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Active, but not full members....

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#1 justinb

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 01:19 AM

If you are active a lot and have something to offer to the full member area, then why wont you sing up for a full membership?

Employed: $50 a year or less then 14 cents a day.
Student: $20 a year or less then 6 cents a day.
Monthly: $5 or less then 18 cents a day.

What else do you need to know? ;)

Edited by justinb, 25 April 2005 - 08:04 AM.

#2 Matt

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:13 AM

Maybe they dont get enough pocket money [sfty]

#3 JMorgan

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:15 AM

I wonder the same thing. Sometimes there may be financial reasons, but I'm curious about any others some might have. What better way to support the cause right now other than actively conducting scientific research?

Also, I would like to encourage everyone to put as much information as possible in your profiles. There are scholarships available for students who actively participate. If you are in college or even high school, please say so in your profile. You may get noticed. ;)

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#4 vortexentity

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:33 AM

I tried to sign up as a full member but after 2 months of paying and not seeing full member under my name in posts I felt slighted. I withdrew my membership since they could not seem to give me full member access no matter that I had paid for full membership or not.

I was told that it was a software glitch. I believed that for the first month but when it continued into the second month I thought perhaps they did not care if I was a paid member or not. No sour grapes on my part I just thought this a fitting thread to disclose this information.

My impression was that no one really cares if you are a member or not, at least not the people that make the real decisions and take the real actions. No one cared to fix this software glitch, and not one seemed to care one way or the other if I was a full member or not.

#5 Kalepha

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 05:21 AM

I’m still learning how to think.

Besides that, I also take into consideration that it’s possible to solve the wrong problem, rendering such a solution worse than useless, when factoring in time-cost and a worse running Final Judgment Score.

#6 justinb

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 09:19 AM

My impression was that no one really cares if you are a member or not, at least not the people that make the real decisions and take the real actions. No one cared to fix this software glitch, and not one seemed to care one way or the other if I was a full member or not.

I paid through Paypal and instantly became a member, so this time around it should work out for you.

#7 Infernity

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 09:38 AM

Yes Justin, I was wondering a about it too.

Hmmm, Nate weren't you a full member?? [huh]
I mean you've created this http://www.imminst.o...gan</strong>&s= and I've seen few posts around there too...
Has the full membership expired?

[sfty] And I keep thanking you my friend.

Err, maybe you should ask if they'd give you now 2 month of full membership for free [?] . That's not very nice. I'll check it out if something can be done...


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Posted 22 April 2005 - 11:12 AM

I'm considering purchasing a lifetime membership at some point. In the interim, I'll probably stick with a basic membership.

#9 Kalepha

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 12:43 PM

infernity Hmmm, Nate weren't you a full member??

Yes. I was just giving a reason for not renewing. Perhaps in the future when I'm smarter, and it turns out to be the right problem.

#10 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 01:32 PM

My impression was that no one really cares if you are a member or not, at least not the people that make the real decisions and take the real actions. No one cared to fix this software glitch, and not one seemed to care one way or the other if I was a full member or not.

Vortexentity, again, sorry about this software problem. ImmInst is currently unable to purchase support from an outside vendors, thus at times, our in-house administration can be limited.

In hopes of mitigating some of the ill-will, I've upped your membership to Full Member for the upcoming two months. I hope you find it worthwhile to re-activate your support for ImmInst after this time. We need every Full Member possible.

#11 Karomesis

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 01:40 PM

honestly, I am in a company startup and don't even have 50$ to spare at this moment. But very very soon I will make up for my financial slacking. ;) Should the gods that be decide not to ban me for remarks less than becoming of an immortalist.

#12 kevin

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 01:48 PM

Nate Barna: Perhaps in the future when I'm smarter, and it turns out to be the right problem.

Ever hear of the KISS principle.. ;) ?

#13 DJS

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 01:59 PM

This is just my personal opinion, but I think Justin that your query is completely inappropriate.

I'm not saying that you are not free to ask whatever questions you want to other participants of the Institute, only that the manner in which you have gone about this lacks...couth, IMO.

I mean, singling people out, as if they are in anyway required to justify themselves to you? Gimme a freakin break!

You've been a Full Member for what, a month? And when you did boost yourself up to full member status what's the first thing you did? You started a "Yeah, look at me. I'm signed up. I'm special" thread. Well that's great. Roll over and I'll rub your belly.

Again, no one should in any way feel obligated to respond to this thread if they are not Full Members. Personal finances are just that -- personal. ImmInst is completely based upon voluntary participation and its members should feel free to contribute to the forums in any way they see fit -- whether it is time to construct posts, or money to fund projects.

In any event, I hope that my post has offended you as much as your opening post offended me.


#14 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 02:10 PM

Don has said what I was hopping to convey. I've edited out the specific names. No one should feel obligated to become Full Members. Personal financial strength is an important part of successful Life Extension.

#15 Kalepha

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 02:29 PM


Nate Barna: Perhaps in the future when I'm smarter, and it turns out to be the right problem.

Ever hear of the KISS principle.. ;) ?

Yes. Unfortunately, understanding reality and identifying relevant problems, being a cognitive system and doing it right, isn’t simple.

#16 caliban

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 02:30 PM


I hope that my post has offended you as much as your opening post offended me

Don, in the words of a highly valued ImmInst Navigator:

Gimme a freakin break!

I don't think it was Justin's idea to pressure people (or to have his belly manhandled by anybody).

I think the question regarding why people do or don't join/renew is a valid one.
If it had not been asked, we would not have heard about Vortexentity's problems for example. Or about Nate Barna' re-evalutation of importance.
Such information is welcome, not only to evaluate how ImmInst could be improved, but also to establish what ImmInst can and cannot be.

To me, the "inner circle" is just a more precise way of defining who my peers are at this specific online project and who is just passing through. And frankly, Don, a bit of support or at least caution amongst ourselfes would not be amiss.

#17 caliban

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 02:50 PM

It has been brought to my attention that the first post has been edited to remove the section

Here is a list of active members I see frequently (that are not full members of course): (...)

I still stand by the above, but one can understand a bit better how Don's harsh tone came about.

#18 Matt

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:07 PM


I thought this was a good question.

But I suppose 2-3 pence or 6 cents a day is just a bit too much these days. I make that sort of money in a nanosecond [mellow]

I agree that no one should be pressured into becoming a full member. But I dont see how this question could offend anyone that can afford an internet connection [:o]

#19 DJS

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:12 PM

I think the question regarding why people do or don't join/renew is a valid one.

As I think I made clear in my post, I have no problem with inquiries about how ImmInst can improve the appeal of purchasing Full Member status. What I DID have a strong problem with is the singling out of many valued members of this institute. As I made crystal clear in my first post, Justin's inquiry lacked couth, and I found it offensive. (and yes, when some one crosses that imaginary line in the sand, then I'll call em how I see em)

To me, the "inner circle" is just a more precise way of defining who my peers are at this specific online project and who is just passing through. And frankly, Don, a bit of support or at least caution amongst ourselfes would not be amiss.

hhmm, well perhaps I am off my meds this morning, but I feel quite in the mood to be somewhat more confrontational. [tung] I find your particular notion of what constitutes our "inner circle" to be unappealing -- no offense. A $5 price tag is not the "be all, end all" of what it takes to be an Immortalist. A forum participant who influences another member into entering a field relevant to life extension has performed a function that is virtually *priceless*. Again, those who contribute to ImmInst financially are thanked, and their contributions are warmly appreciated, but there are also many other ways that members can contribute.

And I still stand by all of my statements.

#20 Infernity

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:25 PM

But I suppose 2-3 pence or 6 cents a day is just a bit too much these days. I make that sort of money in a nanosecond

Matt, that neither was very nice I'd say.
Kid, you should develop a value to money. People have their own reasons for not being a full member, as I wouldn't become one because I cannot pay for that. Luckily someone kind got me.
These few cents for me may be too much for exampe, yes.
I live in a place where I cannot go to work, at least not get paid directly.


#21 Matt

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 03:52 PM


I'll just stay out of this, have fun...

#22 vortexentity

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 04:54 PM

I thank you for the 2 months of full membership. Within this time frame I will likely continue the membership as full. I would not have become a full member of this organization if I did not think that it had provided some value to its members and the rest of the online community.

Your gesture BJKlein is appreciated. [thumb]

#23 123456

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 07:35 PM

Me poor person; Me very poor person. [sfty]

#24 kevin

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 10:06 PM

I do not find the question itself offensive although I might have phrased it with more tact and certainly 'calling people out' is a no-no unless you are trying to provoke the very reaction that Don and others exhibited.

It is important to occasionally go on fact finding missions, not for the purpose of brow beating individuals who are more likely to react aversively to the attempt at coercion by guilt, but to try to illuminate the reasons why some people who are enthusiastic users of the forums may be unwilling/unable to commit financially.

That being said I believe that many active members through their participation provide valuable input worth more than any financial contribution. The two are somewhat independent in my mind.

Given that the figure of 6 cents a day is really quite low, and that I can't imagine too many people who have a computer with internet access being unable to afford it. I think there must be other impediments than affordability for the vast majority of users. Perhaps convenience of payment. If one doesn't have a credit card or pay pal account, doing the setup might just be enough to get someone to put it off. I'm sure there must be other reasons and it is important to elucidate them in order to become more attractive I think

One other possible reason that occurs to me is I think that making a contribution, however small, is indicative of finalization or at least the fruition of some process within. When a commitment is made, it means much more than the money which makes full members all the more precious than their 5 bucks.

This is why I believe that a financial commitment to ImmInst, or indeed any cause, is a somewhat personal experience and indicative of something much more broad and far reaching within a person's psyche.

At least that's the way it works with me. I'm tight with cash until something in me resolves.

#25 Bruce Klein

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Posted 22 April 2005 - 11:40 PM

Your gesture BJKlein is appreciated.

Thank you!

#26 justinb

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 03:29 AM

Again, no one should in any way feel obligated to respond to this thread if they are not Full Members. Personal finances are just that -- personal. ImmInst is completely based upon voluntary participation and its members should feel free to contribute to the forums in any way they see fit -- whether it is time to construct posts, or money to fund projects.

I completely agree with you. I was just curious, that is all. I was wondering why very active members didn't become full members, that is why I listed them. In retrospect it was unbelievably uncouth of me.

I do not find the question itself offensive although I might have phrased it with more tact and certainly 'calling people out' is a no-no unless you are trying to provoke the very reaction that Don and others exhibited.

I simply wanted a response from them, I didn't feel that I was some how forcing them to consider becoming a full member. I see how that could have been preceived that way though.

It is important to occasionally go on fact finding missions, not for the purpose of brow beating individuals who are more likely to react aversively to the attempt at coercion by guilt, but to try to illuminate the reasons why some people who are enthusiastic users of the forums may be unwilling/unable to commit financially.


You've been a Full Member for what, a month? And when you did boost yourself up to full member status what's the first thing you did? You started a "Yeah, look at me. I'm signed up. I'm special" thread. Well that's great. Roll over and I'll rub your belly.

The thread title wasn't like that at all, I was simply happy that I became a full member. I wasn't bragging.... who would I be braggin to? Other full members? [huh]

#27 DJS

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 03:13 PM

heh, looking back on my previous post I should have used it as an example in our "emotions" thread. ;) Sorry about the harshness mate, my vindictiveness was also uncouth.

At one time I actually had an opinion very similar to yours, until I encountered a member who was complaining about being excluded from being a Full Member. My initial reaction was, "hey dude, its five bucks." Then I found out that the guy really couldn't afford it -- that made me feel like a real smuck. The fact of the matter is that there are many people who access the internet from public computers -- I do. (No, not because I can't afford optimum online if I wanted it, but because I'm more productive this way [lol] ) But my point is that, just because an individual has access to a computer, it does not mean that they have money to spare.

Most of the people you singled out are people I consider to be my friends, who I have known for a long time, and whose participation in these forums I consider to be invaluable. I'm sure that they all have good reasons why they are not full members. Anyway, I understand that sometimes we all misspeak so let's just let bigones be bigones, okay?



#28 Infernity

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 03:36 PM

heh, looking back on my previous post I should have used it as an example in our "emotions" thread.

Hehe well, Don frankly that was what I was about to say.


#29 DJS

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 03:54 PM

Hey sister, you're a little hot tomale yourself sometimes! [lol]

#30 Infernity

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Posted 23 April 2005 - 04:21 PM

Hehe I'd say thanks Don :))

Yours truthfully

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