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I know everyone loves a good conspiracy

boston marathon boston bombing fbi

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#1 Mind

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Posted 18 April 2013 - 11:49 PM

First let me say that while I am always open to alternative theories, after closer inspection, which sometimes takes a good deal of time, most grand conspiracy theories are kind-of bunk. Also, in today's hyper-connected world, it is very difficult to maintain any semblance of privacy or conspiracy theory. There is too much data. It is very difficult to hide. Also, I think most of the law enforcement agencies in the U.S. are staffed with upstanding people. There are definitely bad apples here and there, but that is a different discussion.

I wasn't really planning to look at anything related to the the Boston Marathon bombing, because I should be spending more time working to cure aging, but I was driving my car to the shop today and listening to the FBI conference about the "suspects". It was disturbing. One thing that disturbed me was that they said there was no imminent danger of another bombing, even though they said these "individuals are extremely dangerous and on the loose". Talk about looking stupid at a press conference.

The second thing that REALLY disturbed was their insistence the NO ONE (the public) look at any other pictures of video of the scene/marathon, except what the FBI has provided. They have their "suspects". That is all, Nothing else to see. Let's nail these guys and that is all. Go about your business and ignore anything else you might have seen. Trust us. These are the only pictures/videos/guys that matter. We get these guys - case solved. You people are too stupid to know better. Just look at the video and pictures we provide. Don't think or investigate for yourselves.

Even though the FBI (annd other government agencies) are probably very confident and have put some good analysis into this investigation, it seems wrong to rule out EVERYTHING else and EVERYBODY else that was at the marathon. Did this direct order/insistence to not look at anything else rub anyone else the wrong way.

And then of course, an infowars supporter was at the press conference yelling, trying to get a question in, and of course that made me curious to see what the heck they were upset about. So I went to the inforwars webpage (first time ever, although I have heard about Alex Jones before and caught a few short clips on the radio), and lo-and-behold, a whole bunch of pictures of people with huge backpacks and cell phones here and there around the scene of the bombing. Fake pictures? I don't know.

What I do know is that the backpacks the "suspects" were carrying were kind-of small to be carrying pressure cookers, which the FBI says they used to make the bombs. I cook. I use pressure cookers. Most would not fit in the "suspects" backpacks. I suppose there could be some smaller ones available. Pack-em with C4 and shrapnel there you go.

Anyway, I think it is very highly likely that the investigating agencies are on the right track, and they have good reasons to finger these guys, but man did that press conference give me a weird feeling.

Edited by Mind, 18 April 2013 - 11:50 PM.

#2 shadowhawk

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:03 AM

I agree with you but we don’t have enough evidence yet. I am frustrated when we ger little evidence after a long time. It makes everyone crazy.


  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:02 AM

I just hate how they turn it into a movie... Is the sound track going to be available on itunes? WTF?

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#4 zorba990

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 01:35 AM

I'm sure it's difficult for people to be patient. But the idea to ignore any evidence is clearly wrong. I usually think incompetence over conspiracy but I find the whole deporting of Saudi 'persons of interest' to be right along the "follow the money" vector that usually ends in some truth.


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Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:25 AM

So Saudis are involved now, or you're talking about Saudis from 911?

#6 zorba990

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 03:32 AM


#7 Mind

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:43 PM

Suspects are allegedly from Chechnya (or Turkey?): one killed, the other one still on the loose: http://www.waow.com/...sT_A1A.facebook

Turns out they did apparently have more bombs.

Edited by Mind, 19 April 2013 - 12:45 PM.

#8 Mind

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:56 PM

Profile/history of the possible suspect that was killed: http://www.zerohedge...nt-understand-t

Of course, for the conspiracy buffs out there, killing the suspects just fuels the "false flag" theory - that these guys were just dupes set up by the elite/illuminati/CIA what-not.

It would be unfortunate to not find out the motivation of the bombing. Apparently these guys lived in the U.S. for a while. What could have set them off? We might never know.

#9 Ames

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 10:13 PM

Conspiracy or no, pressure cookers can get pretty small. Near to the size of medium saucepan, from what I've seen.

Edited by golgi1, 19 April 2013 - 10:16 PM.

#10 YOLF

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 02:18 AM

I just thought of something. Why don't we raise money in advance of the next tragedy to be able to mass cryopreserve people who are killed by such things. The news will be heralding this for a while and keeping it in people's minds. It would be a great opportunity raise funds and do alot of good.

What I see us needing to do with the funds:
* Buy enough cryostats to preserve 100 people at CI
* Expand Suspended Animation's capabilities to include a large trailer of some kind that could store and transport mass casualties
* Expand cryoprocedure capacities (more operating tables and intermediary stage "freezers")
* Encourage more EMT training, benefit the communities of cryonicists and engage the families and friends of those suffering loss(es).

Obviously there is alot more to this, but the fundraising effort could be massive with all the media attention, even if people think it's a conspiracy, they may still make a donation for something they think could be a real event.

The benefits of doing so for the Cryonics community:
* Increased capacity
* Larger, more stable patient care trust
* Improved public relations/reputation
* Greater capacity to effect the promotion of indefinite lifespans
* More volunteers for member cryonicists

General Social Benefits:
* Act to discourage terrorist activity (killing will be a less effective means of expression, the terrorist will know his actions and the sacrifice of his/her life is in vein(vain?))
* Better outlook for the "deceased" will give the survivors something to hope for and believe in that is superior to religion.
* Cryonics will become a monument of hope and prevention for people thus alleviating the need to use ignorance or a negative abstract mechanism as a source of hope.

I really think the possibilities are endless once we get this rolling.

What we need to get started:
* A page or place on this forum or another to establish/legitimize the fundraiser
* Sealed donation cans or similar and a mailing budget (Cans should have logo and representation of CT and Boston events)
* Volunteers or a partnership with other volunteer groups.

#11 Luminosity

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 06:24 AM

I think I've seen smaller pressure cookers.

I wondered why they didn't show the footage they say they have of the suspects putting down the backpacks and them exploding.

The Boston Police and other officials sound credible and sincere. They seems to have done some good work.

Maybe they were trying to redirect people away from the New York Post cover which they said had two innocent people on it. Those and other wrong pictures could waste their time following false leads and endanger innocent people.

On the conspiracy side, when the suspects die, it seems convenient. Maybe it was the way it played on TV but it didn't seem like they were rushing the second guy to the hospital. There were doing a victory conference with the mayor and governor but the guy wasn't at the hospital yet. Isn't the Boston Area riddled with hospitals? Also on the conspiracy side, why is Al Qaeda magazine in English with snappy writing and a nice title? Some English major writing for them now?

I'm keeping a open mind. It's just sad for all the people that were injured and killed. The youngest suspect was so young, and America seems like it had been good to them so . . . It's even more incomprensible

Edited by Luminosity, 20 April 2013 - 06:25 AM.

#12 Mind

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 11:47 AM

I am glad they caught one of them. I am a big advocate for open government and thus I would want to see his interrogation - live. People have a right to know, I think. It won't happen.

A couple of things that need to be resolved yet, the fact that his mother claims (or some other relative claims) that the FBI has been in contact with them (at least the older one) for a few years now. Which makes the whole bombing day rather strange. There were bomb/terror specialists standing within a few feet of the bombers right before the bombs went off. Big WTF!? Why are we paying tens of thousands of people in terror and homeland security agencies if they can't stop a bombing while standing a few feet away from the bomber - who was on their watch list - who was carrying a backpack - at a huge public event!!? I probably over-simplify the task (or am operating on false/incomplete data), but it is a citizen's job to ask such questions. We are giving up A LOT of constitutional rights (especially under Obama) in the name of security. Are we getting a good trade-off? I can't say for sure. This is the only significant bombing on U.S. soil since 9/11. Three fatalities and the gruesome injuries - very tragic of course, but a relatively small number compared to other bombings and compared to other eras.

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#13 zorba990

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 05:09 PM

I find the involvement and behavior of the Craft International contractors at the bombing scene to be a bit suspicious if no foreknowledge of a threat existed.

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