmotivated after using anything that increases dopamine, like adderall , Ritalin, coca leaves, selegiline ect. It is a shame because I have really really bad add right now and it I am very unmotivated. I tried adderall once and I felt awesome but did not feel great the next day. I probably took too much. I went to the doctor to try some Ritalin first to see if that worked but it works for a shot period, maybe an hour, then I start feeling weird and depressed. I am a smart guy and I feel I am missing out on so much in life and am screwing myself in the future because I find it very hard to focus and stay motivated, I can’t even keep my damn house clean. It’s pathetic.
Right now I feel like I will struggle my whole life with not achieving my goals and not staying on top of things. It is a really bad feeling. I know it has something to do with my dopamine. On adderall I felt very confident and that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to. I used to feel like a genius and that I could continually increase my concentration, awareness, and intelegence through the right practices – I had the motivation to do it as well, I was doing lots of meditation and brain exercises, dual n-back, piano ect.

I would Practice piano for 4 hours a day sometimes. Now I struggle to practice 20 min straight without losing my focus and motivation. I barely have the will to push through new barriers in my pianistic development. I want to start a carrier but feel I will fail because I can’t stay motivated. And If I continue to be this way I will.

I don’t know the complete cause of my current state but I think a somewhat significant factor to my neurochemistry is the strong wifi signal in the room next to where I sleep. I can “feel” it. I sleep worse with Wifi on. When I was ignorant of its negative effects I would sleep in a room with it and wake up many times during the night. Unfortunately now I live in a guest house and I am not able to turn off the wifi in the next room at night. I am planning on putting up steel sheets to block the EMR.
I am putting together a good supplement stack to increase NGF, BDNF, and GDNF to repair my brain and dopamine receptors. But in the meantime I plan on taking adderall in the smallest doses possible so I can get something the F done in my life. I wanted to know if There is something that I can take to help limit the amount the dopamine down regulation. I was thinking memantine would help. Can someone please offer me there educated input? Thanks

Edited by meatsauce, 23 September 2012 - 01:45 AM.

#2 deon10

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 09:23 PM

What's your lifestyle like? Workout? Sex life? Porn?

The more details about it you can tell us, the more people will be able to help

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#3 meatsauce

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Posted 23 September 2012 - 10:07 PM

I workout with heavy weights 4 times a week. I don't watch porn or masturbate. I never orgasm. I practice sexual tantra, sex with no ejaculation or orgasm. Kind of getting off topic hear but Ill throw that out there. I can add more details later.

Edited by meatsauce, 23 September 2012 - 10:08 PM.

#4 Anewlife

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 02:40 AM

What is your diet like?

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#5 NeuroNootropic

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Posted 25 December 2012 - 03:01 AM

I workout with heavy weights 4 times a week. I don't watch porn or masturbate. I never orgasm. I practice sexual tantra, sex with no ejaculation or orgasm. Kind of getting off topic hear but Ill throw that out there. I can add more details later.

You should not have sex without ejaculating. Try masturbating with porn. Porn releases dopamine and unless you watch too much, it will not negatively affect you. Watch it every other day. It releases testosterone, which is antidepressant.

Also, Adderall does not only affect dopamine and norepinephrine, in fact, it increases serotonin and inhibits MAO-A and MAO-B. Ask your doctor if you can try moclobemide. It's a reversible MAOI which means you don't need a diet restriction like you would with the irreversible MAOIs.

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