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I used 100 mcg Huperzine A daily w/ vinp,d...

FreelyFlourish's Photo FreelyFlourish 16 Mar 2013

I took a stack known as Windmill- Focus Formula daily for two-three months, and my life changed for the worst. I ended up having to drop out of college, move cities back in with my parents, I don't ever go out with friends anymore because I just feel too awful and foreign in my head. I ended up totaling my car three days ago through a dumb little mistake.
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The focus formula worked absolute wonders, it changed me as a person and I was making straight A's, always watching documentaries or reading books and then one day the focus formula began making me feel a little toooo stimulated and motivated, in an odd way. I dropped down to 1 a day, and the stimulating affects were almost unbearable and found myself in the ER and constant doctor visits. This severe fatigue and brain fog sensation turned into severe derealization, intracranial pressure (like when your upside down and all theblood rushes to your head, except i feel this all the time) My cognitive abilities are very very blunted, I can't even read a book- My focus is just not there and i forget every sentence right after i read it.... and this has been going on for 5 months now since stopping the stack. I eat paleolithic diet and take fish oil, turmeric, multivit and probiotic daily. MRI AND EEG Came out normal... I already posted something similar to this on here and was told it was mercury poisening- I just need some other input please as all of the doctors I'm seeing are clueless andd every day is a struggle that I really can't put up with for much longer. I'm 20 years old. If you need any more info please ask, and if you think you really know what may be going on, please respond or private message me and I will give you my phone number...

Here is the link to the ingredient list-

bernard's Photo bernard 20 Nov 2013

Do you have amalgam fillings ? Did you test for mercury poisoning after all ? I know that you want to get rid of this asap, but unless you know exactly what it is it will take time to diagnose. You should do some blood work, visit a neurologist, and definitely do a hair sample test at some lab that doesn't wash the hair samples.
Is it possible that's all just anxiety ? Do you have a history with anxiety issues ? I don't see anything too special in that Windmill formula.

Absent's Photo Absent 20 Nov 2013

I've heard Huperzine A can have some terrible effects on the Acetylcholine systems in the long term. I was debating picking it up after hearing so many great things about its memory boosting properties, but decided against it when I saw long term users reporting severe memory impairment after extended use.

unregistered_user's Photo unregistered_user 21 Nov 2013

You'll be fine. I've taken all of the ingredients in that supplement, albeit at separate times, and haven't experienced lasting adverse effects. Be patient while your body readjusts itself to a baseline state.

BioFreak's Photo BioFreak 21 Nov 2013

Think about boosting your brain's regeneration. See http://www.longecity...post__p__624585
and my following conversation.

Babychris's Photo Babychris 21 Nov 2013

Do you have amalgam fillings ? Did you test for mercury poisoning after all ? I know that you want to get rid of this asap, but unless you know exactly what it is it will take time to diagnose. You should do some blood work, visit a neurologist, and definitely do a hair sample test at some lab that doesn't wash the hair samples.
Is it possible that's all just anxiety ? Do you have a history with anxiety issues ? I don't see anything too special in that Windmill formula.

Seriously Man...