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Trying to live with depression / dysphagia

depression dysphagia

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#1 Keshan

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 05:24 PM

Hello everyone!

I registered to the forums a few months ago and mostly was just reading, and writing a reply here and there but did not do much else on these forums.

But now I would like to ask your help if possible.

A little bit of backstory: I have depression for a long time now (about 8 years), at the beginning it was just a mild thing, I started gradually eating slower and slower. Then once I needed to go out to the toilet and spit out everything in my mouth because I could not swallow anything.

When I told my parents about this it just got worse because they said I was a bad kid for not appreciating their cooking (I was around 12). It got worse and worse as we moved around, when I started high school my depression got even worse (I was never bullied or anything). I started eating even slower, and sometimes I had a panic attack like thing when I was eating and food stuck in my throat and couldn't swallow it nor throw it up.

This happened a lot of times after this, but there were periods when everything was fine. I had bad moodswings and could not really focus during classes, although I passed all of my exams with good grades (96% on English, 89% on Computer Science etc).

Last year I got accepted into college, the classes were boring as hell, I started skipping classes, was unable to focus or retain information that I heard / saw at lectures. Home study was a pain, I wrote papers and they were all accepted, but I only passed 3 out of 10 classes (6 / 28 credits). I left the college after one semester because I could not bear the thought of staying longer, it was a paid college and I hoped to get accepted to one with financial aid the next year.

So this year I got accepted to another one, I felt bored from the beginning, but at the start I could focus in classes and everything seemed okay. After a month or two my "panic attacks" came back, I did not have them for 3 months or so before this. It is worse than ever. I had a 3 day period when I did not eat anything because of this. I skipped classes. Skipped lectures, skipped exams, etc. and it looks like I will fail 5 out of 6 classes this semester.

I visited 3 different psychologist, I was on therapy for more than a year. I got my esophagus, throat, stomach, etc. checked, everything seems okay. My parents / family keeps telling me that I should study and I am to blame for failing and I am using this as an excuse. Which I think is not true at all.

I exercise 2 times a week for about 1.5 hours (Kettlebell).

Exercise improved my mood and I do feel more hungry, but often times it feels like there is an obstruction in my throat while eating.

I started taking Noopept and Multivitamins and it does improve my mood / eating thingie it is still apparent.

Any help is appreciated!

Edited by Keshan, 11 December 2012 - 05:25 PM.

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#2 xEva

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 07:07 PM

Keshan, I suggest you give in to your instinctive dysphagia and fast for a while (start with 5-7 days). Fasting is one of the best things for depression. It takes 3-5 days to drastically improve the mood. And then it lasts for a while after the fast (several weeks to months). The improvements must be the due to ketosis (among other things). And if you choose to try out a ketogenic diet for your chronic depression (especially since now is a good season for that) it is easy to implement after a fast.

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#3 Keshan

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 07:41 PM

I am not sure about such a long fast, it would make me skip training, and I am only about 58kg at the moment, I really don't want to lose weight right now.

#4 Marcus Breunig

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 08:59 PM

Well First things first Keshan. Life is confusing. Depression comes from a mix of information you are trying to filter every moment. Some train to have a stronger filter to loosen the grip of pain caused from depression. I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.

I do not know you, I do not know what is taking place in this brilliant mind you have been given. But the fact that you asked, out of bravery to want to thrive and not knowing how to do so.. I commend your ability to endure.

I can tell you a bit about me. I love every moment. I love every single thought because I am aware of the fight within all of our minds. We are all born at different moments, in different environments.. with different families.. different cultures.. different abilities to gain stronger/weaker mind sets.. some of use perceive backwards from the rest of the world and some of us know how to endure like you would not believe.. simply because we have seen further into truth.. to know where we stand.. why we stand.. why we are thrown what we are. I am thankful to be alive. I am thankful to have seen what I have. I am thankful to have went through depression and not want to live at times.. for now I know how strong I am for what I have endured. I have been hurt beyond reason.. I have seen so much pain and cared so much that I have even gathered details from every other individual that I have met and their life to be torn even further to the bottom of the ocean and hated the world. I have been through so many trials and tribulations.. I have been on my death bed more then once.. I have felt love.. I have experienced so many aspects of this life around the whole spectrum.. many religions that counter act each and every other. I have been a fitness coach.. studied ninjitsue.. trained many martial arts.. taught many more.. studied for 12 hrs a day for years to learn everything I could about how this world ticks.. what throws it out of balance.. I have had thousands of friends... seen many fall.. I have fallen. I have been broken.. I have been rich and I have been poor.. Ups and downs.. every waking moment of this life... but to my surprise.. I have found humility.. and a turn to feel what true humble mind sets can do for this world.. I have known many in military.. many in government. Many famous individuals and have learned from many professors and grown, lost my mind. Believed in many conspiracy theories and have had nothing. I have lived in the streets, with nothing to my name just to live free. I have seen pure freedom. I have been a thief to learn.. I have hated thiefs. I have ran from police, I have taught police. I have seen my mistakes and hated myself. I have just about tried everything imaginable to fill the void of what we do not know as human beings. I know depression so well, I became a transcendental meditation master and know every which way the mind can turn.. tick.. I have been a hippie and studied all hallucinogens.. and many other classified drugs to study the depth of what this world has to offer and have quit cold turkey and felt what it was like to hate oneself once again to fall so deep. I have Met individuals you would only imagine existing. This LIFE is confusing.. but the beauty of it all is... WE are here Keshan. We are alive. WE have an opportunity to grow.. to thrive.. to progress. Every day can be a turmoil in itself.. every thought can be detrimental. Every relationship can tear us apart... but it is all our choice. WE have a choice. It may not seem as though at times. Many people are different. Many situations hurt.. some are amazing.. the constant up and downs twist our very being and the chemical imbalance can be too hard to bare. But the most precious gift is the ability to Endure. LIfe is GRAND Keshan. I want you to know people do listen. People do hear.. some do not know how to express what we know.. how we feel.. some of us simply do not even understand.. or comprehend the vastness of this beautiful Universe but what we must do is discern. What is true.. what is a joke.. what is false information.. what theories will rip us away from reality. You have a mind. You have this ability USE it. Thrive. Be conscious of your surroundings. Live. Love Life, even if it is hard, force a smile at times. Love yourself. Do not care so much about little things.. love those little things.. love these moments you have. Learn to ask questions, learn you have time. Learn to not be embarrassed ever. Learn to never be offended.. even of your own thoughts. Force better ones. Grow. Gain Wisdome. Strive for wisdom. You do not have a problem. WE all just express things different. If someone claimed you did, I'm here to disagree. I'm here to say you have just tried to express yourself and others didn't try as hard to respond from love and they were wrong. Psychologists and psychiatrists should lose their job if they ever made you feel there was something wrong. They should have said with the most warm outlook... life is GRand Keshan... You may not see it now.. but I assure you it is. They may even have had problems themselves and did not know how to express it and felt it was necessary to tell others their issues were worse. You are okay. Endure. You will see. I promise the harder you strive for greatness the stronger you will become as a human being and life will show you things you never imagined. But do not be confused by the world and what they say. Only follow love for every person, for every life as though an extended family. See the skies as a gift. See breath as a blessing. Love who you are. I am here for you and I do not even know you.
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#5 Marcus Breunig

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 09:11 PM

We all endure in different ways.. we all see so different.. paradigm can be such a thrill.. looking through the eyes of others can be a mindset as well.. remember who you are.. when you forget the amazing thoughts.. the amazing times.. the grand moments. Think back on them and force the best of who you once were to grow into whom you want to be. Find a healthy diet.. stick to a healthy diet. Take baby steps. Everything from the beginning of time worked best.. step by step so one can grow and gain wisdom by thoughts that come to mind with every action. I can assure you there is many out there that can help you. Be willing to relearn everything to be the best person you can be. It is okay to make drastic changes if you feel you are in a place that one should not be.I have. Many have. I am as clean by mind.. action and see results in such positive ways now I would never consider allowing a ill thought come to mind. You can do this too. The more you know from a positive angle.. the more you do to create possitive reactions.. the more wisdom you will gain.. when you have much wisdom.. and even feel prompted to extend because you are not steering anything in a wrong manner but peace is created.. you will feel once again that you are in place with the rest of the world. Walking parallel to others, allow others to follow by a grand example by making amazing changes. Make action. Do great things. I believe in your life. I believe in your abilities. Otherwise I would not be wasting a moment of mine time here responding to your call to the world to find strength and comfort. Grow. Bloom.

#6 nowayout

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Posted 12 December 2012 - 05:40 PM

When I have difficulty with loss of appetite, it helps me to eat either small, sweet,or liquid snacks, such as chocolate-flavored protein or meal-replacement shakes, or a square of chocolate dissolved on the tongue.
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#7 Sun Nootropic

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 05:20 AM

i`ve no idea of dysphagia thus there is no tip i can help with, but hope you be better.
and i had read your reply in the forum before this post. :laugh:

#8 nowayout

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 03:12 PM

Other things that may help:

It is often easier to get food down if you sip something sweet, like orange juice, with each mouthful.

Have nutritionally complete and caloric drinks, like lattes or other milk-based drinks, that you can sip slowly, in between meals.

#9 FreudsHedgehog

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 08:47 AM

Why not try a liquid diet? -- get a blender or a juicer and make smoothies or juice with lots of fruits and vegetables -- you wont need to stop training either as you can get all the protein and fat you need with the right ingredients (especially if you're using a blender).

#10 Keshan

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Posted 20 December 2012 - 09:18 AM

I drink about 1 liter of milk per day shakes / fruit smoothies here and there. To be honest, I can deal with my problem. I can gain weight if I want to (drinking more protein shakes / milk really makes you gain muscle / fat). The main problem is social events. I struggle more when eating at family gatherings or such.

Thanks to everyone for replying, I hope more keeps coming ^_^.

Edited by Keshan, 20 December 2012 - 09:18 AM.

#11 Keshan

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Posted 12 August 2013 - 11:11 AM

I figured it is time to post again, I went to visit a new doctor in early 2013 (around feb-march). He said he will do a gastroscopi to check my esophagus, while in the past about 20 doctors said that this is physchological and not related to any of my organs. Anyway, it turns out I had a narrowed esophagus, a part of my esophagus was narrowed from the normal 20-25 milimeters to 5mms and therefore food could not pass through it normally even when chewed very well.

About two weeks later I had my esophagus widened by another doctor. Now this is where you can get a little insight into the way they treat patients here in Hungary.

I read a few articles about how this "surgery" is done, you get tubes pressed into your esophagus, gradually widening it. (This can be also done with a balloon.) As I read, it is probable that in other countries this is done when the patient is sleeping (induced my anasthetics). Well I did not have any, they said they will give me some morphium like pain killer, too bad I did not feel any of the effects. So I was awake, and I got tubes pressed into my mouth and down my throat. I felt like I was going to throw up, but luckily it is a relatively quick procedure.

After it was done I was escorted into a room where I was staying before since I should not go alone because I must be dizzy from the painkiller (I was not, since I did not feel the effects of the said painkiller at all). At night they asked me if I want any pain killers, I responded that I want to know if there is any problem or if it starts to hurt more so I won't take any.

The next day I had a scan, everything was okay with my esophagus (liquids and foods did not go through the wall of the esophagus, everything went down normally to my stomach) so I went home against my doctors advice.

I have to say, the widening procedure did it's work, and now I feel much better, since then I gained some weight, exercise and life seems easier, and my depression faded over time. I dropped milk and bread from my diet completely to avoid reflux symptoms and I drink apple cider vinegar with water every night to control my stomach acid (instead of PPI medicine).

All is well and good :laugh:

I probably misspelled some medical words in my last post, excuse me about that, English is not my first language :)

#12 Tom_

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Posted 21 August 2013 - 11:56 PM

Bloody hell, just take Mirtazapine. Your appetite will increase it will ameliorate your depressive symptoms and you will sleep like a log.

None of this hippy therapy or supplement crap.

Mirtazapine, CBT, sensible diet (where the dysphagia allows), exercise, a supplement a day if you want and you should be fine within six months.

If the Mirtazapine isn't fully efficacious then we can talk about switches, combinations and augmentation. Some supplements have value but its best to become reasonably stable first.

Edited by Tom_, 21 August 2013 - 11:59 PM.

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#13 Keshan

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Posted 22 August 2013 - 09:57 AM

Hey Tom_

Not sure if you read my last post, I had my esophagus widened with a small procedure, since then I am eating more, I gained weight, and my mood improved by a lot!

Although I have some troubles sleeping (takes time to get sleeping, usually wake once per night to pee or drink water (or both, and I have a hard time getting up).

#14 ms95

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Posted 23 August 2013 - 11:47 PM

Seeing that alot of this started around puberty, could it be pornography addiction?

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#15 Tom_

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Posted 23 August 2013 - 11:51 PM

Get of this website if you aren't going to provide anything constructive.
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#16 ms95

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 12:00 AM

Get of this website if you aren't going to provide anything constructive.

Ofcourse, let's just take drugs. Smart.
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#17 nowayout

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 06:33 AM

Hey Tom_

Not sure if you read my last post, I had my esophagus widened with a small procedure, since then I am eating more, I gained weight, and my mood improved by a lot!

Although I have some troubles sleeping (takes time to get sleeping, usually wake once per night to pee or drink water (or both, and I have a hard time getting up).

Just goes to show the importance of ruling out other medical causes before diagnosing idiopathic depression or indeed eating disorders. I suspect most people in your situation would have been treated unnecessarily with psychotropic drugs or therapy for years and years. Glad this resolved the problem.

Edited by nowayout, 24 August 2013 - 06:34 AM.

#18 Tom_

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 09:04 AM

Still doesn't sound like a complete remission. Am I wrong?

#19 Tom_

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 09:08 AM

Pornography addiction as a diagnosis of not being able to eat and feeling blue is utter idiocy. Even if pornography addiction made sense psychotropics are still at the least part of a good way to go and at the best the most effective treatment.

#20 nupi

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 09:14 AM

Pornography addiction as a diagnosis of not being able to eat and feeling blue is utter idiocy. Even if pornography addiction made sense psychotropics are still at the least part of a good way to go and at the best the most effective treatment.

Quite likely that SSRIs would cure it - if it was an actual disease to begin with...

In fairness, porn can mess with your head but nothing like the YourBrainOnPorn idiots claim.

#21 Keshan

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 09:44 AM

Pornography addiction, haha, I rarely if ever watch.

And even if somebody would have pornography addiction, I am pretty sure his esophagus would not narrow because of that. This was more of a reflux / genetics thing, doctors still can't figure out the exact cause.

#22 addx

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 04:33 PM

I often have appetite issues, not even THC makes me eat anymore and it's been like this for years, I've forgotten what it's like to have munchies.

But, memantine(10mg) + any stimulant causes sedation and hunger for me, completely opposite of what stimulants should do(they kill appetite and cause hyperactivity and insomnia)

I have tried it with amph, methylphenidate(ritalin/concerta) and cocaine. It works the same with all of them at least for me. I would be hungry in a very healthy feeling way all day on concerta + memantine and also amph + memantine.

Anyway, if it works it works, you'll know soon enough if you try it :)

#23 Galaxyshock

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Posted 24 August 2013 - 07:00 PM


This happened

#24 Keshan

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 01:02 PM

I often have appetite issues, not even THC makes me eat anymore and it's been like this for years, I've forgotten what it's like to have munchies.

But, memantine(10mg) + any stimulant causes sedation and hunger for me, completely opposite of what stimulants should do(they kill appetite and cause hyperactivity and insomnia)

I have tried it with amph, methylphenidate(ritalin/concerta) and cocaine. It works the same with all of them at least for me. I would be hungry in a very healthy feeling way all day on concerta + memantine and also amph + memantine.

Anyway, if it works it works, you'll know soon enough if you try it :)

What makes me "hungry in a very healthy feeling way all day" is Melatonin.

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#25 Guardian4981

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 01:03 AM

If you had a hard time swallowing that may imply a goitre and thyroid issue.

I have also read that folic acid deficiency can also interfere with swallowing.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: depression, dysphagia

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